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With regard to Cruciferæ in particular, it appears to me that there exists in the species of this order an aptitude to reconcile themselves to the various peculiarities and changes of climate incident to countries under different meridians. In North America many European Cruciferæ have become naturalized. They frequently usurp a prevalence in our gardens and in cultivatedgrounds, so as to become weeds, reminding the old countryman at every step of scenes of his youthful home. Nasturtium officinale, Barbarea vulgaris, Thlaspe arvense, Lepidium campestre, and most frequent of all, the Capsella bursa-pastoris, are naturalized Americans and Canadians; and is not this in perfect accordance with the diffusive character of the order, as noted by botanists in those species which exist in the highest northern latitudes?

In those dismal regions where ice holds almost eternal empire, and where frost is arrested but for a few short weeks of the year, we still may please ourselves with discovering that wise provision is made, as far as possible under the circumstances, for the wants of man. The intense cold of winter and spring requires that the bodily functions of the Esquimaux should be fortified by a diet of pure animal food, and that too of the fattest and most oily description. The composition of the blood is thus preserved in a state fit for supporting the human frame, while the lungs are breathing freely an intensely cold condensed atmosphere. When the summer arrives, and the length of sunshine heats the air, the natives must have their systems surcharged. Nature then may be supposed as stepping in, and supplying from her stores the most cooling, aperient, and anti-scorbutic vegetables for their relief. The Esquimaux at this season, by having recourse to the productions of mother earth, may have his blood purified and his skin cleansed, as well as the inhabitant of the tropics can by the condiments around him have his languid appetite stimulated, and the incipient fever assuaged. In whatever quarter of the globe man may be placed, surely by searching he may find what is best calculated to benefit him. Let him only take the trouble and time to investigate, and turn to advantage what has been so liberallynay, often so lavishly, we may say-spread out before him, and he will not fail to discover, that an unseen hand has been long since at work to anticipate his wishes, and supply his needs.

Montreal, January, 1859.


ARTICLE II.—Fish Manures. By T. STERRY HUNT. tracted from the Report of the Geological Survey of Canada for 1857.

Before describing the results of some enquiries into the value of these manures, and the practicability of introducing their manufacture into Canada, it may be well to explain briefly certain principles which may serve to guide us in the appreciation of the subject. Modern investigations of the chemistry of vegetation have led to a more or less correct understanding of the laws of vegetable nutrition and the theory of manures, and we are all aware how many natural and artificial matters have been proposed as substitutes for the manure of the stable and farm-yard. Foremost among these ranks the Peruvian guano, composed for the most part of the exuviæ of sea-birds, and employed for centuries by the Peruvians as a powerful stimulant to vegetation. This substance owes its value to the phosphoric acid and ammonia which it is capable of affording to the growing plant; the former element being indispensable to the healthy development of vegetation and entering in large proportion into the mineral matter of the cereals, while ammonia furnishes in a form capable of assimilation, the nitrogen, which with the elements of water and carbonic acid, makes up the organic tissues of plants. Besides these essential principles, plants require sulphuric acid, silica, chlorine, potash, soda, lime, magnesia and oxyd of iron, all of which elements are found in their ashes, and are required for their healthy growth. In a fertile soil all of these ingredients are present, as well as phosphoric acid and ammonia, which last substance is constantly produced by the decay of animal and vegetable matters, and is either at once retained by the soil, which has the power of absorbing a certain portion of it, or is evolved into the air and afterwards dissolved and brought down by the rains to the earth.

Many of the mineral elements of a soil are present in it in an insoluble form, and are only set free by the slow chemical re-actions constantly going on under the influence of air and water. Such is the case with the alkalies, potash and soda, and to a certain extent with the phosphates. Now although there is probably no soil which does not yield by analysis quantities of all the mineral elements sufficient for many crops, yet by long and uninterrupted tillage the more soluble combinations of these elements may be all taken up, and the land will then require a certain time

of repose in order that a store of more soluble matters may be formed. Hence the utility of fallows.

In my analysis of the soils of the Richelieu valley, in the Report for 1850, pp. 79-90, I have shown, by comparing the virgin soils. with those exhausted by continued crops of wheat during fifty years, that the proportions of phosphoric acid and magnesia, elements which are contained in large quantities in this grain, have been greatly diminished, but the soil still contains as much phosphate as it has lost, and this only requires to be rendered soluble in order to be available to vegetation.

In forests and untilled lands the conditions of a healthy vegetable growth are seldom wanting; the soil affords in sufficient quantity all the chemical elements required, while the leaves and seeds which annually fall and decay, give back to the earth a grea proportion of the elements which it has yielded. In this way the only loss of mineral matter is that which remains stored up in the growing wood or is removed by waters from the soil. Far different is the case in cultivated fields, since in the shape of corn, of fat cattle, and the products of the dairy, we remove from the soil its phosphates, alkalies and nitrogen, and send them to foreign markets. The effect of tillage becomes doubly exhaustive when by artificial means we stimulate vegetation without furnishing all the materials required for the growing plants. Such is the effect of many special manures, which while they supply certain elements, enable the plants to remove the others more rapidly from the soil. A partial exhaustion of the soil results likewise from repeated crops of the same kind; for the elements of which the cereals require the largest quantity are taken in smaller proportions by green crops, and reciprocally, so that by judicious alternations the balance between the different mineral ingredients of the soil is preserved.

