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[blocks in formation]

intercourse with neutrals during

neutrality, ii. 320
irregular forces, ii. 89
levies en masse, ii. 90

loans to, by neutrals, ii. 380–382
merchantmen, crews of, ii. 96

in waters of, ii. 145n
military operations, neutrals
and, ii. 340-350
military preparations, neutrals
and, ii. 351-360

municipal law and, ii. 110
navies, ii. 88

neutralised States as, ii. 85

neutrality must be recognised
by, ii. 322

non-combatants, ii. 88

non-hostile relations of, ii. 226-


occupation of neutral territory

by, ii. 348

principal, ii. 87

prisoners of, treatment, ii. 129
private enemy property and,

ii. 142
privateers, ii. 92

prize courts of, ii. 349

property of, in enemy State, ii.

[10, 145

qualification, ii. 84-86
regular armies, ii. 88
rights of, ii. 333

safeguards granted by, ii. 229
services to, ii. 382-384
subjects of, on enemy territory,

ii. 109

Belligerents: supplies to, by neu
trals, ii. 376-380
trade between, ii. 110
traitors, ii. 96

vassal States as, ii. 85

violation of neutrality by, ii.


visitation of neutral vessels by,

ii. 457-467

volunteer fleets of, ii. 93-96
war rebels, ii. 91

Bello, i. 89

"Benito Estenger," case of, ii. 206
Bentham, i. 4

Berlin Congo Conference of (1884),
i. 71, 278, 494, 566; (1885),
ii. 10

Congress of (1878), i. 70, 499
Decrees of, i. 64; ii. 401

Treaty of (1878), i. 70, 313, 343,
347, 366, 553, 556, 566

"Bermuda," case of, ii. 414, 434n
Bernard, i. 94

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

i. 352

Bismarck, Count, on diplomatic

envoys in besieged town,
ii. 157

on prisoners of war, ii. 208

Black Sea, i. 231

neutralisation of, i. 311, 552;
ii. 82

Blockade, i. 320

armistice during, ii. 243

breach of: canals unblockaded
and, ii. 417

capture through, ii. 417
consequences of, ii. 417-

constitution of, ii. 412-415
definition of, ii. 411

egress and, ii. 416
existence of, it. 411

[ocr errors]

Blockade, breach of: ingress and,

ii. 415

penalty for, ii. 418

practice of nations regard.

ing, ii. 411-416

cases of, ii. 43-45, 47
commercial, ii. 400
competence to establish, ii. 403
conception of, ii. 398-403
continuous voyage and, ii. 414
contraband, seizure of, during,
ii. 243
definition, ii. 398
effectiveness of: cessation, ii.

condition of, ii. 407

danger creating, amount

of, ii. 409
distinguished from ficti-
tious, ii. 406

end of, ii. 405

establishment of, ii. 403-406
fictitious, ii. 406

international rivers, ii. 401
inwards, ii. 401
justification for, ii. 402

neutral vessels, time for egress

of, ii. 405
notification, ii. 404

custom of nations regard.
ing, ii. 405

outwards, ii. 401
pacific, see Pacific blockade
places liable to, ii. 401
strategic, ii. 399

universality of, ii. 400
Bluntschli, i. 88, 92; ii. 439
Bombardment, ii. 154, 157, 220
Bon, i. 89

Bonfils, i. 88, 93

on carriage of contraband, ii.

Booty on battlefield, ii. 140, 144
Bordeaux, prize court of, ii. 205
Bornemann, i. 90

Bosnia and Herzegovina, interna-
tional position of, i. 221


[blocks in formation]

Bulmerincq: proposal regarding Captivity: end of, ii. 135, 136

[blocks in formation]

i. 554

war, i. 556; ii. 107, 108
Canning, case of George, i. 508

case of Sir Stratford, i. 431
Cape Breton Island, restitution of,
to France, i. 543
Capitulation: character and purpose
of, ii. 237

competence to conclude, ii. 240
contents, ii. 238

flag of truce and, ii. 239
form, ii. 239

violation, ii. 242

Capitulations, i. 373, 462

"Captain W. Menzel," case of, ii.

