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men and marines, and the upper floors for the officers, who have formed a club. The men are provided with reading and refreshment rooms, and skittles, and other amusements, at a monthly subscription, and have largely availed themselves of the attractions; the officers, billiard-room, reading-room, and refreshments.

THE results of the International Conference for preventing the use of certain explosive missiles in war are now made public. It is decided that the Powers which sign the Convention shall relinquish both in sea and land warfare the use of explosive projectiles weighing less than 400 grammes and filled with inflammable matter. This obligation is not binding upon any of the contracting Powers when at war with a State which has not signed the Convention. The Prussian plenipotentiary proposed that the question should be reopened for a more extended discussion, but this proposition was rejected. The protocol embracing the decisions of the Conference is signed by the representatives of Great Britain, France, Prussia, Russia, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Portugal, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Greece, Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Sweden, and Persia.

A NUMBER of the officers and sappers of the Royal Engineers, at Chatham, have been engaged for some time past in blowing up the wreck of the schooner "Iredes," which was sunk several months since in deep water, in the vicinity of the Cant Sands. The portions of the wreck removed have been blown up by means of a new description of gun cotton of great explosive power. At the request of the Trinity Board, the Royal Engineers will in future remove the wrecks of all vessels at any part of the coast which may be found to interfere with navigation. The next vessel to be blown up by the Royal Engineers, for which preparations are now being made at head-quarters, Chatham, is the emigrant ship "Liechart," which was sunk a short time since at the Nore, through being run into while at anchor by

the North Star




TRAVELLERS arriving at Genoa from Piedmont and Lombardy state that the whole country is covered with snow as far as Busalta.

ANOTHER new serial work is announced by Messrs. Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, under the title of strated Travels, to be edited by Mr. H. W. Bates, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society. The first part will appear in December. THE number of visitors to the Patent Office Museum, South Kensington, for the week ending November 28, was 3,768. Total number since the opening of the Museum, free daily (May 12, 1858), 1,438,771.

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George Hotel, Aldermanbury, City, on Saturday manufacture of revolvers and that of agricultura next (to-morrow), Mr. James Irvine, of Messrs. implements-the last two constituting the contras Simpsons', Grosvenor-road, will read a paper on between war and peace. The whole eight volume Machinery for Cutting and Boring Rocks." The of "Les Grandes Usines" form a scientific and in sitting is to commence at 8 p.m., and Mr. Joseph teresting encyclopædia of most of the industria Newton, H.M. Mint, president, will occupy the chair. arts and their practical application. AN interesting presentation has been made to the Royal Irish Academy by the Earl of Charlemont. It consists of a series of seventy-four terra cotta busts of the Roman Emperors and their families, modelled after the original antiqueslin the Capitoline Museum, at Rome, and which adorned the library of the donor's grandfather, the first president of the Academy. They are the work of an eminent Roman statuary, Vierpyle, and were executed at Rome in the year 1754.

AN Act has been passed authorizing the construction of a railway to connect Melbourne with the Upper Murray, opposite Albury, in New South Wales. The amount required for this and other railway operations is stated at £2,107,000. A Public Works Loan Bill has also passed, authorizing the borrowing of a further sum of £610,000 for the completion of various works for water supply throughout the country, and for finishing the Alfred Graving Dock at Williams Town.

MR. E. G. SQUIER, who is an authority on the ethnology and archæology of South and Central America, says there is nothing incredible in the story told by General Kilpatrick, United States Minister to Peru, that during the recent earthquake at Arica 500 mummies were thrown to the surface. He says the desert hills behind Arica, as indeed those surrounding the few habitable spots on the Peruvian coast, are literally stuffed with the desiccated bodies of the aborigines. They are but thinly covered with light and nitrous sands, and are often exposed by the winds. I have seen dozens of them at Arica lying on the surface, wrapped in coarse grass matting, or in their crumbling nets, for most who lived here seem to have been fishermen. I have carefully examined hundreds of the so-called mummies without finding the slightest evidence that their preservation is due to other than natural conditions of soil and climate.


A STRANGE Occurrence is related in the "Mining THE Smithfield Club Cattle Show is to commence at Journal" as having occurred at Carnyorth Mine, St. the Agricultural Hall, Islington, on Monday, Decem- Just, during an awful thunderstorm. The lightning ber 7, and will continue open during the four follow-struck the engine-house, cleaving the spring beam, a ng days. The Earl of Hardwicke is the president balk of timber 9in. square knocking the stair to for the year, and amongst the prominent members of pieces, with the windows, roof, and stack. The fluid the club are the Dukes of Marlborough and Rich- went down the shaft at 50 fathoms, striking H. Boyns mond, Earls Leicester, Powis, and Spencer, Viscount in the arm and rendering Hugh Lanyon speechless. Bridport, and Lords Berners, Tredegar, and Wal- They thought a gun had been fired at them. singham. The aggregate amount of the prizes is finding the arm not broken they proceeded up with £2,300. great difficulty. The lightning went down altogether 300 fathoms, and ran along the tram-road 300 fathoms more, striking R. Angwin in the foot, and W. Tresize in the chest. All the men underground received a severe electric shock. The ozone was suffocating. No death occurred, nor injury to the ironwork of the engine. A man called Archer, working at the stamps engine, was knocked backwards, and the arms of the round baddle machine were knocked away.

THE arrangements for the purchase of the telegraphs by the Government are being actively carried on, and a Commission appointed by the AccountantGeneral has nearly concluded the inquiry into what the net profits of the companies really are. A complete collection of the instruments used has been arranged in the library of St. Martin's-le-Grand. It is said to be a most interesting display, and one which shows in a remarkable manner the vast progress which has been made since the first application of electricity to the purpose of telegraphy. —

AT the close of 1867, the stock of locomotives owned by the twelve leading British railway companies was as follows:-Caledonian, 515; Great Illu-Eastern, 380; Great Northern, 468; Great Western, 842; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 455; London and North-Western, 1,443; London and South-Western, 259; London, Brighton and South Coast, 252; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 264; Midland, 623; North-Eastern, 851; and South-Eastern, 243. The twelve companies thus owned between them 6,595 locomotives, the first cost of which, at an average of £2,500 per engine, was £16,487,500. MEETINGS have been held in various Irish pro- ON Tuesday morning the Team Valley Railway vincial towns in favour of the purchase of Irish rail-running between Durham city and Newcastle, a roads by the State, and a requisition is being pre-journey of fifty minutes' duration, was opened to the pared calling upon the Lord Mayor of Dublin to convene a meeting for the same object.

By the Panama steamer we have news of the great earthquakes in Peru. The three great waves breaking on this coast and that of Australia on the 15th of August travelled from Dr. Hector's supposed focus (a thousand miles west of Peru) to New Zealand in 17 hours.

THE highest mine in the world is a silver mine, that of Potosi, in the Andes of Peru. It is situated 11,375ft. above the surface of the ocean. The deepest mine in the world is a salt mine, the new Salz Werk in Westphalia, which is 2,050ft. below the surface of the ocean.

THE Prince of Wales has contributed £50 to the Cam Improvement Fund. His Royal Highness has been pleased to express to the committee the great satisfaction he has in making this donation. About £1,500 is still required to carry out the contemplated improvements, which will be commenced in January


THE number of visitors to the South Kensington Museum during the week ending November 28, 1868, was-on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, free, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., 10,694; on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (admissior. 6d.), from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1,572; total-12,266. Average of corresponding week in former years, 7,885. Total from the opening of the Museum-7,927,045.

A CANADIAN paper states that on November 1, at Cobourg (on the north shore of Lake Ontario), the waters of the lake receded from 50ft. to 100ft. from the usual water-mark, returning again rapidly, with a loud rushing sound, similar to that heard when the tide is coming in on the sea coast. The ebbing and flowing were repeated a number of times, for the space of three-quarters of an hour.

public for the first time. This new line is the property of the North-Eastern Railway Company, and great satisfaction has been given to the public by its speedy completion. It is also intended by the same company to construct a line through Durham to Ferryhill Junction. This route will considerably lessen the journey to the south, and thus a great boon will have been conferred by the directors on their numerous customers, who will be spared the wearisome delays at Leamside and Pelaw Main.

AT the annual meeting of the Fellows of the Royal Society, on Monday last (St. Andrew's Day), the gold medals of the Society were awarded as follows:-The Copley to Sir Charles Wheatstone, D.C.L., Oxon., Professor of Experimental Philosophy, King's College, London; the Romford medal to Dr. Balfour Stewart, M.A., Superintendent of the Kew Observatory of the British Association. Of the two Royal medals, one was awarded to the Rev. Dr. Salmon, Regius Professor of Divinity in the University, Dublin; and the other to Mr. Alfred Russell Wallace, well known by his researches in the zoology of the Eastern Archipelago.

