1 1 ERRATA.-Typographical. Page 25, third line of sec. 31, for "license form," read "license in the form." Page 46, third line of sec. 4, for "to," read "of." Page 46, seventh line of sec. 6, for "abstracts," read "accounts." Page Page 89, seventh line of sec. 5, for "and masters," ," read "and on masters." Page 127, fourth line of sub-section 6, sec. 109, for "respect to which," read "of which." Page 130, first and second lines of sec. 117, for "the one hundred," read "the said one hundred." Page 161, ninth line of sec. 13, for "signed entry," read "signed the entry." Page 319, first line of sec. 43, for "Court such," read "Court of such." Page 544, third line of sec. 15, for "respect to," read" respect of." Page 775, last word of sec. 96, for" permit," read "admit." Page 778, fifth line of sec. 3, for "any the," read " any of the." Page 992, second clause, third line, of schedule B, third column, for " 1863," read "1860." Page 997, sixth line of sec. 10, for "idemnified," read "indemnified." applied therein in the administration of justice in like Acts of Parliament passed before the establishment of the pplied. et shall come into operation on the 1st day of October, /ct shall be termed and may be cited and referred to as ACTS ADOPTING ENGLISH ACTS. 8 Vic., No. 8.-An Ordinance for bringing into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament. (a) 8 8 n [April 22, 1845.] WHEREAS certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament specified in the al schedule hereunto annexed, have been passed for the amendment of the law, and it is expedient that the same be adopted and brought into operation within this Colony. Be it therefore enacted by the of Governor of New Zealand, with the advice and consent of the Legisla- ht tive Council thereof, as follows : 1e 10 I. The several Acts of the Imperial Parliament, specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed, shall be taken to extend to this Colony, ne and shall be applied therein in the Administration of Justice, in like manner as Acts of Parliament passed before the establishment of the Colony are applied. II. This Ordinance shall come into operation on the 1st day of July, 1845. SCHEDULE OF ACTS REFERRED TO. (1.) 4 and 5 Vic., c. 56, intituled "An Act for taking away the punishment of death in certain cases, and substituting other punishments in lieu thereof." (2.) 6 Vic., c. 10, intituled "An Act for removing doubts as to the punishment which may be awarded under the provisions of an Act of the fourth and fifth years of Her present Majesty, for taking away the punishment of death in certain cases, for certain Offences therein specified." (3.) 6 and 7 Vic., c. 85, intituled "An Act for improving the law of evidence." (4.) 6 and 7 Vic., c. 96, intituled "An Act to amend the law respecting defamatory words and libel." 18 Vic., No. 1.-An Act for bringing into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament. (6) [September 14, 1854.] WHEREAS certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament specified in the schedule hereunto annexed have been passed for the amendment of the law, and it is expedient that the same be adopted and brought into operation within this Colony. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand as follows: ) h of ป I. The several Acts of the Imperial Parliament specified in the schedule hereunto annexed shall be taken to extend to this Colony l (a) CONTENTS: - Preamble. 1. Certain Acts adopted. 2. Commencement of: Act. Schedule. (6) CONTENTS:--Preamble. 1. Certain Acts adopted. 2. Commencement of Act. 3. Short Title. Schedule. A f 7 and 8 Vic., c. 24--"An Act for abolishing the offences of forestalling, regrating, and engrossing, and for repealing certain statutes passed in restraint of trade." 7 and 8 Vic., c. 62-"An Act to amend the law as to burning farm buildings." 8 and 9 Vic., c. 113-" An Act to facilitate the admission in evidence of certain Pofficial and other documents." P 9 and 10 Vic., c. 25-" An Act for preventing malicious injuries to persons and Pproperty by fire, or by explosive or destructive substances." P 9 and 10 Vic., c. 62- An Act to abolish Deodands." P 9 and 10 Vic., c. 93-"An Act for compensating the families of persons killed Pby accidents." P 10 and 11 Vic., c. 66-"An Act for extending the provisions of the law respecting threatening letters and accusing parties with a view to extort money" P 11 and 12 Vic., c. 46-"An Act for the removal of defects in the administration of criminal justice." P 11 and 12 Vic., c. 87-"An Act to extend the provisions of an Act passed in Pthe first year of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled An Act Pfor consolidating and amending the laws for facilitating the payment of debts out Pof real estate." P 13 and 14 Vic, c. 60-" An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to Pthe conveyance and transfer of real and personal property vested in mortgagees Pand trustees." P 14 and 15 Vie., c. 19-" An Act for the better prevention of offences." P 14 and 15 Vic., c. 25-" An Act to improve the law of landlord and tenant Pin relation to emblements, to growing crops seized in execution and to agricultural Ptenants fixtures." P 14 and 15 Vic., c. 99-" An Act to amend the law of evidence." P 14 and 15 Vic., c. 100-" An Act for further improving the administration of Pcriminal justice." I 14 and 15 Vic., c. 24-"An Act for the amendment of an Act passed in the I first year of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled 'An Act for the amendment I of the laws with respect to wills." : 15 and 16 Vic., c. 55-"An Act to extend the provisions of 'The Trustee Act, 1850.'" 16 and 17 Vic., c. 83-"An Act to amend an Act of the fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter ninety-nine." 19 Vic., No. 3.