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APRIL, 1864.

Analytical and Critical Reviews.

REV. I.-1. Researches on the Nature, Pathology, and Treatment of Emphysema of the Lungs, and its Relations with other Diseases of the Chest. By A. T. H. WATERS, M.D., &c.

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2. On the Determining Causes of Vesicular Emphysema of the Lung. By WILLIAM JENNER, M.D. ('Medico-Chirurgical Transactions,' 1857) 3. De l'Emphysème Généralisé (Pulmonaire, Médiastin, et Sous-Cutané). Par HENRI ROGER, Membre de l'Académie de Médecine. ('Archives Générales de Médecine,' 1862)

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On Generalized Emphysema (Pulmonary, Mediastinal, and Subcutaneous.) By HENRI ROGER, Member of the Academy of Medicine. ('Archives Générales de Médecine,' 1862) 4. Guide de l'Asthmatique de l'Asthma, sa Nature, ses Complications, son Traitement Rationnel. Par C. J. BERGER, Docteur en Médecine de la Faculté de Paris


Guide to the Asthmatic: on Asthma, its Nature, Complications, and Rational Treatment. By C. J. BERGER, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris

REV. II.-A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical; in Treatises by various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, M.A. Cantab., &c. In Four Volumes. Vol. III.

REV. III.-1. Die vorzeitigen Athem bewegungen: ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Einwirkungen des Geburtsactes auf die Frucht. Von Dr. HERMANN SCHWARTZ

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On Premature Respiratory Movements: a Contribution to the Theory of the Action of the Process of Birth upon the Fœtus. By Dr. HERMANN SCHWARTZ 2. Ueber das Athmen der Kinder vor der Geburt in physiologischer, anatomischer, und forensischer Beziehung. Von Dr. MAX BÖHR. ('Henke's Zeitschrift für die Staatsarzneikunde,' 1863. Erstes Heft. pp. 1-107) On the Respiration of Children before Birth in relation to Physiology, Anatomy, and Forensic Medicine. By Dr. MAX BÖHR

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3. Beiträge zur Lehre von der Todesart der Kinder während der Geburt, mit bezug auf die Theorie von der Placentar-respiration. Von Dr. C. HECKER. (Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für geburtshülfe') Contributions to the Theory of the Cause of Death of Infants during Birth, with reference to the Doctrine of Placental Respiration. By Dr. C. HECKER




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4. Lehrbuch der Geburtshülfe. Von Dr. A. F. HOHL Text-book of Midwifery. By Dr. A. F. HOHL

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5. Zur Lehre vom Vorfall und von der Umschlingung der Nabelschnur unter der Geburt. Von Dr. L. KRAHMER. (Deutsche Klinik,' 1852) On the Theory of the Effects produced by Prolapsus and by Loops of the Funis during Birth. By Dr. L. KRAHMER

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REV. IV.-On the Causes of Sickness in the English Wars, and on the Means of Prevention. By E. A. PARKES, M.D., &c. (From the 'Journal of the Royal United Service Institution,' vol. vi. p. 16)

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REV. V. Traité des Maladies à Urines Albumineuses et Sucrées; ou de l'Albuminurie et du Diabète Sucré dans leurs Rapports avec les Maladies. Par le Docteur J. ABEILLE

A Treatise on Diseases attended with Albuminous and Saccharine Urine; or on Albuminuria and Diabetes Mellitus considered in their Relation to Disease. By Dr. J. ABEILLE

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REV. VI.-1. On the Parasitic Affections of the Skin. By T. M'CALL


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2. Skin Diseases of Parasitic Origin; their Nature and Treatment. By W. TILBURY Fox, M.D.

3. On Ringworm, Scall-head, Baldness, and other Parasitical Diseases of the Head and Face. By GEORGE ROSS, M.D. .

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4. A Guide to the Treatment of the Diseases of the Skin; with Sugges tions for their Prevention. BY THOMAS HUNT, F.R.C.P





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REV. VII.-A Treatise on Hygiene, with Special Reference to Military Service. By WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, M.D., &c.

