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oxides. If, however, it is to be considered as combined in a manner analogous to the H2O, with ethyl to form alcohol, then there may be some plausibility in the hypothesis. For it will be remarked in referring to the actions of this hydrated carbon that it in no way resembles amorphous or ordinary carbon. It is represented by MM. Schutzenberger and Bourgeois as follows: C: 3H20=carbon 70-95, hydrogen 323, oxygen 25.80 per cent.

According to M. Cloez, the carbonaceous matter of the Orgueil meteorite, after being dried at 110°, was found to be composed of carbon 63-45, hydrogen 5.98, oxygen 30.75; and when we consider that some of this hydrogen belongs to the hydrocarbon now known to exist in that meteorite, the remainder of the hydrogen will approach near the proportion required to form water with the oxygen; and the quantity of carbon that may exist as a hydrate will be slightly diminished.

Attempts were made to separate completely all the mineral matter from the carbon, but I have failed to do so, after using fluorhydric acid alone, and in conjunction with nitric acid, also fluoride of sodium and sulphuric acid with a small amount of water, then treating the residue with cold nitric acid. There is no difficulty in getting rid of a great part of it, but in every instance the carbonaceous matter has been altered, however carefully the temperature was managed.

When this matter thus obtained is heated in a closed tube, after being dried at 110° C., it not only furnishes water at about 250° C., but gives out a very strong odor somewhat like that produced from certain bituminous coals, at one point resembling the disagreeable odor of an ignited cigar of a very inferior quality of tobacco.*

Viewed in the light of these experimental researches, the most reasonable conclusion is that this carbonaceous matter is not in any proper sense either carbon or humus, but a carbon compound analogous to the one just referred to.

Future researches upon these solid compounds, resembling in appearance amorphous carbon, such as hydrographitic oxide, pyrographitic oxide, carbon-hydrate, and similar compounds that may yet be discovered, will doubtless throw some light on the true nature of the carbonaceous compound of the black meteorites. So far as our knowledge now extends, its formation and its origin are wrapped in as much obscurity as the origin of the bodies in which it is found.

What we do know is that this carbonaceous matter occurs with the same minerals, viz., olivine and pyroxene, which are the predominating constituent materials of all stony meteorites;

*This odor will be found to belong to the hydrated carbon from cast iron, when heated in the same way.

also with the nickeliferous iron found in both the stoney and metallic meteorites; and furthermore, that this carbonaceous matter contains curious crystalline products soluble in ether and sulphide of carbon, which last have been traced in the graphite nodules in the interior of the metallic meteorites. Moreover in these graphite nodules we have found magnesia, which is so uniformly a constituent of the minerals of the stoney


So far then as our present knowledge goes, we know of celestial carbon in three conditions, viz: in the gaseous form as detected by the spectroscope in the attenuated matter of comets; in meteorites in the solid form, impalpable in its nature and diffused in small quantities through pulverulent masses of mineral matter that come to the earth from celestial regions; also in the solid form, but compact and hard, resembling terrestrial graphite, and this is imbedded in metallic matter that comes from regions in space. But while we speak of these as forms of carbon, I think we should be careful in associating it in our minds with the element carbon as we understand it in its pure state whether crystallized or amorphous, for I cannot reconcile the carbon vapor detected in comets as simply that known as pure carbon in the form of an elastic vapor, nor are we to circumscribe ourselves with the notion that this cosmical carbon has an organic origin.

The researches embraced in this communication, while in many respects of a novel character, are imperfect from their very nature, both from lack of material for a thorough and complete study, as well as from the present imperfect methods of operating upon a minute quantity of the most interesting of the substances obtained.

I have therefore detailed as carefully as I could all the results as they have developed themselves, hoping that future opportunities may be afforded for continuing them, when new celestial messengers of the carbonaceous type shall visit our globe.

ART. LVII.-Results of Experiments on Contact Resistance; by Professor W. A. NORTON.

[Read before the National Academy of Sciences, April 21, 1876.]

THE experiments here referred to were undertaken with the view of determining the law of the diminution of the minute distance between two surfaces in contact, with the increase of the contact pressure; and its dependence on the extent, condition and nature of the surfaces in contact. Rectangular pieces of various substances inch in thickness, inch in width, and of

