SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF ACTIVE MEMBERS ENROLLED SINCE THE PUBLICATION OF THE ST. LOUIS VOLUME 1905 WILSON R. ANDRESS. REVISED TO APRIL II, 1905 1894, Michigan Representative of Ginn & Co., 738 Wealthy Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. CHARLES ARNOT. 1902, County Superintendent of Schools, Fremont, Neb. ANNIE M. ATKINSON. 1905 Principal of Public School No. 140, Manhattan, 236 W. 130th St., New York, N. Y. 1889, Teacher in Public School No. 13, Bronx, E. 235th St., Woodlawn, New York, N. Y. 1902 CLARENCE DWIGHT BAKER, A.B., Macalester Coll. Representative of D. Appleton & Co., Des Moines, Ia. 1905 JAMES F. BARKER, M.E., Cornell Univ. 1905 1903, Director of Manual Training Public Schools, 117 Barclay St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1889, 1904 EDWARD A. BENDING. Director, Hackley Manual Training School, Muskegon, Mich. 1905 FLORENCE BERMINGHAM. 1895 B. D. BERRY. Teacher in Public School No. 119, Girls, Manhattan, 202 W. 138th St., New York Educational Publishing House, 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1902 E. C. BISHOP, B.Pd., '97, Lincoln Normal Univ. Deputy State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lincoln, Neb. 1905 JAMES B. BORDEN, A.B., Univ. of Wis.; A.M., Milton Coll. 1897, Superintendent of Schools, Marshfield, Wis. CORA E. BOWEN. 1893, 1905 1905 C. B. BOWRY. Teacher in Public School No. 145, 105 Pulaski St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1905 JOHN STROVE BRAZIER, A.B., '86, Marietta Coll. Representative of Silver, Burdett & Co., 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago; res., 933 Lunt 1904 THOMAS H. BRIGGS, JR., A.B., '96, Wake Forest Coll. 1900, Instructor in English, Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston, Ill. 1904 WILLIAM D. BRIGHTWELL. 1905, Superintendent of Schools, 805, 11th St., New Brighton, Pa. 1904 ELLA E. BRITE. 1901, Teacher of Drawing, Art Department, Hughes High School, 2100 Grand St., Walnut 1905 KENDALL P. BROOKS, A.B., '97, Alma Coll.; A.M., 'oo, Univ. of Mich. 1904 JOHN CALLAHAN. 1904 EVALYN E. CALMERTON. 1890, Principal of 17th Primary School, 1422 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. 1905 ALROTA S. CARDWELL. 1904 1905 1898, Assistant to Principal, Public School No. 84, 72 Moffatt St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Principal of E. D. High School, 366 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. President of Fremont College, Fremont, Neb. W. N. CLIFFORD, B.Sc., '98, Des Moines Coll. 1905 1904, Superintendent of Schools, 1226 Church St., Flint, Mich. Principal of High School, 113 Powell Ave., Evansville, Ind. 1898, Director of Drawing and Manual Training, Public Schools, Park Ave. and 59th St., New York; res., Port Chester, N. Y. CLARA F. COOPER. 1903, Supervisor of Primary Grades, 1502 Georgia Ave., Omaha, Neb. 1904 R. B. COUSINS, A.B., '82, Univ. of Ga. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1109 West 6th St., Austin, Tex. 1904 KATHERINE L. CRAIG. 1905, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State House, Denver, Colo. 1905 NATHAN D. CRAM. Manager of Educational Department, D. Appleton & Co., 436 Fifth Ave., New 121 1904 JOHN A. CRANSTON. 1902, Superintendent of Schools, 723 Fifth Ave., S., St. Cloud, Minn. 1905 BERNARD CRONSON, A.B., Coll. City N. Y.; Pd.M., Pd.D., N. Y. Univ. 1904 1904 Principal of Public School No. 125, Manhattan, 180 Wooster St., New York, N. Y. CHAS. E. CULLEN, A.M., Univ. of Mich. 1904, Superintendent of Schools, 442 Norway St., Norway, Mich. GEORGE A. DAVIS, A.B., '99, Olivet Coll. 1905 K. C. DAVIS, Ph.D., 'oo, Cornell Univ. Superintendent of Schools of L'Anse Township, L'Anse, Mich. Principal of Dunn County School of Agriculture, Menomonie, Wis. 1905 JOHN H. DENBIGH. Principal of Morris High School, 1023 E. 183d St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. 