Evidence of Foreign Judgments and documents, to facilitate the admission of, F FIRE, Life and Inland Navigation Assurance Company of Montreal, to grant further powers to.-Private Acts, c. Free Trade, Reciprocal, with British North American Provinces, G GEOLOGICAL Survey of this Province, Act revived and continued, 1151 1158 II HAWKERS and Pedlars, to amend Acts relative to, I INDIAN Lands in L. C. protection of, in U. C. protection of Inspection of Flour and Meal.-Act amended, Beef and Pork.-Act amended, Fish and Oil in L. C. Ordinance amended, continued, 1154 1247 1409 1206 1207 1248 1197 Intemperance, for the suppression of, J JOINT Stock Companies for certain purposes, for the formation of incorporated, 1201 1179 Jurors, Juries and Inquests, laws relating to, in U. C. consolidated, 1311 L LAND Scrip, time for redeeming, limited, Law, to encourage and facilitate the study of, Loan, for raising a, on the Public Credit, Loans to Companies in U. C. Government authorized to dispose of claims for, M MARRIAGE License Fund in U. C. Act appropriating it, repealed, &c. 142. Mill Owners in U. C. for protection of, Montreal Advocates' Library Incorporation, amended.-Private Acts, c. 122. for debts due by Churches in U. C. may be given by Trustees, Municipal Law of L. C. amended, of U. C. amended, N NOTARIAL Profession, Act regulating in L. C. amended, P PARISHES, erection of, and construction of Churches, Parsonage and Churchyards in L. C. 1249 1166 1159 1418 1217 Buildings in U. C. providing funds for erection of ર QUARTER or General Sessions of the Peace in L. C. to facilitate holding of, amended, Quebec, Turnpike Road Trustees Act authorizing them to acquire Dorchester Bridge, amended, &c.-Local Acts, c. 102. to supply the City of, with water.-Local Acts, c. 100. Act granting relief to sufferers by fire at, amended.-Local Acts, c. 101. Quebec, recovery of Pew rents of St. Patrick's Church at.--Private Acts, c. 125. St. Jean Baptiste Society, Incorporation Act amended.--Private Acts, c. 126. R RAIL-ROAD-Montreal and Lachine, and Lake St. Louis and Province Line, Companies Montreal and Lachine, extended, and Ottawa Grand junction Incorporated.- Champlain and St. Lawrence, extension of Company.-Private Acts, c. 114. St. Andrew's, Company Incorporated.-Private Acts, c. 117. Great Western, Municipal Corporations may take stock in.-Private Acts, may construct branch to Galt.-Private Acts, c. 130. c. 113. Bytown and Prescott Incorporated.-Private Acts, c. 132. Road, Guelph and Dundas Company, Act amended.—Private Acts, c. 133. Registry law in U. C. amended, 1362 Act, Montreal, extension of time for certain purposes.-Local Acts, c. 93. Reprints of British Copy-right works, to impose a duty on, River Duchêsne, period for election of Commissioners for improvement of, extended.-Local 1153 Roads and other works, to extend Acts for the formation of Companies for constructing, to and Bridges, within the limits of Cities and Incorporated Towns, or given up by Com- in L. C. to facilitate the recovery of value of work done upon, under expired Acts, PAGES. 1163 1165 1246 &c., in U. C.-Act providing for formation of Companies for the construction of, extended, 1406 S SAGUENAY-Second Municipality in, established.-Local Acts, c. 107. Grammar in County of York, grant for additional.-Local Acts, c. 91. Scrip-Land, time for redeeming limited, Silverthorn, A. and S. authorized to erect dam across River Thames.-Local Acts, c. 90. St. John's Academy, Incorporated.—Private Acts, c. 124. T TAVERN Licenses in U. C. law relating to, amended, in Montreal, duties on, appropriated for building new Court House.- Taxes, local, in U. C. for recovery of arrears due, Telegraph, British N. A. Electro Magnetic, Charter extended.-Private Acts, c. 119. Bytown and Montreal, Incorporated.-Private Acts, c. 120. Three-Rivers, Common of, transferred to Municipality of.-Local Acts, c. 104. Toronto Harbour, for improvement of.-Local Acts, c. 80. City of, allowed to assist in construction of Toronto and Huron Rail-road.-Local Acts, c. 81. Quebec, to lay Buoys in North Channel.Local Acts, c. 99. Trust and Loan Company of U. C. Incorporation Act amended.-Private Acts, c. 138. 1384 4003 1418 Turnpike Road, Longueuil and Chambly, to be under control of Commissioners of Public 'rnpike Road Debentures certain, may be exchanged for smaller ones to same amount.-Local Acts, c. 103. U SEVERSITY of Toronto, Act relative to explained, and amended, VESSELS, British Plantation, Act for registry of, amended, Foreign, to extend certain Provincial Acts to, when within this Province, Victoria College, may be removed from Cobourg to Toronto.-Private Acts, c. 142. W WALPOLE and Woodhouse, Act for defining boundary line of, extended.-Local Acts, c. 89. 1275 1194 Ib. 1254 1218 1224 Written Memorandum required in U. C. for rendering valid certain promises and engagements, |