shall, from the information thereby furnished, make out, according to such instructions as he may receive from the Colonial Secretary, returns of the several matters and particulars specified in such forms; and shall sign the said returns, and shall make affirmation before some justice of the peace (which allirmation such justice is hereby authorised and required to administer) that the said returns are correctly and truly made out to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, and shall transmit all such returns and other particulars which he may have been required to furnish to the Registrar-General. XIII. Any enumerator or sab-enumerator who shall knowingly and wilfully make a false declaration or affirmation under this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to be punished by fiue or imprisonment, or both. XIV. For the purpose of obtaining important statistical information not included in the returns which may be received from the enumerators, the Colonial Secretary may cause inquiries, to be approved of by the Governor in Council, to be addressed to the persons having or reputed to have the superintendence of establishments or institutions of the character described in schedule B to this Act, and all such persons shall be bound to answer such inquiries to the best of their knowledge and belief; and every person who shall refuse or neglect to answer any such inquiry, or wilfully give any false answer thereto, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty pounds. XV. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures, imposed by this Act shall be recovered in a summary manner before any two justices of the peace, and shall be paid to Her Majesty for the public uses of the Colony: Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Governor when any person shall appear to have been active in or towards the procuring of any conviction under this Act, to award to such person any portion of the fine or penalty recovered not exceeding one-half thereof. XVI. The Colonial Secretary shall cause abstracts to be made of the returns and other particulars of information obtained under the obtained under the authority of this Act; and such abstracts shall be printed, and laid before both Houses of the General Assembly, in the session next ensuing after such returns and information have been obtained. XVII. This Act shall not apply to the aboriginal native race, except only at such time, in such places, and in such manner as the Governor in Council shall from time to time direct. XVIII. An Ordinance of the Governor-in-Chief and Legislative Council of New Zealand, Session XI, No. 8, intituled "An Ordinance "for taking a census of the Colony of New Zealand" is hereby repealed. XIX. In the construction of this Act the word "dwelling-house," shall include any house, building, booth, tent, or other erection in or under which any person usually sleeps, and also all ships or vessels in any port of New Zealand. XX. The short title of this Act shall be "The Census Act, 1858." SCHEDULE A. I.-DOMESTIC AND SOCIAL CONDITION OF POPULATION. The number and description of houses or buildings. The names and surnames of the people. Their relation to heads of households as wife, son, daughter, or other relative; visitor, lodger, or servant. Their condition as married or single; widower or widow. Their sex and age. Amendment Their rank, profession, or usual occupation. II.- EDUCATION. The number of persons able or not to read or write. The number at school (distinguishing between schools supported by Government or public aid and private schools: and between day and Sunday schools). III. CULTIVATION AND CROPS. The number of acres in wheat, oats, barley, maize, potatoes, garden or orchard, sown grasses and other crops; the total number of acres in cultivation; and the total number of aeres fenced IV. LIVE STOCK. The number of horses, mules, and asses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. SCHEDULE B. Churches, chapels, and other places of worship; the situation of each, and the religious denomination to which it belongs, the number of persons it will contain, and the number generally attending. Hospitals, lunatic asylums, dispensaries, and other charitable institutions. Friendly and benevolent societies. Land and building societies, and similar associations. Mechanics' institutes, and other literary or scientific institutions. Manufactories, mills, works, mines and quarries. SCHEDULE C. I, do hereby declare that I will act as enumerator (or sub-enumerator, as the case may be), for the district for which I have been appointed; and do solemnly declare that I will faithfully perform the duties of the said office, to the best of my knowledge and ability. Taken before me 24 Vic. No. 30.