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pear until two or three hours after the animal was quite dead, I judged that it was not exclusively due to the blood, but partly, to a pigment beneath the skin, which would probably retain its color a short time after the circulation had ceased.

America than the district just mentioned, namely, the banks of the Japurá, near its principal mouth; and even there it is confined, as far as I could learn, to the western side of the river. It lives in small troops among the crowns of the lofty trees subsisting on fruits of various kinds. Hunters say After seeing much of the morose disposiit is pretty nimble in its motions, but is not tion of the Uakarí, I was not a little surmuch given to leaping, preferring to run up prised one day at a friend's house to find an and down the larger boughs in travelling from extremely lively and familiar individual of tree to tree. The mother, as in other species this species. It ran from an inner chamber of the monkey order, carries her young on straight toward me, after I had sat down her back. Individuals are obtained alive by on a chair, climbed my legs and nestled in shooting them with the blow-pipe and arrow my lap, turning round and looking up with tipped with diluted Urarí poison. They run the usual monkey's grin, after it had made a considerable distance after being pierced, itself comfortable. It was a young animal and it requires an experienced hunter to which had been taken when its mother was track them. He is considered the most ex- shot with a poisoned arrow; its_teeth__were pert who can keep pace with a wounded one incomplete, and the face was pale and motand catch it in his arms when it falls ex- tled, the glowing scarlet hue not supervenhausted. A pinch of salt, the antidote to ing in these animals before mature age; it the poison, is then put in its mouth, and the had also a few long black hairs on the eyecreature revives. The species is rare, even brows and lips. The frisky little fellow had in the limited district which it inhabits. been reared in the house among the children, Senhor Chrysostomo sent six of his most and allowed to run about freely, and take its skilful Indians, who were absent three weeks meals with the rest of the household. There before they obtained the twelve specimens are few animals which the Brazilians of which formed his unique and princely gift. these villages have not succeeded in taming. When an independent hunter obtains one, a 'I have even seen young jaguars running very high price (thirty to forty milreis*) is loose about a house, and treated as pets. asked, these monkeys being in great demand The animals that I had rarely became for presents to persons of influence down the river.

familiar, however long they might remain in my possession, a circumstance due no doubt to their being kept always tied up.

Adult Uakarís, caught in the way just described, very rarely become tame. They The Uakari is one of the many species of are peevish and sulky, resisting all attempts animals which are classified by the Brazil: to coax them, and biting any one who ven- ians as "mortál," or of delicate constitution, tures within reach. They have no particu- in contradistinction to those which are lar cry, even when in their native woods; 'duro," or hardy. A large proportion of in captivity they are quite silent. In the the specimens sent from Ega die before arcourse of a few days or weeks, if not very riving at Pará, and scarcely one in a dozen carefully attended to, they fall into a listless succeeds in reaching Rio Janeiro alive. The condition, refuse food, and die. Many of difficulty it has of accommodating itself to them succumb to a disease which I suppose changed conditions probably has some con from the symptoms to be inflammation of nection with the very limited range, or conthe chest or lungs. The one which I kept fined sphere of life, of the species in its as a pet died of this disorder, after I had had natural state, its native home being an area it about three weeks. It lost its appetite in of swampy woods, not more than about a very few days, although kept in an airy sixty square miles in extent, although no veranda; its coat, which was originally permanent barrier exists to check its dis long, smooth, and glossy, became dingy and persal, except toward the south, over ragged, like that of the specimens seen in much wider space. When I descended the museums, and the bright scarlet color of its river in 1859, we had with us a tame adult face changed to a duller hue. This color, Uakarí, which was allowed to ramble about in health, is spread over the features up to the vessel, a large schooner. When we the roots of the hair on the forehead and reached the mouth of the Rio Negro, we had temples, and down to the neck, including to wait four days while the custom-house the flabby cheeks, which hang down below officials at Barra, ten miles distant, made out the jaws. The animal in this condition the passports for our crew, and during this looks at a short distance as though some one had laid a thick coat of red paint on its countenance. The death of my pet was slow; during the last twenty-four hours it lay prostrate, breathing quickly, its chest strongly heaving; the color of its face became gradually paler, but was still red when it expired. As the hue did not quite disap

Three pounds seven shillings to four pounds thirteen shillings.

time the schooner lay close to the shore, with its bowsprit secured to the trees on the bank. Well, one morning, scarlet-face was missing having made his escape into the forest.

