THE WORKS O F Alexander Pope Efq. VOLUME III. CONTAINING HIS MORAL ESSAYS. LONDON, Printed for A. MILLA R, and J. and R. TONSON, in the Strand. MDCCLVII, Contents of the Third Volume. ESSAY on MAN, in FOUR EPISTLES. EPISTLE I. Of the nature and state of man with respect to the universe. P. I EPISTLE II. Of the nature and ftate of man with respect to himself, as an individual 43 EPISTLE III. Of the nature and ftate of man with respect to fociety 80 EPISTLE IV. Of the nature and frate of man with refpect to happiness The Univerfal Prayer The Dying Chriflian to his Soul MORAL ESSAYS. 123 171 175 EPISTLE I. Of the knowledge and characters of ΜΕΝ 179 EPISTLE II. Of the characters of WOMEN 214 EPISTLE III. Of the ufe of RICHES EPISTLE IV. Of the use of RICHES 235 285 EPISTLE V. To Mr. Addison, occafioned by his Dialogues on MEDALS 320 VOL. III. a 2 A |