THE Benross LION VOLUME IV. FROM JULY 3, TO DECEMBER 25, 1829. London : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY RICHARD CARLILE, 62, FLEET STREET. 36 CONTENTS. Infidel Mission, Sixth Bulletin; Correspondence between the Rev. Infidel Mission, Seventh Bulletin, by Mr. Carlile; Proceedings at Manchester; Castigation of Archibald Prentice, Editor of the "Man- chester Times," in consequence of his unjustifiable Remarks upon Mr. Place's "Principle of Population." -Lines on Superstition and Tyranny. -Infidel Mission, Seventh Bulletin, by the Rev. Robert Taylor; Delivers an Oration at the Manor Court-room, Manchester.-Celebration of the Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Paine, in America.-Free Discussion.-Eighteenth Discourse at Founders' Hall, by the Rev. Robert Taylor, On Sincerity. - Letter to the Infidel Missionaries, by E. R.- Letter to the Infidel Missionaries, by a Correspondent at Cambridge.- The Beauties of Shaftsbury's Characteristics, continued from p. 32. Infidel Mission, Eighth Bulletin, by Mr. Carlile; Proceedings at |