1905 BERNARD J. DEVI.IN, A.B., '88, Coll. City N. Y.; A.M., '93, Coll. St. Francis Xavier, Pd.M., '98, N. Y. Univ. 1905 AGNES BARTHOLOMEW DEVOE. Principal of Public School No. 13, Bronx, 938 E. 175th St., New York, N. Y. 1902, Teacher in Model School, New York Training School for Teachers, 100 Convent Ave., New York, N. Y. 1904 SUSAN A. DILLIN. 1892, Principal of Broadway Public School, 1235 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. 1905 T. D. DOUTHETT. 1905 ANITA M. EARL. Agent for American Book Company, 220 Bowery St., Ravenna, Ohio. Teacher of Sewing, Manhattan and the Bronx, 118 W. 130th St., New York, N. Y. 1905 ISAAC N. FAILOR, A.M. '78, Ohio Wes. Univ. 1897, Principal of Richmond Hill High School. Elm St., Richmond Hill, New York, N. Y. 1896 JOHN HUSTON FINLEY, A.B., '87, A.M., '90, Knox Coll. 1903, President of College of City of New York, 17 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 1905 ISAAC K. FUNK, L.L.D. '98, D.D. 90, Wittenberg Coll. President of the Funk & Wagnalls Company, 44-60 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. 1904 GUSTAV W. GEHRAND. 1903, Superintendent of Schools, 422, 5th Ave., Baraboo, Wis. EDGAR GEORGE, A.B., Mercersburg Coll. 1905 1905 1900, Superintendent of City Schools, Northfield, Minn. Teacher in Model School, New York Training School for Teachers, 250 W. 44th St., 1905 MRS. MARY L. GORDON. 1905 1903, Teacher in Public School No. 17, Manhattan, 400 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. WILLARD C. GORE, Ph.D., 'o1. 1902, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Chicago, 5329 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1904 GUY H. GRAHAM. 1904, Superintendent of City Schools, Havelock, Neb. 1904 JOHN C. HALL, A.B., 'oo, Univ. of Ill. 1905 HENRY E. HARD. Superintendent of City Schools, Whiting, Ind. Principal of Public School No. 78, 199 Sterling Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1905 MARTHA K. HARKNESS. Teacher in Public School No. 17, Manhattan, 318 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. 1898 EDWIN S. HARRIS, A.M., '89, Union Coll. Superintendent of Schools, Troy, N.Y. 1904 WALTER C. HEWITT, B.Pd., '91, M.Pd., '02, Mich. Nor. Coll. State Institute Conductor, 621 Algoma St., Oshkosh, Wis. 1905 WILLIA D. HILL, Grad. Mich. St. Nor. Coll. Superintendent of Schools, Crystal Falls, Mich. 1901 GEORGE W. HOLDEN. 1901 President of Holden Patent Book Cover Co., Springfield, Mass. MILES CARTER HOLDEN. 67 St. James Ave., Springfield, Mass. 1904 H. H. HOLMES, B.Sc., '85, So. Ind. Nor. Coll. 1897, 1904 J. T. HOLMES. 1904 Chairman of Mathematical Department, Central High School, 931 Norton St., 1903, Principal of High School, Wahoo, Neb. 1903, Superintendent of Schools, 64 Howe Ave., Shelton, Conn. ALICE JACKSON. 1905 Principal of Public School No. 150, Manhattan, 508 W. 143d St., New York, N. Y. 1905 WILLIAM H. JAMIESON, B.L., 'o1, Univ. of Wis. 1902, Superintendent of Schools, Tomahawk, Wis. 1905 EMMA L. JOHNSTON, A.B., '99, Adelphi Coll. 1904, Principal of Brooklyn Training for Teachers School, Prospect Pl. near Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1904 JAS. T. JOHNSON, A.B., '91, Univ. of Nashville. 1901, Superintendent of Public School, Plano, Tex. 1904 JOSEPH FRENCH JOHNSON, A.B., '78, Harvard. 1901, Professor of Political Economy, New York University, 32 Waverly Pl., New York, N. Y. 1903 RICHARD O. JOHNSON. 1889, Superintendent of Indiana State School for the Deaf, Indianapolis, Ind. 1905 THEOPHILUS JOHNSON. 1901 Principal of Public School No. 11, Queens, 3d St., Woodside, New York, N. Y. 1905 JAMES HAMILTON BANCROFT KAYE, A.B., '02, Univ. of Mich.; A.M., '02, Albion Coll. 1905 ALLEN P. KEITH. 