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During the year just past I have celebrated the jubilee of the twenty-fifth year of my reign. The love which the people of Sweden showed me on the occasion has made that jubilee a precious remembrance which can never be effaced, but which, in truth, will sweeten my remaining years.

For my house the past year has been a happy one, owing to the marriage of my son, the Duke of Westergötland, with Princess Ingeborg of Denmark. This union has not only made two young lives happy, but has restored to her mother's fatherland a granddaughter of my much-loved brother and predecessor, Charles XV.

Since the last meeting of the Riksdag, Sweden has had to congratulate herself on a prosperous year. The Great Northern Art and Industry Exhibition in the capital was more successful than any one dared to hope. Our country has obtained further recognition, while foreign countries have gained increased knowledge of our nature, the sources of our industry, and the character of our people. Sweden's prestige and respect for her people has received an impulse through these causes, and on account of the international Congresses and meetings which have been held here. Therefore, for all the blessings which the year has brought may the Highest be praised and honoured!

With regard to foreign Powers, I am glad to have nothing to add to or change in what I said at the last meeting of the Riksdag. The numerous visits I received during the past year from members of foreign Royal houses gives a clear and valued proof of the good relations existing.

Several Bills will be laid before you; amongst others, one dealing with debts incurred by a wife, and with judicial separation.

I wish to bring before you a Bill altering the organization of the central administration of the army. In close connection with this scheme is a proposal for altering the Commissariat Corps, which, in its present form, does not satisfactorily fulfil all the calls which have to be made on it.

The institution for officers of the reserve, which is of so much importance for the mobilization of the army, must be further utilized, and I have the intention of making a proposal with regard to it. The Committee appointed for discussing the question of the defences of the country have not yet concluded their labours, I am therefore unable to lay before you a final Bill dealing with the subject; but in order that the work may be hurried on, and a definite decision arrived at, I ask for means to meet the exigencies of the case.

For the further re-equipment of war vessels I ask for a grant extending over two years.

The question of the institution of a workmen's insurance fund [1897-98. xc.] 2 N

establishment of coast artillery, new plans for a college, military academy, and non-commissioned officers' schools. The arrange

ment of the relations between military commands and the defence department are under consideration. A Committee has been appointed to consider different questions concerning the commissariat and army supplies.

Besides the Bills remaining from the last Storthing, new Bills will be brought in regarding poor relief, vagrancy, mendicancy, drunkenness, prisons, compulsory labour, and legacy duties.

From former Commissions and Committees proposals have been received respecting military penal law, a law concerning apothecaries, also, probably very soon, a new Customs law, a law regarding the seaworthiness of ships, laws for invalids and old age insurance,. and a plan for the rearrangement of revision (auditing).

Proposals regarding technical instruction and the building of a technical college may also be expected in all probability.

Since last Storthing a Royal Commission has been appointed to work out proposals for the arrangement of civil medical matters, and a Departmental Committee to prepare for a revision of the legislation regarding local government.

The accepted plan for the rearrangement of civil official work has been carried out as regards six counties ("amter ").

A proposal will be brought forward regarding a redistribution of the work in the Departments, together with increased remuneration for the officials employed. It will also be proposed that the salaries of some of the lower officials in various public offices be increased.

The alteration of the time for the Storthing reassembling has left this year but little time for preparing the Budget, especially when the assistance of various counties and communes ("amter og kommuner") was required. I have, however, been able to place before the Storthing the usual proposed Budget on its reassembling. Invoking the blessing of God upon your labours, I remain yours, with all Royal favour and grace,


SPEECH of the King of Sweden and Norway, on Opening the Swedish Riksdag.-Stockholm, January 18, 1898.



My first word to you, the chosen representatives of the Swedish people assembled to meet me here, must interpret the feelings of a thankful heart.

During the year just past I have celebrated the jubilee of the twenty-fifth year of my reign. The love which the people of Sweden showed me on the occasion has made that jubilee a precious remembrance which can never be effaced, but which, in truth, will sweeten my remaining years.

For my house the past year has been a happy one, owing to the marriage of my son, the Duke of Westergötland, with Princess Ingeborg of Denmark. This union has not only made two young lives happy, but has restored to her mother's fatherland a granddaughter of my much-loved brother and predecessor, Charles XV.

Since the last meeting of the Riksdag, Sweden has had to congratulate herself on a prosperous year. The Great Northern Art and Industry Exhibition in the capital was more successful than any one dared to hope. Our country has obtained further recognition, while foreign countries have gained increased knowledge of our nature, the sources of our industry, and the character of our people. Sweden's prestige and respect for her people has received an impulse through these causes, and on account of the international Congresses and meetings which have been held here. Therefore, for all the blessings which the year has brought may the Highest be praised and honoured!

With regard to foreign Powers, I am glad to have nothing to add to or change in what I said at the last meeting of the Riksdag. The numerous visits I received during the past year from members of foreign Royal houses gives a clear and valued proof of the good relations existing.

Several Bills will be laid before you; amongst others, one dealing with debts incurred by a wife, and with judicial separation.

I wish to bring before you a Bill altering the organization of the central administration of the army. In close connection with this scheme is a proposal for altering the Commissariat Corps, which, in its present form, does not satisfactorily fulfil all the calls which have to be made on it.