Two men were sent in search of him, but returned after several hours' absence without having caught sight of the runaway. We gave up the monkey for lost, until the following day, when he reappeared on the skirts of the forest, and marched quietly down the bowsprit to his usual place

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on deck. He had evidently found the forests of the Rio Negro very different from those of the delta lands of the Japurá and preferred captivity to freedom in a place that was so uncongenial to him.

gladdened pet then jumped to its usual perch on his shoulder.

Owl-faced Night Apes.-A third interesting genus of monkeys, found near Ega, are the Nyctipitheci, or Night Apes, called Ei-á by The Parauacú Monkey. Another Ega the Indians. Of these I found two species, monkey, nearly related to the Uakarís, is the closely related to each other, but nevertheParauacú (Pithecia hirsuta), a timid, inoffen- less quite distinct, as both inhabit the same sive creature, with a long bear-like coat of forests, namely, those of the higher and harsh speckled-gray hair. The long fur drier lands, without mingling with each hangs over the head, half concealing the other or intercrossing. They sleep all day pleasing diminutive face, and clothes also long in hollow trees, and come forth to prey the tail to the tip, which member is well de- on insects and eat fruits only in the night. veloped, being eighteen inches in length, or They are of small size, the body being about longer than the body. The Parauacú is a foot long, and the tail fourteen inches, and found on the " terra firma " lands of the are thickly clothed with soft gray and brown north shore of the Solimoens, from Tunan- fur, similar in substance to that of the rabtins to Peru. It exists also on the south bit. Their physiognomy reminds one of the side of the river, namely, on the banks of the owl or tiger-cat; the face is round and enTeffé, but there under a changed form, which circled by a ruff of whitish fur; the muzzle differs a little from its type in colors. This is not. at all prominent; the mouth and chin form has been described by Dr. Gray as a are small; the ears are very short, scarcely distinct species, under the name of Pithecia appearing above the hair of the head; and albicans. The Parauacú is also a very deli- the eyes are large and yellowish in color, cate animal, rarely living many weeks in imparting the staring expression of nocturcaptivity; but any one who succeeds in nal animals of prey. The forehead is whitkeeping it alive for a month or two, gains in ish, and decorated with three black stripes, it a most affectionate pet. One of the which in one of the species (Nyctipithecus specimens of Pithecia albicans now in the trivirgatus) continue to the crown, and in British Museum was, when living, the prop- the other (N. felinus) meet on the top of the erty of a young Frenchman, a neighbor of forehead. N. trivirgatus was first described mine at Ega. It became so tame in the by Humboldt, who discovered it on the course of a few weeks, that it followed him banks of the Cassiquiare, near the head about the streets like a dog. My friend was waters of the Rio Negro.