1904, Superintendent of Schools, 36 Prospect St., East Providence, R. I. 1905 JOHN A. H. KEITH, A.B., '99, A.M., 'oo, Harvard Univ. 1905 1905 1899, Professor of Pedagogy, Northern Illinois State Normal School, De Kalb, Ill. WILLIAM J. KENNARD. Principal of Public School No. 5, Bronx, 2436 Webster Ave., New York, N. Y. WALTER M. KERN, A.B., Ind. St. Univ. 1901, Superintendent of City Schools, Columbus, Neb. 1905 MARGARET KNOX. 1904 Principal of Public School No. 15, Manhattan, 478 Mott Ave., New York, N. Y. GEORGE H. LANDGRAF, B.L., '92, Univ. of Wis. 1904, Superintendent of City Schools, 1024 Cook St., Marinette, Wis. 1905 EUGENIE C. LEVIE. 1903, Assistant Principal, Public School No. 73, Manhattan, 108 E. 91st St., New York, N. Y. 1904 B. E. LEWIS, A.B., '01, A.M.., 02, Univ. of Kans. 1902, Superintendent of Schools, Eureka, Kans. 1904 FRANCIS ERNEST LLOYD, A.B., '91, A.M., '95, Princeton Univ. 1897, Adjunct Professor of Biology, Teachers College, 272 Manhattan Ave., New York, N. Y. 1905 J. A. GREGOR MAC G. MACDONALD. 1904, Inspector, Signal Hill, Long Beach Cal. 1905 MARY S. MACK, B.Sc., '02, Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. 1902, Supervisor of Primary Instruction; 501 E. Washington St., Bloomington, Ill. 1905 FRANK A. MANNY, A B., A.M. Univ. of Mich. Superintendent of Ethical Culture School, 33 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. 1905 CHARLES W. MARTINDALE A.B., '83, A.M., '86, Drake Univ. 1904. Superintendent of Schools, 320, 6th St., Moorhead, Minn. 1905 ANNA E. MASTERSON. 1897, Principal of Public School No. 18, Girls, Manhattan, 21 W. 128th St., New York, N. Y. 1905 J. L. McBRIEN. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 716 S. 18th St., Lincoln, Neb. 1904 JAMES H. McDONALD, A.M., Wooster Univ. 1895, Superintendent of Schools, Gladstone, Mich. 1905 HENRY G. MCDONOUGH. 1903 1903, Teacher in Public School No. 51, Queens, 25 N. Washington St., Jamaica, New York, N. Y. MALCOLM ROSS MCELROY, A.B., B.M., '95, A.M., '98, Univ. of Wooster. 1901, Superintendent of Schools, Berea, O. GEORGE A. MCGEE. 1905 1899, Representative of Ginn & Co., 1299 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich. 1904 ANNA JANE MCKEAG, Ph.D., 'oo, Univ. of Pa. 1003, Associate Professor of Pedagogy, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. 1904 JUNIUS L. MERIAM, A.B., '95, Oberlin Coll.; A.M., '02, Harvard Univ.; Ph.D., '05, Columbia Univ. 1904, Assistant Professor of Theory and Practice of Teaching, Teachers College, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1905 JOHN E. MILLER. 1904, Superintendent of Public Schools, 618 Summit Ave., East St. Louis, Ill. 1905 FRANK K. MONTFORT. 1903 1892, Principal of Public School No. 57, Queens, Bayside L. I., New York, N. Y. MAX M. MUENICH, B.Sc., 'or, Univ. of Wis. 1904, Superintendent of Schools, Jefferson, Wis. 1904 ALBERT A. MURPHREE, A.M., Univ. of Nashville. 1897, President of Florida State College, Tallahassee, Fla. 1902 C. T. NORTHROP. Superintendent of Schools, 360 Main St., Conneaut, O. 1905 MARY E. O'DONNELL. Acting Principal. Public School No. 30, Bronx, 36 E. 29th St., New York, N. Y. 1905 ALBERT B. O'NEIL, B.L., '97, Univ. of Wis. Principal of High School, 19 Franklin Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Teacher in Public School No. 103, Manhattan, 408 Pleasant Ave., New York, N. Y. 1905 CHARLES E. O'NEILL. Principal Public School No. 96, Girls, Manhattan; 407 E. 122d St., New York, N. Y. 1905 ELLEN M. PHILLIPS, M. Ped., 'o1, New York Univ. 1904 J. M. PILE, A.M., B.Sc. Principal of Public School No. 131, Manhattan, 131 E. 83d St., New York, N. Y. 1904 WILLIAM T. POUCHER, B.Sc., '98, De Pauw Univ. 1904 G. P. PUTNAM. 