| Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 lehte
...of bright Eflence increate ! Or hear'ft thou rather pure etherial Stream, Whofe Fountain who fliall tell ? Before the Sun, Before the Heav'ns thou wert, and at the Voice Of God, as with a Mantle didft inveft ' The rifing World of Waters dark and deep, Won from the void and formlefs Infinite :... | |
 | Charles Gildon - 1718 - 490 lehte
...of hright ElTence iucreate ! Or hear'ft thou rather pure etherial Stream, Whofe Fountain who fhall tell ? Before the Sun, Before the Heav'ns thou wert, and at the Voice Of God, as with a Mantle didft inveft The riling World of Waters dark and def p, Won from the Void and formlefs Infinite. Milt,... | |
 | Giles Jacob - 1723 - 402 lehte
...Eternal coeternal Beam, May I exprefs Thee unblam'd ? Since God is Lightt And. never but in unapproached Light Dwelt from Eternity ', dwelt then in Thee Bright Effluence of bright Effence increate. Or hear ft thou rather pure ethereal Stream, IVhofe Fountain whofhall tell ? Before... | |
 | John Milton - 1746 - 464 lehte
...increate ! Or hear'ft thou rather pure ethereal ftream, "Whofe fountain who fhall tell? Before the fun, Before the heav'ns thou wert, and at the voice Of GOD, as with a mantle, didft inveft • 10 The riling world of waters dark and deep, "Won from the void and formlefs Infinite.... | |
 | John Milton - 1746 - 260 lehte
...increate ! Or hear'ft them rather pure ethereal ftream, Whofe fountain who lhall tell ? Before the fun, Before the heav'ns thou wert, and at the voice Of God, as with a mantle didft inveft la The rifing world of waters dark and deep, Won from the void and formlefs Infinite.... | |
 | John Milton - 1759 - 608 lehte
...eflence.increate. Or hear'ft thou -rather pure ethereal ftream, Whofe fountain who fhall tell? before the fun, Before the Heav'ns thou wert; and at the voice Of God, as with a mantle ,didft inveft 1o The rifing world of waters,dark and deep, Won from the void and formlefs infinite.... | |
 | John Toland - 1761 - 276 lehte
...th'eternal coeternal beam, May I exprefs thee unblam'd ? Since God is light, And never but in unapproached light Dwelt from eternity, dwelt then in thee Bright effluence of bright efience increate. Or hearft thou rather pure ethereal ftream, Whofe fountain who fhall tell ? Before... | |
 | John Milton - 1763 - 670 lehte
...increate. Or hear'fl thou rather pure ethereal ftream, Whofe fountain who fliall tell ? before the fun, Before the Heav'ns thou wert, and at the voice Of God, as with a mantle didft invert: 10 The rifing world of waters dark and deep, Won from the void and formlefs infinite.... | |
 | John Milton - 1767 - 376 lehte
....cpeternal beam "", ^ ( May I exprefs thee unblam'd ? fince God is light, And never but jn unapproacbed light Dwelt from eternity, dwelt then in thee, Bright effluence of bright effence increate. Or hear' ft thou rather pure ethereal ftream, Whofe fountain who (hall tell ? before... | |
 | 1776 - 476 lehte
...increate. Or hear'tt thou rather pure ethereal ftream, Whofe fountain who fhall tell ? before the fun, Before the heav'ns thou wert, and at the voice Of God, as with a mantle didft invert IO The rifing world of waters dark and deep, Won from the void and t'oi mlefs infinite.... | |
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