a tailor, and the little pet used to spend the I kept a pet animai of the N. trivirgatus greater part of the day seated on his shoulder for many months, a young one having been while he was at work on his board. It given to me by an Indian compadre, as a presshowed, nevertheless, great dislike to stran- ent from my newly-baptized godson. These gers, and was not on good terms with any monkeys, although sleeping by day, are other member of my friend's household than aroused by the least noise, so that when a himself. I saw no monkey that showed so person passes by a tree in which a number strong a personal attachment as this gentle, of them are concealed, he is startled by the timid, silent little creature. The eager and sudden apparition of a group of little striped passionate Cebi seem to take the lead of all faces crowding a hole in the trunk. It was the South American monkeys in intelligence in this way that my compadre discovered and docility, and the Coaita has perhaps the the colony from which the one given to me most gentle and impressible disposition; but was taken. I was obliged to keep my pet never became the Parauacú, although a dull, cheerless chained up; it therefore animal, excels all in this quality of capability thoroughly familiar. I once saw, however, of attachment to individuals of our own an individual of the other species (N. feli1t species. It is not wanting, however, in in- nus) which was most amusingly tame. telligence as well as moral goodness, proof was as lively and nimble as the Cebi, but not of which was furnished one day by an act so mischievous and far more confiding in its of our little pet. My neighbor had quitted disposition, delighting to be caressed by all his house in the morning without taking persons who came into the house. But its Parauacú with him, and the little creature owner, the Municipal Judge of Ega, Dr. having missed its friend, and concluded, as Carlos Mariana, had treated it for many it seemed,, that he would be sure to come to weeks with the greatest kindness, allowing it me, both being in the habit of paying me a to sleep with him at night in his hammock, daily visit together, came straight to my and to nestle in his bosom half the day as he dwelling, taking a short cut over gardens, lay reading. It was a great favorite with trees, and thickets, instead of going the every one, from the cleanliness of its habits roundabout way of the street. It had never and the prettiness of its features and ways. done this before, and we knew the route it My own pet was kept in a box, in which had taken only from a neighbor having was placed a broad-mouthed glass jar; into watched its movements. On arriving at my this it would dive, head-foremost, when any house and not finding its master, it climbed one entered the room, turning round inside, to the top of my table, and eat with an air of and thrusting forth its inquisitive face an quiet resignation, waiting for him. Shortly instant afterward to stare at the intruder. afterward, my friend entered, and the It was very active at night, venting at fre

quent intervals a hoarse cry, like the sup- collector of birds and mammals, whom I empressed barking of a dog, and scampering ployed, and who resided a long time among about the room, to the length of its tether, the Tucuna Indians, near Tabatinga, I caicuafter cockroaches and spiders. In climbing lated that one horde of this tribe, 200 in numbetween the box and the wall, it straddled ber, destroyed 1,200 of these monkeys annuthe space, resting its hands on the palms and ally for food. The species is very numerous tips of the outstretched fingers, with the in the forests of the higher lands, but, owing knuckles bent at an acute angle, and thus to long persecution, it is now seldom seen in mounted to the top with the greatest facility. the neighborhood of the larger villages. It Although seeming to prefer insects, it ate is not found at all on the Lower Amazons. all kinds of fruit, but would not touch raw Its manuers in captivity are grave, and its or cooked meat, and was very seldom thirsty. temper mild