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promised to unfold, at ten o'clock at night, all the mysterious accidents which had happened to him at F..., and having appointed him to meet me at the city gate, which was but a small distance from our inn, dis appeared suddenly.

"My spies continued to watch all his motions during the remainder of the day, and one of them carried every thing that he had lost to the landlord of the inn where he lodged, that he might be the more eager to meet we, and to satisfy his curiosity, which had the desir

ed effect.

"He kept the appointment very punctual, but I made him wait above an hour. Just when he was on the point of going home, I came walking towards him with hasty steps, and conducted him to a lonely public-house within a small distance from the town, which was the usual haunt of the recruiting officers and their adherents.


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Having conducted him into a pleasure-house in the garden, built over a cellar, to which a trap-door led from the room where we then were, I asked him what he wanted to know? and seeing him hesitate to fix on a question, I inquired if he should not like to know his benefactor, who had interested himself so much for him? He consented to it, and having drawn a circle round the trap-door, which could be let down from below, I placed him to the centre of it. Some of my associates, who were concealed in the cellar, imitated the roaring of thunder, during my conjurations, opened the trap-door, and caused him to sink down into the cellar he who had acted the ghost of his mother appeared again in his former disguise; some blew powder of calophony through the windows of the pleasure-house, and every thing succeeded as well as I could wish.

"The poor young man was stunned with wonder and surprise, and seeing the ghost of his mother as he was sinking down into the cellar, lost all power of recollection. He was instantly carried into a coach, one serjeant of the recruiting officer seated himself by his side, and another mounted the box, driving on with all possible speed, but being a very indifferent coachman, the vehicle was overturned and one of the unhappy young man's legs was broken.

"When the serjeants saw it they disengaged the horses from the coach and rode away. This was indeed a great disaster, but still it turned out very fortunate for the young man, for a neighbouring nobleman, who saw him in this deplorable situation, as he passed the road, took him to his castle, sent for proper assistance, and took so much care of the young man, that he, after a few months, was able to return to his native country, where he safely arrived without having met with any farther accident."

The recruiting officer, vexed at the miscarrying of our design, now dropped all connection with me, and I abandoned myself to a life of rapine and plunder.

"I shall now unfold to you the adventure at the ruinous Castle, on the skirts of the Black Forest, but I hope you will spare me the disagreeable task of enlarging on the particulars, since you have a clue, by the assistance of which you will easily extricate yourself from the maze of mystery and wonder in which you have been bewildered. "As to the strange apparitions in the subterraneous vault, they have likewise been effected by the assistance of the robbers. Some of them were concealed in the vaults joining to the principal cellar, and the

burying vault, blowing the artificial flashes of lightning, through the chinks in the wall, and others being concealed in the hidden recesses of the subterraneous fabric, producing the thunder by means of large kettle drums. The lid of the coffin was opened by a cord, which the darkness concealed from your sight; the female figure was the son of a neighbouring publican, closely connected with our gang, who already had acted the ghost several times, when curious travellers had visited the castle the light shooting from the coffin was effected by a dark lanthorn, which previously had been placed to it; the bluish glimmering you saw in the other vault, came from a lanthorn composed of blue glass, and placed on the staircase of the cellar.

"The second ghost was one of the robbers; his fractured disfigured head was made of an hollow pumpkin. Our sudden retreat we effected through the iron doors, and the ruinous side building opposite the cellar door.

"The stench you felt was effected by some brimstone we had left burning on the staircase: you will recollect what passed before I began my juggling tricks, as I was leading the way into the cellar. The spirit in the loft over the cenotaph had previously been poured into it by one of my associates: and the smoke caused by the artificial lightning smothered the light until it evaporated in the arched vault. After the second apparition had disappeared, I overturned the lamp ; and the rest you will be able to unravel without my assistance.

"I left F... with the firm resolution to return no more, apprehend. ing to be delivered up to the civil power, in spite of your generosity, and having lost iny good character for ever. On my journey I happened to come to the house where you was confined, and felt the highest satisfaction when I had it in my power to make you some atonement for the many wrongs you had suffered by me. My intention was to live here in A..., in solitude and retirement, and to dedicate the rest of my miserable life to repentance, and thus to make my peace with God but my former lawless companions soon found out my res treat and forced me to renew my crimes, and to assist them in their infernal deeds.

"The crime for which I am confined here you very likely know: all I can say, in order to palliate this last transgression, is, that it is one of the noblest deeds I ever performed, and it would not give me uneasiness, if the execution of it had not brought destruction on other people beside myself."

Here Volkert stopped, fatigued and exhausted by the long narrative: I conversed a good while with him on his conjurations, and could not help mentioning, that I was very much surprised that his deceptions could have been so much concealed, as he had always been obliged to rely on the assistance of other people: to which he replied,

Your observation is very just, but your surprise will vanish, if you consider, that my assistants in cheating people, bore their share in the frauds I committed, and of course, would not have escaped punishment, if they had not kept secret all transgressions of that


When he had finished I bade him a last farewel, in a faltering accent, and left the unhappy man, who said to me as I opened the door,

"Come to-morrow to the place of execution, your presence will give me comfort!"

I left the prison lost in gloomy thought, and with a bleeding heart. The dismal idea of the awful scene which was to be exhibited the next day, haunted me wherever I went, and I struggled in vain to chase it from my mind. The dawn of the rosy morn cheered the whole creation, but my soul was pierced with horror when the first ray of the rising sun hailed me on my couch.

At length the solemn sound of bells announced the approaching hour of execution; I wrapped myself in my cloak, and repaired with trembling steps to the place where Volkert was to atone for his crimes. The streets were crowded with a noisy multitude:...a secret awe and horror made my blood run chill, as I beheld the pile which soon was to reduce to ashes the preserver of my life.