- An Act to amend certain provisions of the Census Act, 1858. (a) [November 2, 1860.] WHEREAS by "The Census Act, 1858" it is provided that the account of the number and condition of the population of New Zealand, and of the live stock and of the cultivations therein respectively, which the said Act directs to be taken in every third year succeeding the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, shall be taken in the month of December; and that the forms of returns for obtaining the required information shall be delivered by the several sub-enumerators at the dwelling-houses in their respective sub-districts between the first and the twenty-fourth days of December (both inclusive) in the years appointed, and that the said forms shall be demanded and received by such sub-enumerators on the twenty-sixth day of December, or as soon after as practicable; And whereas it is expedient to authorise the alteration from time to time of the month or the days so appointed, should any such alteration be found advisable; and also to make certain amendments in the said Act with a view to the more convenient and efficient attainment of the objects of the census. (a) CONTENTS :- Title. Preamble. 1. Governor may alter days for taking census. 2. Declaration need not be made by enumerators before entering on their duties. 3. Master or keeper of gaols, &c., to be deemed the occupier. 4. Short title. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand, in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: I. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to appoint any other month, or any other day or days, for the purposes above cited, in the ensuing year eighteen hundred and sixty one, and in any or every third year after, instead of the month or the day or days appointed • by "The Census Act, 1858;" and the time or times so appointed by the Governor in Council shall be declared by proclamation in the New Zealand "Gazette;" and all the provisions of "The Census Act, 1858" relating to taking an account of the population of New Zealand, and of the live stock and of the cultivations therein, shall, except as hereinafter provided, be deemed and taken to apply to such time or times as fully as if such month, or day or days, had been specified in the said Act. II. The fourth section of the said "Census Act, 1858," is hereby repealed, and the following provision shall, with regard to every future census, stand in the place thereof: For the purposes of this Act, the master, keeper, chief officer, or other person in actual charge of any gaol, prison, house of correction, hospital, lunatic asylum, or public or charitable establishment or institution, respectively, shall be deemed the occupier of such building, establishment, or institution, and be bound to conform to the provisions of the Census Act accordingly. III. The provisions of the fifth section of the said "Census Act, 1858" (by which enumerators and sub-enumerators are required respectively to make a certain declaration on entering upon the duties of either of the said offices), together with schedule C of the said Act, are hereby repealed; but the provisions of the said Act respecting an affirmation to be made by every enumerator and sub-enumerator respectively at the close of the performance of his duties, as contained in the ninth and the twelfth sections, together with such portion of the thirteenth section as is applicable to the case of a false affirmation, shall continue in force. IV. The short title of this Act shall be "The Census Act Amendment Act, 1860." CIVIL LIST. 27 Vic., No 31.- An Act to alter the Civil List. (a) [Reserved November 14, 1863.] WHEREAS by an Act of the Imperial Parliament passed in the fifteenth and sixteenth years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria intituled "An Act to grant a Representative Constitution to the Colony of New Zealand" it is enacted that there shall be payable to Her Majesty every year out of the revenue arising from taxes duties rates and imposts and from the disposal of waste lands of the Crown in New Zealand the several items mentioned in the schedule to the said Act annexed And whereas it is by the said Act further enacted that it shall be lawful for the General Assembly of New Zealand by (a) CONTENTS :-Preamble. 1. Short title. 2. Civil list payable to Her Majesty. Schedule. G any Act or Acts to alter all or any of the said sums mentioned in the said schedule subject nevertheless to the provisions in reference thereto in the said Act contained And whereas by "The Civil List Act 1858" it was enacted that there should be payable to Her Majesty every year out of the revenue arising from taxes duties rates and imposts collected under any Act or Acts of the General Assembly the several sums mentioned in the schedule thereto instead of the several sums mentioned in the schedule to the said recited Act of the Imperial Parliament And whereas by "The Civil List Act 1862" certain other sums were substituted instead of those mentioned in the schedule to the said last recited Act And whereas it is expedient that the sums mentioned in the schedule to the last recited Act should be altered as hereinafter mentioned: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows: I. The short title of this Act shall be "The Civil List Act 1863." II. There shall be payable to Her Majesty every year out of the revenue arising from taxes duties rates and imposts levied under any Act or Acts of the General Assembly the several sums mentioned in the schedule to this Act instead of the several sums mentioned in the schedule to "The Civil List Act 1862." 