and confiding, like that of the I was told by persons who had kept these Coaitás. Owing to these traits, the Barrigudo monkeys loose about the house, that they is much sought after for pets; but it is not cleared the chambers of bats as well as insect hardy, like the Coaitás, and seldom survives vermin. When approached gently, my Ei-á a passage down the river to Pará allowed itself to be caressed; but when Marmosets. It now only remains to notice handled roughly, it always took alarm, biting the Marmosets, which form the second family severely, striking out its little hands, and of American monkeys. Our old friend making a hissing noise like a cat. As al- Midas ursulus of Para and the Lower Amaready related, my pet was killed by a jealous zons is not found on the upper river, but in Caiarára monkey, which was kept in the its stead a closely allied species presents ithouse at the same time. self, which appears to be the Midas rufoniger Barrigudo Monkeys.-Ten other species of of Gervais, whose mouth is bordered with monkeys were found, in addition to those longish white hairs. The habits of this spealready mentioned, in the forests of the Up- cies are the saine as those of the M. ursulus, per Amazons. All were sticly arboreal and indeed it seems probable that it is a form or diurnal in their habits, and lived in flocks, race of the saine stock, modified to suit the travelling from tree to tree, the mothers with altered local conditions under which it lives. their children on their backs; leading, in One day, while walking along a forest pathfact, a life similar to that of the Parárauáte way, I saw one of these lively little fellows Indians, and, like them, occasionally plun- miss his grasp as he was passing from one dering the plantations which lie near their tree to another along with his troop. Ho line of march. Some of them were found fell head-foremost from a height of at least also on the Lower Amazons, and have been fifty feet, but managed cleverly to alight on noticed in former chapters of this narrative. his legs in the pathway; quickly turning Of the remainder, the most remarkable is the round, he gave me a good stare for a few Macaco bariigudo, or big-bellied monkey of moments, and then bounded off gayly to the Portuguese colonists, a species of Lagoth- climb another tree. At Tunantius I shot a rix. The genus is closely allied to the pair of very handsome species of marmoset, Coaitás, or spider monkeys, having, like the M. rufiventer, I believe, of zoologists. them, exceedingly strong and flexible tails, Its coat was very glossy and smooth, the which are furnished underneath with a back deep brown, and the underside of the naked palm like a hand, for grasping. The body of rich black and reddish hues. Barrigudos, however, are very bulky ani- third species (found at Tabatinga, 200 miles mals, while the spider monkeys are remark- further west) is of a deep black color, with able for the slenderness of their bodies and the exception of a patch of white hair around limbs. I obtained specimens of what have its mouth. The little animal at a short disbeen considered two species, one (L. oliva- tance looks as though it held a ball of snow. ceus of Spix ?) having the head clothed with gray, the other (L. Humboldtii) with black fur. They both live together in the same places, and are probably only differently colored individuals of one and the same species I sent home a very large male of one of these kinds, which measured twenty-seven inches in length of trunk, the tail being twenty-six inches long; it was the largest monkey I saw in America, with the exception of a black Howler, whose body was twenty-eight nches in height. The skin of the face in the Barrigudo is black and wrinkled, the forehead is low, with the eyebrows projecting, and, in short, the features altogether resemble in a striking manner those of an old negro. In the forests the Barrigudo is not a very active animal; it lives exclusively on fruits, and is much persecuted by the In dians on account of the excellence of its fleg). as food. From information given me by :