-An Act for bringing into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament. (a) [September 15, 1855.] WHEREAS certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament, specified in the schedule hereunto annexed have been passed for the amendment of the law, and it is expedient that the same be adopted and brought into operation within the Colony: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand as follows: I. The several Acts of the Imperial Parliament, specified in the chedule hereunto annexed, shall be taken to extend to this Colony, (a) CONTENTS :- Preamble. 1. Certain Acts adopted. 2. Commencement of Act. 3. Short Title. Schedule. and shall be applied therein in the administration of justice in like manner as Acts of Parliament passed before the establishment of the Colony are applied. 1855. II. This Act shall come into operation on the 1st day of October, III. This Act shall be termed and may be cited and referred to as "The English Acts Act 1855." SCHEDULE. 9 and 10 Vic., cap 24, "An Act for removing some defects in the administration of criminal justice." 17 and 18 Vic, cap 113, "An Act to amend the law relating to the administration of the estates of deceased persons." 20 Vic., No. 6. - An Act for bringing into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament. (a) [July 7, 1856.] WHEREAS certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament specified in the schedule hereunto annexed have been passed for the amendment of the law, and it is expedient that the same be adopted and brought into operation within this Colony Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand as follows : I. The several Acts of the Imperial Parliament specified in the schedule hereunto annexed shall be taken to extend to this Colony, and shall be applied therein in the administration of justice in like manner as Acts of Parliament passed before the establishment of the Colony are applied. II. This Act shall come into operation on the thirtieth day of September in the year 1856. III. This Act shall be intituled and may be cited as the "English Acts Act, 1856." SCHEDULE. 18 and 19 Vic., cap 43. "An Act to enable infants, with the approbation of the Court of Chancery, to make binding settlements of their real and personal estate on marriage." 18 and 19 Vic., cap 111. "An Act to amend the law relating to bills of lading." 21 & 22 VIC., No. 2.--An Act to declare the laws of England so far as applicable to the circumstances of the Colony, to have been in force therein on and after the 14th day of January, 1840. (6) [May 28, 1858.] WHEREAS the laws of England as existing on the 14th day of January, 1840, have until recently been applied in the administration of justice in the Colony of New Zealand, so far as such laws were applicable to the circumstances thereof: And whereas doubts have now been raised as to what Acts of the Imperial Parliament passed before the said 14th day of January, 1840, are in force in the said (a) CONTENTS: - Preamble. 1. Certain Acts adopted. 2. Commencement of Act. 3. Short Title. Schedule. (6) CONTENTS:---Preamble. I. Laws of England in force in the Colony from 14th January, 1840. 2. Short Title. Colony: And whereas it is expedient that all such doubts should be removed without delay. Be it therefore declared and enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand, in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : I. The laws of England as existing on the 14th day of January, 1840, shall, so far as applicable to the circumstances of the said Colony of New Zealand, be deemed and taken to have been in force therein on and after that day, and shall continue to be therein applied in the administration of justice accordingly. II. This Act may for all purposes be cited as "English Laws Act, 1858." 21 & 22 Vic., No. 27.-An Act to bring into operation within the Colony certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament, relating to Justices of the Peace. See Justice of the Peace. [July 8, 1858.] 21 & 22 VIC., No. 39.-An Act to bring into operation within the Colony of New Zealand, certain provisions of the "Merchant Shipping Act, 1854." (a) [August 4, 1858.] WHEREAS by an Act of the Imperial Parliament, intituled "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," it is enacted that certain portions of the third part of the said Act shall only apply to ships registered in any part of Her Majesty's dominions abroad when such ships are out of the jurisdiction of their respective Governments: And whereas it is expedient that the said provisions should be extended as hereinafter provided. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand, in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: I. So much of the third part of the said Act as relates to rights to wages and remedies for the recovery thereof, to the shipping and discharge of seamen in foreign parts, to leaving seamen abroad, and to the relief of seamen in distress in foreign ports, to the provisions, health, and accommodation of seamen, to the power of seamen to make complaints, to the protection of seamen from imposition, to discipline, to Naval Courts on the high seas and abroad, and to crimes committed abroad, shall, so far as the same is applicable, be applied to all British ships registered at, trading with, or being at any place within the jurisdiction of the said Colony of New Zealand, and to the owners, masters, and crews of the said ships. II. The Short Title of this Act shall be "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, Adoption Act." (a) CONTENTS: - Preamble. 1. Certain provisions of Merchant Shipping Act adopted. 2. Short Title. |