WE read that the Shive Governor Company, U.S., have introduced an improved steam engine governor, the principal feature of which is that a new form of valve is used; it is so constructed that its opening and closing does not depend upon surfaces moving upon or against each other, but upon surfaces moving towards and from each other. The impact of the passing stream is not upon and over the surfaces that are depended upon for closing the valve; consequently, the cutting of the valve by the steam will never cause it to leak. The valve has two steam passages perfectly balancing each other. The steam can never make for itself false passages, as there are no joints or openings but the proper passages for the steam.

Patents for Juventions.



THE Abridged Specifications of Patents given below are classified, according to the subject to which the respective inventions refer, in the following table. By the system of classification adopted, the numerical and chronological order of the specifications is preserved and combined with all the advantages of a division into classes. It should be understood that these abridgments are prepared exclusively for this Magazine from official copies supplied by the Government, and are, therefore, the property of the Proprietors of this Magazine. Other papers are hereby warned not to produce them without an acknowled BCILERS AND FURNACES-1599, 1621, 1647 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING MATERIALS-1590, 1591, 1616 CHEMISTRY AND PHOTOGRAPHY-1602, 1617, 1630, 1651, CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL, including agricultural implements and machines-1608, 1622, 1653 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS-None.



FIBROUS FABRICS, including machinery for treating fibre, pulp, paper, &c.-1595, 1620, 2625, 1627, 1636, 1640, 1618, 1661, 1669, 1673 FOOD AND BEVERAGES, including the apparatus for preparing food for men and animals-1609, 1634

FURNITURE AND APPAREL, including household tiunses1, time-keepers, jewellery, musical instruments, &c1593, 1610, 1615 GENERAL MACHINERY-1604, 1606, 1638, 1645, 1646, 1654,

1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1660, 1672

1605, 1618, 1532, 1650

LIGHTING, HEATING, AND VENTILATING-Nohe. METALS, including apparatus for their manufactureMISCELLANEOUS 1586, 1587, 1588, 1599, 1592, 1594, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1600, 1611, 1613, 1614, 1619, 1623, 1624, 1131, 1733, 1635, 1637, 1641, 1642, 1614, 1652, 4662, 1663, 1661, 1668, 1671

ROADS AND VEHICLES, including railway plant and car riages, saddlery, and harness, &c.-1601, 1603, 1607, SHIPS AND BOATS, including their fittings-1629, 1635 1628, 1643 STEAM ENGINES-1626, 1649, 1659 WARFARE-1612, 1667

chester. Telescopic rollers for use in machines for drying and 1585 E. ASHWORTH, Carr Bank, Ramsbottom, Mantentering fabrics. Dated May 14, 1868.

Here the inventor forms the circumference of such rollers of bars of iron of a T-form in section, and to connect such bars with the discs on the axis by which they are carried, he cuts away the web of the bar for a distance at the end and the flange he bends or cranks downwards, so that it may pass through a hole which is formed in the disc at a convenient distance from its edge, and he fixes the bar by a tap screw or otherwise. The flanges of the bars then stand on a level with the edges or peripheries of the discs. Dated May 14, 1868. WALKER, Edinburgh. Dressing millstones

-Patent abandoned. 1586 M.

MESSRS. AVELING AND PORTER, of Rochester, have just received an order from Mr. Andrew H. Greene, THE eighth volume of our excellent cotemporary of New York, for the construction of a 15-ton steam "Les Grandes Usines," by Turgan, has just been The patentee claims arranging apparatus for cutting roller, for the use of the many miles of roads and issued by Michel Levy, Bros. The contents com- and dressing millstones with a tool holder carrying a drives in the Central Park. This is the second prise an elaborately illustrated description of the diamond or hard stone cutter, and receiving motion by American order Messrs. Aveling and Porter have manufacture of textile fabrics at Rheims; the theory means of an eccentric or crank or cam, and also the received; the previous one is already executed, and and practice of the manufacture of cartridges, pow-cutting and dressing millstones by means of such appathe roller has been forwarded to Philadelphia. der, and other smaller articles of the materiel of ratus, all substantially as described.-Patent completed. AT the meeting of members of the London Asso-war-a resume of which we shall shortly lay before stone, &c. Dated May 14, 1868. 1587 J. G. WALKER, Bonnington, Mid Lothian. Dressing ciation of Foremen Engineers, to be held at the our readers; the preparation of india-rubber; the | Here, in place of actuating the mechanism employed

solely by an engine formed as part of or fixed to it, the mechanism may be arranged without an engine attached, in which case the driving shaft with the cam affixed thereto is actuated by a belt, or by spur gearing, or by a pitch chain and wheels. The bed or slide upon which the dressing machine is carried is constructed either to rest on the material being dressed, or it may rest upon a table or other support in proximity to the material, and the bed may be either horizontal, vertical, or situated at other required angles. The saddle carries a cross slide on which a centre for a movable lever is fixed, and as the cam revolves, the necessary reciprocations of the lever which carries the dressing tool are effected. The depth of cut is regulated by one or more set screws, and the intensity of the blow governed by springs, weights, or otherwise-Patent abandoned.

venting the radiation of heat from steam pipes, &c. Dated
May 15, 1868.

Here the inventors first cover the steam pipe, cylinder,
or boiler with coiled hay or straw bands steeped in cement,
and then plaster these over with a cement or composition
made of "gannister" oak bark, cow's or other hair, and
coal or other tar, well mixed and ground up together to
the consistency of plaster or cement.-Patent abandoned.
1597 F. PELARD, Paris. Portable hydrotherapic apparatus.
Dated May 15, 1868.

This apparatus is composed of a basin or tank placed at its lower part, and in which the water is placed; of a high pressure pump, say on the Japy system, which sucks the water from the basin by a copper pipe, and forces it by another pipe, also of copper, into a sphere or air ball placed at the summit of the apparatus.-Patent aban

1588 W. R. LAKE, Southampton-buildings. Chancery-doned. lane. Apparatus for marking or directing boxes and parcels. (A communication.) Dated May 14, 1868.

1598 A. V. NEWTON, Chancery-lane. Liquid meters. (A
communication.) Dated May 15, 1868.
This invention is not described apart from the drawings.
-Patent completed.

1599 J. ROBEY, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Furnaces for con-
suming smoke. Dated May 15, 1868.

1609 R. RAYNER, Lower Clapton. Apparatus employed for cooking, boiling, melting, &c. (A communication.) Dated May 16, 1868.

This invention consists in applying to vessels employed for cooking, boiling, melting, or evaporating, an escape pipe or cover, for the purpose of collecting and conveying off from the vessel all noxious or strong smelling vapours, and conducting them down into the body of the stove or range.-Patent abandoned.

1610 A. M. CLARK, Chancery-lane. Lamps. (A communication.) Dated May 16, 1868.

The patentee claims, first, constructing the burners of lamps for burning mineral oils and essences of a number of tubes arranged in a circle, and each containing a wick so disposed that air may pass freely between them; first, in order to prevent the heat being communicated from one to the other; and, second, in order to obtain the necessary amount of air for obtaining perfect combustion, and to prevent all smell. Second, he claims the use in these improved burners of tubes of round, square, or other section, with wicks of corresponding form; as also arranging the said tubes to incline towards the centre, all in the manner described.-Patent completed. 1611 J. ADAMS, Edinburgh. Cooking ranges. Dated Here the inventor applies below the fire-bars of the fur May 16, 1868. nace jets of steam which play up between the fire-bars on This invention consists in forming the side-plate of the the fuel resting upon them; the jets or nozzles for direct-fire-grate near to the oven with one or more openings ing the jets of steam are carried by a steam pipe or pipes, in it, through which ignited fuel from the grate may pass, the outlet ends of the nozzles being caused to project above and rest upon a second set of fire-bars of separate conthe bottom of the fire-bars and to rise up between them.-struction, these fire-bars being situated in a flue or space Patent abandoned. which surrounds the oven. The part of the flue beneath Surrey. Dry and wet gas meters. 1600 W. and G. B. SMITH, Kennington Park-road, the fire-bars has an opening formed in it through which Dated May 15, 1868. cold air passes, and passing up through the space between The patentees claim, first, the employment in the conthe bars and fuel resting thereon maintains the combustion of struction of the diaphragms of dry gas meters of a broad the latter, the heat and flame thus given off passing through bottom rim of or about the same width as the working porthe flue, and thereby heating the oven on escaping to the tion of the leather comprising the diaphragm, into and chimney. An opening is formed on the front of the through which the disc is free to pass, in combination range, and provided with a door, which can be opened or with the particular method or methods for the construction closed at pleasure. The fire-bars are formed with recesses or formation of the diaphragm of dry gas meters, whereby at intervals, and their bottoms and sides constitute inthe leather neither bags nor tightens on the rims, all sub-clined planes, thus facilitating the falling off of the ashes stantially in manner and for the purposes described and and dirt produced by the combustion of the fuel.-Patent registration of dry gas meters in and by the employment of illustrated in the drawings. Second, the improving of the completed. apparatus constructed and acting substantially as described and illustrated in the drawings. Third, the construction, arrangement, and method of action of eccentric valves for dry gas meters, substantially as described and illustrated in the drawings. Fourth, the method of and apparatus for keeping water at its proper level in compensating wet meters, as described.-Patent completed.

