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of Knowledge, which, however poffefsed in the highest degree, can possibly give no one good quality to the mind d.

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It is true, I have been much concerned, for several years past, upon account of the publick as well as for myself, to see how ill a taste for wit and sense prevails in the world, which Politics, and South-sea, and Party, and Opera's, and Masquerades have introduced. For, befides many infipid papers which the malice of some hath entitled me to, there are many per sons appearing to wish me well, and pretending to be judges of my style and manner, who have yet ascribed some writings to me, of which any man of common sense and literature would be heartily ashamed. I cannot forbear instancing a Treatise called a Dedication upon Dedications, which many would have to be mine, although it be as empty, dry, and fervile a composition, as I remember at any time to have read. But above all, there is one Circumstance which makes it impoffible for me to have been author of a Treatise, wherein there are several pages containing a Panegyric on King George, of whose character and perfon I am utterly ignorant, nor ever had once the curiosity to enquire into either, living at so great a distance as I do, and having long done with whatever can relate to public matters.

d This is a very strange | cial, and a civil being. And these are all included under Ethics; whether you call the science Morality or Law. And with regard to the Law of England, we must be much prejudiced against it not to allow that what Tully affirms concerning the Law of the twelve tables, may with more justice, be applied to ours. "Fremant omnes " licet, dicam quod fen"tio: bibliothecas mehercule " omnium Philofophorum " unum mihi videtur Pan"dectarum volumen et au"thoritatis pondere et utir "litatis ubertate superare." But the best proof of its moral efficacy is the manners of its profeffors: and these, in every age, have been fuch as were the first improved, or the laft corrupted,

affertion. To suppose that a confummate knowledge of the Laws, by which civilized focieties are governed, can give no one good quality to the mind, is making Ethics (of | which public laws are so confiderable a part) a very unprofitable study. The best division of the sciences is that old one of Plato, into Ethics, Phyfics, and Logic. The severer Philofophers condemn a total application to the two latter, because they have no tendency to mend the heart; and recommend the first as our principal study, for its efficacy in this important fervice. And fure, if any human speculations can mend the heart they must be those which have Man for their object, as a reasonable, a foC3


Indeed I have formerly delivered my thoughts very freely, whether I were asked or no; but never affected to be a Councellor, to which I had no manner of call. I was humbled enough to see myself fo far out-done by the Earl of Oxford in my own trade as a Scholar, and too good a Courtier not to discover his contempt of those who would be men of importance out of their sphere. Befides, to say the truth, although


I have known many great Minifters ready


enough to hear Opinions, yet I have hardly seen one that would ever descend to take Advice; and this pedantry ariseth from a Maxim themselves do not believe at the fame time they practise by it, that there is something profound in Politics, which men of plain honest sense cannot arrive to.

I only wish my endeavours had fucceeded better in the great point I had at heart, which was that of reconciling the Minifters to each other. This might have been done, if others, who had more concern and more influence, would have acted their parts; and, if this had fucceeded, the public interest both of Church and State would not have been the worse, nor the Proteftant Succeffion endangered.

But, whatever opportunities a conftant attendance of four years might have given me. for endeavouring to do good offices to particular perfons, I deserve at least to find tolerable quarter from those of the other Party; for many of which I was a constant advocate with the Earl of Oxford, and for this I appeal to his Lordship: He knows how often I pressed him in favour of Mr. Addifon, Mr. Congreve, Mr. Row, and Mr. Steel; although I freely confefs that his Lordship's kindness to them was altogether owing to his generous notions, and the esteem he had for their wit and parts, of which I could





I could only pretend to be a remembrancer.
For I can never forget the answer he gave to
the late Lord Hallifax, who upon the first
change of the Ministry interceded with him to
spare Mr. Congreve: It was by repeating these
two lines of Virgil,

Non obtufa adeo geftamus pectora Pœni,
Nec tam averfus equos Tyria Sol jungit ab urbe,

Pursuant to which, he always treated Mr. Con-
greve with the greatest personal civilities, assu-
ring him of his constant favour and protection,
and adding that he would study to do fome-
thing better for him.

I remember it was in those times a usual subject of raillery towards me among the Minifters, that I never came to them without a Whig in my fleeve; which I do not say with any view towards making my Court: For, the new Principles fixed to those of that denomination, I did then, and do now from my heart abhor, detest, and abjure, as wholly degenerate from their predecessors. I have conversed in fome freedom with more ministers of State of all parties than usually happens to men of my level, and, I confess, in their capacity as Mi• He means particularly, Enemies, of an intention to the principle at that time profcribe the Tories. charged upon them, by their

nifters, nifters, I look upon them as a race of people whose acquaintance no man would court, otherwife than upon the score of Vanity or Ambition. The first quickly wears off (and is the Vice of low minds, for a man of spirit is too proud to be vain) and the other was not my cafe. Besides, having never received more than one small favour, I was under no neceffity of being a flave to men in power, but chose my friends by their personal merit, without examining how far their notions agreed with the politics then in vogue. I frequently conversed with Mr. Addison, and the others I named (except Mr. Steel) during all my Lord Oxford's Ministry, and Mr. Addifon's friendship to me continued inviolable, with as much kindness as when we used to meet at my Lord Sommers for Hallifax, who were leaders of the oppofite Party.

I would infer from all this, that it is with great injustice I have these many years been pelted by your Pamphleteers, merely upon account of fome regard which the Queen's last Ministers were pleased to have for me: and yet in my confcience I think I am a partaker in every ill design they had against the Proteftant

Lord Sommers had very | Wharton when he went the warmly recommended Dr. Queen's Lieutenant into IreSwift to the favour of Lord land, in the year 1709.




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