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THE books referred to are, as a rule, quoted with their full titles and the date of their publication. But certain books and periodicals which are very often referred to throughout this work are quoted in an abbreviated form, as follows :—

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Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International

Bluntschli, Das moderne Völkerrecht der
civilisirten Staaten als Rechtsbuch
dargestellt, 3rd ed. (1878).

Boeck, De La Propriété Privée Ennemie
Sous Pavillon Ennemi (1882).

Bonfils, Manuel De Droit International
Public, 4th ed. by Fauchille (1904).
Bulmerincq, Das Völkerrecht (1887).
Calvo, Le Droit International, etc., 5th ed.,
6 vols. (1896).

Despagnet, Cours De Droit International
Public, 2nd ed. (1899).

Dupuis, Le Droit De La Guerre Maritime
D'après Les Doctrines Anglaises Con-
temporaines (1899).

Field, Outlines of an International Code, 2 vols. (1872-1873).

Fiore, Nouveau Droit International Public, deuxième édition, traduite de l'Italien et annotée par Antoine, 3 vols. (1885). Gareis, Institutionen des Völkerrechts, 2nd ed. (1901).

Gessner, Le Droit Des Neutres Sur Mer (1865).

Grotius, De Jure Belli ac Pacis (1625).

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Hague Regulations respecting the Laws
and Customs of War on Land, adopted
by the Hague Peace Conference of 1899.
Hall, A Treatise on International Law
4th ed. (1895).
Halleck, International Law, 3rd English
ed. by Sir Sherston Baker, 2 vols. (1893).
Hartmann, Institutionen des praktischen
Völkerrechts in Friedenszeiten (1874).
Hautefeuille, Des Droits Et Des Devoirs
Des Nations Neutres En Temps De
Guerre Maritime, 3 vols. (2nd ed. 1858).
Heffter, Das Europäische Völkerrecht der
Gegenwart, 8th ed. by Geffcken (1888).
Heilborn, Rechte und Pflichten der
Neutralen Staaten in Bezug auf die
während des Krieges auf ihr Gebiet über-
tretenden Angehörigen einer Armee und
das dorthin gebrachte Kriegsmaterial
der Kriegfürhrenden Partheien (1888).
Heilborn, Das System des Völkerrechts
entwickelt aus den völkerrechtlichen
Begriffen (1896).

Holland, A Manual of Naval Prize Law

Holland, Studies in International Law (1898).

Holland, The Elements of Jurisprudence, 6th ed. (1893).

Holland, The Laws and Customs of War on Land, as defined by the Hague Convention of 1899 (1904).

Holtzendorff, Handbuch des Völkerrechts, 4 vols. (1885-1889).

Lois et Usages De La Neutralité, 2 vols. (1900).

Klüber, Europäisches Völkerrecht, 2nd ed. by Morstadt (1851).

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Lawrence, The Principles of International
Law, 3rd ed. (1900).

Lawrence, Essays on some Disputed
Questions of Modern International Law,
2nd ed. (1885).

Lawrence, War and Neutrality in the Far
East, 2nd ed. (1904).

Liszt, Das Völkerrecht, 3rd ed. (1904).
Longuet, Le Droit Actuel De La Guerre
Terrestre (1901).

Lorimer, The Institutes of International
Law, 2 vols. (1883-1884).

Maine, International Law, 2nd ed. (1894).
Manning, Commentaries on the Law of
Nations, new ed. by Sheldon Amos

Martens, Völkerrecht, German translation
of the Russian original in 2 vols. (1883).
G. F. Martens, Précis Du Droit Des Gens
Moderne De l'Europe, nouvelle éd. by
Vergé, 2 vols. (1858).

These are the abbreviated
quotations of the different parts
of Martens, Recueil de Traités
(see p. 94 of vol. I.), which are in
2nd ser. common use.
Martens, Causes Célèbres du Droit des
Gens, 5 vols., 2nd ed. (1858-1861).

Mérignhac, Les Lois Et Coutumes De La
Guerre Sur Terre (1903).

Nys, Le Droit International, vol. i. (1904).
Ortolan, Règles Internationales et Diplo-
matie de la Mer, 2 vols., 3rd ed. (1856).
Perels, Das Internationale öffentliche See-
recht der Gegenwart, 2nd ed. (1903).
Phillimore, Commentaries upon Inter-
national Law, 4 vols. 3rd ed. (1879-

Piedelièvre, Précis De Droit International
Public, 2 vols. (1894-1895).

Pillet, Les Lois Actuelles De La Guerre

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Pradier-Fodéré, Traité De Droit Inter-
national Public, 7 vols. (1885-1897).
Pufendorf, De Jure Naturae et Gentium

Revue Générale De Droit International

Revue De Droit International Et De
Législation Comparée.

Rivier, Principes Du Droit Des Gens,
2 vols. (1896).

Taylor, A Treatise on International Public
Law (1901).

Testa, Le Droit Public International Mari-
time, traduction du Portugais par

Boutiron (1886).

Twiss, The Law of Nations, 2 vols., 2nd ed. (1884, 1875).

Ullmann, Völkerrecht, 1898.

The Laws and Usages of War at Sea,
published on June 27, 1900, by the
Navy Department, Washington, for the
use of the U.S. Navy and for the infor-
mation of all concerned.
Vattel, Le Droit Des Gens, 4 books in
2 vols., nouvelle éd. (Neuchâtel, 1773).
Walker, A Manual of Public International
Law (1895).

Walker, A History of the Law of Nations,
vol. i. (1899).

Walker, The Science of International Law

Westlake, International Law, vol. i. (1904).
Westlake, Chapters on the Principles of
International Law (1894).

Wharton, A Digest of the International
Law of the United States, 3 vols. (1886).
Wheaton, Elements of International Law,
8th American ed. by Dana (1866).

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