Without recollection was I standing amid the crowd, when suddenly a confused noise was heard, and every eye directed to one spot: lifting up my downcast looks, I beheld the funeral procession drawing near with slow solemnity: Volkert was walking in the front with firm and manly steps, followed by his ghastly looking fellow sufferer: Volkert's eyes were anxiously looking around; at length he saw me, nodded to me with a grateful smile, and entered the inclosure.

His trembling fellow-sufferer was first sacrificed to the avenging hand of justice. I cast my eyes to the ground, until I perceived by the murmuring noise around, that his sufferings were over. Now I directed my melancholy looks towards the dread place of execution, and beheld Volkert undressing himself, and approaching with firmness the stool stained with the blood of his friend. Now he was seated, and the sword of the executioner lifted up, ready to strike the fatal blow. I shut my eyes involuntarily...a sudden hollow humming told me that Volkert had conquered. Awful sensations thrilled my palpitating heart, and I forced my way through the gaping multitude, without looking once more towards the horrid place where Volkert had expired.


When Dr. Swift was Dean of St. Patrick's, he was informed, by one of the chapter, that the beadle of the cathedral was a poet The doctor sent for him, and asked him some questions relating to his poetical talents, which he modestly disclaiming, asserting, that he wrote only for his bell. It being winter, the doctor insisted he should compose some verses on the fifth of November, and repeat them under his window, which accordingly he did; and the Dean was so pleased, that he rewarded the composer with a guinea, declaring at the same time, that he was a better poet than Ambrose Phillips. The following is the production:

To night's the day, I speak it with great sorrow,
That we were all 't have been blown up to-morrow ;
Therefore take care of fires and candle-light
'Tis a cold frosty morning, and so good night.

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It HEIR manner of entering one another's villages has its rules. The is reckoned uncivil in travelling strangers to enter a village abruptly, without giving notice of their approach. Therefore, as soon as they arrive within hearing, they stop and hollow, remaining there till invited to enter. Two old men usually come out to them, and lead them in. There is in every village a vacant dwelling, called the stranger's house. Here they are placed, while the old men go round from hut to hut, acquainting the inhabitants that strangers are arrived, who probably are hungry and weary; and every one sends them what he can spare of victuals, and skins to repose on. When the strangers are refreshed, pipes and tobacco are brought; and then, but not before, conversation begins, with inquiries who they are, whither bound, what news, &c. and it usually ends with offers of service: if the strangers have occasion for guides, or any necessaries for continuing their journey, and nothing is exacted for the entertainment.

The same hospitality, esteemed among them as a principal virtue, is practised by private persons; of which Conrad Weisar gave Dr. Franklin the following instance he had been naturalized among the six nations, and spoke well the Mohock language.


In going through the Indian country, to carry a message from our governor to the council at Onondaga, he called at the habitation of Canassetego, an old acquaintance, who embraced him, spread furs for him to sit on, placed before him some boiled beans and venison, and mixed some rum and water for his drink. When he was well refreshed, and had lit his pipe, Canassetego began to converse with him: asked him how he had fared the many years since they had seen each other, whence he then came, what had occasioned the journey, &c. Conrad answered all his questions; and when the discourse began to flag, the Indian to continue it, said, Conrad, you have. lived long among the white people, and know something of their customs; I have been sometimes at Albany, and have observed, that once in seven days they shut up their shops, and assemble all in the great house; tell me what it is for ?...... What do they do there?"..

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They meet there," says Conrad, " to hear and learn good things.' "I do not doubt," says the Indian," that they tell you so; they have told me the same: but I doubt the truth of what they say, and I will


you my reasons.”



I went lately to Albany to sell my skins, and buy blankets, knives, powder, rum, &c. You know I generally used to deal with Hans Hanson; but I was a little inclined this time to try some other merchants. However I called first upon Hans, and asked him what he would give for beaver. He said he could not give more than four shillings a pound; (but says he) I cannot talk on business now: this is the day when we meet together to learn good things, and I am going to the meeting. So I thought to myself, since I cannot do any business to-day, I may as well go to the meeting too; and I went with him.

There stood up a man in black, and began to talk to the people very angrily. I did not understand what he said; but perceiving that he looked much at me and at Hanson, I imagined he was angry at seeing me there so I went out, sat down near the house, struck fire, and lit my pipe, waiting till the meeting should break up. I thought too, that the man had mentioned something of beaver, and I suspected that it might be the subject of their meeting. So when they came out, I accosted my merchant. "Well, Hans, (says I,) I hope you have agreed to give more than four shillings a pound?" No, (says he,) I cannot give so much, I cannot give more than three and six-pence.' I then spoke to several other dealers, but they all sung the same song, three and six-pence, three and six-pence....This made it clear to me that my suspicion was right; and that, whatever they pretended of meeting to learn good things, the real purpose was, to consult how to cheat Indians in the price of beaver. Consider but a little, Conrad, and you must be of my opinion. If they met so often to learn good things, they certainly would have learned some before this. But they are still ignorant.

"You know our practice. If a white man, in travelling through our country, enters one of our cabins, we all treat him as I treat you; we dry him if he is wet, we warm him if he is cold, and give him meat and drink, to allay his thirst and hunger; and we spread soft furs for him to rest and sleep on: we demand nothing in return. But if I go into a white man's house at Albany, and ask for victuals and drink, they say, where is your money? And if I have none, they say, Get out, you Indian dog. You see they have not yet learned those little good things that we need no meeting to be instructed in: because our mothers taught them to us when we were children; and therefore it is impossible their meetings should be, as they say, for any such purpose, or have any such effect; they are only to contrive the cheating of Indians in the price of beaver."

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