The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 16. köideGinn, Heath, 1881 |
From inside the book
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Page 107
... guard for itself . Let our best heads C¿s . Know , that to - morrow the last of many battles We mean to fight . Within our files there are , Of those that served Mark Antony but late , Enough to fetch him in . See it be done : And feast ...
... guard for itself . Let our best heads C¿s . Know , that to - morrow the last of many battles We mean to fight . Within our files there are , Of those that served Mark Antony but late , Enough to fetch him in . See it be done : And feast ...
Page 110
... guard . 1 Sold . Brother , good night : to - morrow is the day . 2 Sold . It will determine one way : fare you well . Heard you of nothing strange about the streets ? 1 Sold . Nothing . What news ? 2 Sold . Belike ' tis but a rumour . 1 ...
... guard . 1 Sold . Brother , good night : to - morrow is the day . 2 Sold . It will determine one way : fare you well . Heard you of nothing strange about the streets ? 1 Sold . Nothing . What news ? 2 Sold . Belike ' tis but a rumour . 1 ...
Page 111
... guard have each their particular beat , as it is called , that is , space of ground , or quarter , assigned them , and are not allowed to pass beyond it . 3 That is , how it will terminate , or what sort of a finale it will have ...
... guard have each their particular beat , as it is called , that is , space of ground , or quarter , assigned them , and are not allowed to pass beyond it . 3 That is , how it will terminate , or what sort of a finale it will have ...
Page 116
... guard " is the same as in or under my guard . 8 That is , get him off safe . We have a similar instance in i . 3 : " And that which most with you should safe my going . " 4 " This generosity swells my heart , so that it will quickly ...
... guard " is the same as in or under my guard . 8 That is , get him off safe . We have a similar instance in i . 3 : " And that which most with you should safe my going . " 4 " This generosity swells my heart , so that it will quickly ...
Page 120
... guard : 1 the night Is shiny ; and they say we shall embattle By th ' second hour i ' the morn . 2 Sold . A shrewd ... guard is the place where the guard or sentinels muster . - Eno . O sovereign mistress of true melancholy , 120 ...
... guard : 1 the night Is shiny ; and they say we shall embattle By th ' second hour i ' the morn . 2 Sold . A shrewd ... guard is the place where the guard or sentinels muster . - Eno . O sovereign mistress of true melancholy , 120 ...
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Achilles ¯neas Agam Agamemnon Ajax Alexas C¿s C¿sar Calchas called Char Charmian Cleo Cleopatra Collier's second folio Corrected Cres Cressida death Diomed DIOMEDES doth Dyce Egypt Enobarbus Enter ANTONY Eros Exeunt Exit eyes fair Farewell fear fight fool foot-note fortune friends give gods Grecian Greek Guard hand Hanmer hath hear heart Hect Hector Helen honour Iras Julius C¿sar King kiss lady Lepidus look lord madam Mark Antony meaning Menelaus Mess Nest Nestor noble Octavia old copies old text original reads Pandarus Patr Patroclus play Plutarch Poet Pompey praise pray Priam prince Proculeius quarto Queen SCENE sense Shakespeare Sold soldier speak speech sweet sword tell thee Ther There's Thersites thing thou art thou hast thought Troilus Troilus and Cressida Trojan Troy trumpet Ulyss unto Walker What's word