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La révision des Tarifs douaniers sera bientôt achevée.

D'autres projets de loi importants sont à l'étude.

Je ne doute pas que vos délibérations ne produisent des fruits utiles, et que, grâce à votre zêle et à votre dévouement, il ne soit obtenu des résultats importants pour le bien de notre patrie et de nos possessions d'outre mer.

Je déclare ouverte la Session Ordinaire des États-Généraux.

MESSAGE of the King of Roumania, on the Closing of the Legislative Chambers.-Bucharest, May 18, 1898.



Au moment où vous arrivez au terme de la Session Législative actuelle je vous exprime ma parfaite satisfaction des efforts que vous avez déployés pour doter le pays de lois importantes, dont la nécessité était profondément ressentie depuis longtemps.

La loi de l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur a pris existence grâce à votre travail assidu. Cette loi, avec la loi de l'enseignement primaire et de la caisse des écoles, établit notre instruction nationale sur une base appelée à assurer le développement et le progrès du peuple Roumain.

Le vote à temps du budget équilibré garantit la bonne marche des finances de l'État, et la conversion favorable d'une partie de la dette publique est une nouvelle preuve de la solidité du crédit du pays.

En même temps que ces lois, vous en avez voté d'autres, parmi lesquelles le réglement des relations commerciales avec la Turquie et la Bulgarie, ainsi que l'arrangement avec la Serbie pour la construction du pont sur le Danube, qui contribueront à resserrer encore les relations amicales avec ces États.

La modification de la loi des chemins de fer d'intérêt privé donnera, elle aussi, les résultats désirés pour l'achèvement du réseau de nos voies de communications.

D'une haute importance sont les crédits que vous avez accordés pour améliorer et compléter notre système de transports par eau, ainsi que les crédits pour la défense du pays et pour les constructions scolaires qu'on doit exécuter.

MM. les Sénateurs, MM. les Députés,

Je vous remercie chaleureusement, une fois de plus, du concours éclairé et patriotique que vous avez prêté à mon Gouvernement dans

la Session actuelle, et je prie le Tout-Puissant de répandre ses bienfaits sur mon Royaume bien-aimé. Je déclare close la Session des Corps Législatifs.


MESSAGE of the Governor-General of the Island of Cuba, on the Opening of the Colonial Chambers-Havana, May 4.



Ir is satisfactory to me to see assembled for the first time the Representatives of the people of this island, at the supreme moment when, through the ambition and want of good faith of the Government of the United States, the complete installation of the autonomic system does not, as we had a right to hope, coincide with the reestablishment of peace and the renewal of agricultural and industrial labour interrupted by the rebellion, but is realized amidst the clang of arms and the absorbing preoccupations which all entertain for the honour and security of the nation, which to-day more than ever shows its sovereignty before the world and in the face of history as the indestructible union of the Spanish race in both hemispheres.

Her Majesty's Government had fulfilled the noble purpose of reform and progress which formed its programme; and the happy reconciliation which would put an end to sanguinary strife appeared to approach nearer and nearer, to be followed by the freedom of election conferring legislative power on the island and her Representatives, and, together with this, the indirect designation of the men called to the government and administration of its peculiar interests, when the United States, which over and over again in solemn documents upheld peace and autonomy, seeing these assured, exercised every effort to defeat them and deprive them of value.

The guns of her fleet which, had her professions been sincere, ought to sound to-day with friendly salutes in honour of the first Cuban Parliament, threaten from afar the security of its deliberations and the lives of its members, thus demonstrating to civilized nations the falsity and duplicity of a policy solely pursued from motives of ambition and extension under the pretext that she was alone solicitous for humanity and justice.

Spain has given everything the good of this island demanded without measuring sacrifices or curtailing concessions. In open civil war she decreed a pardon so full that it should be classified an amnesty. She authorized without any restriction the return of

• Published in the "Gaceta de la Habana" of May 5, 1898.

refugees, and did not even exact their previous submission, restoring to them all the rights of justice to enable them to resume the business and occupations they carried on previous to their departure from their native soil. She established a system of autonomy so complete that it suffers nothing from comparison with that instituted in the British Colonies or even that obtaining in the Sovereign States of the United States of North America themselves, solemnly declaring that the terms of this expansive system might be still further widened if the Representatives of the people so desired, and hastening to implant it with a Provisional Government the presidency of which was intrusted to the chief of the autonomist party which was organized in 1878 and is composed of men known throughout the country for their opposition to the previous order of things.

The most vigorous war decrees were derogated. Free and immediate cultivation was allowed where the state of the contention permitted it to be renewed. Above all the "Reconcentrados," victims of a destructive and implacable conflict encouraged by the United States, were by my order assisted in various ways; and it was agreed to admit, free of duty, donations of goods from the country now our enemy, forwarded more for the purpose of creating discord than to relieve distress. Negotiations were opened with the Republic for a Treaty of Commerce with this island and Porto Rico, and, together with a number of technical and administrative experts, a Delegate of the Colonial Government was sent provided with the most liberal instructions. In the meantime, in view of the necessities of the Treasury immense sums of money were furnished by Madrid. In fact, no effort was omitted to satisfy in the interior all aspirations compatible with the national sovereignty, and abroad to calm the doubts and apprehensions kept alive by propagating a systematic falsification of the facts. Finally, in deference to the requests of his Holiness the Pope, supported by the Great Powers, a suspension of hostilities was ordered in all the territory of the island so that without obstacle negotiations towards peace with the rebels might be instituted.

