PREFACE. In preparing this work for publication, the author has constantly kept in view the wants of the magistracy. His experience as crown attorney and clerk of the peace has shown. him the necessity of some such publication; and during its preparation he has received encouragement from many of the ablest Justices of the province, who have constantly assured him, that the "Magistrate's Manual" would supply a want but too deeply felt by all earnest in the performance of magisterial duties. It is due to the public, to state here, that the delay in publication was principally owing to the addition of about two hundred pages more than the book was originally intended to contain. Hitherto much of the law relating to offences, of which magistrates were cognizant, has not been collected into any convenient form, but had to be sought out by reference to many volumes. This process was always tedious, and not unfrequently unsatisfactory. And further, the law relating to particular offences, is sometimes to be found in fragmentary portions connected with various subjects, thus rendering the search very difficult. To bring the law within easy reach of all, the author has endeavoured to collect the law relating to each offence under its proper caption. All changes in the law since the consolidation of the Statutes, have been inserted in this work, and the course of legislation has been carefully followed up to the present time. In the Addenda will be found the Act for the Preservation of the Peace, on the frontier, |