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(a) Job viii. 8.

(b) Deut.

xxxii. 7.

Flock happily, 'tis neceffary for the Publick to communicate to Pofterity the Acts of the General Councils duly attested, becaufe Cafes often happen ' which have been already decided in thofe Councils. And as in doubtful Questions many Reasons are alledged on both Sides, the Authority of antient Councils, and the Decifions of the Fathers are of great Weight to determine Controverfies: For it is written, Inquire, I pray thee, of the former Age, and prepare thy felf to the fearch of their Fathers: (a) And in another place, Ask thy Father, and he will fhew thee, (b) thy Elders and they will tell thee. Be'fides this, in the General Councils, Errors are condemn'd, ' which are started against the Holy Faith; Questions are therein decided ' which appertain to the Catholick Faith; 'tis therein declar'd how the 'Commandments of God ought to be understood; facred Canons are there' in made, which because they regulate the Lives and Conduct of Men, 'ought to be made known to the whole World, in order that they may ' avoid what is prohibited, and adhere to what is permitted. Therefore 'confidering these and several other things, we find it very ufeful and 'advantageous to collect in one Volume, of the Authentickness of which no doubt can be made, the Acts of the great Council of Conftance, 'which was affembled for the Extirpation of Schifm, Errors and Herefies, and for the Reformation of the Church in its Head and Members. For as feveral things pafs'd in it of Importance, and worthy to be for ever remember'd, who is there would not applaud a Defign to confecrate it to Pofterity? Who would not think it proper to make known to all the Faithful, how by means of the facred Council of Conftance, the Catholick Church, which had been divided for near 40 Years by a horrible Schifm, was at laft united by the Election of Martin V. of happy Memory? Who is there would not be delighted to hear and know the Decifions and Decrees of this Council by the Declaration of the Authority of the Univerfal Church, and of the General Councils ' which reprefent it, for the Extirpation of the faid Schifm, for the Suppreffion of Herefies and Errors, and for the Reformation of the Church in its Head and Members? We therefore perceiving the We therefore perceiving the great and ma'nifeft Service of fuch Knowledge, and having a Regard to the publick 'Welfare, and to the general Advantage of Mankind, have refolv'd and 'order'd that the Acts of this Council be faithfully extracted, and the • Decrees therein form'd reduc'd to Writing, and that they be corroborated with the Bull and Seal of this facred Council of Bafil; and for the Execution of this Work we have commiffion'd our most dear Lewis (1) 'Cardinal of St. Sufanna, and John, (2) Cardinal of St. Calixtus, and

(1) This is Lewis a German, Native of Bugey, a zealous Partifan of the Council of Bafl against Eugene IV.

(2) This is John de Turrecremata, a mighty Stickler for Eugene IV. and the See of Reme, and a great Canonift.



the venerable William Bishop of Verceil, and Thomas Bishop of Dunkeld in Scotland, with our dear Sons, Thomas de Corcelles and Martin Bonifli, Doctors of Divinity, and John de Wathenftein, Archdeacon of Zagrab in lower Hungary, Doctor of Laws. The faid Commiffioners having therefore employ'd all the Time and Diligence neceffary in that Work, have according to our Order collected, faithfully extracted, and reduced into "one Volume, the Decrees and Acts of the faid facred Council of Conftance, in Manner and Form following, Acts of the facred General Council of Conftance, &c. At the End of the Volume, are these Words of the Council, We therefore, that for the future thofe Acts may not be expos'd to the Lafh of Contradiction, do, by the Authority of the univerfal Church, will, require, and decree, That in what Place, or at what times foever, the Decrees and Acts above-mentioned are produced and demonftrated, abfolute Regard be had to them, and as much Credit given C to them, as if they were authorised by a Bull of the Council of Conftance it felf, without need of any auxiliary or other Proof. It fhall not therefore be lawful for any one whatsoever, to infringe this Bull, which 'contains our Will, Decree, Statute, and Command. And if any one prefume to do it, let him know, that he will incur the Difpleafure of Almighty God and the univerfal Church. (3).

