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Begun and Holden at Edmonton on Thursday, the Tenth day of
February, and closed on Thursday, the Twenty-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



5. An Act to confirm certain by-laws of the City of Edmonton and a certain

agreement entered into between the Canadian Pacific Railway Company,

the Calgary and Edmonton Railway Company and the City of Edmonton.

An Act to validate and confirm certain by-laws of the Town of Cardston.

7. An Act to ratify certain money by-laws of the City of Lethbridge and to

amend its Charter.

8. An Act to validate and confirm by-laws numbers fifty and sixty-one of the

Town of Camrose.

9. An Act to empower the Town of Claresholm to increase its borrowing powers.

10. An Act to grant additional powers to the Town of Raymond for the purpose

of acquiring or constructing public utilities.

11. An Act to extend the borrowing powers of the Town of High River.

12. An Act to grant additional powers to the Town of Ter for the purpose of

acquiring or installing certain public utilities and to increase its borrowing


13. An Act to incorporate the High River General Hospital of High River.

14. An Act to amend Chapter 41 of the Statutes of Alberta of 1907, intituled

"An Act to incorporate the Elks' Club of Calgary."

15. An Act respecting the Salvation Army.

16. An Act respecting the Great West Permanent Loan Company.

17. An Act respecting the Diamond Coal Company, Limited.

18. An Act to incorporate the Alberta and Saskatchewan Central Railway Lines.

19. An Act to incorporate the Lacombe and Brazeau Railway Company.

20. An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Carbon Hill Railway Company,

and for other purposes.

21. An Act to amend Chapter 28 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1908.

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