30 Vic., No. 59.- An Act to organize and regulate the Civil Service of New Zealand. (a) [October 8, 1866.] WHEREAS it is expedient to organise and classify the Civil Service of New Zealand according to the duties the officers thereof perform and (a) CONTENTS: - Preamble. 1. Short title. 2. Persons excepted from operation of Act. 3. Division of Civil Service. 4. First-class officers. 5. Salaries of classes. 6. Mode of voting salaries. 7. Classification. 8. Application of classification. 9. Appeal. 10. Civil Service Board. 11. Abolition and consolidation of offices. 12. Compe Compensation on abolition; and re-employment. 13. Conditions precedent to entering service. 14. Appointment. 15. Promotion. 16. Special appointment. 17. Confirmation of appointment. 18. Re-appointment. 19. Officers in Provincial service on being transferred to Colonial service to be classified by Governor in Council. 20. Regulations. Dismissal or reduction of officer. 21. Forfeiture of office. 22. Reinstatement. 23. Dismissal. 24. Misconduct. 25. Penalty. 26. Inquiry. 27. Leave of absence. 28. Furlough. 29. Repeal of Acts; existing claims reserved. 30. New Zealand Company's officers. 31. Provincial officers shall be entitled to reckon service. 32. Retirement. 33. Superannuation allowance to present officers. 34. Officers retiring may be required to continue. 35. Retirement on ill health. 36. Forfeiture of allowance in certain cases; rates of salary and allowance. 37. Computation of allowances. 38. to regulate the salaries therein and to establish therein an equitable and uniform system of appointment promotion and dismissal and to grant officers leave of absence and to provide retiring and other allowances in certain cases Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as followsI. The short title of this Act shall be "The Civil Service Act 1866." II. Nothing in this Act shall apply except as hereinafter provided to any responsible minister or to any judge of the Supreme Court or to any officer of either House of Parliament or to the auditor or Comptroller of public accounts or to any officer the right to appoint whom is not vested in the Governor or to any officer of or member of a Colonial military or volunteer force or to any person paid by fees or commission nor to any officer appointed by the Governor to whose office salary is not appropriated by the Colonial Legislature or to any person holding any honorary office or employed for any temporary service only Provided always that when an officer of the General Government also holds a paid Provincial office it shall be lawful for the Governor to diminish as he shall think fit the payment to such officer of the salary referred to in this Act Provided further that the computation of superannuation and other allowances specified in this Act shall only be made in case of such officer in respect of the salary paid to him by the General Government except Commissioners of Crown Lands and it is hereby expressly provided that part five of this Act shall apply to all such Commissioners appointed under any Act of the General Assembly. III. The Civil Service shall for the purposes of this Act be taken to consist of five (5) classes Provided always that the Governor shall have power to create new and to alter existing offices and so soon as salaries have been legally appropriated to such offices shall bring them by Order in Council under the provisions of this Act. IV. The officers mentioned in schedule A. to this Act shall be officers of the first class and (except in the case of officers paid by virtue of any Act now or which hereafter shall be in force) shall have attached to them respectively but subject to such alterations as are hereinafter provided the several salaries which shall be granted to them by the Appropriation Act for the ensuing financial year or by the Appropriation Act next following the creation of any additional first class officer. V. Every class except the first class shall have a maximum and a minimum limit of salary ascertained in the manner hereinafter directed and every officer therein shall be entitled to receive in every year by way of increase to his salary a sum equal to one sixth part of the difference between the limits of the salary assigned for that year to the class in which he is placed but no officer shall in any year receive a salary higher than the maximum limit for that year in his class. VI. In the message transmitting the estimates for the current Allowance to officer disabled in performance of duty. 39. Allowance to relatives of officer killed in discharge of duty. 40. Gratuity to widow or children. 41. Warrant of allowance. 42. Bounty of Parliament not restrained. 43. No vested interest to be created under this Act. 44. Part of Act only applicable to certain officers. 45. Messengers &c. subject to certain sections. 46. Annual increase to salaries of messengers &c. Schedules. |