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" For every skin or piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper... "
The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ... - Page 290
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The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to [the Forty-first Year ..., 9. köide

Great Britain - 1786 - 732 lehte
...Paper, upon which is ingrofled or written the Copy of any Will, an additional Stamp-duty of one Penny : For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece or Paper, upon which is ingrofled or written any Libel, Allegation, Depofition, or Inventory, exhibited...
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The stamp duties, compiled from the statutes. By the compiler of the ...

Orlibar Turner - 1798 - 110 lehte
...ft cap. 90, s. 8. It is enafted that the number of stamps which shall be required to be put upon any skin, or piece of vellum, or parchment, or sheet, or piece of paper, on which any copy, purporting to be a true tofyt or attested to Ic a true copy of any indenture, lease...
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A Compendium of the Law of Evidence

Thomas Peake - 1804 - 534 lehte
...will not be admitted in evidence. By statute 23 Gco. III. c. -58. sl a stamp duty of Cy is laid " on every skin or piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper upon which any agreement shall be ingrossed, written, or printed, whether the same shall only be evidence...
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The Parliamentary Register: Or an Impartial Report of the Debates ..., 1. köide

Great Britain. Parliament - 1806 - 734 lehte
...of an appraiser, a Maiap-auly of six shillings. Sb. Resolved, 1 liât there be charged 1er and upon every skin or piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece ot' paper, upon which shall be ingrossed, written, or printed, any valuai ¡->n or appraisement, or...
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The Statutes at Large: From the Magna Charta, to the ..., 46. köide;1225. köide

Great Britain - 1807 - 732 lehte
...present session of parliament. repealed. SCHEDULES to which this Act refers. Schedule (A.) '<% and upon every skin or piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper, on which ihill be ingrossed, written, or printed any of the allowing articles, or any part thereof,...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., 48. köide;1225. köide

Great Britain - 1808 - 736 lehte
...ami payable in lieu of the Stamp Duty of Ten Shillings aforelaid ; and 'hat in refpc-ct of each and every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment or Sheet or Piece of Paper, more than One, on which fuch Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing (hall be...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1809 - 688 lehte
...eiijht hundred and nine, there (hall be paid unto His Majefty, His Heirs and S'jcceflors, for and upon every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, on which (hall be ingroffcd, written, or printed any Licence to any Perfi>n in Ireland to fell any...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., 52. köide;1225. köide

Great Britain - 1812 - 1096 lehte
...given, or, if any bt given, where fuch Apprentice fee mail not exceed the Sum of loi.) for the Firft Skin, or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, therein For every other Skin, or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper therein Any...
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The Parliamentary History of England, from the Earliest Period to ..., 16. köide

William Cobbett - 1813 - 724 lehte
...mortality, over and above all other duties. 6. That there be granted to his Majesty, a stamp duty of 2*. Gd. for every skin, or piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be ingrossed, written, or printed, any policy of assurance, which shall be made or entered...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1814 - 612 lehte
...^nifi™tel or and paid to His Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, for and upon every ^(зате"'' '° Skin, or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, on which fhall be engroffed, written or printed, any Certificate to be granted by any Diftributor of...
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