THE STUDENT AND PASTOR; OR DIRECTIONS HOW TO ATTAIN TO EMINENCE AND USEFULNESS PRINTED FOR H. D. SYMONDS, 20, PATERNOSTER ROW, By C. Stower, Paternoster Row. 1807. PREFACE. THESE papers were originally drawn up for the benefit of a young gentleman, who was a candidate for the sacred ministry. I conceived, that, if they were made more public, they might be of more extensive use; not only to academics who study with a view to the pastoral office, but to those who are lately entered upon it. And what the more induced me to make them so was, that (though we have many useful treatises on this subject) I do not remem ber to have seen any thing in our own language so comprehensive of the student's and pastor's office, or which represents both in so short a view. Ostervald de l'Exercise du Ministére (which a learned and valuable friend recommended to me when I was collecting these thoughts) comes the nearest to my plan, both in method and precision, a 2 |