This apparatus consists of a revolving type wheel which has its bearings in a forked handle, in close proximity to an ink-roller, being held in contact therewith by suitable springs, in such a manner that, by rolling the said type wheel over the cover of a box or other surface to be marked, the types in sweeping past the ink-roller take up a supply of ink, and on coming in contact with the surface to be marked the ink taken up by the types is trans-to ferred to the said surface, and the operation of marking is performed with great dispatch and neatness. The invention consists, also, in an ink-roller composed of a hollow cylindrical reservoir, perforated with small holes, and surrounded by a strip of cloth, or other absorbent material, in combination with a type wheel, in such a manner that a large number of impressions can be made with the type wheel without the necessity of recharging the ink-roller. The invention consists, further, in the arrangement of raised flanges on the surface of the type wheel in such a manner that the wheel, on being rolled over the surface to be marked, is kept from tipping over sideways, and a neat and perfect impression is obtained. The said invention consists, also, in the arrangement of a stop in combination with the type wheel and ink-roller, in such a manner that the correct starting point of the type wheel is determined and the invention consists, finally in the arrangement of a spring to carry the type wheel back to its starting point as soon as the same is lifted from the surface to be marked-Patent abandoned. 1589 T. J. GATHERCOLE, Homerton, and T. R. COMYN, Hackney, Middlesex. Frames and furniture for umbrellas, parasols, &c. Dated May 15, 1868.

This invention consists, first, in the application of a stay to the frames of umbrellas, sunshades, parasols, and other such like articles. Second, in means of fastening the ends of the ribs and stretchers of the umbrella, sunshade, or parasol to the running socket and socket at top-Patent completed. of umbrella stick-Patent abandoned.

May 15, 1868.

1590 H. C. CROFTS, Chatham, Kent. Bricks. Dated These improved bricks are intended for building houses and all other erections for which ordinary bricks are available. They consist of two separate or distinct parts, the first part forming the face or outside portion of the brick or block, and the second part the internal or fillingin portion of the same-Patent completed.

1591 J. H. JOHNSON, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Manufacture of hollow bricks or blocks to be used for the floors, ceilings, and other parts of buildings. (A communication.) Dated May 15, 1868.

The patentee claims the application and use to and in the manufacture of hollow closed panels, bricks or blocks of elastic moulds of caoutchouc, or other material, substantially in the manner and for the purpose described. Second, the application and use to and in the manufacture of hollow closed panels, bricks, or block of hollow cores constructed as described, and left inside the said panel, brick, or block for the purpose specified.

1592 J. H. JOHNSON, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Frames for containing photographs, &c. (A communication.) Dated May 15, 1868.

This invention consists in the application and use of moulded glass or porcelain, either plain, coloured, or more or less ornamented, in substitution for wood, metal, or other materials hitherto employed in the manufacture of picture frames or holders.-Patent abandoned.

1593 J. HICKS, Kensington. Connecting or disconnecting the bellows with the notes or reeds and keyboards in certain musical instruments. Dated May 15, 1868. Here the inventor makes a small manual or keyboard of two and a-half, or more or less, octaves of keys with pallets attached, and a row of reeds to correspond with the keys, and an air-tight chamber into which the connection is to be made. He then makes a bellows and windchest, which are fitted in a box in such a manner that they can be placed on the floor or elsewhere, and can be worked or actuated by the foot. He then makes a hole in the end of the box into the windchest, and also a similar hole in the end of the air chamber of the manual. He now makes the connection by means of a tube of vulcanized india-rubber or other tubes, in each end of which is fixed a short brass tube made to fit the holes in the manual and the windchest. -Patent abandoned.

1594 F. HYDE, Stockport. Construction of bevel gearing Dated May 15, 1868.

This invention consists in casting every description of toothed bevel wheels with two sets of teeth placed back to back for the purpose of economy in the construction, in combination with great facility in increasing or reducing the speeds of the driving shafts or parts of machinery.

Patent abandoned.

1595 T. SINGLETON, Over Darwen, Lancashire. Looms. Dated May 15, 1868.

1601 A. M. CLARK, Chancery-lane. Permanent way of
railways. (A communication). Dated May 15, 1868.
This invention is not described apart from the drawings.

1602 W. R. LAKE, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-
lane. Preserving dead bodies. (A communication.) Dated
May 15, 1868.

The nature of this invention consists in the impregna-
antiseptic liquid.
tion of dead bodies with carbolic acid, or other equivalent
liquid to the surface of the body, and, also, when deemed
The patentee applies the antiseptic
advisable, injects it into the stomach and intestinal canal,
and also into the arteries, veins, and skull.-Patent com-

1603 J. PRICE, Dublin. Testing the durability and strength
of rails, &c. Dated May 15, 1868.

This invention has for its object the providing adequate tests whereby the endurance and efficiency of rails and other parts of permanent way can be determined before laying down the way. By this invention the permanent way is subjected to rolling weights equal to or greater than the heaviest weight usually allowed on the driving wheels of engines.-Patent completed.

1604 J. G. TONGUE, Southampton-buildings, Chancerylane. Apparatus for sewing or stitching together the numbers or separate parts of a volume in the operation of bookbinding. (A communication.) Dated May 15, 1868.

This invention has reference to a previous patent
granted to J. G. Tongue, dated January 10, 1868 (No. 98).
The details of the invention are too voluminous to be pro-
duced here.-Patent abandoned.

1605 W. RULE, Camborne, Cornwall. Apparatus for
dressing metallic ores. Dated May 16, 1868.
Here the inventor employs a table circular in form, and
with a roughened surface, and having an inclination
towards its centre, which is cut out, and is made to
revolve slowly, and during its revolution the metallic ore,
and the earthy and other foreign matters from which it
has to be separated, are allowed to fall in a semi-fluid
state upon the periphery of this table, and owing to the
inclination of the table towards the centre the earthy and
other foreign matters gradually descend through the hole
in the centre, leaving the heavy metallic ore, which is
afterwards washed off, as it reaches a certain point in
the revolution of the table, into a separate receptacle by a
strong stream of water being allowed to flow over that
part.-Patent abandoned.

1606 H. J. H. KING, Auchinvole, and A. PATRICK,
Glasgow. Gauges, or apparatus for ascertaining pressure.
Dated May 16, 1868.

This invention is not described apart from the drawings.
-Patent completed.

1607 T. BRIGGS, Ripley, Derby. Communicating and
signalling between passengers, guards, and drivers of railway
trains. Dated May 16, 1868.

The patentee claims, first, the combination of the large lever and spring to hold it in position; also the weight and sliding hook or pulley to pull down the rope, substantially as described. Second, the application of the pulleys and rope running along the top of the train, substantially in manner and for the purposes described. Third, the combination of the pulls with the handles in each compartment of the carriage with the spring which holds the lever ready for action; also the telltale attached to each pull, as described. Fourth, the construction and employment of the box which contains the small weight and semaphore, and removing the cover from the lamp to show a red light in the form of a star, all substantially in manner and for the purposes described.-Patent completed.

The first part of this invention relates to loose reed looms, and consists in various arrangements of mechanism for making the reed fast for beating up the weft, and loose when the shuttle is lodged in the shed. The second part of the invention consists in various improvements connected with shuttles used in looms for weaving. Instead of the ordinary bedding pin for supporting the shuttle tongue, the inventor employs a square or oblong piece of metal for the bed, and uses two pins to fix it to the shuttle. He also places in the shuttle an additional pin for holding the tube on which the cop is spun or wound, and for the ordinary shuttle tongue he substitutes one formed in a hollow spiral form from sheet metal.-Patent abandoned. 1596 S. CHAMBERS and C. BROADHEAD, Sheffield. Pre--Patent completed.

1608 A. J. MURRAY, Albany-road, Camberwell. Reaping
machines. Dated May 16, 1868.
This invention is not described apart from the drawings.

1612 C. GOLDEN, Bradford. Breech-loading guns. Dated May 16, 1868.

This invention has reference, in the first place, to an improved pattern of thumb lever for effecting the unlocking of the breech. The thumb part of this lever is formed of same curvature as the guard itself, and when in position forms a part of such guard, although projecting from the same. It also has its fulcrum formed upon the "body similar to the human foot, the foot fitting into a recess of the gun. Its upper part, the patentee makes in a shape formed through the bolt to which it is desired to give motion for the purpose of unlocking the breech. The second part of the invention consists in the improvement of cutting a slot through the solid bar of the fore end of the body to allow a spring to be passed through it, thus allowing the spring to press upon a projection formed in the lever (whether of the description above-named, or an ordinary one which transmits motion to the bolt through the spring is fixed in position by a pin or screw passing slot in which it passes), and thus unlocks the breech. This through the upper side of the solid bar. Patent completed.