One of the great problems in scientific agriculture is to supply to the soil the ammonia and the mineral matters necessary to support an abundant vegetation, and to obtain from various sources these different elements at prices which will permit of their being economically made use of. Nowhere but in the manure of the stable and farm-yard can we find combined all the fertilizing elements required, but several of them may be very cheaply procured. Thus lime and magnesia are abundant in the shape of marl and limestones; soda is readily obtained, together with chlorine, in common salt; while gypsum or plaster of Paris supplies at a low

price both sulphuric acid and lime. Potash when wanting may be supplied to the soil by wood-ashes, but phosphoric acid and ammonia are less easily obtained and command higher prices.

An abundant supply of phosphate of lime is found in bones, which when dried contain from 500 to 600 p. c. of mineral matter, consisting of phosphate of lime, with a little carbonate, and small portions of salts of magnesia and soda. The remainder is organic matter, which is destroyed when the bones are burned. This phosphate of lime of bones contains 460 per cent of phosphoric acid, and the refuse bone-black of the sugar-refiners usually affords about 320 per cent. of the acid. The different guanos also contain large amounts of phosphoric acid, and that known as Columbian guano is principally phosphate of lime. Various deposits of mineral phosphate of lime have of late attracted the attention of scientific agriculturists. I may mention in this connection the crystalline phosphate of lime or apatite of our Laurentian limestones, and the phosphatic nodules found in different parts of the Lower Silurian strata of Canada and described in previous Reports.

These mineral phosphates are in such a state of aggregation, that it is necessary to decompose them by sulphuric acid before applying them to the soil. The same process is also very often applied to bones; for this end the phosphate of lime in powder is to be mingled with nearly two-thirds its weight of sulphuric acid, which converts two-thirds of the lime into sulphate, and leaves the remainder combined with the phosphoric acid as a soluble super-phos phate. In this way, the phosphoric acid may be applied to the soil in a much more divided state, and its efficiency is thereby greatly increased. Even in its soluble form however, the phosphoric acid is at once neutralized by the basic oxyds in the soil, and Mr. Paul Thenard has lately shown that ordinary phosphate of lime, when dissolved in carbonic-acid water, is decomposed by digestion with earth, insoluble phosphates of iron and alumina being formed, which are again slowly decomposed by the somewhat soluble silicate of lime present in the soil and transformed into silicates with formation of phosphate of lime. It is probable that alkaline silicates may also play, a similar part in the soil. These considerations show that the superior value of soluble phosphate of of lime as a manure, depends solely upon its greater subdivision. A portion of the phosphoric acid in Peruvian guano exists in a soluble condition as phosphate of ammonia.

With regard to the nitrogen in manures, it may exist in the form of ammoniacal salts, or combined in organic matters which evolve ammonia by their slow decay. The ammonia which the latter are capable of thus yielding, is designated as potential or possible ammonia, as distinguished from the ammonia of the ammoniacal salts, which is generally soluble in water, and is at once disengaged when these matters are mingled with potash or quicklime. Such is the sulphate of ammonia, which is prepared on a large scale from the alkaline liquid condensed in the manufacture of coal-gas. In Peruvian guano a large amount of the nitrogen is present as a salt of ammonia, and the remainder chiefly as uric acid, a substance which readily decomposes, and produces a great deal of ammonia. In fact, this decomposition takes place spontaneously, with so much rapidity, that the best guanos may, it is said, lose more than one-fifth of their nitrogen in the form of ammonia in a few months' time, if exposed to a moist atmosphere.

Other manures, however, contain nitrogen in combinations which undergo decomposition less readily than uric acid. Thus unburned bones yield from six to seven per cent. of ammonia, and dried blood, fifteen or sixteen per cent, while woollen rags and leather yield about as large a quantity. In estimating the value of such matters as manures, the difference in the facility with which they enter into decomposition, must be taken into account. Thus if too large quantities of guano are applied to the soil, a portion of the ammonia may be volatilized and lost, while with leather and wool the decay is so slow, that these materials have but little immediate effect as manures. The nitrogen of blood and flesh is converted into ammonia with so much ease, that it may be considered almost as available for the purpose of a manure as that which is contained in ammoniacal salts.

Attempts have been made to fix the money value of the ammonia and the phosphates in manures, and thus to enable us from the results of analysis, to estimate the value of any fertilizer containing these elements. This was I believe first suggested a few years since, by an eminent agricultural chemist of Saxony, Dr. Stockhardt, and has been adopted by the scientific agriculturis's of Great Britain, France and the United States. These values vary of course very much for different countries; but I shall avail myself of the calculations made by Prof. S. W. Johnson of New Haven, Connecticut, which are based on the prices of manures in e United States in 1857. In order to fix the value of phosphoric

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