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1860-Plargyrus melanocephalus ABBOTT, Proc. Phil. Ac. Sc. 325.

Pimephales melanocephalus JOBDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 146. 1864-Pimephales milesii COPE, Proc. Ac. Sc. Phila. 282.

Pimephales milesii GÜNTHER (1868), Cat. Fishes, vii, 181.
Pimephales milesii JORDAN (1876), Man. Vert. 276.

1866-Pimephales agassizii COPE, Cyp. Penn. 391.

Pimephales agassizii JORDAN (1874), Ind. Geol. Surv. 224.

A few specimens apparently identical with others from the Ohio River. This species, like Lepiopomus pallidus, Apomotis cyanellus, Campostoma anomalum, Notemigonus chrysoleucus, and Amiurus natalis, mentioned in this paper, is one of those widely diffused and variable species the occurrence of which almost anywhere east of the Pacific slope need not surprise auy one.

Genus ALBURNOPS Girard.

(Hybopsis of Cope, etc., but probably not of Agassiz.)


1872-Hybopsis missuriensis COPE, Hayden Survey Wyoming, 1870, 437. Hybopsis missouriensis JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 150. Hybopsis missuriensis JORDAN (1878), Man. Vert. ed. 2d, 291.

Numerous specimens, agreeing closely with Professor Cope's description, except that the distended stomachs make the apparent depth proportionally greater. The teeth are 4-4, with strong masticatory surface; the scales are extremely large, 5-30--3. The mouth is oblique in position and scarcely inferior. The dorsal fin is over the ventrals. color, these specimens are pale and silvery.

Genus CYPRINELLA Girard.

11.-CYPRINELLA BUBALINA (Baird & Girard) Girard.

1853-Leuciscus bubalinus B. & G. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila. 391.

Leuciscus bubalinus B. & G. (1853), Marcy Explor. Red. R. 249, pl. 14, f. 5–8.
Cyprinella bubalina GIRARD (1856), Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila. 197.
Cyprinella bubalina GIRARD (1858), U. S. Pac. R. R. Expl. 266.
Cyprinella bubalina JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 153.

1856-Cyprinella umbrosa GIRARD, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila. 197.

Cyprinella umbrosa GIRARD (1858), U. S. Pac. R. R. Expl. 266, pl. 58, f. 1–5.
Cyprinella umbrosa JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 153.


Many specimens of a very deep-bodied species of Cyprinella, agreeing well with both C. bubalina and C. umbrosa of Girard. As my specimens can be readily identified with either, I unite the two nominal species in the above synonymy. The male specimens have the snout profusely tuberculate. The teeth are 1, 4-4, 1, slightly crenate.

Genus NOTEMIGONUS Rafinesque,

12.-NOTEMIGONUS CHRYSOLEUCUS (Mitchill) Jordan. 1814-Cyprinus chrysoleucus MITCH. Rept. Fishes N. Y. 23.

Cyprinus chrysoleucus MITCH. (1815), Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. i, 459.
Cyprinus chrysoleucas MITCH. (1815), Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. i, 459,
Rutilus chrysoleucas RAF. (1820), Ich. Oh. 48.

Cyprinus (Leuciscus) chrysoleucus RICH. (1837), Fauna Bor.-Am. iii, 122.
Leuciscus chrysoleucus STORER (1839), Rept. Fishes Mass, 88.

Leuciscus chrysoleucus THOMPSON (1842), Hist. Vermont, 136.

Leuciscus chrysoleucus KIRTLAND (1843), Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. iv, 305.
Notemigonus chrysoleucus JORDAN (1877), Bull. U. S. Mus. x, 65.
Notemigonus chrysoleucus JORDAN (1878), Man. Vert. ed. 2d, 301.
1820-Notemigonus auratus RAF. Ich. Oh. 40.

1842-Abramis versicolor DEKAY, Fishes N. Y. 191.

Leuciscus versicolor STORER (1846), Syn. 415.

Stilbe versicolor AGASSIZ (1854), Am. Journ. Sc. Arts, 359.
1845-Leuciscus obesus STORER, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. July p. —.
Leuciscus obesus STORER (1846), Synopsis, 418.