1613 W. ALLDAY, Birmingham. Bellows. Dated May 16, 1868.

The patentee claims fixing inside the bellows two screwed collars, and making or fixing on the end of the bellows pipe a screwed collar, which last-mentioned screwed collar, by being engaged with one or other of the screwed collars in the interior of the bellows, either fixes the bellows pipe in position for use, or packs the said pipe in the interior of the bellows for transit. Also making or fixing a screwed collar in the interior of the cope of the bellows, and a screwed collar on the end of the bellows pipe, for fixing the bellows in position for use, the said bellows pipe being packed for transit by being unscrewed from the cope and pushed inside the bellows and fixed there, substantially as described and illustrated. Also the use of a plain socket and collar and screw pin for fixing the bellows pipe in position for use.-Patent completed.

1614 A. PARKES, Birmingham. Manufacture of parkesine, or compounds of pyroxyline to render such materials more suitable for making billiard balls, &c. Dated May 16, 1868. In order to produce a white material without increasing unduly the specific gravity of the compound, the patentee mixes with the dissolved pyroxylyn, and other matters commonly used in the manufacture of parkesine, white starch, either such as is manufactured commercially from wheat, rice, potatoes, and other matters, or such as are known as arrowroot, tapioca, or, it may be, other amylaceous substances. There is much other detail.-Patent completed.

1615 G. PRICE, Ryde. Pianos, &c. Dated May 16, 1868. This invention consists in applying immediately under the keys one or more heated vessels of sufficient dimensions, for the purpose of warming the keys and surrounding atmosphere, and of preventing that excessive coldness of the fingers and hands so commonly complained of in winter, which makes the practice of the piano painful, and sometimes impossible, and prevents perfect execution on it by professionals and others.-Patent completed.

1616 G. SMITH, Coalville, Leicestershire. Pressing and finishing hollowed or chambered bricks or blocks. Dated May 16, 1868.

The machine here employed consists of a base or table with the ordinary brick die upon same for holding the clay, above which is arranged, to lower down by screw or otherwise upon the same, a die having attached to the under side tongues, forks, or projections of various patterns, and of the required thickness, to press or perforate the blocks and bricks, and such articles as required, the materials being in the required condition to receive the impression.-Patent abandoned.

1617 W. E. GEDGE, Wellington-street, Strand. Extracting or removing wool and hair from hides or skins. (A communication.) Dated May 16, 1868.

This invention is based in the use of hydrosulphates of soda. The preparation used consists of about 13lb. of hydrosulphate of soda, and of from 24lb. to 3lb. of lime white or whiting ("lait de chaux ") in a bucket of water, but will vary with the nature and condition of the hides to for every 100 hides. These proportions are not absolute, be treated.-Patent completed.

1618 W. R. LAKE, Southampton-buildings, Chancery

lane, London. Manufacture of iron and steel. (A communication.) Dated May 16, 1868.

This invention has reference to the manufacture of iron and steel by the Bessemer or pneumatic process, and its chief object is to facilitate the repairing of the lining of converters.-Patent completed.

1619 M. A. HAMILTON, Southampton-buildings. Chancery-lane. An improved churn. Dated May 16, 1868. This invention consists chiefly in constructing the piston or plunger with two or more perforated discs, or with shallow saucer-shaped pieces, or with rings, or with a hollow, perforated, conical, or bell-shaped piece, or numis collected and forced into and through the milk or cream during the process of churning.-Patent completed.

chloride of hydrogen, those of potassium, sodium, and calcium, or others equally anhydrous, either on such sulphides as those of aluminium, magnesium, or silicium, or on the elements or substances which can form such sulphides as aluminous, magnesian, or silicious earths and bisulphide of carbon.-Patent completed.

place by inserting a tube or duct in the crown or other convenient part of the lamp post.-Patent completed. 1643 J. FRY, Lisson-grove, London. Perambulators. Dated May 20, 1868 This invention is not described apart from the drawings. -Patent completed.

1644 R. FROEHLICH, Mildmay-park, London. Opening sardines, Dated May 20, 1868.

Here an instrument is employed one jaw of which is pointed and formed with a suitable cutting edge, and somewhat in the form of one jaw of a pair of shears, dises mounted on a suitable axis, and between which rollers the other jaw is caused to work-Patent completed.

ber of such pieces, which form chambers whereby the air oriental "narghil" and "hookah," in which the smoke is whilst the other jaw is provided with a pair of rollers or

1620 J. W. ANDERSON, Glasgow. Temples for looms. Dated May 18, 1868.

This invention consists in employing two temples, that carried by the upper part of the case being of larger diameter than that resting in the lower part of the case; at the same time, the upper temple is so placed that the lower part of its periphery is on a lower level than the upper part of the periphery of the lower temple.-Patent abandoned. 1621 E. BILLINGTON, Reddish, Lancashire, and W. JOLLEY, Heaton Norris, Lancashire. Apparatus for conveying and regulating the pressure of steam passing through pipes. (Partly a communication.) Dated May 18, 1868. This invention relates to a valvular arrangement for withdrawing steam from a high pressure steam pipe, or other vessel, for the purpose of supplying steam of a lower and uniform pressure, to, for instance, a drying cylinder, or for any other purpose.-Patent abandoned.

1622 W. MAINWARING, Banbury. Lawn mowing machines. Dated May 18, 1868. The patentee claims the application of a revolving cutter working against a blade, fixed in such a position that the contact of the two will accomplish the clipping or trimming of the edges of grass plats, lawns, flower borders, &c., substantially as described.-Patent completed

1623 G. WATSON, Bromley-street, Commercial-road, London. Apparatus for raising and lowering weights. Dated May 16, 1868.

This invention consists of an improved pulley block constructed in the following manner: The patentee employs a pulley sheave having chambers, sinkings, or feathers on its periphery, to receive the links of a chain; this pulley is attached to a worm wheel acted on by a worm or screw having a spindle which may be worked by chain wheel and endless chain, lever handles, band rope, or otherwise.-Patent completed.

1624 W. NEWHAM and K. KITT, Vauxhall, Surrey. Preparing filtering surfaces for the depuration of fluids. Dated May 18, 1868.

1631 E. P. H. VAUGHAN, Chancery-lane. Construction of pipes for smoking. (A communication.) Dated May 19. 1868. This invention consists in certain improvements whereby portable pipes for smoking tobacco are produced which possess the important advantage connected with the drawn through water. The pipe consists, essentially, of four parts, that is to say, the bowl and pipe attached thereto, the water-holder or reservoir, the mouth-piece, and the joint-piece to which the bowl and mouth-piece are connected with the water-holder or reservoir.-Patent completed.

1632 R. PEARCE, Swansea. Separation of copper and other metals from silver. Dated May 19, 1868. This invention relates especially to the purification of silver which has been precipitated from its sulphate, nitrate, or chloride by copper, but is also applicable to the analogous treatment of other metats. The impure silver is placed on a filter in a boiler, water is added, together with a little sulphuric acid, the quantity of the latter necessarily varying with the amount of copper, as will be well understood. Steam with air mingled therewith is then admitted by means of an injecting apparatus. Violent ebullition ensues, and the copper becomes oxidized, and is dissolved by the sulphuric acid. After being boiled in this way for about two hours, the solution of sulphate of copper is drawn off, the silver stirred so as to make it a little more granular, a fresh supply of water which has been slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid is added, and the mixture is then boiled for about one hour. The solution is afterwards drawn off, and the silver carefully washed with clean water. The silver when dry has only to be melted in crucibles for fine silver.-Patent abandoned.

[blocks in formation]


1645 C. L. TAVREDON and J. MORET, Paris. action pump. Dated May 20, 1868. This invention consists chiefly in the particular arrangement of the piston, which may be composed of two stamped leather heads connected with each other by a tubular rod or sheath. In some cases the piston has a single head carrying along the sheath in its up and down motion; this sheath is always set in the central part of the pump, and the liquid runs through it; the piston works in a cylinder divided into two chambers by a movable diaphragm, so that each head of the said piston plays in a separate chamber, and their tubular connecting or sheath rod slides in a hole bored through the centre of the diaphragm, which hole is provided with a water-tight packing. The tubular rod or sheath which connects both heads of the piston is pierced with several holes for the passage of the liquid which is forced alternately by each of the piston heads; when one of the said heads creates the vacuum behind it, the other head forces the liquid forward, so that its outflow takes place unintermittingly. The stamped leather heads of the double-headed piston act alternately as piston and as valve; there is no other valve, as in all lift and force pumps. There may be an upper space in which the air driven by the rising liquid accumulates and forms an elastic cushion, which, by its reaction, regulates the speed of the outflow of liquid-Patent completed.

1646 A. G. HUTCHINSON, Stoneycroft, near Liverpool. Apparatus for offering resistance to the opening of doors, windows, &c. Dated May 20, 1868.

This invention is not described apart from the drawings. -Patent completed.

1634 D. RIDDELL, Glasgow. Manufacture of bread, bis-Dated May 20, 1868. cuits, &c. Dated May 19, 1868.

This invention has for its object the cheapening of the cost of bread, biscuits, and other preparations wherein flour is used, and consists in the employment of a mixture of flour made from Indian corn in combination with ordinary wheat flour, in lieu of using wheat flour alone, as hitherto.

