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In the case of the last of these meteorites the number given in the table does not express the whole volume of gas contained in it, as the experiment was discontinued before it ceased to be given off. A special determination made with a separate portion gave a little more than thirty volumes. The Arva meteorite also is exceptional, both as regards the volume of gas yielded by it, and with respect to the large volume of the carbonic oxide obtained. We are reminded, by this fact, of the Ovifak iron, from which Wöhler obtained, by heating it to redness in an iron tube, more than 100 volumes of gas which was found to be carbonic oxide mingled with a little carbon di-oxide.* He attributes it, however, to the action of the carbon upon some oxygen compound, and the mass was found to contain a large quantity of magnetic oxide of iron. Doubtless the result was affected by the employment of the iron tube, which would rapidly reduce the carbon di-oxide at such a temperature. Berthelot, who examined another portion, at M. Daubreé's request, obtained by slow calcination in a tube of Bohemian glass a large volume of gas, the precise amount of which is not stated, consisting chiefly of the two oxides of carbon in nearly equal quantities. The celestial origin of the Ovifak iron is very doubtful, however, and its composition is different from that of the Arva meteorite, in which no oxygen compounds were detected.

A few words need to be said with reference to the volumes quoted in the case of the Tennessee, Texas, and Arva irons. In an article published in this Journal, for April, 1875, giving an account of a spectroscopic examination of the gases from these bodies, it was stated that the volumes were as follows: Tennessee, 469; Texas, 475; Arva, 44+, whereas the volumes as determined in the subsequent investigations by actual measurement were 3.17, 129, and 47·13, respectively, as given in the table. The discrepancy is due to the fact that the former numbers were calculated from the change in the reading of the gauge of the air-pump on evolution of the gas, and were not corrected for the small amount of water vapor present. Where the quantity of gas was small the error from this source was considerable, and the result would have only the value of a rough estimate. In the case of the Arva iron, where the volume of the gas was much larger, the inaccuracy was not serious, and the volume corresponds much more nearly with the true result as obtained from measurement. In the later determination of the volume of gas from the Texas iron, moreover, the metal was in rather coarse fragments, and the evolution of gas from it was not as complete as in the previous case. That the amount of gas obtainable from this iron

*Pogg. Ann. 146, p. 297. + Comptes Rendus, lxxiv, 1545.

should approximate to that obtained from the Tennessee specimen, if the trial were made with finely pulverized metal, is clearly indicated by the results of the earlier experiments.

The necessity for the precautions mentioned in the previous paper respecting the degree of heat employed and the time of its application, was well shown in the repetition of the experiments with the Iowa meteorite. The reducing action of the metallic iron upon the carbon di-oxide, though not very apparent at comparatively moderate temperatures, becomes considerable as the temperature rises, and in some of the experiments where the heat was carried nearly to redness and prolonged beyond what was necessary for the evolution of the larger part of the gas, it was found that the amount of carbonic oxide was very variable, in one instance reaching to 12 or 13 per cent. This explains also the larger amount of this gas obtained in the preliminary examination of last year where the analysis gave 14 per cent, as no special attention was at that time given to this source of error. It is also clearly shown by the following experiment with a portion of the Weston meteorite. After the gas had been driven off from this by a red heat, pure, dry carbon di-oxide was admitted into the pump, and the tube heated nearly to redness for about half an hour. On pumping out some of the gas and analyzing it, it was found that nearly twenty per cent of it had been converted into carbonic oxide. Although great care was taken in all the subsequent work to avoid this source of inaccuracy as completely as possible, the percentages of this gas obtained at the higher temperatures are less certainly to be depended upon than the others. The amount of marsh-gas obtained also shows a certain correspondence with that of the carbonic oxide, as if, possibly, in the reaction by which the carbon di-oxide was broken up by the iron, a portion of the carbon combined with the hydrogen present to form marsh-gas, a supposition which is not without warrant from the conclusions of other observers.* But though some degree of uncertainty may attach to the numbers given for the higher temperatures, the fact that, with all the precautions observed in the experiments, the gases were found to be present in small quantities even at the lowest temperatures at which examination was made, renders it probable that the results are not far from the truth, and that carbonic oxide and marsh-gas are really to be reckoned among the gaseous contents of the stony meteorites, and that the same cause which produced the one in greater or less quantity had a similar effect upon the other.

Among the questions discussed in the previous paper, was the manner of the occurrence of the carbon di-oxide. This has *Watts's Dict. of Chem.

In the case of the last of these meteorites the number given in the table does not express the whole volume of gas contained in it, as the experiment was discontinued before it ceased to be given off. A special determination made with a separate portion gave a little more than thirty volumes. The Arva meteorite also is exceptional, both as regards the volume of gas yielded by it, and with respect to the large volume of the carbonic oxide obtained. We are reminded, by this fact, of the Ovifak iron, from which Wöhler obtained, by heating it to redness in an iron tube, more than 100 volumes of gas which was found to be carbonic oxide mingled with a little carbon di-oxide.* He attributes it, however, to the action of the carbon upon. some oxygen compound, and the mass was found to contain a large quantity of magnetic oxide of iron. Doubtless the result was affected by the employment of the iron tube, which would rapidly reduce the carbon di-oxide at such a temperature. Berthelot, who examined another portion, at M. Daubree's request, obtained by slow calcination in a tube of Bohemian glass a large volume of gas, the precise amount of which is not stated, consisting chiefly of the two oxides of carbon in nearly equal quantities. The celestial origin of the Ovifak iron is very doubtful, however, and its composition is different from that of the Arva meteorite, in which no oxygen compounds were detected.

