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and in giving to the general appearance a typographical harmony pleasing to the eye. For the text he will follow the valuable edition of Vander Hooght, printed at Amsterdam in 1705.

Some workmen in opening a drain at Redchester in Northumberland, lately discovered a small brass box of a very particular shape. On opening it they found two coins, upon one of which was the follow Ing inscription:

C. Julius Anicet

Soli divino suscepto voto

Animo lubens D.D. Upon the other are engraved these two Greek words:-Aywow .

These coins are in the possession of Mr. Robinson of Morpeth. The former must be an ancient coin in the time of the Romans, but of what date is uncertain. The latter is probably an Athenian coin, it bearing an inscription similar to what St. Paul observed on an altar at Athens,




OXFORD, Feb. 25, HE Rev. John Collinson of Queen's College, and John Thompson of Brasenose College, B. A. were admitted Masters of Arts. Messrs. William Michell of Exeter College; Charles Spencer of Queen's College: Brooke Boothby, Robert Phillimore, Walter Levett, Hon. John Lygon, Henry Smedley, Hon. Jolin Eden, Messrs. George Murray, Frederic Master, Jonathan Blinman, and William Gibbes Straghan of Christ Church, and Mr. Mascie Domville Taylor of Brasenose College, were admitted B. A.

27. Messrs. Charles Dymoke Willaume and Philip Lake Goodsall of Oriel College; Thomas Richard Spence of Trinity College; and John Metcalfe of Brasenose College, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

28. Mr. Charles Sharpe of Christ Church, and the Rev. Edward Thelwall of Jesus College, B. A. were admitted Masters of Arts: and Mr. Archdale Wilson Taylor of Christ Church, was admitted Bachelor of Arts.

March 4. The Hon. William Howard, B. A. of Christ Church, was admitted Master of Arts; Messrs. Joseph Darby of St, Ed

mund Hall; James St. Aubyn of Oriel College; and Charles Henry Morgan of Trinity College, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

7. Messrs. William Perry of Magdalen Hall, and John Moore of Exeter College, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

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10. Messrs. James Young of Pembroke College, and Peter Wil liams of Christ Church, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

11. The Rev. Edmund Cartwright, M. A. of Magdalen College, Prebendary of Lincoln, and Rector of Goadby Marwood, in the same diocese, was admitted Bachelor and Doctor in Divinity. Richard Wright, Esq. of Christ Church was admitted Bachelor of Arts, Grand Compounder.

In Convocation, Robert Hall, Esq. B. C. L. of Wadham College, was unanimously elected Superior Bedel in Divinity.

12. Messrs. John Russell of Magdalen Hall, and Charles Smelt of Christ Church, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

13. The Rev. Jervoise Purefoy Jervoise, B. C. L. of Wadham College, and Rector of Stretton in Warwickshire, was admitted Doc tor of Laws Grand Compounder. Richard Paul Joddrell, B. A. of Magdalen

Magdalen College, was admitted Master of Arts.

In Convocation, the Rev. George Hall, Doctor in Divinity and Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, was admitted ad eundem, presented by the Rev. Septimus Collinson, Provost of Queen's College and Lady Margaret's, Professor of Divinity. Mr. George Valentine Cox, B. A. of New College, was unanimously elected Superior Bedel of Law.

14. The Rev. George. Augustus Lambe, B. A. of Magdalen College, was admitted Master of Arts. -Mr. William Woodcock, Organist of New College and Student in Music, was admitted Bachelor of Music. Mr. William Holland of Hertford College was admitted Ba

helor of Arts.

CAMBRIDGE, Feb. 28. Henry Augustus Harvey, Esq. of Pembroke Hall, the Rev. William Radford of Peterhouse, and John Grisdale, Esq. Fellow of Christ's College, were admitted Masters of Arts; and Mr. Gray Rigge of Trinity College, was admitted Bachelor of Arts.

Messrs. William Walter Gretton, George John, and John. Day, B chelors of Arts, and Philip Dodd, Master of Arts of Magdalen College, are elected Fellows of that society..

Two gold medals, value fifteen guineas each, given by the Chancellor of this University for the encouragement of classical learning, are this year adjudged to Mr. Tho mas Mitchell of Pembroke Hall, and Mr. James Devereaux Hustler, of Trinity College, Bachelors of Arts.

The Right Hon. Lord Euston, and the Right Hon. Lord Henry Petty, having proposed to give two prizes of fifteen guineas each to two senior Bachelors of Arts, and the like to two middle Bachelors, who shall compose the best exercises in Latin prose, which are to be read

publicly by them on a day hereafter to be fixed near the commencement; the following subjects are appointed for the present


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For the Senior Bachelors. E tot deperditis humaniorum Literarum apud Græcos et Romanos Monumentis, quænam præ ceteris sint desideranda?

Middle Bachelors. Utrum certamina publice in Græciâ spectata plus utilitatis an damni secum adtulerint?

The subject for the Seatonian poem 'the present year, is,

Paul and Barnabas at Lystra.