The inventors state that, after repeated experiments, they have arrived at a simple, certain, and practical-Patent abandoned. means of obtaining filtering surfaces of equal density in every part, and their invention is based upon the application of neutral substances on filtering surfaces by the

May 19, 1868.

1635 J. STEEL, Glasgow. Cask-washing apparatus. Dated agency of the fluid under treatment operating under pres-plate fixed on the overhanging end of a horizontal shaft, This invention comprises the use of a large disc or chuck made to revolve backwards or forwards at any convenient in a circle on the face of the disc, and these cradles are

sure.-Patent abandoned.

1625 L. GOLDSTEIN, Bradford, Yorkshire. Umbrella and parasol cloths. Dated May 18, 1863. This invention relates to those cloths or fabrics used for the covers of umbrellas and parasols, which are manufactured either of alpaca, mohair, worsted, or china grass, in combination with either cotton, linen, or silk, and the improvements consist in having such cloths or fabrics produced with a border of silk, cotton, or other fibrous substance of a distinctly different colour to the body of the piece or fabric.-Patent abandoned.

1626 J. F. SPENCER, Sunderland, Durham. Working the valves of steam and other engines. Dated May 18, 1868. The patentee claims, first, working the valves of steam or other engines by means of two distinct radial arms, segments, discs, or levers arranged and operated in the manner shown and described, or any mere modification of the same. Second, the improved mode of closing such valves by means of a vacuum obtained in the manner described.-Patent completed.

1627 A. M. CLARK, Chancery-lane, London. Finishing linen, &c. (A communication.) Dated May 18, 1868. The apparatus here employed consists of a fixed metal plate having a polished heated surface; on this plate inoves an endless web of felt, or woollen material, so supplied that the fabric when introduced between it and the heated plate will be drawn along by the felt, and so perfectly smoothed.-Patent completed.

1628 J. MITCHELL, Sheffield. Railway and other carriage springs. Dated May 18, 1868.

Here the patentee dispenses with the usual bolts and holes, and in order to prevent the plates of which the spring is composed from shifting on one another, he forms a corrugation or indentation across the central part of each plate, and these corrugations or indentations are made to fit into each other. The several plates having been placed one on the other, in proper order, and with the convex protuberance of each plate fitting into the corresponding corrugation, indentation, or recess of the contiguous plate, they are held together by means of a square metal box or collar, through which is passed a cross pin or bolt which flts snugly into the concave recess of one of the outermost plates, either the topmost or the lowermost plates.-Patent completed.

1629 J. GRANTHAM, King's Arms-yard, Moorgate-street, London. Iron and steel built ships. Dated May 18, 1868. Here the patentee forms the ship with an external and an internal frame, as is described in the specification of a former patent granted to him July 4, 1849 (No. 12684); but in place of making a vertical external frame, as is there described, he makes it of angle bars. He usually forms the flange of the angle bars in such a way as to aid in securing a sheathing of timber, which he applies on the outside of the ship between the horizontal frames. internal framing of the ship is also of angle bars, vertical, or it may be partly vertical and partly horizontal. A metal sheating is applied over the timber.-Patent completed. 1630 E. P. H. VAUGHAN, Chancery-lane, London. paration of anhydrous chlorides by means of sulphides, &c. (A communication.) Dated May 19, 1868.



This invention consists in certain improvements which are chiefly applicable to the manufacture of anhydrous chlorides, such as those of aluminium, magnesium, and silicium, such results being obtained by reaction with chlorides, such as hydrochloric acid gas, considered as

speed. A series of cradles to receive the casks is arranged

mounted on journals connected by bevel gearing with each other, and actuated by suitable gearing. The casks are placed in the cradles with their axes coinciding with the cradle journals, and when the machine is in action each has a rotation about its own axis combined with the motion due to being carried round by the rotating disc.Patent abandoned.

1636 J. ELCE, Manchester. Temples employed in looms. Dated May 19, 1868.

This invention relates to self-acting "temples" employed in looms for weaving, and is designed for the purpose of regulating and keeping the traverse tension of the cloth across the selvages uniform, and of an even width, during the process of weaving.-Patent abandoned.

1637 B. A. COOPER, Worcester. Fastenings for gloves, &c. Dated May 19, 1868.

The patentee claims the combination of a stud or head to be engaged with the button-hole of the glove or article of dress to be fastened with a projecting plate or flange or ears, under which the button of the glove or article of dress to be fastened engages, substantially as described and illustrated in the drawings.-Patent completed.

1638 J. POLLOCK, Birmingham. Apparatus for drawing corks. Dated May 19, 1868.

This invention relates to an instrument or apparatus to of a curved rod, bar, or support provided at bottom with a be used with an ordinary corkscrew, consisting essentially ring or collar, the said instrument or apparatus being constructed, applied, and used substantially as described and illustrated, whereby the necessity for holding the bottle between the knees or applying the hand to the body of the bottle while drawing the cork is obviated-Patent completed.

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1647 F. D. NUTTALL, St. Helen's, Lancashire. Furnaces. The object of this invention is, the inventor states, to enable the owners of metallurgical, alkali, and other chemical works where reverberatory furnaces are used for roasting an 1 smelting purposes, to avail themselves of the now generally acknowledged advantages to be derived in furnaces of that kind from the employment of hot air as an agent to induce or promote combustion of coal, coke, or other fuel.-Patent abandoned.

1648 J. B. WHITELEY, Lockwood, near Huddersfeld. finish on woven fabrics. Dated May 20, 1865. Machinery for stretching, drying, and producing the elastic

The patentee claims the method and means of producing a combined progressive and oscillatory or vibratory motion of the chains of machinery for stretching and drying fabrics, substantially as shown and described-Patent completed.

1649 A. BELL, Alfred-road, London. Valves of steam engines. Dated May 20, 1863.

This invention consists in constructing the valves of steam engines in such manner that there will be little or no pressure on the back of the said valves, thus preventing, to a considerable extent, the wear and friction that result from a large surface being exposed to the pressure of the steam.-Patent abandoned.

1650 W. F. BATHO, Birmingham. Machinery for planing or shaping metals, &c. Dated May 20, 1868.

This invention relates to a new arrangement of machinery for the purpose of planing or shaping the sides of various articles by means of cutting tools acting simaltaneously on different parts or faces of the work operated upon. The machinery consists of a frame in which the patentee mounts in suitable bearings six or any convenient number of spindles arranged, by preference, in a horizontal position, and radiating to a fixed point in the centre of the said frame. All the spindles are driven simultaneously by suitable bevel gearing, and each spindle carries a cutting tool similar to the roughing-out drill used in the slot drilling machine, and every cutter is placed at right angles to its neighbour. The object to be operated upon is carried between centres or spindles carrying vices connected to a top and bottom frame, and these two in bushes placed in the main frame of the machine. frames are connected by three vertical shafts which work vertical feed motion is given to this tripod frame by means of a screw or rack connected to its lower part, and driven by suitable gearing from the main driving shaft of the machine.-Patent completed.


1551 H. D. HOSKOLD, Cinderford, J. DAVIS, St, Whites. and G. P. WHEELER, Abinghall, Gloucestershire. Manufacture of artificial fuel. Dated May 20, 1865

1639 T. GRIFFIN, Russell-square, Middlesex. Apparatus for bleaching and cleansing fabrics. Dated May 19, 1868. This invention relates to improved apparatus for the purpose of bleaching, cleansing from dirt, whitening and purifying linen, cotton, woollen, silk, and other fabrics or materials of a fibrous nature, and is peculiarly applicable or washing or cleansing clothes for domestic purposes.-ready for use as fuel.-Patent abandoned. Patent completed.

1640 W. JONES and J. HETHERINGTON, Manchester. Machinery for stretching woven fabrics. Dated May 20, 1868. This invention relates to the operation of stretching woven fabrics in the direction of the weft, whereby the width of the said fabrics is increased, and consists in the employmont of certain novel arrangements of apparatus for effecting the said stretching.-Patent abandoned.

1641 H. H. JOHNSON, Cannon-street, London. Advertising in railway tunnels and cuttings. Dated May 20, 1868. Here the inventor arranges a series of fixed pictures or designs, each in a different progressive attitude or position upon the wall of a tunnel or cutting, and the illusive effect of their apparent motion is produced upon the passengers in a train travelling past the fixtures.-Patent abandoned.