At Bafil, Febru

ary 4. 1442.

IT must be obferved however with M. Von der Hardt, that Croaria's Copy was not the Original which was collected by the Fathers of the Council of Bafil. 'Twas a Copy of another Copy made in the Council of Bafil it self, duly collated by Michael Galteri Secretary of the Council, Subfcripta Gefta & Decreta facri Concilii Conftantienfis concordant cum volumine & tenore, fub Bulla facri Concilii Bafileenfis plumbea bullatis, & manibus propriis dictorum Deputatorum fubfcriptis, facta collatione per me MICHAELEM GALTERI Notarium ipfius facri Concilii Bafileenfis, reducta in nonaginta octo chartis feu foliis, præfenti in numero hujufmodi computato. 'Twas from this Copy of Galteri, that John Huober d' Inderdorf, M. A. and B. D. copy'd that which was in the Poffeffion of Jerom de Croaria, and which, as has been faid, he caus'd to be printed in 1500 at Haguenau. And to the end that there might be no Reafon to queftion Croaria's Fidelity, John Huober attefted, That it was committed to the Prefs juft as he had copy'd it. Ego JOHANNES HUOBER ex Inderdorff, quan alias Villam baffam vocant, Brixnenfis Diœcefeos, Artium Liberalium Magifter & facra Theologie Baccalaureus, Seffiones & Decreta Sacrofancti, Magni & Generalis Concilii Conftantienfis, præfcripta ab exemplari authentico,

(3) Instead of thefe Words, Univerfal Church, the Pope's Bulls commonly fay, St. Peter

and St. Paul.


collationato & Bulla plumbea pendente in cordula ferica roborato, in uno, Miffionis Spiritus Sancti in fpecie columbæ, in altero verò lateribus horum verborum, Sacrofancta Generalis Synodus Bafileenfis, fculpturas fupra in principio depictas continente, & præfata cordula fericea per omnes chartas inferioris marginis tranfeunte, manu propria defcripfi atque confummavi x Cal. Jul. Anno a Nativitate Domini 1490. And finally, that there might be no Doubt neither of the Truth of John Huober's Teftimony, it was attefted by that of a Notary nam'd Strimbach, Concordant Seffiones & Decreta fupra fcripta facri Generalis Concilii Conftantienfis cum exemplari de pergameno Bulla plumbea facra Generalis Synodi Bafileenfis, modo, forma & Notario, quibus fupra, bullato & aufcultato, facta unà cum præfato Magiftro Johanne fuprafcriptorum fcriptore collatione diligenti per me Matthiam Strinbach Clericum Eichftetenfis Diœcefeos, publicum Sacra Apoftolica Auctoritate Notarium, fubfcriptum, rogatum & requifitum in fidem & teftimonium omnium & fingulorum præmifforum redacta in centum & viginti tribus foliis præfenti in numero computato, quod proteftor manu & Signeto folito meis propriis. There is no Date to this A&t

THIS therefore is the Genealogy of the first Edition of the Acts of the Council of Conftance. A Copy of the entire Acts produc'd the Abridgment or Extract of Bafil in 1442. That of Bafil produc'd at Bafil it self next Year, the Copy of Galteri. This produc'd that of Huober in 149c, which next Year brought forth that of Croaria, now before us, at Haguenau. A thousand Copies of this first Edition were work'd off in 4to. It was receiv'd with fo much Applaufe, that they were foon oblig'd to think of a new Impreffion. There was one publish'd at Paris in 12mo. in 1506 by Petit, with this Claufe at the End of it. Acta & gefta Sacrofanéti Concilii Conftantienfis impreffa in præclariffima Parifiorum urbe per Solertiffimum virum Jobannem cum cognomento le Petit Univerfitatis Parifienfis Librarium, Ann. D. 1506, die vero 12 Menfis Maii. This Edition was perfectly conformable to that of Haguenaw, only fome pieces were added at the End, as the Confirmation of the Caroline Bull with the Caroline it felf. The latter was confirmed by the Council of Conftance in the xixth Seffion, as may be seen in the History of this Council (a). But fince we could only mention it, en passant, for fear of breaking the Thread of the Narrative, we fhall here take Occafion to treat of it more particularly.

