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the hymn inserted in the Spectator, No. 461, "when Israel freed from Pharaoh's land," is now known to be the noble composition of Dr. Watts.

These jealous and absurd claims, by Captain Thompson, have naturally created a great suspicion of the general fidelity of his editorship; we have seen no reason, however, to believe that he was intentionally dishonest: his edition, with all its imperfections, is extremely valuable, as the only collection of Marvell's prose works, though we think that a more correct and authenticated edition of the poems is extremely desirable.

Marvell was the author of several valuable political tracts, advocating frequent and new Parliaments, as the spirit of the English Constitution, and of many admirable pamphlets on religious liberty. From his Essay on Creeds and Articles, we make the following extract :

"It were good that the greater Churchmen relied more upon themselves, and their own direction, not building too much upon stripling Chaplains, that men may not suppose the masters (as one that has a good horse, or fleet hound) or attributes to himself the virtues of his creature. That they inspect the morals of the clergy: the moral heretics do the church more harm than all the nonconformists can do, or can wish it. That before they admit men to subscribe the thirtynine articles for a benefice, they try whether they know the meaning. That they would much recommend to them the reading of the bible. It is a very good book, and if a man read it carefully, will make him much wiser. That they would advise them to keep the Sabbath: If there were no morality in the day, yet there is a great deal of prudence in the observing it. That they would instruct those that come for holy orders and livings, that it is a terrible vocation they enter up on; but that has indeed the greatest reward. That to gain a love is beyond all the acquists of traffic, and to convert an Atheist, more glorious than all the conquests of the soldier. That betaking themselves to this spiritual warfare, they ought to disintangle from the world. That they do not ride for a benefice, as if it were for a fortune or a mistress; but there is more in it. That they take the ministry up not as a trade. That they make them understand, as well as they can, what is the grace of God. That they do not come into the pulpit too full of fustian or logic; a good life is a clergyman's best syllogism, and the quaintest oratory; and until they outlive them, they will never get the better of the fanaticks, nor be able to preach with demonstration and spirit, or with any effect or authority. That they be lowly minded, and no railers.

"But to the judicious and serious reader, to whom I wish any thing I have said may have given no unwelcome entertainment, I shall only so far justify myself, that I thought it no less concerned me to vindicate the laity from the impositions that the Jew would force upon them, than others to defend those impositions on behalf of the Clergy. But the Rev. Mr. Hooker, in his Ecclesiastical Polity, says, The time will come when three words, uttered with charity and meekness, shall

receive a far me blessed reward, than three thousand volumes, written with disdainful sharpness of wit. And I shall conclude.

"I trust in the Almighty, that with us, contentions are now at the highest float, and that the day will come (for what cause is there of despair) when the possessions of former enmity being allaid, men shall with ten times redoubled tokens of unfeignedly reconciled love, shew themselves each to other the same which Joseph, and the brethren of Joseph, were at the time of their interview in Egypt. And upon this condition, let my book also (yea myself, if it were needful) be burnt by the hands of those enemies to the peace and tranquillity of the religion of England."

In 1672, Marvell engaged in a controversy with the famous Dr. Samuel Parker, a most zealous high churchman, who had exerted himself very much in defending the persecutions of the non-conformists. That divine, in 1670, published a book, entitled "Ecclesiastical Polity ;" and in 1671, a" Defence of Ecclesiastical Polity;" and in 1672, a " Preface to Bishop Bramhall.” In all these he recommended unlimited monarchy, and a rigorous persecution of all dissenters from the established church. In his Ecclesiastical Polity, he says, "It is better to submit to the unreasonable impositions of Nero and Caligula, than to hazard the dissolution of the state." And in the same work, he asserts," that it is absolutely necessary to the peace and government of the world, that the supreme magistrate of every commonwealth should be vested with a power to govern and conduct the consciences of subjects in affairs of religion." And he asserted, that "Princes may with less hazard give liberty to men's vices and debaucheries, than to their consciences," And, speaking of the different sects then subsisting, he lays it down, as a fixed rule for all princes to observe, that tenderness and indulgence to such men, were to nourish vipers in their own bowels; and the most sottish neglect of our own quiet and security." Marvell, to expose, as he deserved, this advocate for civil and ecclesiastical tyranny, wrote his "Rehearsal Transposed;" in which, with great strength of argument, and much wit and humour, he shews the absurdity of Parker's tenets.

