Practical Statutes of New ZealandWayte and Batger, 1867 - 1135 pages |
From inside the book
Page 6
... offence it shall be lawful for the justices before whom the second conviction shall take place to cause such offender's name place of abode offence and the penalty imposed to be published at the expense of such offender in some ...
... offence it shall be lawful for the justices before whom the second conviction shall take place to cause such offender's name place of abode offence and the penalty imposed to be published at the expense of such offender in some ...
Page 20
... offence , forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding £ 500 , to be recovered in a summary way . And upon the conviction of any such master or person , such ship or vessel , with all her furniture and apparel , shall be forfeited to Her ...
... offence , forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding £ 500 , to be recovered in a summary way . And upon the conviction of any such master or person , such ship or vessel , with all her furniture and apparel , shall be forfeited to Her ...
Page 22
... offence under this Act , forfeited . 50. Questions about forfeiture may be decided in the same Court as the offence of which they shall be the consequence . 51 . Forfeitures to be at the disposal of the Governor 52. Penalties , how to ...
... offence under this Act , forfeited . 50. Questions about forfeiture may be decided in the same Court as the offence of which they shall be the consequence . 51 . Forfeitures to be at the disposal of the Governor 52. Penalties , how to ...
Page 28
... offence against the provisions of this Act , nothwithstanding that such offence may by the provisions of this Act be punishable by a penalty exceeding £ 100 . LIII . No proceeding under this Act for any penalty before any justice of the ...
... offence against the provisions of this Act , nothwithstanding that such offence may by the provisions of this Act be punishable by a penalty exceeding £ 100 . LIII . No proceeding under this Act for any penalty before any justice of the ...
Page 46
... offence the sum of five hundred pounds : Provided always that in any action for for any penalty under this Act , the onus of proving that such weekly abstracts and statements have been kept , and such quarterly abstracts and statements ...
... offence the sum of five hundred pounds : Provided always that in any action for for any penalty under this Act , the onus of proving that such weekly abstracts and statements have been kept , and such quarterly abstracts and statements ...
Common terms and phrases
action affidavit aforesaid Amendment appear application appointed Assembly authority behalf bill cause certificate charge claim clerk Colonial Treasurer commenced Commissioner committed constable conviction copy costs Court or judge creditors Crown grant Crown lands cubic foot custody customs debtor declaration deed deemed defendant delivered deposited District Court district registrar duly duties election electoral district electoral roll enacted entitled entry exceeding execution fees forfeit gaol Governor in Council hereby hereinafter hereinbefore imprisoned indictable offence issue judgment jurisdiction jury justice land lawful lease liable license Majesty manner miner's right notice oath offence Ordinance paid party payable payment peace penalty petition plaintiff pounds proceedings Provided Province Provincial Council purpose recognizance registered regulations repealed resident magistrate respect returning officer rules schedule shareholders ship Short title summons Supreme Court therein thereof thereto think fit trustees warrant whereas witnesses writ Zealand Gazette
Popular passages
Page 381 - Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing proved to the satisfaction of the Judge to be genuine shall be permitted to be made by witnesses; and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting the same, may be submitted to the Court and jury as evidence of the genuineness, or otherwise, of the writing in dispute.
Page 383 - OP other noxious thing or any instrument or thing whatsoever knowing that the same is intended to be unlawfully used or employed with intent to procure the miscarriage of any woman whether she be or be not with child shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and being convicted thereof shall be liable at the discretion of the Court to be kept in penal servitude for the term of three years or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.
Page 169 - ... upon or against any person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting or on account of such person having voted or refrained from voting at any election...
Page 601 - That the words and expressions hereinafter mentioned, which in their ordinary signification have a more confined or a different meaning, shall in this Act, except where the nature of the provision or the context of the Act shall exclude such construction, be interpreted as follows; (that is to say), the word "will...
Page 135 - The directora may elect a chairman of their meetings and determine the period for which he is to hold office ; but if no such chairman is elected, or if at any meeting the chairman is not present at the time appointed for holding the same, the directors present shall choose some one of their number to be chairman of such meeting.
Page 10 - Certificates ; Warrants or Orders for the Delivery of Goods, or any other Documents used in the ordinary Course of Business as Proof of the Possession or. Control of Goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by Endorsement or by Delivery, the Possessor of such Document to transfer or receive Goods thereby represented...
Page 69 - ... but shall not include the following documents ; that is to say, assignments for the benefit of the creditors of the person making or giving the same, marriage settlements, transfers or assignments of any ship or vessel or any share thereof, transfers of goods in the ordinary course of business of any trade or calling...
Page 148 - In the event of a company formed under this Act being wound up, every present and past member of such company shall be liable to contribute to the assets of the company to an amount sufficient for payment of the debts and liabilities of the company...
Page 168 - Parliament, or the vote of any voter at any election : 5. Every person who shall advance or pay, or cause to be paid, any money to or to the use of any other person with the intent that such money or any part thereof shall be expended in bribery at any election...
Page 131 - The objects for which the company is established are, " the conveyance of passengers and goods in ships or boats between such places as the company may from time to time determine, and the doing all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above object.