21. This day the following Grace was offered to the senate for the appointment of a syndicate to consider the best method of shewing some public mark of respect to the memory of that excellent statesman who so long represented this university in parliament.


Cum supremo Regni concilio placuerit, Honoratissimi viri Gulielmai Pitt Exequias, publice et quam amplissime celebrari; ne tanti viri Memoria apud vos debitis careat Honoribus' PLACEAT vobis, ut Dominus Cancellarius, Dr. Pearce, Dr. Seale, Dr. Mansel. Mr. Marsh, Mr. Wood, Mr. King, et Mr. Che vallier, sint Syndici, vestri, qui, collatis, inter se Consiliis, deliberent, quid in hâc Parte vobis proponendum sit, tanquam gratissimum ejusdem Fama, et Observatia vestræ Monumentum.

Every proposition, before it is to be submitted to the Senate, must have the sanction of the Caput; but however much those who hap pen to constitute that body may disapprove of any particular measure which is proposed, it is not usual to refuse its being submitted to the majority of votes, unless it infringes some privilege, or violates some statute. Dr. ——, however exerted that power which he this year happens unfortimately to possess, and by his single negative has prevented

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prevented the University from conferring that public honour upon the illustrious Statesman to which he is so eminently entitled.

In consequence of this proceeding, which has been generally and deservedly reprobated throughout the University, a majority of the resident members of the Senate, anxious to shew a permanent respect to the memory of Mr. Pitt, have held a meeting, at which it was unanimously resolved to open a Subscription for a Statue of him, to be presented to the Seuate, and placed in the Senate-House.

This Subscription has commenc. ed, and we are happy to see with what liberality it fills.

The Lord Chancellor has presented the Rev. Mr. King, Rector of Lympsham, to the Vicarage of Ebrington in Gloucestershire, with a perpetual Curacy in Worcestershire.

The Rev. John Barlow Seale, D.D.Senior Fellow of Christ's College, and Deputy Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, is pre



T her lodgings in Clarges Street, Piccadilly, in the 39th year of her age, Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Carter, formerly Rector of Deal, in the county of Kent. Her understanding and scholastic attainments, if she had been of the other sex, would have qualified her for a distinguished station in the world; and her purity of morals and religious principles would have disposed her to execute its duties with unimpeachable integrity. She had a strong turn towards poetry; but in all her compositions she endeavoured to make poetry subservient to the interests of virtue. Her first poetical effusion that appeared in print, was, we believe, an Ode to Wisdom, which was originally introduced to the world in the cele

sented by the Master and Fellows of that Society to the Rectory of Anstye in the county of Hertford and Diocese of London.

The Rev. Thomas Moore of Peterborough is collated to the living of Covington in Huntingdonshire, upon the presentation of the Earl Fitzwilliam, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Sanderson.

The Rev. William Pochin, B. A. is instituted to the Vicarage of Edwardston in Suffolk, on the presentation of Thomas Dawson, Esq. of Edwardston Hall,

The Rev. George Owen Cambridge, M. A. Minister of Twickenham Chapel and Prebendary of Ely, is collated by the Lord Bishop of London to the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, and the stall annexed in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.

The Rev. John Watson, M. A. late Fellow of Clare. Hall, Cambridge, is presented to the Rectory of Mistley cum Manningtree and Vicarage of Bradfield, in Essex.


brated novel of Clarissa. She afterwards presented a volume of poems to the world, all of which are characterized by sentiment, tenderness, delicacy, moral energy, philosophic elevation, and fervid piety.

This lady wrote two papers in The Rambler, one on "Religion and Superstition," and the other, entituled "The Voyage of Life," which appear so miform with the style and sentiment of the work in general, that they might be taken for the productious of the revered author of that admirable work. The literary performance, however, for which she is most distinguished, is a translation of Epictetus. Her introduction and notes to this work display pure taste, considerable erudition, and a philosophic power of reflection,

reflection, congenial with that of the original author, whom she has sadvantageously introduced into British literature.

But Mrs. Carter possessed all the softer virtues, as well as the talents and attainments that adorn the human character; she was as ardent to promote the interests of humanity, as to cultivate those of learning, and a desire to spread the influence of a philosophy, which, in addition to the dictates of religion, might tend to reconcile man to the evils inseparable from his condition, was her principal inducement for giving a translation of Epic


Mrs. Carter was esteemed by a very large circle of friends, and those friends were of the most ariable and valuable description, among the chief of whom was the ve nerable Bishop of London, at whose house she was always one of the most honoured guests, and whose virtues she held in the highest respect.

We cannot conclude this well merited tribute to a most amiable and enlightened character better than by a citation from a little poem of her own, which we have no doubt is exactly expressive of her feelings, when she bade farewell to this transitory scene;

"When through creation's vast expanse "The last dread thunders roll; "Untune the concord of the spheres, "And shake the rising soul: "Unmov'd may'st thou the final storm "Of jarring worlds survey, "That ushers in the glad serene "Of everlasting day!"

