There proud their conqu'ring banners seem to rise, His victor-flag immortal Nelson rears; Fly the strong eagles o'er th' ethereal space. Their conquests lost in air, o'erwhelm'd in shame their pride. The hour of vengeance comes---by Gades' tow'rs, With fatal shock athwart the thund'ring skies, On man's presuming offspring driven, Full on the scatter'd foe he hurls his fires, VI. But not his fame---While chiefs who bleed For sacred duty's holy meed, With glory's amaranthine wreath, By weeping Victory crown'd in death, With emulative wish thy trophies see, And heroes yet unborn, shall BRITAIN owe to thee. LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. Dissertation on the Prophe are now fulfilling, or will hereafter be fulfilled, relative to the great Period of 1260 years; the Papal and Mohammedan Apostasies, the tyrannical reign of Antichrist, or the Infidel Power; and the Restoration of the Jews. By George Stanley Faber, B. D. Vicar of Stockton-uponTees, 2 vols. 8vo. 16s. The Destiny of the German Empire; or an Attempt to ascertain the Apocalyptic Dragon, and to shew that the binding of the Dragon, called the Old Serpent, and the Devil and Satan, and the Millenary State, are likely to be altogether different from what Christian Writers have taught us to expect. By J. Bicheno, M. A. An Address to Methodists, and all other honest Christians, who conscientiously secede from the Church of England. By the Rev. W. Cockburne, M. A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Christian Advocate in that University, 1s. 6d. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. Andrew, in Holborn, on Sunday, January 5, 1806; on occasion of the Death of the Rev. Charles Barton, M. A. late Rector of the said Parish. By the Rev. Charles Pryce, M. A. 1s. A Sermon sacred to the Memory of the honoured Dead; and particularly of the late James Currie, M. D. F. R. S. By the Rev. G Walker, F. R. S. and President>: the Literary and Philosophical ociety of Manchester, 1s. 6d. Moral Reflections and Anticipations of the Opening of the present Year. A Sermon addressed prin cipally to Young Persons, delivered Lane, Jan. 1, 1806. By Joseph Barrett. 1s. Sermons on various Subjects and Occasions. By Alexander Grant, D. D. Vol. III. 8s. Lord Nelson's Funeral Sermon, preached in Norfolk, near the Birth place of this great Man. By the Rev. George Cook, M. A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 4to. 2s. 6d. A Sermon preached at St. John's Church, Blackburn, Lancashire, on Thursday, Dec. 5, 1805. By the Rev. S. Stevenson, A. B. 1s. A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of Chertsey, in Surry, on the 5th of December, 1805. By the Rev. John Stonard, M. A. 1s.6d. A Sermon preached at the Great Synagogue, Duke's Place, on the 14th Kislay (A. M.) 5565, answering to Thursday, Dec. 5, 1805, being the Day appointed for a General Thanksgiving. By the Rev. Solomon Hirschel, presiding Rabbi, (erroneously styled the high priest) of the German Jews in London, 4to. 1s. 6d. A Sermon preached on the Day of Thanksgiving. By the most Rev. T. L. O'Beirne, D. D. Lord Bishop of Meath, 2s The Duty of Thanksgiving, a Serinon. By S. Sinallpage, M. A, Vicar of Whitkirk. 4to. 1s. A Discourse delivered at West Walton, in the County of Norfolk, on Thursday, Dec. 5, 1805. By George Burgess, A. B. 1s. A Sermon preached at the Scots Church, London Wall, Dec. 5, 1805. By Bobert Young, D.D. 2s. LITERARY LITERARY AND MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. PRO ROFESSOR Scott of Aberdeen is preparing for the press a work entituled, "Elements of Intellectual Philosophy; or, an Analysis of the Powers of the Human Understanding, tending to ascertain the Principles of Rational Logic." In the Electoral Library at Munich have been discovered the Four Gospels, and a Liturgy of the 11th century, in small folio, on fine white parchment, written in a beautiful distinct character, and in the highest state of preservation. They are very splendidly bound, and ornamented with precious stones and pearls: the clasps are of gold; and they are lettered on the back with ivory. The New East India College at Hertford is now ready for the students. The terms are 100 guineas per annum, with extra expences for books, French, drawing, and fericing masters. The candidates for admission are expected to be well grounded in arithmetic; and qualified to be examined in Cæsar and Virgil, the Greek Testament, and Xenophon. The vacations, and times for examination, are Christmas and Midsummer. No student to be admitted under fifteen years of age. This Institution will in a few years supersede the necessity of the college at Calcutta. The president is the Rev. Samuel Henley; and the master, the Rev. Mr. Loosemore. UNIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE AND CHURCH PREFER MENTS. OXFORD, JANUARY 21, 1806. HE Rev. John Marriott, of Christ Church, and Samuel Elfdale of Lincoln college, B. A. were admitted masters of arts. Messrs. John Mavor of Lincoln college, and John Loveday of Brasenose college were admitted Bachelors of Arts. 23.-Messrs. Thomas Edward Bridges, Samuel Whittingham, and Edward Tugwell Williams, of Corpus Christi College, and the Rev. George Gleed, B. A. were admitted Masters of Arts. CAMBRIDGE, JANUARY 17. The subjects appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Sir William Browne's Prize Medals, for the pre sent year are, For the odes Mors NELSONI. EPIGRAMS.. Μηδὲν ἄγαν. The subject of the dissertation for the Hulsean prize, for the pre sent year, is-"The propagation of Christianity was not indebted to any secondary causes.' This day, being Bachelors' Commencement, the following 92 gentlemen, from the undermentioned colleges, were admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. King's College.