1904 Superintendent of City Schools, Weeping Water, Neb. Superintendent of City Schools, 625 N. El Paso St., El Paso, Tex. 1903, Supervisor of Music, Public Schools, 456 Rose Building, Cleveland, O 1904 CHARLES F. PYE, B.Sc.,'02. Cornell Coll. 1902, Superintendent of Schools, Guttenberg, Ia. 1904 AUGUSTINE L. RAFTER, A.M., '92, Boston Coll. 1905, Supervisor of Public Schools, 41 Bradlee St., Boston, Mass. 1905 ESLE F. RANDOLPH. Senior Teacher in Public School No. 8, Richmond, Midland Road, Great Kills, New 1905 WILLIAM S. RAWLINGS. 1905 1905 1893, Superintendent of Schools, 373 E. 4th North St., Provo, Utah. HENRY A. Redfield. 1899, Superintendent of Public Schools, Nottingham, Ohio. MARGARET A. REGAN. 1905 JULIA RICHMAN. Principal of Public School No. 107, Manhattan, 9 W. 128th St., New York, N. Y. 1903, District Superintendent of City Schools, 197 E. Broadway, New York, N. Y 1905 WILLIAM OTIS RIDDELL. 1905, Superintendent of Schools, 500 Good Block, Des Moines, Iowa. 1904 ORVIS RING, A.B., '60, A.M., Wheaton Coll. 1905 JOHN S. ROBERTS. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Carson City, Nev. 1905 ALICE E. B. RITTER, A.B., '04, Adelphi Coll. 1901, Assistant Principal, Public School No. 84, 466 E. 25th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Principal of Public School No. 75, Manhattan, 21 Beekman Pl., New York, N. Y. SARAH LOGAN ROGERS. 1904, Primary Supervisor, Public Schools, 119 W. St. Catherine St., Louisville, Ky. 1902, Teacher in Public School No. 150, Manhattan, 2 E. 128th St., New York, N. Y. CHANNING RUDD, LLB., LL.M., D.C.L. 1904 1904 1905 1903 President of the International Correspondence University, 1100-1106, 14th St., 1894, Principal of High School, 1246 Scranton Ave., Cleveland, Q. 1902, Director of High Schools, 623 Bellefonte St., Pittsburg, Pa. 1904 LEROY R. SAWYER, A.B., 'oo, Dartmouth Coll. 1904, Chief of Division of Supervision and Statistics, Department of Education, 2 Tanca St., San Juan, Porto Rico. 1904 JAMES A. B. SCHERER, A.B.,'90, A.M.,'95, Roanoke Coll.; Ph.D., '97, Pa. Coll.; LL.D., '05, S. C. Coll. 1904, President of Newberry College, Newberry, S. C. 1905 ORR SCHURTZ, A.B., '78, Univ. of Mich. 1901, Superintendent of City Schools, Negaunee, Mich. 1904 O. J. SCHUSTER, B.Sc., Univ. of Wis. 1905 1905 1903 1905 1904 1905 1903, State Institute Conductor, Platteville, Wis. WALTER DILL SCOTT, A.B., Northwestern Univ.; Ph.D., 'oo, Leipzig, Germany. Assistant Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology, Northwestern University, 714 RICHARD A. SEARING. EDWARD B. SELLEW, A.B., '90, Williams Coll. Superintendent of Schools, 226 Bryant St., North Tonawanda, N. Y 1903, Superintendent of City Schools, 1044 Clark St., Stevens Point, Wis. FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF. A. F. SMITH. Director of the Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, Ill. 1889, Teacher of English, Central High School, 2100 Montgall Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 1904 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STACEY, A.B., B.D., '98, Lombard Coll.; A.M., '03, Univ. of Ariz. 1904, Head of Department of History and Civics, Throop Polytechnic Institute, Pasadena, Cal. 1905 HENRY C. STAIR, Ph.B., '03, Univ. of Wis. 1903, Superintendent of Schools, Stanley, Wis. 1905 JOHN HENRY STAUFF, A.B., '99, Univ. of Wis. Supervising Principal of Schools, Lock Box 72, Sharon, Wis. 1904 JOHN WILLIAM STEENIS, Ph.B., '04, Univ. of Wis. 1904, Superintendent of Schools, De Pere, Wis. 1905 HELEN A. STEIN. 