THE Garden of the Soul. A MANUAL OF DEVOTION. A New Edition, CONTAINING DEVOTIONS TO THE SACRED HEART, VISITS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENTS, WAY OF THE CROSS, BONA MORS, INDULGENCED PRAYERS, ADMINISTRATION OF We approve of the publication of this Edition of the "Garden of the Soul," and recommend it to the use of the Faithful. + JOHN, Bishop of Abila. EDINBURGH, August 13, 1874. A TABLE Of Feasts that are observed by Catholics, with an obligation of hearing Mass and resting from servile works. JAN. All Sundays in the year. I The Circumcision of our Lord, or New Year's Day. 6 The Epiphany or Twelfth-day. MARCH 17 St Patrick (in Ireland). JUNE 29 SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles. AUG. 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Nov. DEC. I All Saints. 30 St Andrew (in Scotland). 25 Christmas-day. Ascension-day. Corpus Christi (being Ist Thursday after Trinity Sunday). DAYS OF DEVOTION. FEB. 2 The Purification, or Candlemas-day. 24 St Matthias, Apostle. MARCH 19 St Joseph, Spouse of the B. Virgin. 25 The Annunciation of the B. Virgin or Lady-day. APRIL 23 St George the Martyr (in England). MAY I SS. Philip and James, Apostles. 3 The Finding of the Cross. JUNE 10 St Margaret, Queen, Patroness of Scotland (in Scotland). 24 The Nativity of St John Baptist. JULY 25 St James, Apostle. 26 St Anne, Mother of the B. Virgin. AUG. IO St Lawrence, Martyr. 24 St Bartholomew, Apostle. SEPT. 8 The Nativity of the B. Virgin. 21 St Matthew, Apostle. 29 St Michael Archangel, or Michaelmas-day. Devotions to our Lord-continued- PAGE 324 Act of Reparation of Honour to the Sacred Heart, 326 Memorare to the Sacred Heart, 328 Prayer to the Sacred Heart when the clock strikes, 329 |