suitable length for clamping were used in the experiments. The lower piece was clamped to a horizontal iron bar, which was firmly clamped to the vertical pillars of the testing machine used in my former experiments on deflection and set, and was also firmly propped directly beneath the point where the contact occurred. The other piece, inch in length, was keyed to the under surface of the lever used in the same experiments, at the farther end. The weights were placed on a scale pan resting above this on the lever, and vertically over the surfaces in contact. The depressions of this end of the lever were determined by means of a micrometer screw, which gave the equal elevations of the other end to within of an inch. The firmness of the lower contact piece and its support was frequently tested by causing the weights to press directly upon it, without the intervention of the lever. The small thermal error of the apparatus was carefully determined and allowed for whenever any perceptible change of temperature occurred during any single series of experiments; but the precaution was taken to secure a nearly uniform temperature during the progress of the experiments. The weights employed, in the more precise determinations, ranged from 2 ounces to 24 ounces. The apparent surface of contact varied from of a square inch to a mere point. The touching surfaces were in some instances smooth, in others rough; and in the contact of plate glass with plate glass, highly polished. The decrement of contact distance was noted whenever a weight was put on, and the increment when the weight was removed, and in general the average of the two taken. By this means the thermal error, when the rise or fall of temperature was uniform, would be eliminated; as well as any error that might result from a change in the coefficient of the contact resistance, induced by the pressure and not passing off when the weight was removed. That errors from irregular variations of temperature, irregular variations of the coefficient of molecular resistance, and accidental causes, might be in a great degree eliminated, the mean of a considerable number of separate determinations was obtained in each case. A comparison of these means for sets of experiments differing in number, showed that the irregular and accidental errors were generally small. The initial pressure was the same in the different sets of experiments, and was very slight-being barely sufficient to secure a decided contact.

When a weight was applied the resulting diminution of the contact distance was generally greater than the increase that resulted from the removal of the weight. The reverse very rarely occurred; though the increment was sometimes equal to the decrement. It therefore generally happened that there was a slight contact set when the pressure was withdrawn. These

facts show that the application of the contact pressure was generally attended with a diminution of the coefficient of molecular resistance at the surface of contact. When the pressures were renewed at short intervals, the contact set at first observed was generally maintained, and often increased.

The following table gives the diminutions of the contact distance obtained with the several weights, 2 oz., 4 oz.., 8 oz., 16 oz., and 24 oz. It is to be understood that the numerical determinations given in the table are the means of a number of individual determinations. It thus happens that the decimals are carried beyond the reliable reading of the apparatus. The mean results of different sets of experiments are given in two instances. The apparent surface of contact was about of a square inch, except in the case of the contact of a flat surface with a round surface of sharp curvature, in which the area of contact was too minute to be estimated.

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On examining this table it will be seen,

(1.) That the diminutions of contact distance were very nearly the same, whatever was the nature, or condition of the surfaces in contact.

(2.) That they were nearly independent of the extent of the surface in contact; since they were nearly the same when the surfaces touched in a mere point, as when the surface of contact had an extent of one-fourth of an inch by one-eighth of an inch.

(3.) That the diminution of contact distance for an increase of one ounce in the pressure, was nearly inversely proportional

to the pressure. The fractions of an inch that would answer to this law are as follows: For 2 oz. 0·00017 in., for 4 oz. 0·00025 in., for 8 oz. 0·00033 in., for 16 oz. 0.00041 in., for 24 oz. 0.00046 in. These values differ but little from those given in the table as the reliable averages. The only material discrepancies occur in the results for 8 oz. and 24 oz. Now the table of results shows that in a few cases some cause was in operation to reduce the diminution of contact distance for 8 oz. to nearly the value observed for 5 oz. The same tendency was also often manifest in the individual experiments. If we reject the results for 8 oz. in these cases, that occur in the table, the average diminution of contact distance for a pressure of 8 oz., comes out 0.00032 in., and the discrepancy is reduced to 0.00001 in. Again the experimental result for the case of 24 oz. is 0.00003 in. larger than the law above stated calls for; but the individual micrometer readings were liable to this amount of error, and hence if the support had been depressed by this amount, by the 24 oz. weight, it would have escaped detection.

That the law of diminution of the contact distance which has been stated is very nearly, if not the exact law of Nature in the case, may also be inferred from the fact already stated, that the variation of contact distance is nearly if not entirely independent of the extent of the surface of contact. For if the contact area be diminished in any ratio, say 2 to 1, under the pressure of the same weight the pressure at each individual point of contact would be doubled, and the increment of pressure at each point, resulting from an additional weight of one ounce, would also be doubled. Now if we suppose the law, just referred to, to hold good for a given surface of contact, the diminution of contact distance at each point should be inversely proportional to the pressure on it, and therefore be half as great for the same increment of pressure there, as in the case of the larger area of contact; but in fact the additional pressure at a single point, resulting from an additional weight of one ounce, is doubled, and hence the diminution of distance should be the same as in the case of the larger area of contact.

We may conclude, therefore, that in the contact of surfaces, the force of molecular repulsion, in which the force of contact resistance consists, conforms in its variations very nearly, if not exactly, to the law that the decrement of the distance between the molecules, for the same small increment of pressure, is inversely proportional to the effective pressure by which the molecules are urged into closer proximity. If then we suppose the distance between the molecules to be denoted by x, and the effective molecular repulsion by r, and observe that x is a decreasing function of r, we may put dx=-m This gives,


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