1612 J. KENNET, Eastbourne. Ventilating sewers. Dated May 20, 1868.

This invention consists in ventilating the sewers by connecting the same with the street lamps of a town or

This invention consists in mixing with the small coal or coal dust clay or silicate of alumina, sulphuric acid, and carbonaceous or other cementing or binding matters. This mixture is formed into blocks, and, when dried, is

1652 S. POIRER, South Lambeth, Surrey. Safety stopper for bottles, &c. Dated May 20, 1868.

This stopper is composed of a short india-rubber or cork tube, into the upper part of which is inserted a ring, the said ring being attached by tying, or any other way, with the compressible tube. A screw-shaped peg as thick as the inner diameter of the tube, having a conical head, is introduced into the tube at the lower part; it runs through a sound screw nut. The stopper thus fitted is introduce1 the said tube and ring, and is fitted at its upper part with into the neck of the bottle to be closed, and if the screw nut is turned to the right hand with the fingers, the conical head of the screw-shaped peg ascends and forces its way in the compressible tube, which yields according to the pressure which is given by turning the nut, and as the lower part of the neck of bottles have a conical shape, it is impossible for the Lost powerful pressure of gaseous liquids to drive out the stopper, which may be gently pulled out by merely turning the screw nut towards the left with the fingers.-Patent abandoned.


1653 A. LESLIE, Turiff, Aberdeen. Apparatus for steam cultivation. Dated May 20, 1868.

This invention relates to the use of an implement carriage running on wheels propelled by a pulley set in motion by a light fast-running endless rope of hemp, or other suitable material, which, being carried along or across the field to be operated upon, communicates motion from a pulley set in motion by a steam engine or other prime mover. The implement carriage is not turned at the end of the fleld, as in a previous patent, granted to the present patentee in the year 1862 No. 3028), but is provided with a double set of implements which are used alternately and set, being lifted out of work when not in use.-Patent completed.

1654 D. JONES, Hackney-road, and J. JACKSON, Annstreet, Ratcliffe, Middlesex. Apparatus for imparting heat to the feet and body whilst travelling or otherwise. Dated May 20, 1868.

rods. These wires or rods pass inwards from the circum-
ference to the centre of the frame or hoop in a spiral
course, and extending over, say, three quarters of a circle;
but this may be considerably varied. At the centre of the
frame or hoop the wires or rods are all connected together,
by preference of a boss by metal cast on to their ends. The
wires or rods are, by preference fixed to the outer frame
or hoop by boring holes through the frame or hoop verti-
cally, into which holes the ends of the wires or rods are
inserted and fixed. Immediately above the frame or hoop
the wires or rods are bent down until they become hori-
zontal, or nearly so. The backs of chairs and other articles
of furniture may be similarly constructed.-Patent com-

1663 J. CONVERS, Paris. Cranks. Dated May 20, 1868.
The object of this invention is to render cranks and
crank shafts or axles more durable than at present. Ac-
cording to this invention, having made a crank or the
This invention consists in employing the heat derived crank shaft with its crank arms and crank pin or part
from the flame (or flames) of a lamp, candle, or gas joining the outer ends of the crank arms, the inventor per-
arranged within an apparatus, which may be either port-forates or hollows out the crank pin or part joining the
able or a fixture, and upon which the feet are placed, after outer ends of the crank arms, that is to say, he drills, bores,
the manner of a footstool.-Patent abandoned.
or otherwise forms an opening or passage in or through
such pin or part, and in the said hollow, opening, or
passage he places, fits, or fixes a pin or bolt, made before-
hand, so that of course its fibres are not cut by the crank
arms. There is thus an internal pin or bolt in the hollow
socket, staple, or casing formed in the part joining the
ends of the crank arms.-Patent abandoned.

1655 W. TIJON, Great George-street, Steam pumps. Date 1 May 20, 1863.


The patentee claims, first, the general construction, arrangement, and combination of parts constituting a direct-action steam pump, as described. Second, the peculiar construction of cylindrical valve, as described. Third, the mode of actuating a cylindrical rocking or partial rotating valve in steam pumps by means of a differential groove or slot in the rocking frame, worked direct from the piston rod of the driving cylinder, substantially as described.-Patent eompleted.

1656 C. R. HAVELL, Reading, Berks. Apparatus for heating water for baths. Dated May 20, 1868.

1664 W. R. LAKE, Southampton-buildings, Chancerylane. Marking or creasing tucks in cloth, &c. (A communication). Dated May 20, 1868.

This invention relates to sewing machine gauges, and the
chief object of the invention is to afford the means whereby
the line of a tuck in a piece of cloth or other material may
be marked or creased without the cloth being first folded.
-Patent abandoned.

Here the patentee provides a closed metal box of
cylindrical or other form, which he places in the vessel
containing the water to be heated. The heat is obtained
by means of a gas tube or burner, which he prefers to
coil in a volute form in the bottom of the heating
chamber, the said gas tube passing out through a central
vertical air shaft at the top of the heating vessel, and pro-
jecting above the water level for supplying air for com-
bustion. The gas tube is connected to a suitable supply
pipe, and is further provided with perforations for the
emission of jets of gas. Around the lower part of the
central air shaft, and over the burner, he places a
cylindrical water capacity or boiler, leaving a space
between it and the sides and top of the heating vessel for
the circulation of the heat. In the bottom of the water
vessel is an annular recess communicating with the
space above the vessel by vertical tubes, affording a
greatly increased heating surface. The water vessel
communicates at top and bottom with the water in which
the apparatus is submerged by means of tubes, the water
passing in at the lower and out at the upper part, pro
ducing a constant circulation. The products of combus-described-Patent completed.
tion pass out of the chamber through a chimney rising
at the top of the apparatus above the water, by which
access is also had for igniting the jets.-Patent com-

1666 Provisional protection has not been granted for
this invention.

Mall, and F. J. BOLTON, Rochester, Kent.
1667 MAJOR W. PALLISER, Army and Navy Club, Pall
Dated May 21, 1868.

This invention is not fully described apart from the draw-
ings.-Patent completed.

1668 C. A. CHAMEROY, Paris. Liquid or gas meter. Dated
May 21, 1868.

1657 W. ENGLAND, Bristol. Apparatus for measuring
liquids. Dated May 20, 1863.
The chief object of this invention is to enable
retailers to measure small quantities of liquids for their
customers while in the act of drawing out the same from
the supply cask or other vessel. This is effected by
applying to the cask or vessel a two-way cock fitted with a
graduated measure, which is to receive the liquor from
the cask, and will indicate with precision the quantity of
liquor drawn out. From this graduated vessel the liquor
is discharged by giving the plug of the cock a further
quarter turn, which will simultaneously shut off the supply
and open a passage from the graduated vessel to the dis-
charge opening, and allow the liquor to run into a jug or
other vessel provided to receive it.-Patent abandoned.

1658 A. V. NEWTON, Chancery-lane. Sewing machines.
Dated May 20, 1868.

The patentee claims, first, constructing apparatus for measuring the flow of fluids or gases wherein the rise and fall of a valve, according to a greater or less flow of liquid passing through, is caused to produce a correspondingly varying area of inlet orifice, and at the same time causes motion to be imparted to registering mechanism in exact proportion to such different areas, and, consequently, also to the quantity of fluid or gas passing through, substantially as described. Second, the general arrangement of apparatus for measuring the flow of fluids or gases


1669 W. HADFIELD, Manchester. Looms. Dated May 21, This invention relates to that part of the loom termed the "taking-up motion," and is designed to dispense with the ordinary sand roller or perforated plates now employed, and the improvements consist in the novel employment and use of three rollers so disposed and arranged underneath the breast beam that, when in action, the cloth is taken up with a certainty and precision not hitherto attained.-Patent abandoned.

1670 J. E. POYNTER, Glasgow. Manufacture of soap. Dated May 21, 1868.

This invention consists in combining borax with the saponifled, fatty, or oleaginous substances ordinarily employed in making soap.-Patent completed.

1671 J. BOOTH, Birmingham. Fastenings for bags of paper. Dated May 21, 1868.

The following has reference to a paper bag of the kind called a square-bottomed bag. After the bag has been made, but before the triangular flaps at the bottom are pasted down on the said bottom, the inventor inserts a angle or point of one of the said flaps, in such a way that the point of the said flap passes through the ring, and he then pastes the said flap down in the ordinary way. The ring of india-rubber is thus secured to the bottom of the bag, very near to its middle, and after the bag has been filled and its mouth closed by turning down its top, the ring of india-rubber can be readily stretched and passed over the top of the closed bag. The mouth of the bag is thus fastened down more rapidly and economically than by the ordinary method of tying with string.-Patent abandoned.

This invention consists in the application to sewing ma-ring of india-rubber (by preference vulcanized) under the
chines of a direct motor which does not require any gear-
ing for transmitting the motion, and which is placed under
or in the table upon which the sewing machine is mounted,
the motive mechanism being so disposed that it allows of
the machine being driven at a uniform speed for several
consecutive hours. This motor consists of a number of
spring barrels which gear into each other for the purpose
of combining their power, their motion being regulated
by means of a flyer having movable or adjustable wings
which allow of the speed being accelerated or retarded as
required. The motion of the machine is arrested by a stop
or brake arrangement.-Patent completed.

