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To his celeftial confort us unite, Tolivewithhim,andfing in endlessmornof light, HYMN CXXXV.

ICOME, thou Fount of ev'ry Bleffing!
Tune mine Heart to fing thy Grace!
Streams of Mercy never ceafing,
Call for Songs of loudest Praise;
Teach me fome melodious Sonner,
Sung by flaming Tongues above;
Praife the Mount-I'm fixt upon it,
Mount of God's unchanging Love!
2 Here I raise my Eben-Ezer,
Hither by thine Help I'm come;
And I hope, by thy good Pleasure,
Safely to arrive at Home:

Jefus fought me, when a Stranger,
Wand'ring from the Fold of God,
He, to rescue me from Danger,
Interpos'd with precious Blood.

3 O! to Grace how great a Debtor,
Daily I'm constrain❜d to be!

Let that Grace now like a Fetter
Bind my wand'ring Heart to thee!
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love-
Here's mine Heart-O take and feal it !

Seal it from thy Courts above.




1 HOW can we adore,
Or worthily praise,

Thy Goodness and Pow'r,
Thou God of all Grace!
With Honour and Bleffing
Before thee we fall,
Moft gladly confeffing

Thee Father of all.

2 The Heav'ns and Earth,
And Water and Air,
To thee owe their Birth,
Subfift by thy Care;
Whilft Angels are finging
Thy Praises above,
We Mortals are bringing
Our Tribute of Love.

3 Thou, Saviour, art one
With God the fupreme,
His eternal Son,

And equal with him:
Invested with Glory

On high doft thou fit,
While Angels adore thee,
And bow at thy Feet.
4 How great was thy Love;
How wond'rous thy Grace!
Thou cam'ft from above
To fave a loft Race;
And, Man to deliver,
Of Woman wast born,


That ev'ry Believer
To God might return.

5 How foon will thy Seat
Of Judgment appear
Prepare us to meet


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And welcome thee there. Thy witneffing Spirit

In us fhed abroad,

And bid us inherit

The Kingdom of God.


COME let us anew

Our Journey pui fue,

Roll round with the Year,

And never stand still till the Master appear:

His adorable Will

Let us gladly fulfil

And our Talents improve,

By the Patience of Hope, andtheLabourof Love.

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Our Time as a Stream

Glides fwiftly away,

And the fugitive Moment refufes to stay:

The Arrow is flown,

The Moment is gone,

The Millenial Year

Rushes on to our View, and Eternity's here!

[blocks in formation]

I have fought my Way through,

I have finish'd the Work thou didst give me

O that each from his Lord
May receive the glad Word,
Well and faithfully done;

to do!

Enter into my Joy, and fit down on my


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O! he comes with Clouds defending,
Once for favour'd Sinners flain:

Thousand thousand Saints attending,
Swell the Triumph of his Train:
Hallelujah! Amén.

2 Ev'ry Eye fhall now behold him,
Rob'd in dreadful Majesty;
Those who fet at nought and fold him,
Pierc'd and nail'd him to the Tree,
Deeply wailing,

Shall the true Meffiah fee.

3 Ev'ry Ifland, Sea, and Mountain,
Heav'n and Earth fhall flee away;
All who hate him muft, confounded,
Hear the Trump proclaim the Day;
Come to Judgment!

Come to Judgment! come away!

4 Now Redemption long expected,
See! in folemn Pomp appear!
All his Saints, by Man rejected,


Now fhall meet him in the Air!

See the Day of God appear!

5 Answer thine own Bride and Spirit,
Haften, Lord, the gen'ral Doom!
The new Heav'n and Earth t'inherit,
Take thy pining Exiles home:
All Creation,

Travels! groans! and bids thee come!

6 Yea! Amen! let all adore thee,
High on thine eternal Throne!
Saviour, take the Pow'r and Glory;
Claim the Kingdom for thine own!
O come quickly!

Hallelujah! come, Lord, come!



I TELL us, O Women, we wou'd know whither fo faft ye move?

We, call'd to leave the World below, are feeking one above.

2 Whence came ye fay, and what the Place that ye are trav'lling from?


From Tribulation we thro' Grace

are now returning home.

Is not your native Dwelling here?

like you not this Abode?
We feek a better City far,
a City built by God.


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