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REV. VIII.-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases and Infirmities of Ad-
vanced Life. By DANIEL MACHLACHLAN, M.D., &c.
REV. IX.-1. Gazeta Medica de Lisboa. Redactor Principal Dr. PEDRO
FRANCISCO DA COSTA ALVARENGO. Publica se nos dias 13 e 28 de
cada mez. Imprensa Nacional
Medical Gazette of Lisbon. Principal Editor, Dr. PETER FRANCIS DA
COSTA ALVARENGO. Published the 13th and 28th of every Month.
Printed at the National Press

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4. Compendio de Materia Medica e de Therapeutica. Por CAETANO MARIA
DA SILVA BEIRAO, Lente de Materia Medica e de Therapeutica na
escóla Medico-Cirurgica de Lisboa, &c. Tomo 1mo
Compendium of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. By C. M. DA SILVA
BEIRAO, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Medico-
Chirurgical School of Lisbon, &c. Vol. I. .

5. Estudos sobre a Hemeralopia a Proposito dos Casos observados no
Quarnicão de Lisboa, offerecidos á Academia Real das Sciencias de
Lisboa. Por JOAO CLEMENTE MENDES, Cirurgão de Brigada, &c.
Studies on Hemeralopia in reference to Cases observed in the Garrison of
Lisbon, and offered to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. By
JOHN CLEMENT MENDES, Brigade-Surgeon, &c. .

6. Anatomia Pathologica e Symptomatologia da Febre Amarella em Lisboa
no Anno de 1857. Memoria apresentada á Academia Real das Sciencias
de Lisboa em Julho de 1860. Pelo suo Socio Effectivo Dr. PEDRO
FRANCISCO DA COSTA ALVARENGO, Medico da Camara de suá Mages-
tade, do Hospital de S. José, &c. Com 6 Mapas, 15 Taboas


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Pathological Anatomy and Symptomatology of Yellow Fever in Lisbon during 1857. Memoir presented to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon in June, 1860, by its Fellow, Dr. PETER FRANCIS DA COSTA ALVARENGO, Physician in Ordinary to the King, &c. With 6 Maps and 15 Statistical Tables

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7. Estudos sobre o Garrotilho ou Crup. Memoria apresentada á Academia Real das Sciencias de Lsiboa. Por ANTONIO MARIA Barbosa, Socio Effectivo do mesma Academia, &c. Studies on Garrotilho or Croup. Memoir presented to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. By ANTHONY MARIA BARBOSA, Fellow of the same Academy, &c.

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8. Memoria sobre a Tracheiotomia no Garrotilho. Apresentada á Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Por ANTONIO MARIA Barbosa, &c. Memoir on Tracheotomy in Croup. Presented to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. By A. M. BARBOSA, &c.

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9. Notes of Holiday Tours in the Peninsula. By a PHYSICIAN. Anonymous ib.

Bibliographical Record..

ART. I.-Lectures on Surgical Pathology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. By JAMES PAGET, F. R.S., &c. Revised and Edited by WILLIAM TURNER, M.B., &c.

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ART. II.-On the Origin of Vaccine Inoculation. By EDWARD JENNER,
M.D., &c.

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ABT. III.- On the Question, Is Oxide of Arsenic, long used in a very small quantity, injurious to Man? By JOHN DAVY, M.D. (Reprinted from the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal,' July, 1863) .


ART. IV. On the Investigation of Instinctive Movements. By WILLIAM MURRAY, M.D., &c. (Read at the Physiological Section, British Association, 1863)

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ART. V.-On Human Entozoa: comprising the description of the different Species of Worms found in the Intestines and other parts of the Human Body, and the Pathology and Treatment of the various Affections produced by their presence. By WILLIAM ABBOTTS SMITH, M.D., &c. ART. VI.—The Quarterly Journal of Science. · No. 1, January, 1864 . ART. VII.-Manual of the Metalloïds. By JAMES APJOHN, M.D., &c. ART. VIII.—The Nullity of Metaphysics as a Science amongst the Sciences, set forth in Six brief Dialogues ART. IX.-On Life and Death: Four Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By WILLIAM S. SAVORY, F.R.S., &c. ART. X.-Topics of the Day: Medical, Social, and Scientific. By JAMES ANSLEY HINGESTON, Regis. Pract., &c. ART. XI.-Over de Elasticiteit der Spieren. Academisch Proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van Doctor in de Geneeskunde, aan de Hoogeschool te Utrecht. Door ANTHONY PIETER van Mansvelt 439 On the Elasticity of Muscles: an Academic Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine in the University of Utrecht. By ANTHONY PETer van MANSVELT

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ABT. XII.—The Weight and Dimensions of the Heart in Health and Disease.
By THOMAS B. PEACOCK, M.D., &c. (Reprinted from the Monthly
Journal of Medical Science')

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ART. XIII.-On the Arcus Senilis, or Fatty Degeneration of the Cornea. By EDWIN CANTON, F.R.C.S.