1659 W. INGLIS. Manchester. Steam engines and boilers, Dated May 20, 1868.

These improvements in steam engines are specially ap-
plicable to what are known as "Corliss" engines, and they
consist in casting the inner cylindrical shell of the cylinder
separately from the outer shell of the steam jacket; and
making a secure and substantial joint between these parts
by casting in separate pieces the ends containing the valve
boxes, and in uniting these several parts by joints running
rouud the cylinder in planes at right angles to its axis.-
Patent completed.

1660 W. SIM. Glasgow. Apparatus for watering streets and
roads. Dated May 20, 1868.
By the present invention, when perforated pipes are
permanently laid at the sides of the street for watering
purposes, it is proposed to water at the crossings, or,
wherever circumstances require, the interruption of the
fixed piping, by means of a length of flexible tubing or hose
pipe coupled to a firecock or hydrant, and having attached
at its free end a tubulated spray pipe to be held by a street
keeper, and to be directed so as to throw the spray where
required.-Patent abandoned.

1661 GT. BOUSFIELD, Brixton. Power looms. (A com-
munication.) Dated May 20, 1868.

The specification of this invention is too voluminous to be quoted here at sufficient length for an intelligible abstract.-Patent completed.

1662 C. BARNARD, Norwich. Chairs, &c. Dated May 20, 1968..

In forming the seat of a chair or other article of furniture, the patentee makes an outer frame or hoop (by preference circular), and he fixes it to, at distances apart around the circumference, steel or other elastic wires or

1672 J. CROFTS. J. DAWSON, and R. KING. Apparatus for combing wool, &c. Dated May 21, 1868.

This invention has reference to those machines known as "Noble's machines." In carrying out the improvements, the holding combs, in place of being formed in circles, are arranged in short lengths connected together by hinge joint, or as a chain, so that they may, by preference, be endless, and be capable of moving during parts of their traverse in straight or inclined directions, and have motion given to them for passing round suitable pulleys or wheels. Feed boxes travel with one, say, the outer, set of these chains of holding combs; and in place of a single set travelling together, with the points of the teeth of one set of inner holding combs, the patentees employ a double set, towards and passing down between those of the other, by which the surfaces of the teeth of these two sets of inner holding combs may be brought closer together to form a pointing in the same direction, and admit of narrower gauge finer than could be produced with all the teeth combs being used in this position. One set of this double series of inner holding combs is in its progress caused for a time to travel parallel, or nearly so, with the other or outer set during the time of receiving fibre from the feed boxes, and the pressing of such fibre by the dabbing brush fully into the teeth of these holding combs; then in the further progress of this set or portion of the inner holding combs, the fibre is brought under and penetrated by teeth of the other or upper set of inner endless combs.-Patent completed.

1673 E. E. ALLEN, Parliament-street, Westminster. Packing, covering, or making up materials wound upon spools. Dated May 21, 1868.

Here the inventor covers the spools upon which sewing and crochet cotton, sewing silk, thread, and cord are wound with elastic tubing, for the purpose of keeping

the materials free from dirt, as also to prevent their unreeling, the elastic tubing contracting upon the materials as they are diminished by use.-Patent aban. doned.


Dated November 24, 1868.

3566 T. Culpin, Reading, Berks. Improvements in reaping and mowing machines. 3567 J. H. Johnson, Lincoln's Inn-fields. Improvements in safety tackle for raising and lowering heavy weights. (A communication.)

3568 W. G. Beattle, South Bank, Surbiton, Surrey. Improvements in slide valves.

3569 C. W. Siemens, Great George-street, Westminster. Improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel, and in furnaces and apparatus connected therewith, part of which improvements are also applicable to the calcining, reducing, and burning of ores and granular substances generally.

3570 W. Carter, Masham, Yorkshire. Improved means or apparatus for communicating in railway trains. 3571 T. Prideaux, Sheffield. Improvements in the construction of sea walls and breakwaters.

3572 W. Dinwoodie, Lanrick Castle, Perthshire. Improvements in fences.

3573 H. E. Newton, Chancery-lane. Improvements in atmospheric hammers for crushing ores and other purposes. (A communication.)

Improved gear

3574 H. E. Newton, Chancery-lane. ing for multiplying motion on a single shaft. (A communication.)

3575 E. R. Wethered, Shorncliffe, Kent. Improvements in apparatus for signalling in railway trains. Im3576 B. Solomons, Albemarle-street, Middlesex. provements in the construction and arrangement of meteorological indicators. Dated November 25, 1868.

3577 B. Hunt, Serle-street, Lincoln's Inn. Improvements in watches. (A communication.)

3578 J. Parry, Manchester. Improvements in springs, and in the application of the same to mattresses, couches, and other upholstery purposes.

3579 R. Lakin, Manchester, and W. H. Rhodes, Hollinwood, near Manchester. Improvements in machines for spinning and doubling.

3580 W. Wild, Oldham, Lancashire. An improved arrangement and adaptation of mechanism to the driving shafts of motive-power engines, to be employed for equalizing and regulating the speed of such shafts.

3581 G. Bernhardt, Radcliffe, Lancashire. Improvements in arrangements and apparatus for regulating and economizing the supply of gas in mills and manufactories. 3582 T. Craig, Serle's-place, Lincoln's Inn. Improvements in the means or apparatus for hanging and supporting windows, doors, shutters, and other such like movable fittings in houses, vehicles, steamboats, and other places or structures in which such fittings are used.

3583 P. Spencer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. An improved mode of preparing or making up indigo blue or preparations or compounds of indigo for the market.

3584 W. R. Lake, Southampton-buildings, Chancerylane. Improvements in machinery for manufacturing cigars. (A communication.)

3585 S. Brook and C. Thompson, Halifax, Yorkshire. Improvements in looms for weaving.

3586 D. S. Merry, Mare-street, Hackney, Middlesex. Improvements in arm protectors.

Improvements in packing-boxes or packing-cases.
3587 W. F. Chapman, Llandudno, Carnarvonshire.
3588 G. Baker, jun., Birmingham. Improvements in
bird and other cages.

3589 W. E. Gedge, Wellington-street. Strand. A novel system of tug or tow boat. (A communication.)

3590 W. E. Gedge, Wellington-street, Strand. Improvements in sewing or embroidering machines. (A communication)

3591 H. Smith, Westbourne Terrace-road, Middlesex. Improvements in apparatus to be used in playing games. 3592 E. T. V. Hecke, Courbevoie, near Paris. Improvements in steam boilers.

3593 N. D. Spartali, Liverpool. Improvements in the mode of obtaining, and in apparatus for applying, heat to steam boilers.

3594 J. Bourne, Leith, Scotland. Improvements in the production of heat, and in the generation and application of motive power derived therefrom.

3595 H. Milsted, City-road, Middlesex. An improved buckle or fastening, especially applicable to belts, bands, straps, traces, and thongs.

3596 W. R. Lake, Southampton-buildings, Chancerylane. Improvements in sad-irons, and in the means for heating the same. (A communication.)

3597 D. Vogl, Basinghall-street, City. An improvement in the means of fastening scarfs, neckties, and cravats. (A communication.)

3598 E. Ellenband, Manchester. Improved apparatus for threading domestic needles. (A communication.) Dated November 26, 1868.

3599 L. Roman, Paris. An hydraulic motive power. 3600 F. Holt, Gorton, near Manchester. Certain improvements in steam engires.

3601 P. Panton, Craven-hill, Hyde Park. Improvements in firearms.

3602 A. M. Clark, Chancery-lane. An improved preparation or compound for sizeing and dressing threads and fabrics. (A communication.)

3603 J. Sincock, Hagley-road, Birmingham. Improvements in ratchet braces, which improvements are also applicable to ordinary ratchet levers and ratchet wheels generally.

3604 H. Swithenbank, Lawrence-lane, Cheapside, City. Improvements in apparatus to be used in the manufacture and finishing of hats. (Partly a communication.) vonshire, and G. A. Huddart, Brynkir, Carnarvonshire. 3605 C. E. Spooner, Bron y Garth, Port Madoc, CarnarImprovements in the construction of railways.

3606 A. Busche, Schwelm, Prussia. Improvements in machinery for making laces and braids.

3607 E. T. Hughes, Chancery-lane. Improvements in meaus and apparatus for dressing, moulding, and polish ing stone, marble, and other similar substances. (A communication.)

3608 H. Pollack, Hambourg. Improvements in breechloading firearms.

[blocks in formation]

3614 J. S. Templeton, Glasgow. Brussels and Wilton carpets.

Improvements in

3615 A. C. Bamlett, Thirsk, Yorkshire. Improvements in machinery for reaping and mowing.

3616 T. G. Webb, Manchester. Improvements in the manufacture of tumblers, goblets, wine glasses, and other vessels or articles of glass.

3617 J. Petrie, jun., Rochdale, Lancashire. Improvements in machinery or apparatus for washing or scouring and dyeing wool and other fibrous materials.

3618 T. and A. L. Dickins and H. Heywood, Middleton, Lancashire. Improvements in machinery or apparatus for washing and dyeing silk and other yarns.

