Page 376 CREDITORS (AUSTRALASIAN)-- CRIMINALS (EXECUTION OF) - Execution of Criminals Act, 1858 CRIMINAL LAW- The Criminal Law Procedure Act, 1866 The Offences against the Person Act, 1866 The Crown Lands Sales Extortion Prevention Act, 1866 CROWN COSTS- The Crown Costs Act, 1858 CROWN DEBTS- The Crown Debts Act, 1866 CROWN GRANTS- The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1862 The Crown Grants Act, 1866 See amintinent 14 CROWN LANDS- An Ordinance to provide for the Arrest of Debtors escaping from the Islands of New Zealand DEBTS (ATTACHMENT OF) - See Law Amendment DEBTORS AND CREDITORS- The Debtors and Creditors Act, 1862 The Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment Act, 1865 The Debtors and Creditors Acts Amendment Act, 1866. DEEDS (REGISTRATION OF) - An Ordinance to provide for the Registration of Deeds, and Instruments affecting Real Property An Ordinance to amend the Land Registration Ordinance, and to The Registration of Deeds Amendment Act, 1860 Deeds Registration Amendment Act, 1863 The Deeds and Titles Registration Amendment Act, 1865 DEFENDANTS (ABSENT)— See under Court (Supreme) 6 .. 504 510 511 514 518 355 An Ordinance for the Support of Destitute Families and Illegitimate DISTILLATION (SPIRITS)- . An Ordinance for prohibiting the Distillation of Spirits within the The Gold Fields Act, 1866 Ses Germandumul act. 18 GOVERNOR (DELEGATIONS BY)- See under Superintendent GUNPOWDER- An Ordinance to prohibit the keeping of Gunpowder exceeding a certain quantity INDICTABLE OFFENCES (TRIAL OF)- The Indictable Offences Trials Act, 1866 ΙΝΝΚΕΕΡERS- The Innkeepers Liability Act, 1866 521 526 528 534 535 535 536 536 990 539 541 544 1172 558 559 560 1052 589 590 600 An Ordinance to regulate the Constitution of Juries 619 An Ordinance to make temporary provision for the Constitution of Juries 622 The Jury Ordinance Amendment Act, 1861 624 Jury Law Amendment Act, 1862 624 695 702 703 : 714 LAND CLAIMS- An Ordinance to repeal within the said Colony of New Zealand a Land Claims Settlement Extension Act, 1858 LAND ORDERS (LOST) - The Lost Land Orders Act, 1861 LAND REGISTRY ACTS- Land Registry Act, 1860 LAND REVENUE- See Revenue (Land) LANDS CLAUSES--- The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1863 . The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act Amendment Act, 1866 : LAW AMENDMENT- The Law Amendment Act, 1856 717 719 735 751 964 751 779 An Ordinance to make provision for the safe custody of and prevention The Lunatics' Ordinance Amendment Act, 1858. The Lunatics' Act, 1866 MAORI FUNDS- 802 803 805 806 SUS 809 S10 811 : 813 814 815 815 819 821 Mercantile Law Amendment Act, 1860 1 859 Merchant Shipping Adoption Act. (See Acts Adopting English Acts) MILITARY PENSIONS- The Military Pensions Act, 1866. MILITIA- The Militia Act, 1865 NATIVE DISTRICTS- The Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858 Native Districts Regulation Act Amendment Act, 1862. 862 867 875 313 An Ordinance for the Admission in certain cases of Unsworn Testimony, in Civil and Criminal Proceedings 885 NEW ZEALAND SETTLEMENTS-See Compreated Land fret 1867 The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863 885 The New Zealand Settlements Amendment Act, 1864 . 889 The New Zealand Settlements Amendment and Continuance Act, 1865 889 893 New Zealand Post-office Act, 1858 917 The New Zealand Post-office Act Amendment Act, 1866 929 931 |