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I prefs to the Haven of Peace: I would as a Shadow remove, And fuddenly vanish away, Escape to the Spirits above, Afcend to the Regions of Day.

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WE have the Promise of eternal Truth, Thosewho livewell,and piousPathspuriue,

To Man and to their Maker true,

Let 'em expire in Age or Youth,
Can never miss

Their Way to everlasting Bliss;
But from a World of Mifery and Care
To Manfions of eternal Eafe repair,
Where Joy in full Perfection flows,
And in an endless Circle moves
Thro' the vast Round of beatific Love,
Which no Cessation knows.


HOW happy are they,

Who the Saviour obey,

And have laid up their Treasure above:
Tongue cannot exprefs,

The fweet Comfort and Peace,
Of a Soul in its earliest Love.
2 That Comfort was mine,
When the Favour divine,


I first found through the Blood of the Lamb:
When my Heart it believed,
What a Joy it received,

What a Heav'n in Jesus's Name!
3 Jefus, all the Day long,
Was my Joy and my Song;
O that all his Salvation may lee!
He hath lov'd me, I cried,
He hath fuffer'd and died,
To redeem such a Rebel as me.
I rode on the Sky,
Freely justify'd I,

Nor envied Elijah his Seat;
My Soul mounted higher
In a Chariot of Fire,

And the Moon it was under my Feet.

5 O the rapturous Height

Of that holy Delight,
Which I felt in the Life-giving Blood!
Of my Saviour poffefs'd

I was perfectly bleft,

As if fill'd with the Fulness of God!


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ESUS, my God and King,
Thy regal State I fing:

Thou and only thou art great,
High thine everlasting Throne ;



Thou the fov'reign Potentate,
Bleft Immortal thou alone.

Effay your choiceft Strains,
The King Meffiah reigns!
Tune your Harps, celeftial Choir,
Joyful all, your Voices raife,

Chrift, than Earth-born Monarchs higher, Sons of Men and Angels praise.

Hail your dread Lord and ours,
Dominions, Thrones and Pow'rs;
Source of Pow'r he rules alone;

Veil your Eyes and proftrate fail,
Caft your Crowns before his Throne,
Hail the Caufe, the Lord of all.
Juftice and Truth maintain
Thine everlafting Reign:
One with thine almighty Sire,
Partner of an equal Throne,
King of Hearts, let all confpire,
Gratefully thy Sway to own.
Let Earth's remoteft Bound
With ecchoing Joys refound;
Christ to praise let all confpire;
Praise to Chrift doth all belong;
Shout, ye first-born Sons of Fire,
Earth, repeat the glorious Song.

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I HAPPY the House, like Abr'ham's, blest with Heads, who rule for God;

Where strict Religion ftands confeft,
who chuse the narrow Road.

2 Inftructions there divinely flow
to mind the great Concern;
There ev'ry Child and Servant too
the Paths of Wisdom learn.


There morning Pray'rs like Incense rise, and facred Odours fhed;

While at their ev'ning Sacrifice,

the Wings of Peace o'erfpread.

4 Thofe pious Youth their Children teach this great Concern to mind,

And true Religion lives to reach to Ages yet behind.

5 Such, Lord, may ev'ry House be made in this degenerate Day;

And thy paternal Love display'd, where e'er thy Children pray.


LET Earth and Heav'n agree,
Angels and Men be join'd,

To celebrate with me

The Saviour of Mankind,




T'adore the all-atoning Lamb,
And bless the Sound of Jefu's Name.
Jefus, tranfporting Sound!

The Joy of Earth and Heav'n!
No other Help is found,

No other Name is giv'n,

By which we can Salvation have:
But Jefus came the World to fave.
Jefus, harmonious Name!

It charms the Hofts above;
They evermore proclaim,

And wonder at his Love!
'Tis all their Happiness to gaze,
'Tis Heav'n to fee our Jefu's Face.
His Name the Sinner hears,
And is from Sin fet free;
'Tis Mufic in his Ears,

'Tis Life and Victory;

New Songs do now his Lips employ,
And dances his glad Heart for Joy.


I COME view, my Soul, with fweet Surprize, what pious Friendship is;

Come fee the Love, come tafte the Joys, and fing the mutual Blifs.

2 Where Friends in Chrift devoutly meet, to read, to praise, and pray;

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