A few words need to be said with reference to the volumes quoted in the case of the Tennessee, Texas, and Arva irons. In an article published in this Journal, for April, 1875, giving an account of a spectroscopic examination of the gases from these bodies, it was stated that the volumes were as follows: Tennessee, 4.69; Texas, 475; Arva, 44+, whereas the volumes as determined in the subsequent investigations by actual measurement were 3.17, 1·29, and 47·13, respectively, as given in the table. The discrepancy is due to the fact that the former numbers were calculated from the change in the reading of the gauge of the air-pump on evolution of the gas, and were not corrected for the small amount of water vapor present. Where the quantity of gas was small the error from this source was considerable, and the result would have only the value of a rough estimate. In the case of the Arva iron, where the volume of the gas was much larger, the inaccuracy was not serious, and the volume corresponds much more nearly with the true result as obtained from measurement. In the later determination of the volume of gas from the Texas iron, moreover, the metal was in rather coarse fragments, and the evolution of gas from it was not as complete as in the previous case. That the amount of gas obtainable from this iron

* Pogg. Ann. 146, p. 297. + Comptes Rendus, lxxiv, 1545.

should approximate to that obtained from the Tennessee specimen, if the trial were made with finely pulverized metal, is clearly indicated by the results of the earlier experiments.

The necessity for the precautions mentioned in the previous paper respecting the degree of heat employed and the time of its application, was well shown in the repetition of the experiments with the Iowa meteorite. The reducing action of the metallic iron upon the carbon di-oxide, though not very apparent at comparatively moderate temperatures, becomes considerable as the temperature rises, and in some of the experiments where the heat was carried nearly to redness and prolonged beyond what was necessary for the evolution of the larger part of the gas, it was found that the amount of carbonic oxide was very variable, in one instance reaching to 12 or 13 per cent. This explains also the larger amount of this gas obtained in the preliminary examination of last year where the analysis gave 14 per cent, as no special attention was at that time given to this source of error. It is also clearly shown by the following experiment with a portion of the Weston meteorite. After the gas had been driven off from this by a red heat, pure, dry carbon di-oxide was admitted into the pump, and the tube heated nearly to redness for about half an hour. On pumping out some of the gas and analyzing it, it was found that nearly twenty per cent of it had been converted into carbonic oxide. Although great care was taken in all the subsequent work to avoid this source of inaccuracy as completely as possible, the percentages of this gas obtained at the higher temperatures are less certainly to be depended upon than the others. amount of marsh-gas obtained also shows a certain correspondence with that of the carbonic oxide, as if, possibly, in the reaction by which the carbon di-oxide was broken up by the iron, a portion of the carbon combined with the hydrogen present to form marsh-gas, a supposition which is not without warrant from the conclusions of other observers.* But though some degree of uncertainty may attach to the numbers given for the higher temperatures, the fact that, with all the precautions observed in the experiments, the gases were found to be present in small quantities even at the lowest temperatures at which examination was made, renders it probable that the results are not far from the truth, and that carbonic oxide and marsh-gas are really to be reckoned among the gaseous contents of the stony meteorites, and that the same cause which produced the one in greater or less quantity had a similar effect upon the other.

Among the questions discussed in the previous paper, was the manner of the occurrence of the carbon di-oxide. This has

* Watts's Dict. of Chem.

been subjected to further examination, with the result of modifying somewhat the conclusions there arrived at. That it has been derived from the atmosphere by absorption subsequently to the fall of the body is improbable, for not only did the reexamination of the Iowa meteorite show a loss rather than gain with the lapse of time, but also there would seem to be little reason for a selective action of the mass, which would enable it to take up this gas in preference to the other atmospheric constituents, unless it were the fact of the feebly acid character of the carbon di-oxide, as in the presence of, or combined with, water. But in this case the carbonates formed by combination with the oxides present in meteoric masses, would be very stable compounds, and quite incapable of decomposition at the low temperatures employed.

The explanation was suggested in the earlier papers that the gas was condensed upon the finer particles of the metallic iron, as well as absorbed within it. With a view to test the correctness of this supposition, a special set of experiments was undertaken. A quantity of the substance of the Iowa meteorite was reduced to fine powder, and the iron extracted from it with a magnet, and kept by itself. The grains of iron were then rubbed repeatedly in an agate mortar to free them as completely as possible from the adhering stone, from which they were separated as before, the residue of the powder being added to that left by the first operations. The material was thus divided into two portions, one of which consisted chiefly of the stony matter, the other principally of the iron. For a third portion pieces of the meteorite were simply broken into small fragments, and not pulverized. Each portion was placed in a clean tube, and in its turn attached to the pump for examination, care being taken to subject each, as nearly as was possible, to the same degree of heat, and for the same length of time. The highest temperature employed was below that of red heat. The following were the results obtained:

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Although, from the nature of the case, no very precise result could be expected from this mode of experiment, inasmuch as it was impossible either to separate the iron entirely from the mineral portion, or to free the iron completely from the stony matrix, the numbers above given indicate clearly that the stony portion yields a considerable portion of the gas given off at the temperature employed, and that this contains a larger proportion of the carbon oxides than that obtained from the iron, which, on the other hand, is richer in hydrogen. The product

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