(a) Vol. I.

THE Bull of Charles IV. in favour of ecclefiaftical Liberties and Immunities, is comprised in these Terms, Conftitutio Carolina de Libertate Ecclefiafticâ feffione confirmata CAROLUS IV. divinâ favente Clementiâ Romanorum Imperator, femper Auguftus & Bohemiæ Rex, &c. ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Etfi Imperialis benignitatis clementia quorumlibet devotorum fidelium, quos Sacrum Romanum ambit Imperium ex officii debito teneatur necefitatibus & injuftis oppreffionibus confulere, & de opportunis remediis providere: Ad illos tamen permaximè dirigitur noftræ mentis affectatio, quos indebitè pati H 2


cognofcimus, quorumque oppreffionibus, ftatus Ecclefiaftice Libertatis, quem femper noftris temporibus augeri volumus, in nihilum redigitur, & nimis debito prægravatur. Sane ad Imperialis Majeftatis audientiam pro parte honorabilium Præpofiti, Decani, & aliorum Prælatorum & Capituli Magdebur genfis Ecclefia, devotorum, noftrorum dilectorum, infinuationem, que querulofe. fuppliciter eft deducta, quod feculares quidam in poteftatibus & officiis publicis conftituti, videlicet Duces, Comites, Barones, & alii Domini temporales, nec non Confules Civitatum, Villarum, Oppidorum, & Locorum Rectores dicti Magdeburgenfis, Moguntinenfis & Colonienfis Provinciarum, Dei nomine poftpofito, ftatuta fingularia & iniquas Ordinationes, motu proprio, & de facto, contra Perfonas Ecclefiafticas & Ecclefiarum Libertates & Privilegia condiderunt, eis publicè & de facto infiftere præfumferunt contra legitimas, civiles & canonicas Sanctiones, puta, quod nulla bona temporalia in Ecclefiafticam Libertatem transferantur, neve Clerici, in facris conftituti, ad agendum & teftificandum in civilibus, & maximè in piis caufis, aliquatenus admittantur: quodque excommunicati Laici & publicè denunciati à Foro civili minimè repellentur.

Item prædicti Domini temporales, Confules & Rectores, per fecularem po• teftatem res & bona Clericorum occupant & arreftant, oblationes fidelium diminuunt & reftringunt, exactiones & tallias indebitè de bonis Ecclefiæ & reditibus exigunt & extorquent, poffeffiones Ecclefiarum & Perfonarum earum des vaftant incendiis & rapinis, contractus inter Clericos & Laicos fatos legitimos ad Libros Civitatum Oppidorum, Villarum, & Locorum recufant infcribere, & figillata, donata & legata ad fabricas & Ecclefiarum fructuras, contra Pralatorum voluntatem & aliorum, quorum intereft, præfumunt, ufurpant, contra juftitiam, in fraudem & odium Clericorum: & de bonis & rebus etiam Clericorum quas non caufa negotiationis fed pro ufibus propriis per terram ducunt, feu duci faciunt, telonium exigunt, & recipere non verentur, & confugientes ad Ecclefias & Cemeteria inde extrahere contra Imperiales Sanctiones præfumunt.