Absolutely unimpressed by such high proofs of magnanimity and moderation on the part of Spain, the Government of the United States, whose President cannot deny that all his complaints were attended to and all his reclamations satisfied, declared inefficacious the system which until to-day, this Parliament not being instituted, has been unable to operate in all its essential elements, received as correct the most misleading and fantastic descriptions of the state of the island, openly stimulated the resistance of the rebels, and inciting popular passion by the inconceivable accusation that Spanish hands occasioned the catastrophe to the iron-clad Maine

object of such nobie and thankless prods of the spiny ant bocour of our race-seamed, in disisin of internOCDE JEV, TOP right to arbitrate as to the destinies of Cuba presenbed the sovereignty of the mother-country over Demiry Èstrmecei mi populated by her in kg eines of wintempted anumang labour, and has rescried to force to impose its dim TEL

To this outrage the native las respooled vill ta miami beroism. Faithful to the memory and ensure if your grandiores of 1812, who, in circumstances more crinal for the Spaust Emcure. constantly maintained their seal to the begin of her par duties, and co-operated by means of their represents 11 28 immortal Assembly, in the midst of gavus sai cominet surroundings consecrated the impensable marmen if 1 country's liberties, you will prove to the wind the Cros determined to be always Spanish.

Towards this glorious undertaking & the sus f me soi se Cubans, and consequently as Spazieris, curts at Booster thenselves called-whatever the political camp a van they bangetas before the foreign invader the Swords what cried nen should cease.

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The more noble and magicent the serision 1 vnd I s realized, the more sacred wil the reccaciano de lite the defenders of the honour and scree of Son of the De and autolemy of Cuba, are included a vos neve Space 1001 11 their veins or feel true love for the country of the

To assist actively and efcaciously the supreme dijes – you will adopt the resolutions wè et parutam surpass ir vi

in due time be proposed to you and in thE VAY BLOGHMINE towards the most successful results of the newites Litnet m my authority.

Inspired by the sentiments exissed by Her Majene Samme ment in the Preamble to the ConALIDDL IC FIE 25th November, the Government when bas n be aimet tuted, in accordance with Article 1 of the Tasting Decemb present to you projects of the Decessary Kies of the proper working of the autonomie system, which at Decksky 11 conque by adequate legislation towards reorganizing the moet die vincial regimen, the administration of justice, the ET LOILLE tariffs and custom-houses, and the fam Tang÷Belts Wal the mother-country by means of a harmonone and equnale setzement of the debt.

To the end that you can immediately mead to the Legen necessities of the Treasury the state of the Finance Department vil be demonstrated to you, and as soon as may be possible tuere v be submitted to your deliberations the resolutions WLEL EVEL:

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refugees, and did not even exact their previous submission, restoring to them all the rights of justice to enable them to resume the business and occupations they carried on previous to their departure from their native soil. She established a system of autonomy 80 complete that it suffers nothing from comparison with that instituted in the British Colonies or even that obtaining in the Sovereign States of the United States of North America themselves, solemnly declaring that the terms of this expansive system might be still further widened if the Representatives of the people so desired, and hastening to implant it with a Provisional Government the presi dency of which was intrusted to the chief of the autonomist party which was organized in 1878 and is composed of men known throughout the country for their opposition to the previous order of things.

The most vigorous war decrees were derogated. Free and immediate cultivation was allowed where the state of the contention permitted it to be renewed. Above all the "Reconcentrados," victims of a destructive and implacable conflict encouraged by the United States, were by my order assisted in various ways; and it was agreed to admit, free of duty, donations of goods from the country now our enemy, forwarded more for the purpose of creating discord than to relieve distress. Negotiations were opened with the Republic for a Treaty of Commerce with this island and Port Rico, and, together with a number of technical and administrative experts, a Delegate of the Colonial Government was sent provide with the most liberal instructions. In the meantime, in view of th necessities of the Treasury immense sums of money were furnished b Madrid. In fact, no effort was omitted to satisfy in the interior a aspirations compatible with the national sovereignty, and abroad calm the doubts and apprehensions kept alive by propagating a syst matic falsification of the facts. Finally, in deference to the requests his Holiness the Pope, supported by the Great Powers, a suspens of hostilities was ordered in all the territory of the island so t without obstacle negotiations towards peace with the rebels mi

be instituted.

Absolutely unimpressed by such high proofs of manar inity! moderation on the part of Spain, the Government States, whose President cannot deny that al attended to and all his reclamations satisfie the system which until to-day, this Parliam has been unable to operate in all its ess correct the most misleading and fantast the island, openly stimulated the r inciting popular passion by the Spanish hands occasioned the cat

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