I prefs to the Haven of Peace: I would as a Shadow remove, And fuddenly vanish away, Escape to the Spirits above, Afcend to the Regions of Day. WE have the Promise of eternal Truth, Thosewho livewell,and piousPathspuriue, To Man and to their Maker true, Let 'em expire in Age or Youth, Their Way to everlasting Bliss; HYMN CCCCI. HOW happy are they, Who the Saviour obey, And have laid up their Treasure above: The fweet Comfort and Peace, When I first found through the Blood of the Lamb: What a Heav'n in Jesus's Name! Nor envied Elijah his Seat; And the Moon it was under my Feet. 5 O the rapturous Height Of that holy Delight, I was perfectly bleft, As if fill'd with the Fulness of God! I HYMN CCCCII. ESUS, my God and King, Thou and only thou art great, Then 5 Thou the fov'reign Potentate, Effay your choiceft Strains, Chrift, than Earth-born Monarchs higher, Sons of Men and Angels praise. Hail your dread Lord and ours, Veil your Eyes and proftrate fail, HYMN CCCCIII. I HAPPY the House, like Abr'ham's, blest with Heads, who rule for God; Where strict Religion ftands confeft, 2 Inftructions there divinely flow 3 There morning Pray'rs like Incense rise, and facred Odours fhed; While at their ev'ning Sacrifice, the Wings of Peace o'erfpread. 4 Thofe pious Youth their Children teach this great Concern to mind, And true Religion lives to reach to Ages yet behind. 5 Such, Lord, may ev'ry House be made in this degenerate Day; And thy paternal Love display'd, where e'er thy Children pray. HYMN CCCCIV. LET Earth and Heav'n agree, To celebrate with me The Saviour of Mankind, T'adore 2 3 T'adore the all-atoning Lamb, The Joy of Earth and Heav'n! No other Name is giv'n, By which we can Salvation have: It charms the Hofts above; And wonder at his Love! 'Tis Life and Victory; New Songs do now his Lips employ, HYMN CCCCV. I COME view, my Soul, with fweet Surprize, what pious Friendship is; Come fee the Love, come tafte the Joys, and fing the mutual Blifs. 2 Where Friends in Chrift devoutly meet, to read, to praise, and pray; |