The institution for officers of the reserve, which is of so much importance for the mobilization of the army, must be further utilized, and I have the intention of making a proposal with regard to it. The Committee appointed for discussing the question of the defences of the country have not yet concluded their labours, I am therefore unable to lay before you a final Bill dealing with the subject; but in order that the work may be hurried on, and a definite decision arrived at, I ask for means to meet the exigencies of the case.

For the further re-equipment of war vessels I ask for a grant extending over two years.

The question of the institution of a workmen's insurance fund [1897-98. xc.] 2 N

has been the subject of my most careful attention. The examination of the question has so far advanced that I hope to be able to lay a Bill before you which, while corresponding to the proposal laid before the Riksdag in 1895, seeks to remedy certain defects therein contained.

In the past year the most important sources of State revenue have produced a larger income than was reckoned upon, and the Swedish Treasury can show a larger surplus than has ever been the case before. According to custom, next year's Riksdag will have the disposal of this surplus.

I hope to be able to introduce such regulations in regard to the inclusion of the surplus in the Budget, that it may be in a further degree accounted for in the year during which it accrued, and that specially, by a fitting application of part of this heavy surplus, the Treasury may be placed on a still firmer and more solid basis.

Calling down God's blessing on you and on your labours, I remain, Gentlemen, &c.,


PRELIMINARIES of Peace between Turkey and Greece.Signed at Constantinople, September, 1897.

[Ratified by the Sultan, September 20, 1897.]

LA Grèce ayant confié aux Grandes Puissances le soin de ses intérêts en vue du rétablissement de la paix avec la Turquie, et la Sublime Porte ayant accepté leur médiation, les conditions suivantes. qui doivent servir de base principale et définitive aux relations futures des deux pays ont été arrêtées entre leurs Excellences les Représentants de l'Allemagne, de l'Angleterre, de l'AutricheHongrie, de la France, de l'Italie, et de la Russie d'une part, et son Excellence le Ministre des Affaires Étrangères Sa Majesté Impériale le Sultan de l'autre :

ART. I. La frontière Turco-Hellénique sera rectifiée conformément au tracé indiqué sur la carte ci-jointe, accompagnée d'une description détaillée.*

Il est entendu que de légères modifications au point de vue stratégique peuvent y être introduites à l'avantage de l'Empire Ottoman par un accord entre les Délégués des Puissances et de la Sublime Porte, lors de l'application du tracé sur les lieux.

Les détails de cette délimitation seront fixés sur les lieux par * Page 551.

une Commission composée de Délégués des deux Parties intéressées et de Délégués militaires des Ambassades des Puissances Médiatrices.

La Commission de Délimitation devra se réunir dans un délai de quinze jours, ou plus tôt si faire se peut, à partir de la date du présent Acte, et prendre ses résolutions à la majorité des voix des trois Parties intervenantes.

II. La Grèce payera à la Turquie une indemnité de guerre de £ T. 4,000,000.

L'arrangement nécessaire pour faciliter le payement rapide de l'indemnité sera fait avec l'assentiment des Puissances, de manière à ne pas porter atteinte aux droits acquis des anciens créanciers détenteurs des titres de la Dette Publique de la Grèce.

A cet effet il sera institué à Athènes une Commission Internationale des Représentants des Puissances Médiatrices à raison d'un membre nommé par chaque Puissance. Le Gouvernement Hellénique fera adopter une loi agréée préalablement par les Puissances, réglant le fonctionnement de la Commission et d'après laquelle la perception et l'emploi de revenus suffisant au service de l'emprunt pour l'indemnité de guerre et des autres Dettes Nationales seront placées sous le contrôle absolu de la dite Commission.

III. Sans toucher au principe des immunités et privilèges dont les sujets Hellènes jouissaient avant la guerre sur le même pied que les nationaux des autres États, des arrangements spéciaux seront conclus en vue de prévenir l'abus des immunités Consulaires, d'empêcher les entraves au cours régulier de la justice, d'assurer l'exécution des sentences rendues et de sauvegarder les intérêts des sujets Ottomans et étrangers dans leurs différends avec les sujets Hellènes, y compris les cas de faillite.

IV. Quinze jours après la ratification des présents Préliminaires de Paix, ou plus tôt si faire se peut, des négociateurs Hellènes munis des pouvoirs nécessaires arriveront à Constantinople pour procéder avec les Plénipotentiaires Ottomans à l'élaboration et à la signature du Traité de Paix définitif. Ce Traité sera conclu sur la base des stipulations du présent Acte, et contiendra, en outre, des clauses pour l'échange des prisonniers de guerre, pour l'amnistie, pour la libre émigration des habitants des territoires rétrocédés, ainsi que pour le mode d'indemnisation des particuliers en raison des pertes causées par les forces Grecques. Il stipulera aussi le rétablissement des relations postales et télégraphiques, conformément aux accords généraux qui règlent la matière.

V. Des négociations seront en même temps entamées à Constantinople pour la conclusion dans un délai de trois mois des arrangements suivants :

(a.) Une Convention réglant les questions de nationalités

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