To his celeftial confort us unite, Tolivewithhim,andfing in endlessmornof light, HYMN CXXXV. ICOME, thou Fount of ev'ry Bleffing! Jefus fought me, when a Stranger, 3 O! to Grace how great a Debtor, Let that Grace now like a Fetter Seal it from thy Courts above. HYMN HYMN CXXXVI. 1 HOW can we adore, Thy Goodness and Pow'r, Thee Father of all. 2 The Heav'ns and Earth, 3 Thou, Saviour, art one And equal with him: On high doft thou fit, The That ev'ry Believer 5 How foon will thy Seat I And welcome thee there. Thy witneffing Spirit In us fhed abroad, And bid us inherit The Kingdom of God. HYMN CXXXVII. COME let us anew Our Journey pui fue, Roll round with the Year, And never stand still till the Master appear: His adorable Will Let us gladly fulfil And our Talents improve, By the Patience of Hope, andtheLabourof Love. Our Time as a Stream Glides fwiftly away, And the fugitive Moment refufes to stay: The Arrow is flown, The Moment is gone, The Millenial Year Rushes on to our View, and Eternity's here! I have fought my Way through, I have finish'd the Work thou didst give me O that each from his Lord to do! Enter into my Joy, and fit down on my HYMN Throne. CXXXVIII. O! he comes with Clouds defending, Thousand thousand Saints attending, 2 Ev'ry Eye fhall now behold him, Shall the true Meffiah fee. 3 Ev'ry Ifland, Sea, and Mountain, Come to Judgment! come away! 4 Now Redemption long expected, Now Now fhall meet him in the Air! See the Day of God appear! 5 Answer thine own Bride and Spirit, Travels! groans! and bids thee come! 6 Yea! Amen! let all adore thee, Hallelujah! come, Lord, come! HYMN CXXXIX. I TELL us, O Women, we wou'd know whither fo faft ye move? We, call'd to leave the World below, are feeking one above. 2 Whence came ye fay, and what the Place that ye are trav'lling from? 3 From Tribulation we thro' Grace are now returning home. Is not your native Dwelling here? like you not this Abode? Thither |