One, two, or three verses have been omitted in many of the hymns; as it was the wish of brother Richards, to compress the most possible, into the smallest poffible compass: but in no cafe has he added any thing of his own, to the compositions of another, as this might have made an individual speak what he never intended. י BRETHREN ! behold a cloud of witnesses: ye are encompaffed with them; they are of every chriftian stous name, and they all witness for Jesus, and his great falva tion, Set ye to, also, your feal, that God is true 851 praife, oh praise the Lord, amen and amen. PORTSMOUTH, N. H. JUNE 1, 1801. true; coll and CONTENTS. As showers on meadows newly mown All hail thou great first-born As Jesus stood on Tabor's mound All hail the power of Jesus' name All gracious Lord, we fing thy love Awake our fouls and bless his name Almighty Father, gracious Lord And art thou with us gracious Lord And can my heart aspire so high Clap your hands ye people all Come thou fount of ev'ry blessing Columbia rise, arise to praise DECEIV'D by subtle snares of hell Deep in our hearts let us record Dear shepherd fee thy flock here met F ५ In thine own image Father God I come, the great Redeemer crics In Jefus who is crucified 112 18 |