The doctor, however, published an answer, but did not think proper to put his name to it; whereupon, in 1673, Marvell published" The Rehearsal Transposed, the Second Part; occasioned by two letters, the first printed by a nameless author, entitled a Reproof, &c. The second letter left for me, at a friend's house, dated Nov. 3, 1673, subscribed J. G.; and concluding with these words: If thou darest to print or publish any lie or libel against Dr. Parker, by the eternal God I will cut thy throat.'"

Several other anonymous pieces were published against

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Marvell, in favour of Parker; but our author had so greatly the advantage, both of the Doctor and his associates, that Parker did not think proper to engage further in the controversy. Anthony Wood, no friend to Marvell's principles, observes, "that it was generally_thought, by many of those who were otherwise favourers of Parker's cause, that the victory lay on Marvell's side." And he adds, that "it wrought this good effect on Parker, that, for ever after, it took down his high spirit." Bishop Burnet remarks, that Marvell" writ in a burlesque strain, but with so peculiar and so entertaining a conduct, that from the king down to the tradesman, his books were read with great pleasure, and not only humbled Parker, but the whole party; for the author of the Rehearsal Transposed,' had all the men of wit on his side." The same prelate, elsewhere, speaks of King Charles the Second, as being much pleased with the wit of Marvell's book, which he styles the best satire of the time; and further observes, that "the Rehearsal Transposed,' gave occasion to the single piece of modesty, with which Dr. Parker could be charged, of withdrawing from the town, and not importuning the press for some years, since even a face of brass must grow red, when it is so burnt as his was then." And Dean Swift, after mentioning the usual fate of common answers of books, and how short-lived their labours are, adds, that "there is, indeed, an exception, when any great genius thinks it worth his while to expose a foolish piece: so we still read Marvell's answer to Parker with pleasure, though the book it answers be sunk long ago."

The following spirited irony, on the "doleful evils" of the press, is extracted from the "Rehearsal Transposed," vol. i. p. 14. Its vigour of reasoning would not have disgraced the argument of Milton's Areopagitica.

"For the press hath owed him a shame a long time, and is but now beginning to pay off the debt. The press, (that villanous engine) invented about the same time with the Reformation, that hath done more mischief to the discipline of our church, than all the doctrine can make amends for. 'Twas a happy time when all learning was in manuscripts, and some little officer, like our author, did keep the keys of the library; when the clergy needed no more knowledge than to read the Liturgy; and the laity no more clerkship than to save them from hanging. But now, since printing came into the world, such is the mischief, that a man cannot write a book, but presently he is answered! Could the press but once be conjured to obey only an Imprimatur, our author might not disdain, perhaps, to be one of its most zealous patrons. There have been ways found out to banish ministers, to fine not only the people, but even the grounds and fields where they assembled in conventicles. But no art yet could prevent these seditious meetings of letters. Two or three brawny

fellows in a corner, with mere ink and elbow-grease, do more harm than an hundred systematical divines, with their sweaty preaching. And which is a strange thing, the very sponges, which one would think should rather deface and blot out the whole book, and were anciently used for that purpose, are now become the instruments to make things legible. Their ugly printing-letters, that look but like so many rotten teeth! How oft have they been pulled out by B. and L. (Le Strange) the public tooth-drawers? And yet these rascally operators of the press have got a trick to fasten them again in a few minutes, that they grow as firm a set, and as biting and talkative as ever. O Printing! how hast thou disturbed the peace of mankind! That lead, when moulded into bullets, is not so mortal, as when founded into letters. There was a mistake, sure, in the story of Cadmus; and the serpent's teeth, which he sowed, were nothing else but the letters which he invented. The first essay that was made towards this art, was in single characters upon iron, wherewith of old they stigmatized slaves and remarkable offenders; and it was of good use sometimes to brand a schismatick. But a bulky Dutchman diverted it quite from its first institution, and contriving those innumerable syntagmes of alphabets, hath preserved the world ever since with the gross bodies of their German divinity. One would have thought, in reason, that a Dutchman at least might have contented himself only with the wine-press."