1898, Principal of Public School No. 13, Manhattan, 158 E. 72d St., New York, N. Y. EDWIN LEWIS STEPHENS, A.B., '92, La. State Univ.; Pd.M., '97, Pd.D., '99, New York Univ. 1900, President of Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute, Lafayette, La. 1904 1903, Superintendent of City Schools, Lincoln, Neb. 1905 VESTA L. SWEEZY. Teacher in Public School No. 150, Manhattan, 61 Convent Ave., New York, N. Y. 1898 WILLIAM M. SWINGLE, Ph.D. 1898, Superintendent of Schools, 294 Central Ave., Orange, N. J. 1905 EMMA SYLVESTER, Pd.M., 'oo, New York Univ. 1903, Assistant to the Principal, Public School No. 186, New York City; res., 61 Queen's Ave., Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. 1904 A. O. THOMAS, Ph.D., '96, Amity Coll. 1903 1901, Superintendent of Schools, West 27th St., Kearney, Neb. SILAS B. TOBEY. Superintendent of City Schools, 520 W. Willow St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Principal of Public School No. 28, Primary Department, Manhattan, 371 W. 120th 1903 1900, Principal of 18th District School, 511 Cramer St., Milwaukee, Wis. 1891, Principal of Public School No. 84. 675 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1904 JOSEPH M. WHITE, A.B.. '81, A. M., '02, Mich. Univ. 1903, Superintendent of City Schools, 1103 Garrison Ave., Carthage, Mo. 1905 ANDREW J. WHITESIDE. Principal of Public School No. 69, Grammar Department, Manhattan, 251 W. 133d 1905 FRANK P. WHITNEY, A.B., '98, Oberlin Coll. 1905. 1905 1901, Superintendent of Schools, 16 Laurel St., Collinwood, O. MRS ADELA C. WILSON. 1895, Principal of Public School No. 119, Primary Department, Manhattan, 1878, 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. CLEMENTINE D. WITTE. 1903; Teacher in Public School No. 12, Manhattan. 236 Columbia St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Author and School Book Publisher, 315 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1905 LIZZIE E. WOOSTER. 1904 WILLIAM F. YOUNG. 1905 P. J. ZIMMERS. Vice-President, Benj. H. Sanborn & Co., 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1904, Superintendent of Schools, 555 Prairie Ave., Kenosha, Wis. INSTITUTIONS 1904 ATLANTIC CITY FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Librarian, A. P. Abbott, cor. Pacific and Illinois Aves. Atlantic City, N. J. 1904 EAST Orange Free PUBLIC LIBRARY. Librarian, Sarah Slater Oddie, East Orange, N. J. 1904 ELKHART CARNEGIE LIBRARY. Librarian, Katherine Sage, Elkhart, Ind. 1904 GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, University of Nashville. 1904 LOUISVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Secretary, John M. Bass; Librarian, Jennie E. Lauderdale, Nashville, Tenn. Librarian, William F. Yust, Louisville, Ky. 1904 PLAINFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. Librarian, E. L. Adams, Plainfield, N. J. 1905 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1904 Librarian, George F. Bowerman, Washington, D. C. RIGGS LIBRARY, Georgetown College. Vice-President, Rev. W. G. R. Mullan; Librarian, Rev. Henry J. Shideler, George- 1904 ROCKFORD COLLEGE. 1904 BROOKLYN TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS, Prospect Pl. and Nostrand Ave. Principal, Emma L. Johnston. GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL, Nostrand Ave. and Halsey St. Principal, Wm. L. Felter; Librarian, Miss M. J. Brink. PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 4, Berkeley Pl. and Fifth Ave. Principal, T. F. Downey. PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 9. Sterling Pl. cor. Vanderbilt Ave. Principal. Lewis H. Tuthill. PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 20. Union Ave. near North 2d St. Principal. Matilda C. Skene. PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 33. Heyward St. near Broadway. PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 34, Norman Ave. Principal, James T. Carey. PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 35. Decatur St.. cor. Lewis Ave. Principal, Alfred E. Ives. |