3619 W. E. Newton, Chancery-lane. Improvements in oil cups or lubricators for machinery. (A communication.)

3620 J. H. Dales and J. F. Maygrove, Wood-street, City. Improvements in the mode of, and in looms for, weaving hair cloth and similar fabrics.

3621 A. M. Clark, Chancery-lane. Improvements in letter or paper clips. (A communication.)

Dated November 28, 1868. 3622 W. Tranter, Birmingham. Improvements in breech-loading firearms, and in lubricating bullets for the


3623 J. Ingham, Valley Dye Works, Bradford, and I. Butterfleld, Bradford, Yorkshire. Improvements in machinery or apparatus for dressing warps.

3624 E. S. Samuell, Liverpool. An improved manufacture of superphosphate of lime.

3625 A. Wyllie and J. Latham, Liverpool. An improved machine for cracking palm and other nuts.

3626 H. J. H. King, Glasgow. Improvements in gauges or apparatus for ascertaining pressure.

3627 J. Cornes, Ilford, Essex. Improvements in machines for mowing grass, corn crops, and other similar produce, for trimming the margins of lawns, also for rolling, collecting, and delivering the said crops of corn and other produce into bonds or bands ready for being tied up in sheaves or laid in swarth.

3628 A. N. Burton, High-street, Reading, Berks. A new or improved mode of fastening boots and shoes.

3629 W. E. Gedge, Wellington-street, Strand. An improved instrument termed a perspectometer, intended to facilitate the execution of perspective drawings. (A communication.)

3630 W. E. Gedge, Wellington-street, Strand. An improved plate-warming apparatus. (A communication.) 3631 C. D. Abel, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane. Improvements in the manufacture of steel. (A communication.)

3632 J. Saward, St. Paul-street, Islington, Middlesex. Improvements in the means of preserving natural flowers and leaves of trees and plants for ornamental and useful


3633 J. L. Norton, Belle Sauvage-yard, Ludgate-hill, City. Improvements in dyeing and printing.

3534 J. Heaton, Langley Mill, Derbyshire. Improvements in the treatment of cast iron, and in the apparatus employed therein.

3635 W. Naylor, Mildmay Park, Middlesex. Improvements in railway brakes, and in apparatus connected therewith, part of which improvements is applicable to the regulating the pressure of steam, air, gas, or water, for various useful purposes.

3636 G. S. Brown, High-street, Leicestershire, and E. Turner, Coventry-street, Leicestershire. Improvements in means or apparatus for communicating between the passengers, guard, and driver of a railway train, and for signalling the speed at which a train is travelling. Sealed November 30, 1868.

3637 W. Soper, Friar-street, Reading, Berks. Improvements in breech-loading firearms.

3638 L. Pfeiffer, Walbrook-buildings, City. An improved fastening or lock for bags and other similar articles. (A communication.)

3639 J. S. Forbes, Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire. Improvements in the preparation of materials used in the manufacture of pottery, earthenware, and china, and in apparatus for the same.

3640 T. Hill, Euston-road, Middlesex. Improvements in the construction of organs.

3641 R. A. Green, Strand. A new or improved method of ornamenting articles of plate, jewellery, watch-cases, studs, buttons, and other ornamental or useful objects. 3642 A. M. Clark, Chancery-lane. A new or improved material for the manufacture of tiles for roofing purposes. (A communication.)

3643 D. Greig and J. Fernie, Leeds. Improvements in casting plough heads, wheels, and crank axles.

3644 N. and R. G. West, Palace-square, Upper Norwood, Surrey. Improvements for the preservation from corrosion of rudder pins and gudgeons, or braces, screw propeller shafts, the working parts of feathering paddlewheels, and the surfaces of iron and steel ships and other structures.

3645 J. Myers and L. L. Morrison, Leeds. Improvements in the construction of hats or coverings for the head.

3546 W. M'Lellan, Glasgow. Improved fastenings for the rails of railways, and apparatus for the manufacture of hollow metallic keys for the fastening of such or other like rails.

3647 J. W. Reid, Great Western Terrace, Paddington, Middlesex. Improvements in bleaching vegetable fibre. 3648 W. E. Newton, Chancery-lane. Improvements in machines for opening and cleaning cotton or other fibrous substances. (A communication.)

3649 A. V. Newton, Chancery-lane. Improvements in apparatus for receiving and delivering mail bags and packages on railways. (A communication.)

3650 A. Ransome, King's-road, Chelsea, Middlesex.

2244 W. R. Lake. Links for harness. (A communica


2246 G. Moulton. Pentagraph engraving machines. 2263 C. G. Johnson. Kilus.

2272 W. Winter. Sewing machines.

2273 W. J. Cunningham. lowering window blinds.

Apparatus for raising and

2280 J. Raine. Apparatus for obtaining anoramic pictures by means of photography.

2281 C. Hodgson. Apparatus for transporting loads. 2284 C. Weekes. Application of iron for building purposes.

2293 T. Gibb. Treatment of metallic ores. 2294 G. Martin. Manufacture of extract wool. 2295 C. W. Bradshaw. Coupling hose for steam en

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

2300 C. F. Waldo. Apparatus for raising water. (A PATENTS ON WHICH THE STAMP DUTY OF £50 communication.)

2306 T. F., J., C. H., and E. Firth. Looms for weaving. 2308 F. H. Hambleton. Manufacture of laminated armour plates. 2312 E. T. Hughes. Treating flax. (A communication.) 2322 J. S. Bromhead and J. Whitmee. Dry gas regulators.

2325 F. H. Danchell. Utilizing fuel.

2332 W. E. Gedge. Apparatus for feeding steam boilers. (A communication.)

2333 B. G. George.


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Machinery for bronzing printed

2337 J. Steel. Cask-washing apparatus. 2338 J. Greenhalgh. Machinery for cleaning cotton. 2341 J. Brigham and R. Bickerton. Drill rollers and seed sowers combined.


For the week ending November 28, 1868.


Propeller for steam vessels. (A 2360 W. Lewis. Needle wrappers.

2342 A. V. Newton. Construction of portable railway. No.
(A communication.)
2355 A. V. Newton.

2363 T. Hydes and J. Bennett. Facilitating the application of caloric.

2365 G. Hodgson, H. Bottomley, and E. Cockroft. Looms for weaving.

2374 J. Mabson. Cinder sifter and shovel combined. 2379 A. V. Newton. Polishing powder. (A communication.)

2390 T. H. Roberts and B. C. Cross. Apparatus for stopping carriages.

2407 B. Sharpe. Construction of ships. 2433 G. N. Shore. Railway brakes.

2486 W. E. Newton. Screws and screw drivers. (A communication.)

2502 A. M. Clark. Propelling vessels. (A communication.) 2561 E. Beanes. Manufacture of brewers' finings. 2588 F. Braby. Treating waste sulphate of iron solu2589 A. Clark. Compound for tanning leather. (A communication.)


2599 H. Hughes. Sewing machines. 2607 F. J. Knewstub. Despatch boxes. 2795 W. R. Lake. Condensing apparatus for steam engines. (A communication.)

3110 G. P. Grant. Bung bushes for casks. 3138 W. R. Lake. Means for dyeing hair. (A communication.) 3167 R. Pearce. 3219 I. Holden. 3292 T. Mordue. 3335 J. Vavasseur. nance.

Separation of copper from silver.
Apparatus employed in combing wool.
Steam boilers for marine engines.
Apparatus for discharging ord-

3336 J. H. Bertie. Manufacture of lace.
3345 R. W. Beckley. Pen-rest.

3347 E. Holden. Preparing wool.

3371 J. Taylor. Steam boilers. 3376 W. Baker. Furnaces.

3393 G. T. Bousfield. Barring soap. (A communica


3399 W. M. Brown. Engines for raising water. (A communication.)

3495 W. R. Lake. Bayonet, which will also serve as a digging implement. (A communication.)

ascertained by referring.back to their numbers in the list The full titles of the patents in the above list can be of provisional protections previously published.

Opposition can be entered to the granting of a patent to any of the parties in the above list, who have given notice of their intention to proceed, within twenty-one days from the date of the "Gazette" in which the notice appears, by leaving at the Commissioners' office, particulars in writing of the objection to the application.

PROVISIONAL PROTECTION FOR SIX MONTHS Has been granted upon Specifications bearing the following numbers:

2362 3346 3387 3401 3418 3435 3451 3467 2660 3366 3388 3402 3419 3437 3452 3468 3020 3369 3389 3405 3420 3439 3453 3471 3032 3372 3390 3406 3422 3440 3454 3472 3098 3374 3391 3407 3423 3441 3455 3474 3224 3376 3392 3403 3424 3442 3459 3476 3228 3380 3393 3409 3425 3443 3460 3478 3249 3381 3395 3411 3427 3444 3462 3480 3257 3382 3396 3412 3428 3445 3464 3482 3258 3383 3397 3414 3431 3447 3465 3484 3289 8385 3398 3416 3432 3448 3466 3486 3245 3386 3399 3417 3433 3449

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