The following is a parody on the speeches of Charles II.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"I told you, at our last meeting, the winter was the fittest time for business, and truly I thought so, till my lord treasurer assured me the spring was the best season for salads and subsidies. I hope, therefore, that April will not prove so unnatural a month, as not to afford some kind showers on my parched exchequer, which gapes for want of them. Some of you, perhaps, will think it dangerous to make me too rich; but I do not fear it; for I promise you faithfully, whatever you give me I will always want; and although in other things my word may be thought a slender authority, yet in that, you may rely on me, I will never break it."

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"I can bear my straits with patience; but my lord treasurer does protest to me, that the revenue, as it now stands, will not serve him and me too. One of us must pinch for it, if you do not help me. I must speak freely to you; I am under bad circumstances, for besides my harlots in service, my reformado concubines lie heavy upon me. I have a passable good estate, I confess; but, God's-fish, I have a great charge upon it. Here is my lord treasurer can tell, that all the money designed for next summer's guards must, of necessity, be applied to the next year's cradles and swaddling clothes. What shall we do for ships then? I hint this only to you, it being your business, not mine. I know, by experience, I can live without ships. I lived ten years'

abroad without, and never had my health better in my life; but how you will be without, I leave to yourselves to judge, and therefore hint this only by the bye: I do not insist upon it. There is another thing I must press more earnestly, and that is this: it seems, a good part of my revenue will expire in two or three years, except you will be pleased to continue it. I have to say for it; pray, why did you give me so much as you have done, unless you resolve to give on as fast as I call for it? The nation hates you already for giving so much, and I will hate you too, if you do not give me more. So that, if you stick not to me, you must not have a friend in England. On the other hand, if you will give me the revenue I desire, I shall be able to do those things for your religion and liberty, that I have had long in my thoughts, but cannot effect them without a little more money to carry me through. Therefore look to't, and take notice, that if you do not make me rich enough to undo you, it shall lie at your doors. For my part, I wash my hands on it. But that I may gain your good opinion, the best way is to acquaint you what I have done to deserve it, out of my royal care for your religion and your property. For the first, my proclamation is a true picture of my mind. He that cannot, as in a glass, see my zeal for the Church of England, does not deserve any farther satisfaction, for I declare him wilful, abominable, and not good. Some may, perhaps, be startled and cry, how comes this sudden change? To which I answer, I am a changeling, and that is sufficie: I think. But to convince men farther, that I mean what I say, there a these arguments.

"First, I tell you so, and you know I never break my word. Secondly, my lord treasurer says so, and he never told a lie in

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his life.

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Thirdly, my lord Lauderdale will undertake it for me; and I should be loth, by any act of mine, he should forfeit the credit he has with you.

"If you desire more instances of my zeal, I have them for you. For example, I have converted my natural sons from popery, and I may say without vanity, it was my own work, so much the more peculiarly mine than the begetting them. "Twould do one's heart good to hear how prettily George can read already in the psalter. They are all fine children, God bless 'em, and so like me in their understandings! But, as I was saying, I have, to please you, given a pension to your favourite, my lord Lauderdale; not so much that I thought he wanted it, as that you would take it kindly. I have made Carwel duchess of Portsmouth, and married her sister to the earl of Pembroke. I have, at my brother's request, sent my lord Inchiquin into Barbary, to settle the Protestant religion among the Moors, and an English interest at Tangier. I have made Crew bishop of Durham, and at the first word of my lady Portsmouth, Prideaux bishop of Chichester. I know not, for my part, what factious men would have; but this I am sure of, my predecessors never did any thing like this, to gain the good will of their subjects. So much for your religion, and now for your property. My behaviour to the bankers is a public instance; and the proceedings between Mrs. Hyde and Mrs. Sutton,

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