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F the End and Efficacy of Satire. The Love of Glory and Fear of Shame univerfal, y 29. This Paffion, implanted in Man as a Spur to Virtue, is generally perverted, 41. And thus become the Occafion of the greatest Follies, Vices, and Miferies, 61. It is the Work of Satire to rectify this Paffion, to reduce it to its proper Channel, and to convert it into an Incentive to Wisdom, and Virtue, & 89. Hence it appears, that Satire may influence thofe who defy all Laws Human and Divine, 99. An Objection answered, 131.


Rules for the Conduct of Satire. Juftice and Truth its chief and effential Property, 169. Prudence in the Application of Wit and Ridicule, whofe Province is, not to explore unknown, but to enforce known Truths, $191. Proper Subjects of Satire are the Manners of perefent times, 239. Decency of Expreffion recommended, 255. The different Methods in which Folly and Vice ought to be chastised, 269. The Variety of Style and Manner which thefe two Subjects require, The Praife of Virtue may be admitted with


Propriety, 315. Caution with regard to Panegyric, 329. The Dignity of true Satire, ✯ 341.

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The History of Satire. Roman Satirifts, Lucilius, Horace, Perfius, Juvenal, 357, etc. Caufes of the Decay of Literature, particularly of Satire, y 389. Revival of Satire, 401. Erafmus one of its principal Reftorers, 405. Donne, 411. The Abufe of Satire in England, during the licentious Reign of Charles II, 415. Dryden, 429. The true Ends of Satire ✯ pursued by Boileau in France, * 439; and by Mr. Pope in England, ✯ 445.

You trace the Chain that links his deep defign,
And pour new Luftre on the glowing Line.
Yet deign to hear the efforts of a Muse,
Whofe eye, not wing, his ardent flight pursues:
Intent from this great Archetype to draw
SATIRE's bright Form, and fix her equal Law;
Pleas'd if from hence th' unlearn'd may comprehend,
And rev'rence Hrs and SATIRE's gen'rous End.


IN ev'ry Breaft there burns an active flame,
The Love of Glory, or the Dread of Shame: 30
The Paffion ONE, tho' various it appear,

As brighten'd into Hope, or dimm'd by Fear.
The lifping Infant, and the hoary Sire,

And Youth and Manhood feel the heart-born fire:
The Charms of Praise the Coy, the Modeft woo, 35
And only fly, that Glory may pursue:

She, Pow'r refiftlefs, rules the wise and great;
Bends ev'n reluctant Hermits at her feet;

Haunts the proud City, and the lowly Shade,

And sways alike the Sceptre and the Spade.

Thus Heav'n in Pity wakes the friendly Flame, To urge Mankind on Deeds that merit Fame: But Man, vain Man, in folly only wife, Rejects the Manna fent him from the Skies:


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