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GABELLA emigrationis, i. 377
Gaeta, blockade of, ii. 44

Gallatin, case of the coachman of

Mr., i. 455
Gareis, i. 89, 93

"General," case of, ii. 437

"General Armstrong," case of, ii.

"General Hamilton," case of, ii.

Genêt, letters of marque granted

by, ii. 312

Geneva Convention, i. 69, 565
contributions of war and, ii.

149, 15on

naval warfare and, ii. 210-216
origin of, ii. 123
prisoners and, ii. 209

text of, ii. 500

wounded soldiers and, ii. 76,
125-128, 149, 150

Geneva: Court of Arbitration, ii.

Lake of, i. 230

Société d'utilité publique, ii. 124
Genoa capitulation of, ii. 237
sovereignty over the Ligurian
Sea, i. 301

Gentilis, i. 77, 304

George III. and case of André,
ii. 162

German contract for cutting trees

in French forests, case of, ii. 296
Germany, blockade of, ii. 401
Gessner, on carriage of contraband,
ii. 438
Ghillany, i. 94

Gibraltar, i. 260

Good offices, i. 182, 545; ii. 9-14,


difference between mediation

and, ii. 10

in Russo-Japanese war, ii. 14n
purpose of, ii. 11

see also Mediation.

Government officials, deposition by
enemy, ii. 176

Great Powers, i. 3

hegemony of, i. 163

Greece: blockades of, ii. 44

independence of, i. 67

Greeks, their rules for international

relations, i. 48
Grégoire Abbé, i. 35
"Grossovoi," case of, ii. 373
Grotians, the, i. 85

Grotius, Hugo, i. 58, 77-81, 303;
cited on

armistices, ii. 248, 250

captivity, ii. 130

contraband, ii. 421

destruction of enemy property,
ii. 152

neutrality, ii. 303, 316n

Guarantee: as means of securing
performance of treaties, i.


of government or dynasty, i.

treaties of, i. 573

collective, i. 575
conception of, i. 573
effect of, i. 574

Guébriant, Madame de, i. 426
Gulfs, i. 246

Gulistan, Treaty of, i. 231
Gurney, case of, i. 454
Gyllenburg, case of, i. 440

HAGGERTY, case of, i. 471

Hague Convention: arbitration and,
ii. 16, 19, 21-28

concerning fisheries in North
Sea (1882), i. 334

declarations of 1899, ii. 119,

disabled marines, ii. 447n

discussion of laws of war, ii.


guerilla warfare, ii. 67
influence on reprisals, ii. 42
International Court of Arbitra-
tion at, i. 498

Hague Convention: regulations re Hague Regulations on private enemy

war on land, ii. 76

rules for mediation and good
offices, ii. 11-13

Hague Peace Conference, i. 37, 72,

booty on battlefield and, ii. 140
rules re hospital ships, ii. 213-

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ICELAND, fisheries around, i. 333,

"Ikhona," case of, ii. 472
Illegal obligations, i. 528
Illegitimate war, ii. 254
"Iltis," case of, ii. 375

"Imina," case of, ii. 438
Immoral obligations, i. 527
Immunity of domicile, i. 439
Indemnities, ii. 143

Independence of States: conse-

quences of, i. 171

definition of, i. 170

restrictions upon, i. 174

violations of, i. 173

"Indian Chief," case of, ii. 97

Indian vassal States of Great
Britain, i. 135

"Indigenousness," international, i.


Individuals: never subjects of Inter-
national Law, i. 19, 341
objects of International Law,
i. 344

stateless, i. 345, 366

Industrial property, union for
protection of, i. 579

Inquiry, international commissions
of, i. 493

Institute of International Law, the,
i. 36; on

analogues of contraband, ii. 456
angary, ii. 395n

belligerents, ii. 86n

blockades, ii. 45

bombardment, ii. 220-223

carriage of contraband, ii. 439,

insurrection, ii. 322n
laws of war, ii. 77

neutral mailboats, ii. 45
neutrality, ii. 360n

prize courts, ii. 474n, 479

prizes, ii. 201

rules on reprisals, ii. 26

submarine cables, ii. 224,


Institute of International Law, on
visitation during armistice, ii.

Instructions of diplomatic envoys,
i. 427

Insurgents do not possess the right

of legation, i. 421

recognised as a belligerent
Power, i. 99, 112

Integrate territory, i. 218
Intercession, i. 182

Intercourse of States, i. 191-194
International bureau of the Inter-
national Court of Arbitration, i.
499; ii. 23

International Code of Signals, i. 320
International Commission: concern-
ing sugar, i. 496

of the Congo, i. 495
International Commissions, i. 493
in the interest of foreign credi.
tors, i. 495

of Inquiry, i. 493; ii. 7
International Convention: for adap-

tation to maritime warfare
of principles of Geneva Con-
vention of 1864 (text of), ii.

for pacific settlement of Inter-
national disputes (text of,) ii.

with respect to laws and cus-
toms of war on land (text of),

ii. 519

International Council of Sanitation

at Bucharest, i. 495

International Court of Arbitration

at the Hague, i. 498

International Courts in Egypt, i. 480
International crimes, i. 201
International delinquencies, i. 201
International Law: basis of, i. 15

codification of, i. 35
definition of, i. 3
dominion of, i. 30

factors influencing the growth
of, i. 24

International Law: inception and
development of, ii. 20
legal force of, i. 4

relations between Municipal
Law and, i. 25

sources of, i. 20

States as subjects of, i. 18
International Law Association, the,
i. 37

International negotiation, see Nego-

International offices concerning :
customs tariffs, i. 497
industrial property, i. 497

maritime office at Zanzibar,
i. 497
postal, i. 496

sugar, i. 498
telegraph, i. 496
transports, i. 497

weights and measures, i. 499
works of literature and art, i.

International personality as a body
of qualities, i. 159
definition of, i. 160

International persons, i. 99
International Postal Union, in case
of war, ii. 108

International rivers, blockade of,
ii. 401

International transactions, sce
Internuncios, i. 424

Interpretatio authentica, i. 560

Interpretation of treaties, i. 559
Intervention, i. 74

admissibility in default of right,
i. 185

conception, ii. 49

concerning treaty concluded by
other States, i. 545
definition of, i. 181
distinguished from participa.
tion, ii. 49

for maintaining balance of
power, i. 185

[blocks in formation]

"Joung Jakob and Joanna," case
of, ii. 193

"Journal Télégraphique," i. 496
Juges consuls, i. 463
"Juno," case of, ii. 416
Jurisdiction, i. 194–197
in Straits, i. 250

on the Open Sea, i. 195, 315-

over citizens abroad, i. 195
over crews of men-of-war when
on land abroad, i. 487
over foreigners abroad, i. 196
over foreign vessels sailing
under the flag of a State, i.

over pirates, i. 330

within the maritime belt, i.
Jus: albinagii, i. 377

angariæ, ii. 40, 354

avocandi, i. 350
postliminii, ii. 293

quarteriorum, i. 442

representationis omnimodæ, i.

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