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Vol.1. Pa 25.

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manual occupations; many of which are new to them, since civilization has multiplied the number of their wants, and increased their means of supplying them. We have not detected any instance of wanton barbarity inflicted on animals, either by children or adults; whatever be the state of their hearts; they have received the gospel as a dispensation of mercy, and externally at least it appears in this character to influence all their conduct.

When we got into shoal-water, the bottom of the sea was covered with forests of the most beautiful corals, exquisite in colouring, and endlessly diversified in ramification; while fishes of hues yet more brilliant, and shapes as peculiar, were playing among their intricate mazes.

About eight o'clock in the evening we reached Pape-toi, on the north-west of the island, where the missionaries reside. Messrs Henry and Platt were waiting with a great concourse of the people, to welcome us. We had scarcely got under cover of Mr. Platt's hospitable roof, when five of the deacons of the church came to aroha us, that is, to express their joy at our arrival in Eimeo. Most heartily we returned their congratulations, by declaring our wonder and delight at beholding what great things the Lord had done for them. One of these, who was spokesman for his brethren, said, (among other strong observations)" We are brands blucked out of the burning. Satan was destroying, and casting us one after another into the flames of hell; but Jehovah came, and snatched us out of his hands, and threw water upon the fire that was consuming us-so we were saved!" After inviting us to meet the whole congregation on Monday, to have a friendly talk together, they departed.

Oct. 14. (Lord's day). The public services, in the native languages, were most numerously attended, both in the fore

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