TO YOUNG PEOPLE IN MANUFACTURING VILLAGES. BY DORUS CLARKE, Pastor of the Congregational Church, Chickopee Factory Village, Springfield. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY AMOS BLANCHARD, Pastor of the First Church in Lowell. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY PERKINS & MARVIN. 1836. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1836, BY PERKINS & MARVIN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. TO TIMOTHY W. CARTER, Esq., Agent of the Chickopee Manufacturing Company; AND TO GEORGE W. BUCKLAND, Esq., Superintendent of the Mechanical operations of the same; THIS VOLUME, PRIMARILY DESIGNED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NUMEROUS YOUTH IN THEIR EMPLOYMENT, IS, WITH MANY SENTIMENTS OF RESPECT, GRATITUDE, AND AFFECTION,. INSCRIBED. ADVERTISEMENT. THE following Lectures were prepared with the desire to promote the intellectual, moral and religious improvement of the young people of the author's pastoral charge; and, at the solicitation of the young men before whom they were delivered, they are now given to the public, in the hope, that they may be useful to youth generally, but especially to the numerous and highly important class which are connected with the manufacturing establishments of the country. SPRINGFIELD, MARCH, 1836. |