white cotton in its teeth. The last I shall mention is the Hapale pygmæus, one of the most diminutive forms of the monkey order, three full-grown specimens of which, measuring only seven inches in length of body, I obtained neatr St. Paulo. The pretty Liliputian face is furnished with long brown whiskers, which are naturally brushed back over the ears. The general color of the animal is brownish-tawny, but the tail is elegantly barred with black. I was surprised on my return to England to learn, from specimens in the British Museum, that the pygmy marmoset was found also in Mexico, no other Amazonian monkey being known to wander far from the great river plain. Thus the smallest and apparently the feeblest species of the whole order is one which has by some mans become the most widely dispersed.

The Jupurd.-A curious animal, known to naturalists as the Kinkaiou, ut called Japurá

by the Indians of the Amazons, and considered by them as a kind of monkey, may be mentioned in this place. It is the Ceres leptes caudivolvus of zoologists, and has been considered by some authors as an inter mediate form between the Lemur family of apes and the plantigrade Carnivora, or bear family. It has decidedly no close relation ship to either of the groups of American monkeys, having six cutting teeth to each jaw, and loug claws instead of nails, with extremities of the usual shape of paws in stead of hands. Its muzzle is conical and pointed, like that of many lemurs of Mala- The Vampire Bat.-The little gray bloodgascar; the expression of its countenance, sucking Phyllostoma, mentioned in a former and its habits and actions, are also very chapter as found in my chamber at Caripí, similar to those of lemurs. Its tail is very was not uncommon at Ega, where every one flexible toward the tip, and is used to twine believes it to visit sleepers and bleed them in round branches in climbing I did not see the night. But the vampire was here by far or hear anything of this animal while resid- the most abundant of the family of leaf-nosed ing on the Lower Amazons, but on the banks bats. It is the largest of all the South of the upper river, from the Teffé to Peru, American species, measuring twenty-eight it appeared to be rather common. It is noc- inches in expanse of wing. Nothing in aniturnal in its habits, like the owl faced mon- mal physiognomy can be more hideous than keys, although unlike them it has a bright, the countenance of this creature when viewed dark eye. I once saw it in considerable from the front, the large leathery ears standnumbers when on au excursion with an in- ing out from the sides and top of the head, dian companion along the low Ygapó shores the erect spear-shaped appendage on the tip of the Teffé, about twenty miles above Ega. of the nose, the grin and the glistering black We slept one night at the house of a native eye, all combining to make up a figure that family living in the thick of the forest, where reminds one of some mocking imp of fable. a festival was going on, and there being no No wonder that imaginative people have inroom to hang our hammocks under shelter, ferred diabolical instincts on the part of so on account of the number of visitors, we lay ugly an animal. The vampire, however, is down ou a mat in the open air, near a shed the most harmless of all bats, and its inoffenwhich stood in the midst of a grove of fruit sive character is well known to residents on trees and pupunha palms. Past midnight, the banks of the Amazons. I found two diswhen all became still after the uproar of holi- tinct species of it, one having the fur of a day-making, as I was listening to the dull, blackish color, the other of a ruddy hue, and fanning sound made by the wings of impish ascertained that both feed chiefly on fruits. hosts of vampire bats crowding round the The church at Ega was the headquarters of Cajú trees, a rustle commenced from the side both kinds; I used to see them, as I sat at of the woods, and a troop of slender, long- my door luring the short evening_twilights, tailed animals were seen against the clear trooping orth by scores from a large open moonlit sky, taking flying leaps from branch window at the back of the altar, twittering to branch through the grove. Many of them cheerfully as they sped off to the borders of stopped at the pupuuha trees, and the the forest. They sometimes enter houses; hustling, twittering, and screaming, with the first time I saw one in my chamber, sounds of falling_fruits, showed how they wheeling heavily round and round, I mistook were employed. I thought at first they were 1 for a pigeon, thinking that a tame one had Nyctipitheci, but they proved to be Jupurás, escaped from the premises of one of my for the owner of the house early next morn- neighbors. I opened the stomach of several ing caught a young one, and gave it to me. of these bats, and found them to contain a I kept this as a pet animal for several weeks, mass of pulp and seeds of fruits, mingled feeding it on bananas and mandioca-meal with a few remains of insects. The natives mixed with treacle. It became tame in a say they devour ripe cajús and guavas on very short time, allowing itself to be caressed, trees in the gardens, but on comparing the but making a distinction in the degree of seeds taken from their stomachs with those confidence it showed between myself and of all cultivated trees of Ega, I found they strangers. My pet was unfortunately killed were unlike any of them; it is therefore by a neighbor's dog, which entered the room where it was kept. The animal is so difficult to obtain alive, its place of retreat in the daytime not being known to the natives, that I was unable to procure a second living speci

Many small and curious species living in the woods conceal themselves by day under the broad leaf-blades of Heliconiæ and other plants which grow in shady places; others cling to the trunks of trees. While walking through the forest in the daytime, especially along gloomy ravines, one is almost sure to startle bats from their sleeping-places, and at night they are often seen in great num bers flitting about the trees on the shady margins of narrow channels. I captured altogether, without giving especial attention to bats, sixteen different species at Ega.


Bats. The only other mammals that I shall mention are the bats, which exist in very considerable numbers and variety in the forest, as well as in the buildings of the villages.

probable that they generally resort to the forest to feed, coming to the village in the morning to sleep, because they find it more secure from animals of prey than their natural abodes in the woods.

Birds.-I have already had occasion to men. tion several of the more interesting birds found in the Ega district. The first thing that would strike a new-comer in the forest of the

