their landing, or their marriage, they took into their service an ayah, or female attendant, who should minister in the trifling affairs of dress and the labours of the toilet; her attainments were few; a few words of English, a gentle patience under all irritations, a suppleness which could bend under, if it did not conform to the caprices of successive mistresses; and a disposition to lounge or sleep any hour, or almost all hours of the twenty-four; and when aroused, prepared to foster vanity, or gratify whatever weakness she discovered in the Dorisana, or Beebe-Sahib, her mistress. This generally was the only native woman with whom intercourse was held; the milliner, the washer, the cook, the perfumer, the head servant, and every household servant, were men-what then could the young, and perhaps indolent woman, the woman of fashion and pleasure, know of the Hindoo female character? or what could she propose to do for them? and what moral influence on the women of India, could English women exercise in such circumstances? It was enough, if the labours of the toilet could be endured so as to appear when the table was covered, or when the hour for evening drive, or the evening party, had arrived the intervening hours being, many of them, spent in dishabille and the retirement of the shaded and punkaed apartment. Mrs. Sherwood has not overdrawn her description of English women in Bengal. And between them and the native women of India, the mothers, the wives, and sisters of the Hindoos, a wide chasm, a great gulf has interposed to prevent all friendly or colloquial intercourse. The knowledge which subsists between women of the one family and of the other, has been conveyed and distorted by hearsay evidence; and the poor secluded Hindoo is scarcely more ignorant of her British sister, of her privileges and pursuits, when exalted and sanctified by a cultivated education and a fear of God, than the lady of the collector, the major, the doctor, the magistrate, the judge, or the general, is unacquainted with, and uninterested in, the claims, the sufferings and debasement, the helplessness, and utter wretchedness of the ten thousand Hindoo women who inhabit the zillah, the pettah, or the city, in whose immediate vicinity their dwelling is placed; while generous-hearted and ingenuous men, who sought to elevate the character of Hindoo females-men, whom we have known, anxious to raise the mother of their children to the rank of their wives and companions, have been tabooed and represented as odd, quixottish, and almost insane, and the worst motives ascribed to them. The imperative obligations under which these considerations lay the lover of his species, and more especially the servant of Jesus Christ, to put forth strenuous efforts for ameliorating the moral wretchedness, and elevating the general character of Hindoo females, require no farther illustration : unless their women be brought up in modesty and with industrious and religious habits, it is in vain It that we seek to improve the Hindoo women. is the female sex who keep the character of men at its proper elevation. I rejoice, however, to testify that exertions have been made most creditable to the devoted and honoured women who have gone forth to heathen lands as helpers in the missionary cause. The listlessness felt by adult Hindoo females on the subject of education would seem almost invincible, but there is added to this, an odium which associates a lascivious character with the possession of literary knowledge: this prejudice is not only countenanced, but enforced, for ignoble purposes, by men whose works of darkness will not bear the light. It cannot be, that reading has been found to produce such a character, but women attached to heathen temples, destined for pollution, have been presumed to be instructed in the knowledge of letters, and therefore, all native women learning to read, were represented as belonging to the same class-a delusion which the Brahminical priesthood took care to strengthen. An alienated and suspicious mind, misled by these misrepresentations, required to be overcome; prejudice and custom must be broke through; and naturally indolent and careless dispositions should be aroused before education could spread far among the Hindoo females. Barriers and impediments such as these, could be surmounted, it might have been thought, only by masculine and cooperating energies, aided by the influence of the governing authority: yet the work was undertaken by feebler, though not less efficient agencywoman came to the rescue of her debased sisterthe wives of missionaries, and females, even singlehanded, went forth in the might and majesty of benevolence and truth; and entering upon this sphere with a generous and ardent zeal, they braved and vanquished the greatest difficulties-the languages, prejudices, climate, and natural sloth and indifference. Their progress has already been triumphant, their success most cheering, and their prospect is more glorious than the mountains of a warrior's prey, the conquests of the proud invader, and the laurels of the titled hero. Natives of wealth and influence have pronounced blessings on their name, have entered into zealous cooperation, have led their own children into the flowery paths of wisdom and instruction, or have opened their own secluded and obscured domestic circles for the visits of the teacher, and the ennobling communications of universal knowledge. At every mission in peninsular and northern India, are now schools for females, with an average attendance of one female for every nine boys; while the instruction afforded to the former is probably more select and practical than what is imparted to the male scholars. Institutions for female education are also in efficient operation in the chief cities of India. There will soon be a cultivated and enlightened seed among the Hindoo females, which, as a handful of corn on the top of the mountains shall shake like Lebanon, and flourish like the grass of the earth. The leaven will work till it has leavened the whole lump. We speak from personal intercourse with intelligent brahmins, whose minds had been illumined with general knowledge, though perhaps, not sanctified under the influence of divine truth; and we do not doubt but a few years will exhibit a change of the most gratifying nature, in the character and pursuits of women in India. |