Stilbe obesa AGASSIZ (1854), Am. Journ. Sc. Arts, 359.
Luxilus obesus GIRARD (1856), Proc. Phila. Ac. Sc. 203.

1846-Leuciscus americanus STORER, Syn. 408.

Leucosomus americanus GIRARD (1853), Storer Fishes Mass. 283.
Luxilus americanus GIRARD (1856), Proc. Phila. Ac. Sc. 203.

Plargyrus americanus PUTNAM (1863), Bull. M. C. Z. 7.

Stilbius americanus GILL (1865), Can. Nat. Aug. 18.

Stilbius americanus JORDAN (1874), Ind. Geol. Surv. 224.

Stilbe americana COPE (1866), Cyp. Penn. 389.

Stilbe americana ABBOTT (1870), Am. Nat. 14.

Stilbe americana GOODE (1876), Bull. U. S. Museum, vi, 64.

Abramis americanus GÜNTHER (1868), Cat. Fishes, vii, 305.

Notemigonus americana JORDAN (1876), Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Hist. 93.
Notemigonus americana JORDAN (1876), Man. Vert. 291.

Notemigonus americana NELSON (1876), Bull. Ills. Mus. 48.

Stilbe americana UHLER & LUGGER (1876), Fishes of Maryland, 145.
Notemigonus americanus JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 155.
Notemigonus americanus JORDAN (1877), Ann. N. Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist. 344.

1856-Luxilus seco GIRARD, Proc. Phil. Ac. Sc. 203.

Luxilus seco GIRARD (1858), Pac. R. R. Surv. 281.

Notemigonus seco JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 155.

Notemigonus seco JORDAN (1877), Ann. N. Y. Lyc. 365.

A single rather large specimen, apparently identical with the common Northern species. Luxilus seco of Girard does not differ in any tangible way, and may be considered a synonym. The relative size of the eye varies too much with age to be very reliable as a specific character when other characters fail.


Genus CARPIODES Rafinesque.

13.-CARPIODES TUMIDUS Baird & Girard.

1854-Carpiodes tumidus BAIRD & GIRARD, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila. 28.

Ictiobus tumidus GIRARD (1859), U. S. Mex. Bound. Surv. Ich. 34, pl. xix, f. 1- 4.
Ichthyobus tumidus JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 158.

1870-Carpiodes grayi COPE, Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. 482.

Carpiodes grayi JORDAN & Copeland (1876), Check List, 158.

Carpiodes grayi COPE & YARROW (1876), Lieut. Wheeler's Expl. W. 100th
Meridian, 681.

Numerous partly grown specimens answering well both to Girard's and Cope's descriptions, the habitat of Professor Cope's species (Rio Grande) heightening the probability of the correctness of the identification. Girard's original types of tumidus were from Brownsville.


Genus AMIURUS Rafinesque.

14.-AMIURUS NATALIS (Le Sueur) Gill.

Var. ANTONIENSIS (Girard) Jordan.

Var. natalis.

1819-Pimelodus natalis LE SUEUR, Mém. du Muséum, v, 154. Pimelodus natalis STORER (1846), Synopsis, 405.

Amiurus natalis GILL (1862), Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 44. Amiurus natalis GÜNTHER (1864), Col. Fishes Brit. Mus. v, 101. Aniurus natalis JORDAN (1877), Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, 86. 1859-Pimelodus puma GIRARD, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 160.

Var. lividus.

1820-Silurus lividus RAF. Quart. Journ. Sci. Lit. Arts London, 48 (et var. fuscatus). Pimelodus lividus RAF. (1820), Ich. Oh. 65.

Amiurus lividus JORDAN (1876), Man. Vert. 302.

Amiurus lividus JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 159. 1858-Pimelodus felinus GIRARD, U. S. Pac. R. R. Expl. x, 209. Amiurus felinus GILL (1862), Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 44.

Amiurus felinus COPE (1870), Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 485.

Amiurus felinus JORDAN & COPELA: (1876), Check List, 159.

1839-Pimelodus catus GRD. (1819), Proc. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. 160. (Not of DeKay and most authors.)

Amiurus catus COPE (1870), Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 484.

1859-Pimelodus cupreoides GRD. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 139. Amiurus cupreoides GILL (1862), Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 44.