Quæ omnia & fingula abinde fecuta, cum per facras & civiles & canonicas Sanctiones exprefsè reprobata fint, & in fraudem Ecclefiaftica Libertatis de facto præfumpta, de Principum, Ducum, Comitum, Baronum, Fideliumque noftrorum confilio, ex certâ fcientiâ, Imperiali auctoritate caffamus, irritamus & annullamus, caffataque, irrita, & nullius effe momenti penitus, deducimus, & exprefsè pronunciamus. Præcipientes, fub indignatione Imperialis banni, univerfis & fingulis Magdeburgenfium, Moguntinenfium, Colonienfium, & locorum vicinorum Principibus & Dominis temporalibus, Confulibus, Poteftatibus, & in Officiis publicis conftitutis, quatenus mox vifis & intellectis præfentibus, dicta ipforum Statuta & Ordinationes ficut in præjudicium Ecclefiaftice Libertatis edita funt, omnino revocent & de luce tollant. Quodque fecundum ea non judicent amplius, nec fententias dicant, aut eifdem, in judicio vel extra judicium quodlibet, pro fe & contra Ecclefiafticam Libertatem po


Item pronunciamus & declaramus Imperiali auctoritate, quicunque Laicus, cujufcumque ftatus vel conditionis exiftat, aufu facrilego & propriæ temeritatis audacia Sacerdotem vel Clericum, Secularem vel Religiofum, diffidaverit, vel captitaverit, profcripferit, fpoliaverit, occiderit, vinculaverit, mutilaverit, aut in carcere detinuerit, aut hujufmodi maleficia perpetrantes fcienter receptaverit, vel favorem in his eis præftiterit, præter pœnas, à Sacris Imperialibus & Canonicis Sanctionibus eis inflictas, fint ipfo facto infames, ac omni honore privati, nec ad placita vel confilia Nobilium admittentur quovis modo.

Volumus etiam, bortamur & requirimus, ipfos Prælatos Ecclefiafticos, ut banc noftram Legem & Conftitutionem in Synodis & in Ecclefiis publicari procurent,& requifiti executionem pœnarum & fententiarum denuncient, ne in præmiffis extendendis per fimulatam ignorantiam fuas malitias valeant excufare.

Nulli ergo omninò hominum liceat hanc noftræ caffationis & immutationis, feu pronunciationis aut denunciationis paginam aufu temerario infringere, aut ei quomodolibet contraire, fub pœna mille marcarum puri auri, quas ab eo, qui contra fecerit, toties, quoties contra factum fuerit, irremiffibiliter exigi volumus, & eorum medietatem noftri Imperialis, refiduam vero partem injuriarum paffarum ufibus decernimus applicari. Signum fereniffimi Principis. Datum Tangermunde (1) Anno Domini, M. CCC. LXXVII. Indictione 15. v Kal. Julii, Regnorum noftrorum anno xxx. Imperii vero xxiii (a)

(a) Von der H. T.IV. p. 523,524. ex M. S. Vindeb.

of Conftance, Confirmation

(b) Hartman Munch de Muche


(c) Anthony de Chalant.

571, 572,

THIS Bull was confirmed, with Addition, at the Council the 23d of September 1415, and the Execution of the faid was committed on the 24th of January 1416, to the Bifhops of Bafil (b) and of Lausanne (c) and to an Abbot of Conftance. The faid Confirmation was granted at the Inftance of the Clergy of Conftance, who made great Complaints in the Council, of the Oppreffion they fuffer'd from the Magiftrates and Temporal Lords. 'Tis not to be found in any of the Manufcript Acts of the Council, that M. Von der Hardt had a Sight of, (d) which made him form a very (d) Tom. IV. p. probable Conjecture, that it was not read in the 19th Seffion in which it was order'd. He thinks it might have been read in the Congregation preceding that Seffion, or after the Seffion, when the Vice-Chancellor, according to order, drew up the A&t of it. What is certain is, that this Bull of the Council, in Confirmation of the Caroline, is entirely conformable to the Decree of the Reforming College, which runs thus: This facred Synod of Conftance excommunicates all thofe who demand and receive Tribute, or any other Impofition whatsoever from ecclefiaftical Perfons, and from their Eftates, as Corn, Wine, and other Provisions, which are not tranfported for Trade, declaring them actually excommunicated now as well as bereafter, and requiring that they be fhunn'd by all the Faithful, till having reftor'd all that they have demanded and received, they deferve to obtain Ab(1) Therefore M. Struve is mistaken when he said that this Bull was granted at Minden.


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