At Wallingford, in Berkshire, the Rev. Richard Bethel, Rector of St. Peter's. He was found dead in his bed. It may with truth be said, that he not only practised the most exalted piety himself, but was anxious to inculcate it in others; and by his public preaching, exhortation, and example, he conveyed the most sublime ideas of religion. He was always ready to relieve the wants of others, and was a con

stant attendant on the bed of sick ness, from whence he endeavoured to dispel the gloom of conscience, and to prepare the soul for a happy immortality. He possessed great humility, joined to the most engaging simplicity of manners. Those who were in habits of intimacy with him can aloue estimate his private character; for to say that he was an attentive husband, au affectionate father, and a sincere friend, is not giving any adequate idea of his virtues.

At Lichfield, in an advanced age, Andrew Newton, Esq. brother of the late learned and pious Dr. Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol. The property of this gentleman, which was considerable, was employed, to a liberal extent, in private acts of charity and beneficence, known only to the immediate objects of his kindness. In a more public and more lasting point of view, the noble institution which he founded some years ago at Lichfield, for the widows of clergymen, and for their unmarried daughters above the age of fifty, will sufficiently distinguish his name and perpetuate his memory. He enjoyed a gratification which charity has seldom ventured to taste, and affluence has seldom lived long enough to afford. He gave, for the purpose above-mentioned, the sunr of 20,0001, in his life time!

Aged 77, Lewis Gwynne, Esq. of Monachty, in the county of Cardigan. He lived very private, though possessed of an extensive estate, and he accumulated an immense fortune, the bulk of which he has left to the Rev. Tho. Alban Jones, of Tuglyn, together with his real estate,except a small part, which he bequeathed to Mr. Edwards, youngest son of D. J. Edwards, Esq. of Job's Well, near Carmarthen, He had in his house when he died such a quantity of gold that a horse could not carry the weight of it to Tuglyn, about a mile off, and when


put on a sledge it was with difficulty he could draw it there. The amount in gold is 100,0001, besides 50,000l. in the stocks. His other legacies are but few, and of no great amount. He was generous to the poor, always a friend to the necessitous, and an upright man.

At the residence house in Southwell, the Rev. Francis Herbert Hume, M. A. a prebendary of the collegiate church of Southwell, in the county of Nottingham, and rector of Carlton and of Warsop in the same county.

After an illness almost as unex ampled in its duration as in the meekness and patience with which it was sustained, the Rev. Stephen Eaton, M. A. F. R. and F. A. S. archdeacon of Middlesex, rector of St. Anne, Westminster, and viçar of Northolt.

At Romely, in Derbyshire, Dr. Tho. Gisborne, senior fellow of St. John's college, Cambridge, and physician to the king; a fellow and for some years president of the College of Physicians.-B. A. 1747; M. Ă. 1751; M. D. 1758.

At Lower Easton, near Bristol, the Rev. Christopher Haynes, rector of Siston and Mangotsfield, in the county of Gloucester, and one of the domestic chaplains to the Duke of Beaufort.

In the 92d year of his age, the Rev. John Courtail, M. A. archdeacon of Lewes, canon residentiary of Chichester, rector of Woodchurch in Kent, and upwards of fifty-one years rector and vicar of Burwash in Sussex.

The Rev. Henry Robinson, seventeen years vicar of Kendal in Westmoreland, and formerly fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge: B. A. 1769; M. A. 1772. The vicarage is in the gift of the master and fellows of Trinity College.

In Downing Street, the Rev. George Golding, rector of Kelsale in Suffolk, and nephew of the late George Golding, of Thurington,


In her 89th year, Mrs. Wetherell, relict of the Rev. Samuel Wetherell. It is very remarkable, that this lady lived seventy years a widow, and was the first who received the bounty from the clerical charity established in Norfolk.

At Bury, having very nearly attained the 90th year of his age, the Rev. Roger Cocksedge. He was formerly chaplain to Archbishop Cornwallis, and rector of the pa rishes of Rattlesden, Drinkstone; and Little Whelnetham.


At Naples, in the 85th year his age, Henry Ellis, Esq. He early in life distinguished himself by an attempt to discover a northwest passage; afterwards, at different periods, he was governor of Georgia and Nova Scotia; and he was one of the oldest members of the Royal Society.

At Dean's Court, Dorsetshire, the Reverend Sir James Henham, Bart.

Near Prees, in Shropshire, Mr. J. Benbow, clock and watchmaker, at the advanced age of 107. He was of the same family as the fa mous Admiral Benbow.

At Cowley, in the 66th year of his age, James Matthews, Esq. M. A. of Jesus College Oxford, and superior bedel in theology in that university: a gentleman highly respected by all who knew him.

At his house in St. Giles's, Oxford, in the 83d year of his age, Mr. William Taylor, secretary to the Radcliffe Infirmary, an office which he had discharged from its first establishment in the year 1770. to the present time, with such exemplary fidelity, diligence, and integrity, as to secure not only the approbation of the governors of that benevolent and useful institu-tion, but also the respect and esteem of all who were acquainted with his character.

The Rev. Thomas Simpson, who for many years kept the boardingschool at Keynsham in Somersetshire.


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