Ipper Amazons would be the general scarcity ous birds are now and then found mixed up of birds; indeed, it often happened that I did with the rest, as though led away by some not meet with a single bird during a whole will-o'-the-wisp. The native women, even days' ramble in the richest and most varied the white and half-caste inhabitants of the part of the wood. Yet the country is ten- towns, attach a superstitious value to the anted by many hundred species, many of skin and feathers of the Uirá-pará, believing which are in reality abundant, and some of that if they keep them in their clothes-chest them conspicuous from their brilliant plu- the relics will have the effect of attracting mage. The cause of their apparent rarity is to for the happy possessors a train of lovers and be sought in the sameness and density of the 'followers. These birds are consequently in thousand miles of forest which constitute great demand in some places 15 anters their dwelling-place. The birds of the coun- selling them at a high price to the foolish try are gregarious, at least during the seasons girls, who preserve the bodies by drying flesh when they are most readily found; but the and feathers together in the sun. I could frugivorous kinds are to be met with only never get a sight of this famous little bird in when certain wild fruits are ripe, and to the forest. I once employed Indians to obknow the exact localities of the trees requires tain specimens for me; but after the same months of experience. It would not be sup- man (who was a noted woodsman) had posed that the insectivorous birds are also brought me at different times three distinct gregarious; but they are so, numbers of dis- species of birds as the Uirá-pará, I gave up tinct species, belonging to many different the story as a piece of humbug. The simfamilies, joining together in the chase or plest explanation appears to be this, that the search of food. The proceedings of these birds associate in flocks from the instinct associated bands of insect-hunters are not a of self-preservation, and in order to be a Little curious, and merit a few remarks. less easy prey to hawks, snakes, and other While bunting along the narrow pathways enemies, than they would be if feeding that are made through the forest in the 'lone.

neighborhood of houses and villages, one Toucans-Cuvier's Toucan.-Of this fammay pass several days without seeing many ily of birds, so conspicuous from the great birds; but now and then the surrounding size and light structure of their beaks, and bushes and trees appear suddenly to swarm so characteristic of tropical American forwith them. There are scores, probably hun- ests, five species inhabit the woods of Ega. dreds, of birds, all moving about with the The commonest is Cuvier's Toucan, a large greatest activity-woodpeckers and Dendro- bird, distinguished from its nearest relatives colaptide (from species no larger than a spar- by the feathers at the bottom of the back row to others the size of a crow) running up being of a saffron hue instead of red. It is the tree trunks; tanagers, ant-thrushes, hum found more or less numerously throughout ming-birds, fly-catchers, and barbets, flitting the year, as it breeds in the neighborhood, about the leaves and lower branches. The laying its eggs in holes of trees at a great bustling crowd loses no time, and although height from the ground. During most months moving in concert, each bird is occupied on of the year it is met with in single individuits own account in searching bark or leaf or als or small flocks, and the birds are then twig, the barbets visiting every clayey nest very wary. Sometimes one of these little of termites on the trees which lie in the line bands of four or five is seen perched for of march. In a few minutes the host is gone, and the forest path remains deserted and silent as before. I became in course of time so accustomed to this habit of birds in the woods near Ega, that I could generally find the flock of associated marauders whenever I wanted it. There appeared to be only one of these flocks in each small district; and as it traversed chiefly a limited tract of woods of second growth I used to try different paths until I came up with it.

The Indians have noticed these miscelaneous hunting-parties of birds, but appear not to have observed that they are cccupied in searching for insects. They have supplied their want of knowledge, in the usual way of half-civilized people, by a theory which has degenerated into a myth, to the effect that the onward moving bands are led by a little gray bird called the Uirá-pará, which fascinates all the rest, and leads them a weary dance through the thickets. There is certainly some appearance of truth in this explanation; for sometimes stray birds encountered in the line of march are seen to be drawn into the throng, and purely frugivor


hours together among the topmost branches
of high trees, giving vent to their remarka-
bly loud, shrill, yelping cries, one bird
mounted higher than the rest, acting appar-
ently as leader of the inharmonious chorus;
but two of them are often heard yelping
alternately and in different notes.
cries have a vague resemblance to the sylla-
bles Tocáno, Tocáno, and hence the Indian
name of this genus of birds. At these times
it is difficult to get a shot at Toucans, for
their senses are so sharpened that they descry
the hunter before he gets near the tree on
which they are perched, although he may be
half concealed among the underwood 150
feet below them. They stretch their necks
downward to look beneath, and on espying
the least movement among the foliage, fly
off to the more inaccessible parts of the for-
est. Solitary Toucans are sometimes met
with at the same season, hopping silently up
and down the larger boughs, and p ering
into the crevices of tree trunks. They moult
in the months from March to June, some in-
dividuals earlier, others later. This season
of enforced quiet being passed, they make

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