Var. cupreus.

1820-Silurus cupreus RAF. Quart. Journ. Sci. Lit. Arts London, 51.
Pimelodus (Amiurus) cupreus RAF. (1820), Ich. Oh. 65.

Pimelodus cupreus KIRT. (1838), Rept. Zoöl. Oh. 169, 194.
Pimelodus cupreus KIRT. (1846), Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. iv, 333.
Pimelodus cupreus DEKAY (1842), Fishes N. Y. 187.

Pimelodus cupreus STORER (1846), Synopsis, 404.

Pimelodus cupreus GIRARD (1859), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 159.
Amiurus cupreus GILL (1862), Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 44.

Amiurus cupreus COPE, Proc Am. Philos. Soc. 485.

Amiurus cupreus JORDAN (1876), Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Hist. 50.
Amiurus cupreus JORDAN (1876), Man. Vert. 303.

Amiurus cupreus NELSON (1876), Bull. Ilis. Mus. Nat. Hist. 50.
Amiurus cupreus JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 159.
Amiurus cupreus JORDAN (1877), Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. NY. 351.
Amiurus cupreus JORDAN (1877), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 45.
Amiurus cupreus COPE (1865), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 276.

Var. cœnosus.

1836-Silurus (Pimelodus) cœnosus RICH. Fauna, Bor.-Amer. Fishes, p. 132.
Silurus (Pimelodus) cœnosus Cuv. & VAL. (1840), xv, 29.
Silurus (Pimelodus) cœnosus DEKAY (1842), Fishes N. Y. 186.
Silurus (Pimelodus) cœnosus STORER (1846), Synopsis, 402.
Amiurus cœnosus GILL (1862), Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 44.
Amiurus cœnosus COPE (1870), Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 485.
Amiurus cœnosus JORDAN (1876), Man. Vert. 303.

Amiurus cœnosns JORDAN & COPELAND (1876), Check List, 159.
Var. antoniensis.

1859-Pimelodus antoniensis GRD. Pac. R. R. Expl. x, 291.

Amiurus antoniensis GILL (1862), Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 44.
Amiurus antoniensis COPE (1870), Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 485.

Var. analis.

1877-Amiurus natalis subspecies analis JORDAN (1877), Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, 87.

Several young specimens of the Southwestern variety (antoniensis) of this most widely diffused species. The differences separating this form from the variety cupreus are very slight.




The following catalogue embraces all those species of fishes thus far known to inhabit the fresh waters of North America, including that part of Mexico which is similar in its faunal characteristics to neighboring portions of the United States. It may be considered as a new edition of Jordan and Copeland's Check List, as it covers essentially the same ground. The work has been, however, entirely recast, and brought up to date, so as to include the results of the author's own studies, and those of other writers so far as the latter have been made known.

The classification, as regards the families and higher groups, is throughout that of Professor Gill. It has seemed best to adopt this arrangement, rather than that of any other author, if for no other reason, that the present catalogue may be readily compared with Professor Gill's Catalogue of the Fishes of the East Coast of North America.

The order of the forms has, however, been reversed, as it seems decidedly more philosophic to arrange them in an ascending series, beginning with the most generalized forms, and ending with those "higher”, or more specialized.

I have included all the species of Salmonida, Cyprinodontidæ, Gasterosteidæ, and of some other groups, members of which inhabit both salt and fresh waters, and I have excluded the Gobiidæ, Belonidæ, etc., some of which ascend fresh waters from the sea. Any line drawn between fresh-water and salt-water fishes must be an arbitrary one, and I have preferred to draw it between the Cyprinodonts and the Gobies.

This list includes all those species which have proved, on full examination, to be valid, in our present understanding of "valid" species, and also such of the dubious or unverified species which appear to have, on balancing the chances, a reasonable probability in their favor. Species against which the balance of probabilities appears to lie have been generally omitted. In certain genera, chiefly Southwestern, e. g. Cyprinella, Gila, Notropis, where many species were originally described in a loose fashion, and where no examination of typical exam* Check List of the Fishes of the Fresh Waters of North America, by David S. Jordan and Herbert E. Copeland. <Bulletin Buffalo Society of Natural History, 1876, pp. 133-164.

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