LII. An Act to alter and amend the Act regulating the Practice of the County Courts in Upper LIII. An Act to amend and consolidate the several Acts now in force, regulating the Practice of LIV. An Act to extend the right of Appeal in certain cases in Upper Canada, LV. An Act for the consolidation and amendment of the Laws relative to Jurors, Juries and LVI. An Act to amend the Law respecting the office of Coroner, LVII. An Act to alter and amend the practice and proceedings in actions of Ejectment in Upper LIX. An Act to amend an Act passed in the fifth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled, An Act to prevent the unnecessary multiplication of Law- suits, and increase of costs in actions on Notes, Bonds, Bills of Exchange and other Instru- LXII. An Act to alter and amend the Act requiring mortgages of Personal Property in Upper - LXIII. An Act to amend the Registry Law of Upper Canada, LXIV. An Act for correcting certain errors and omissions in the Act of the Parliament of this - LXV. An Act to amend the Laws relative to Tavern Licenses in Upper Canada, LXVI. An Act to repeal the Acts and provisions of Law relative to Assessments and matters - LXVII. An Act to establish a more equal and just system of Assessment in the several Town- - LXVIII. An Act to provide Funds for defraying the cost of the erection of the Lunatic Asylum LXIX. An Act to enable Collectors of Local Taxes in Upper Canada, for the several years LXX. An Act to repeal the Enactment appropriating the proceeds or that portion of the Marriage License Fund arising in Upper Canada, to the support of certain specified Institutions only, and to leave the same at the disposal of Parliament for Upper Canadian LXXI. An Act to enable the Provincial Government to dispose of claims against certain Com- panies for Loans made to them under the authority of certain Acts of the Parliament of LXXII. An Act to amend and extend the provisions of an Act passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act to authorize the formation of Joint Stock Companies for the construction of Roads and other Works in Upper Canada, LXXIII. An Act to establish a Board of Agriculture in Upper Canada, LXXIV. An Act for the protection of Indians in Upper Canada from imposition, and the property occupied or enjoyed by them from trespass and injury, PAGES. LXXVIII. An Act to authorize the Trustees holding Land upon which Churches are erected in 1418 LXXIX. An Act to amend the Act to encourage the establishment of certain Societies com- Tb. Fisheries of Gaspé, to regulate, 4 & 5 Vic. c. 36, Peace, preservation of, near Public Works, 8 Vic. c. 6, Registration of titles and incumbrances on real property, L. C. 8 Vic. c. 27, Insolvent Debtors in U. C. relief of, 8 Vic. c. 48, Agriculture in L. C. to encourage, and establish Agricultural Societies, 8 Vic. c. 53, Agricultural Societies in L. C. allowing more than one in a County, 9 Vic. c. 24, - Trinity House, increased powers, Public health of Montreal being in danger, 10 & 11 - Butter, Inspection of, in Quebec and Montreal, 11 Vic. c. 7, PAGES. St. Antoine or La Baie du Febvre, Trustees of Common of, to settle certain disputes, Incumbrances on Lands in L. C. to extinguish secret, 9 Geo. 4. c. 20, - Insane Destitute, Home District Quarter Sessions authorized to provide for, U. C. Insane Destitute, other Districts in U. C. authorized to provide for, 3 Wm. 4. c. 45. Bankrupts, providing respecting estate of, in Lower Canada, 7. Vic. e. 10, Bankrupt Laws continued, 9 Vic. c. 30, Bankruptcy, to continue proceedings in, 12 Vic. c. 18, Agricultural Societies of Lower Canada, Members may be re-elected, Incorporated, Agriculture to remedy abuses prejudicial to, in L. C. establish in U C. a Board of, - Ameliasburgh in U. C. survey of, confirmed.-Local Acts, c. 88. 1253 Ib. - 1193 1357 1418 - 1417 BANK of Upper Canada, time extended to pay up Capital.-Private Acts, c. 137. Bankrupts, for relief of, in certain cases, Banks, Chartered, rights declared, Bills of Exchange, certain Acts relative to, explained and amended, Notes and Bonds, Act to prevent multiplication of actions and costs on, in Berthier, Act dividing County of, in two Municipalities amended.-Local Acts, c.- Burial places in U. C. to allow Lands for, to be conveyed to Trustees, Bytown, effect of disallowance of Act incorporating declared.-Local Acts, c. 82. C CEMETERIES in U. C. Companies authorized to establish, Cobourg Harbour vested in Municipality.--Local Acts c. 84. Companies for Manufacturing and other purposes, incorporation of, joint Stock, in U. C. for construction of Roads, &c. Act providing for, extended, Cornwall-Survey of ninth Concession.--Local Acts c. 83. Coroners, law relating to in U. C. amended, Costs, right of the Crown to recover in L. C. Corporate Rights and Writs of Prerogative, proceedings on in L. C. Division, in U. C. jurisdiction of, extended, Currency of the Province, to amend the, DOWER, practice in U. C. in actions of, amended, Ꭰ E EDWARDSBURGH, side lines in.-Local Acts, c. 85. Elgin Association for improvement of Colored population.-Private Acts, c. 144. 1354 1151 |