--Messrs Davies, Tomkins. Trinity College.-Messrs. Acomb, Bolland, Caldwell, Crawford, Dent, Fisher, Hodges, Hustler, Jackson, Keily, Knox, Lloyd, Lomax, Maberly, Mansel, Mathews, Pollock, Prime, Pugh, Rham, Streatfield, Tripp, Warburton St. John's College.-Messrs. Atlay, Fane, Fenwick, Fiott, Foster, Gee, George, Grose, Harrison, Jephson, Ludbey, P. Moore, Nunn, Owen, Pawsey, Rooke, Russell, Ryder, Tatham, Turner, Vale, Wade, Walter. The Senior Wrangler this year is Mr. Pollock of Trinity College. The Rev. Dr. Kearney, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, is promoted to the Bishopric of Ossory, vacant by the death of the Right Reverend Dr. Hamilton; and he is succeeded in the Provostship by the Rev. G. Hall. The Rev. Edward Seagrave, B. A. of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, has been inducted to the Rectory of Westcotte Burton, in that diocese, vacant by the death of his father the late Incumbent and Patron thereof. The Rev. Charles Wedge, B. A. of Caius College, Cambridge, is instituted by the Lord Bishop of Ely, to the Rectory of Borough Green, in Cambridgeshire, on the presentation of the Earl of Aylesford. The Earl of Jersey has been pleased to appoint the Rev. William Money, Vicar of Wiggenhall, St. Mary, formerly of Christ College, Cambridge, one of his Lordship's domestic Chaplains. The Rev. William Deighton, B.A. is instituted to the Rectory of Whinburgh, with Westfield, annexed in Norfolk, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. George Thomas, on the presentation of the Right Hon. Lady Howard. The Rev. Thomas Williams, is appointed Chaplain of Landguard Fort, on the resignation of the Rev. William Browne of Saxmundham, The Rev. Mr. Saunders has been presented by the Lord Bishop, to the Prebendal stall of Yatesbury, in the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. The Rev. Mr. Forward has been instituted to the Rectory of Wambrook, Dorset, on the presentation of Charles Edwards, Esq. of Chard, in Somersetshire. The Rev. Henry Whytehead, B. A. is licensed to the Curacy of Bindforth near Easingwold, vacant by the death of the Rev. Archdeacon Pierson, and in the gift of his Grace the Archbishop of York. The Rev. E. Gibbs Walfer 1, M. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Guilford is presented by his Lordship to the Vicarage of Shottleswell, in the county of Warwick and diocese of Litchfield and Coventry. The Rev. William Tilney, M. A. a senior Fellow of Caius College Cambridge, is presented by the Master and Fellows of that Society, to the Rectory of Hockwold, near Wilton in Norfolk, vacated by the death of the Rev. Edward White. The Rev. Thomas Fenwick, M. A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, has been instituted by the Lord Bishop of Worcester, to the Rectory of Northfield, with the Chapelry of Cofton Hackett thereto annexed, in the county of Worcester, void by the death of the Rev. Mr. Jervoise. The Rev. Henry Pepys, B. A. Vol. X. Churchm. Mag. for Jan. 1806. L 1 of Trinity College, Cambridge, is appointed a Fellow of St. John's, in the nomination of the Lord Bishop of Ely, and void by the marriage of the Rev. W. Cockburn. The King has been pleased to present the Rev. John Jope, to the Rectory of St. Ives, in the county of Cornwall and diocese of Exeter, void by the death of the Rev. Cadwallader Jones. The Duke of Cambridge has sappointed the Rev. Samuel Birch, M. A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Curate of Ibstock, in Leicestershire, to be one of his domestic Chaplains. MONTHLY OBITUARY. A JANUARY 23, 1806. Ta quarter past four o'clock in the morning, at his house near Putney, the Right Honorable WILLIAM PITT, first Lord of the Treasury, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, high steward, and one of the representatives of the University of Cambridge. The death of so illustrious a personage, so pre-eminent a statesman, and so virtuous a minister, would at any time have called forth the sympathetic anxiety of every lover of his country. At this peculiar moment, however, when the fate of all that is near and dear to us, seems to hang in a most perilous situation of suspence, such a loss is dreadful, we had almost said that it was the seal of dreadful destruction. It would appear as if it augured to an ungrateful nation the loss of those blessings, which it has too generally treated with contempt. But we turn from the croud of unpleasing reflections which this most melancholy and portentous event has obtruded upou our minds, to a hasty sketch of the life of the truly great character whose death we, with every honest man in the united kingdom, cannot but sincerely deplore. William Pitt, the youngest son of the illustrious earl of Chatham, was born on the 28th of May 1759. His father paid the greatest attention to his education, and particularly to his classical studies, which he pursued under the direction of a private tutor at the place of his nativity, Burton Pynsent in the county of Somerset, which was the residence of his family, For the purpose of accustoming him to deliver himself with precision, elegance, and force of argument, the earl used frequently to enter into little disputations with him, and he was wont to encourage him to converse with others upon subjects which seemed far beyond his years. At the age of fourteen he was placed under the care of the Rev. Mr. (now Dr.) Wilson, a clergyman of great merit; and soon ofter he was sent to Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, where he was admitted under the tuition of Messrs Turner and Prettyman. The former of whom is now dean of Norwich, and the latter bishop of Lincoln. |