• I can leave my stable-door unlocked, and sleep sound, since* Luck-ina-Bag and the rest are gone.' The command of the fifth troop was entrusted to Captain Nicholas Wogan, an Irish gentleman, equally distinguished by his valour and his humanity. These troops, like those of the Scotch, were accompanied by a great number of gentlemen volunteers, who, without any express commission, or assignment to any particular sub-division of the forces, were ready to act as circumstances might require their services; and, with a view of finding situations for as many individuals of rank and respectability as it was possible thus to gratify, they were all doubly officered. The aggregate of the numbers of the rebel army amounted to no more than 1400 men; these troops and regiments, therefore, were mere skeletons, which they hoped to fill up as they proceeded. On the 27th of October Lord Kenmure received intelligence that General Carpenter, with the forces under his command, viz. Hotham's regiment of foot, and Calham's, Molesworth's, and Churchill's dragoons, had arrived at Wooler, and intended to attack him the next day. In this emergency, he summoned a council of war to deliberate on the best plan of proceeding. In this assembly, there occurred much diversity of opinion. Lord Wintoun earnestly pressed them to march away into the west of Scotland. Others proposed to pass the Tweed, and attack General Carpenter's troops, which did not amount to more than 500 men. Both these proposals were, however, negatived by the interposition of the Nithsdale and Northumbrian chieftains, who prevailed upon their associates to adopt the resolution of marching into England, where they assured them they would meet with effectual support. Deluded by these flattering expectations, Kenmure decamped from Kelso, and proceeded to Jedburgh, where he stayed till the 29th of October. From Jedburgh he had intended to send a detachment of Highlanders across the mountains into Northumberland; but the troops appointed for this service mutinied, and refused to cross the borders. Accompanied, then, by these malcontents, the rebel commanders marched to Hawick; on their arrival at which place, the Highlanders, alarmed at their being conducted to the south, separated themselves from the main body of the army, and took post on a rising ground, declaring they would fight if led against the enemy; but that, instead of going into England, they would take their route * A nickname to a famous midnight trader among horses. through the west of Scotland, and fall upon the rear of the Duke of Argyle. After a negociation of two hours, they at length agreed to share the fortunes of their comrades whilst they remained in their own country, and accordingly followed their commanders to Langholme. From this place, Lord Kenmure sent a detachment for the purpose of surprising the town of Dumfries, but was induced to countermand it by the reiterated entreaties of the English gentlemen that he would cross the borders, under the allegation that they had received letters from their friends in Lancashire, inviting them into England, and assuring them that there would be a general rising on their appearing, and that they would be immediately joined by 20,000 men. No sooner was the determination of his lordship known to the Highlanders, than they again broke out into mutiny; and, notwithstanding the earnest remonstrances of their leaders, 500 of them took their departure, and went away in parties over the tops of the mountains. Among the deserters was Lord Wintoun, who had fomented the spirit of insubordination. However, in a little time, he returned, and joined the main body of Kenmure's little army; but, as might have been expected, he met with a cold reception from his brother chieftains. " In short," says Mr. Patten, "he was slighted, having often no quarters provided for him, and at other times, very bad ones, not fit for a nobleman of his family; yet, being in for it, he resolved to go forwards, and diverted himself with any company, telling many pleasant stories of his travels, and his living unknown and obscurely with a blacksmith in France, whom he served some years as a bellowsblower and under-servant, till he was acquainted with the death of his father, and that his tutor had given it out that he was dead; upon which he resolved to return home, and there met with a cool reception. He was very curious in working in several handicraft matters, and had made good proficiency in them; witness the nice way he found to cut asunder one of the iron bars in his window, in the Tower, by some small instrument, scarce perceivable."* With his little army thus diminished, Kenmure advanced to Longtown, and on the next day, crossing the border, he took up his quarters at a small town called Brampton, where Mr. Forster opened his commission to act as general in England. From this day, the Highlanders, who still remained with their colours, "received sixpence a day to keep them in good order and under command." The rebels halted one night at Brampton, and the next * His lordship, by this ingenuity, effected his escape. day advanced towards Penrith. On their approach to the latter town, they were informed that Lord Lonsdale, at the head of the posse comitatus, amounting to 14,000 men, was prepared to dispute their further progress; but, at the sight of a reconnoitering party of the enemy, these undisciplined forces fled, and his lordship retired to Appleby Castle. On Mr. Forster's entrance into Penrith, he detached Mr. Patten, with a party of horse, to capture the Bishop of Carlisle, whom he understood to be somewhere in the neighbourhood. His grace, however, had the good fortune to escape; and his reverend and militant pursuer was next commissioned to seize his brotherin-law, Mr. Johnstone, collector of the salt-tax, and to bring him with his books and papers, and the public money in his possession, to the army. In his second expedition, also, Mr. Patten was disappointed, and was only able to evince his prowess and his activity by taking prisoners a number of the posse comitatus. Having stayed at Penrith one night, the rebels proceeded to Appleby. They now began to look with anxiety for the friends whom they expected to join them. But few resorted to their standard; and of these, no one of any note. Their hopes were, however, a little raised by the circumstance of the vicar of Appleby and his curate attending divine service, and joining in the prayers for the Pretender, which were read by Mr. Patten. On the 5th of November, they set out for Kendal, where they remained all night, and the next morning, being Sunday the 6th, they set forward for Kirby Lonsdale. "In all the march to this town," says our author, "there were none joined them but one Mr. John Dalston, and another gentleman, from Richmond, though we had now marched through