Captivity: discipline in, ii. 133

effect of treaty of peace on,
ii. 288

imprisonment for disciplinary
offences, ii. 133n

law regarding, development of,
ii. 129-131

parole, release on, ii. 134
relief societies, ii. 135
rule of, in war, ii. 121
treatment of prisoners of war,
ii. 131

Capture of neutral vessels: abandon-
ment after, ii. 470

destruction after, ii. 469-472

practice of nations regard-
ing, ii. 470, 471

effect of, ii. 468
grounds of, ii. 468
mode of, ii. 468
ransom, ii. 472
release, ii. 473
recapture, ii. 472
trial, ii. 474-480

after conclusion of peace,

claims after, ii. 477

municipal matter, a, ii.


protests after, ii. 477
reform projects, ii. 478-

result of, ii. 475

Carlowitz, Peace treaty of, i. 62
Carnazza-Amari, i. 89

Carnot, assassination of, i. 398
"Carolina," case of, i. 449

་་ Caroline," case of, i. 180, 483,
484; ii. 331n, 451

Caroline Islands, sold by Spain to
Germany, i. 271

Cartel ships: definition, ii. 235

rules regarding, ii. 236

seizure of, ii. 195

Cartels: definition and purpose of,
ii. 235
Casanova, i. 89

Caspian Sea, i. 231

Casus fœderis, i. 572

[blocks in formation]

Chargés des Affaires, i. 425
Charles I., i. 304

Charles XII. of Sweden, dictum of,
ii. 116n

Charleston, blockade of, ii. 398n, 410
"Charlotta," case of, ii. 416

Charter-party, i. 318
Chesapeake, Bay of, ii. 247
Chino-Japanese war (1894), ii. 98
Cholera Conventions, i. 581
Christina, Queen of Sweden, i.

"Circassian," case of, ii. 408
Citizen and subject of a State
identical as far as International
Law is concerned, i. 349
Civil war : neutrality during, ii. 321
commencement of, ii. 329
termination of, 275n
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, i. 236
Clinton, Sir Henry, ii. 161
Coal as contraband, ii. 427

Code of signals, International,

ii. 320

Codification of International Law,
i. 35

Collective guarantee, treaties of,
i. 575

Colonial States cannot be parties to
international negotiation, i. 506
Colonies rank as territory of the
motherland, i. 219

"Columbia," case of, ii. 344, 410,

Commercial blockade, ii. 400
Conference of Berlin (1874), ii. 62,
262; (1885), ii. 10

Comity of Nations, i. 25
"Commercen," case of, ii. 435
Commercia belli, ii. 227

Commercial Code of Signals, i. 319
Commissaries, i. 492
Commissions, International, i. 493-

in interest of foreign creditors,
i. 495

Como, Lake of, i. 230
Complaints of belligerents, ii. 255-

Composite International Persons,
i. 125-133

Compromise clause, i. 559; ii. 5, 16
Copenhagen, Treaty of (1830), ii.

Concentration camps, ii. 154
Conception, Bay of, i. 246
Condominium, i. 220
Confederate States, i. 128
Conferences, see Congresses
Confiscation at outbreak of war,
ii. III

Congo Commission, the interna-
tional, i. 228

Congo Conference of Berlin, i. 71,
347, 494, 566

Congo Free State, i. 34

recognition of, i. 71

neutralised, i. 147; ii. 324

Congresses, international: cannot

be distinguished from Con-
ferences, i. 510

Congresses, international: concep-

tion of, i. 509

parties to, i. 510
procedure at, i. 511

Conquest, i. 287; ii. 277; see also

Conseil sanitaire maritime et quar.
antenaire at Alexandria, i. 495
Conseil supérieur de santé at
Constantinople, i. 495

Consolato del mare, i. 55; ii. 181,

182, 303, 307, 458
Constance, Lake of, i. 230
Constantinople, Treaty of (1888), |
i. 495, 567

"Constitution," case of, i. 487
Constitutional restrictions concern.
ing the treaty-making power, i.

Consul-general, i. 467

Consular activity, rupture of, ii.


Consular districts, i. 467

Consular jurisdiction in non.
Christian States, i. 480

Consules electi, i. 466

Consules missi, i. 466

Consuls appointment of, i. 469,

470, 471

archives of, i. 478

consular organisation, i. 466
consular districts, i. 467

consules missi and electi, i.

different classes of, i. 467

functions of, i. 472-474

general character of, i. 465

in non-Christian States, i. 479
institution of, i. 463

no obligation to admit, i. 469
position and privileges, i. 475-

subordinate to diplomatic en-
voys, i. 468

Contiguity, right of, i. 279
Continuous voyage, doctrine of, ii.
414, 433-435

Continuous transport, doctrine of,
ii. 435-436

Contraband of war, i. 320
absolute, ii. 422-425

analogous of, see Analogous of

armed ships as, ii. 356
articles for use of carrying
vessel, ii. 430

beasts of burden, ii. 426
carriage for, ii. 98, 431-445
capture of, ii. 440
circuitous, ii. 433-435
consequences of, ii. 440-

Continental opinion on,
ii. 438
direct, ii. 432

indirect, ii. 435-440

penal by municipal law,
ii. 431

penalty for, ii. 441-445
without knowledge of war,
ii. 442n

coal, ii. 427

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termination of consular office, Contraband vessels, ii. 430

i. 478

Consuls marchands, i. 463

property of crews of, ii. 430
Contributions, ii. 219

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