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ART. XIV. On the Causes and Treatment of Closure and Immobility of the

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ART. XV.—Das Puerperalfieber am St. Petersburger Hebammen-Institute, von 1845-1859, mit Bezugnahme auf gleichzeitige Verhättnisse in den übrigen Gebärhäusern und dem Weichbilde der Stadt St. Petersburg. Von Dr. TH. HUGENBERGER, Sen., Professor und Accoucheur am Hebammen-Institute

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Puerperal Fever in the St. Petersburg Midwives' Institution, from 1845-
1859, with a Comparative Account of the Experience of the other
Lying-in Hospitals, and the Town Practice of St. Petersburg. By Dr.
TH. HUGENBERGER, Sen., Professor at the Midwives' Institution.
ART. XVI.-A Manual of Chemical Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative.
Part I. Qualitative. By H. M. NOAD, F.R.S., &c.
ART. XVII.-Statistical Report of the Health of the Navy for the Year 1860.
(Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed)
ART. XVIII.-Zur Diagnostik und Behandlung der Chronischen Laryngitis.
Ein Laryngoskopischer Beitrag. Von Dr. H. VOGLER, zu Ems.
On the Laryngoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Laryngitis. By

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ART. XIX.-A Yachting Cruise in the Baltic. By S. R. GRAVES, Commodore of the Royal Mersey Yacht Club

Original Communications.

ART. I.--Sketch of the Geography, &c., of the Plague during the Present
Century. By GAVIN MILROY, M.D., F.R.C.P., &c.










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ART. II.-Historical Sketch of the Progress of the Anatomy and Physiology
of the Nervous Centres, from the time of Hippocrates to the time of
Willis. By J. LOCKHART CLARKE, F.R.S., &c.

ART. III.-Pathological Investigations in a Case of Paraplegia. By J. LOCK-


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ART. IV.-Observations on Sterility in Man; with Cases. By T. B. CURLING,
F.R.S., &c.

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ART. V.-On Construction and Degeneration. By T. CLIFFORD ALLBUTT,
B.A., B.M. Cantab., &c.

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Half-Yearly Report on Micrology. By J. F. STREATFEILD, F.R.C.S., &c.
Half-Yearly Report on Toxicology, Forensic Medicine, and Hygiene.
B. W. RICHARDSON, M.A., M.D., &c. .
Quarterly Report on Surgery. By JOHN CHATTO, Esq., M. R.C.S. E.
Quarterly Report on Midwifery. By ROBERT BARNES, M.D., F.R.C.P., &c.
Contributions to Medical History-Recovery of Galen's Missing Books.
"Returns" of Diseases and of the Weather from the Great Cities of Europe
Note referring to our recent Article "On the Structure and Functions of the
Spinal Cord"

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APRIL, 1864.


Analytical and Critical Reviews,


1. Researches on the Nature, Pathology, and Treatment of Emphysema of the Lungs, and its Relations with other Diseases of the Chest. By A. T. H. WATERS, M.D., &c. &c.—London and Liverpool, 1862. pp. 114.

2. On the Determining Causes of Vesicular Emphysema of the Lung. By WILLIAM JENNER, M.D. (Medico-Chirurgical Transactions,' 1857.)

3. De l'Emphysème Généralisé (Pulmonaire, Médiastin, et SousCutane). Par HENRI ROGER, Membre de l'Académie de Médecine. (Archives Générales de Médecine,' 1862.)

On Generalized Emphysema (Pulmonary, Mediastinal, and Subcutaneous). By HENRI ROGER, Member of the Academy of Medicine. (Archives Générales de Médecine,' 1862.)

4. Guide de l'Asthmatique: de l'Asthma, sa Nature, ses Complications, son Traitement Rationnel. Par C. J. BERGER, Docteur en Médecine de la Faculté de Paris.-Paris, 1863. pp. 196.

Guide to the Asthmatic: on Asthma, its Nature, Complications, and Rational Treatment. By C. J. BERGER, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris.—Paris, 1863. pp. 196.

THE early history of our knowledge of pulmonary emphysema may be comprised in a few sentences. We look in vain for any notice of it in the writings of the Greek, Roman, and Arabian physicians; and with the exception of an occasional post-mortem observation by the continental pathologists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, an account of the examination of the lungs of a broken-winded horse, given by Sir John Floyer, in his Treatise of the Asthma,' and the well-known, but fragmentary, description by Baillie, in his Morbid Anatomy,' the history of pulmonary emphysema as a recognised



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