two very populous counties; but here, friends began to appear; for some Lancashire Papists, with their servants, came and joined them." The Highlanders were further encouraged by the arrival of Mr. Charles Widdington, who had been sent in advance, to sound the disposition of the country, and brought intelligence that the Lancashire Tories were ripe for revolt, and that the Pretender had been proclaimed at Manchester, the inhabitants of which town had begun to raise men for his service. Inspirited by these tidings, the rebels marched on to Lancaster. The notorious Col. Chartres, who commanded in this important place, intended to blow up the bridge to prevent their entrance; but was controuled in his plans by the remonstrances of the townsmen, who informed him that this devastation would be of no utility, as the river was easily fordable. He, therefore, destroyed a quantity of military stores, to prevent them from falling into the hands of the rebels, and quitted the place, following Sir Henry Houghton, who had retired with 600 militia from Lancaster to Preston. All opposition being thus withdrawn, Forster entered Lancaster on Monday the 7th of November. Here he seized some new arms which were left at the custom-house, and also six pieces of cannon. He, moreover, took possession of the money belonging to the revenue, and of a quantity of brandy, which, Mr. Patten informs us, " was given to the Highlanders to oblige them." And here we cannot refrain from obliging our readers, by transcribing the Rev. historian's description of the HighChurch Tories of the reign of George the first. " While we were in this town, our number increased considerably; and had we staid here, or kept garrison here, they would have continued so to do. For in that time a great many Lancashire gentlemen joined us, with their servants and friends. It is true, they were most of them Papists; which made the Scots' gentlemen and the Highlanders mighty uneasy, very much suspecting the cause; for they expected all the High-Church party to have joined them. Indeed, that party, who never are right hearty for the cause, till they are mellow, as they call it, over a bottle or two, began now to show us their blind-side; and that it is their just character, that they do not care for venturing their carcasses any farther than the tavern. There indeed, with their High-Church and Ormond, they would make men believe, who do not know them, that they would encounter the greatest opposition in the world; but after having consulted their pillows, and the fume a little evaporated, it is to be observed of them, that they generally become mighty tame, and are apt to look before they leap, and with the snail, if you touch their houses, they hide their heads, shrink back, and pull in their horns. I have heard Mr. Forster say, he was blustered into this business by such people as these, but that, for the time to come, he would never again believe a drunken Tory." Deluded by the professions of these ignorant boasters, who assured him, amongst other things, that the King's troops could not come within forty miles of his without their giving him due notice of their approach, Mr. Forster hastened his march southwards, and on Thursday the 10th of November his whole army was mustered at Preston, where his rash expedition was destined to terminate. As he was anxious to press forward to Manchester, where he expected to be joined by a large reinforcement of the disaffected, he had determined to advance in the direction of that town on the Saturday. Whilst, however, he was making preparations for this movement, he was astonished and perplexed by the receipt of intelligence that General Wills, at the head of a considerable force, was advancing from Wigan to attack him. The alarm being thus given, a body of the rebels marched out of the town and took post at Ribble-bridge, whilst Mr. Forster advanced to reconnoitre. The rebel general soon met the vanguard of the King's army, and immediately returned to Preston by Penwar than, having given orders that the guard should be withdrawn from Ribble-bridge into the town. Here the rebels with great activity formed four main barriers, to close the principal entrances into the place. The first of these was a little below the church, and was commanded by Brigadier Mackintosh. The second, under the orders of Lord Charles Murray, was established at the extremity of the town, on the road to Poulton. The third, under the direction of Col. Mackintosh, was opposed to any attack which might be made from the Lancaster road, and the fourth was formed in Fisher-gate, the street which leads to Liverpool, and was commanded by Major Miller and Mr. Douglas. The three former were attacked with great fury by his Majesty's forces. At first, the advantage was on the side of the rebels, who fought with determined fury; and they maintained their posts with little loss and with much confidence, till the Sunday morning, when they were thrown into consternation by the arrival of General Carpenter, who had brought his army from the eastward by long and toilsome marches. Carpenter, being the senior officer, now took the command of the whole of the besieging forces, and making some alterations in the disposition of the troops, prepared to make a new and vigorous assault. Forster now saw that his situation was desperate, and endeavoured to make a capitulation; but on the annunciation of his proposals he received the usual answer, that no terms could be granted to rebels in arms, except protection from military execution; and, after some hesitation, he surrendered at discretion. The victorious generals now marched into the town at the head of their respective forces, and took possession of their prisoners, of whom the men of rank were confined in the principal inns of the town, whilst the common soldiers were shut up in the church. On the 21st of November, the chief officers and all the captured lords set off under a strong escort on their way to London. At Highgate, they were met by a strong detachment of horse grenadiers and foot guards, by whom they were conducted in a kind of triumph, which might have been well spared, to the metropolis, where they were distributed in different prisons to await the period of their several trials, the issues of which are recorded in the bloody page of our general history. We shall close our analysis of this volume with the following account given by Mr. Patten of the reception which he and his associates met with from the London populace. "Setting forward from Highgate, we were met by such numbers of people, that it is scarce conceivable to express, who, with Long live King George! and Down with the Pretender! ushered us throughout to our several apartments. On the road, a Quaker fixed his eyes upon me, and, distinguishing what I was, said, Friend! verily thou hast |