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Professor Goerres late Editor of the Rhenish Mercury. Translated from the German, by John Black. 1 vol. 8vo. The sale of this work has been prohibited in Germany.

'Anastacius or Memoirs of a Greek,' written at the close of the 18th. century. 3 vols 8vo.

'A Sicilian Story and other poems.' By Barry Cornwall, 12mo [The London critics speak in most favour. able terms of Mr. Cornwall's poe

try: Glenfur Glenfurgus,' a novel, 3 vols. 12 Domestic Scenes, a novel, 3

mo. vols 12mo.

Winter Evening tales,' collected among the cottages in the South of Scotland. By James Hogg. 2 vols.


• Familiar lessons in Mineralogy' and Geology, &c. by J. Maure, 12 mo. pp. 78, with engravings. (This work is recommended by the editors of the Journal of Belles Letters.)

'History of Brazil,' pt. 3d, by Robert Southey. (A very curious and interesting work, by an author whose literary character is not appreciated in this country, and who is unjustly supposed to entertain illiberal views towards the United States.) The Delphin and Variorum classics, parts 1 to 10; Containing the whole of Virgil, and a portion of Cæsar, with an authentic portrait of Cæsar, and numerous wood cuts. (a splendid edition, printed in a very expensive style.)

Don Juan,' with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family, &c. canto 3d, 8vo. pp. 156.

(This is one of the catch-pennies of the times; at once vulgar, unjust, injurious, and expensive.' Such is the judgment of the English critic.)

A description of the western islands of Scotland,' including the Isle of Man, &c. By John Maculloch, M.D. 3 vols. 4to.

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maps and illustrations-it is an acquisition of great value to the Scotish scholar, and to science in general.') The following is one of the excerpta.

'He that is contented with a first answer in the Highlands will indeed never be at a loss for at least the appearance of information. Unfortunately it will seldom bear a scrutiny, a second question generally rendering void the effect of the first." How long is this Loch?"-"It will be about twenty mile."-" Twenty miles! surely it cannot be so much."

May be it will be twelve.""It does not seem more than four." "Indeed I'm thinking ye're right."-"Really you seem to know nothing about the matter "-"Troth I canna say I do." This trait of character is universal, and the answer is always so decided, that the inquirer, unless he is a strenuous doubter, is not induced to verify the statement by this mode of crossexamination.'

Cape of Good Hope and its Dependencies. An accurate and truly interesting description of those delightful Regions, situated 500 miles north of the Cape, &c. By captain Benjamin Stout, late commander of the American East Indian, named the Hercules, lost on the coast of Caffraria, within a few miles of the river Infanta, where the Grosvenor perished in 1782. Likewise a luminous and affecting detail of Captain Stout's Travels, &c. &c. London, 1820. 8vo. pp. 144.

(This is pronounced to be a clumsy and extravagant forgery.)

'The Eskdale herd-boy,' a Scotish tale, by Mrs. Blackford, 12mo. pp. 260. (A moral tale, intended for the improvement of readers in the lower orders of life, the work of a writer who could do better things, if any thing is superior to teaching our fellow pilgrims the nearest way to the purest happiness.")

'Life of Wm. lord Russell,' with some account of the times in which

he lived; by lord John Russell, 2vols. 8vo. 2d, edition.

Life of lady Russell,' by the editor of madame du Deffand's letters; 1 vol. 8vo.

Sound mind, or Contributions to the Natural History and Physiology of the Human Intellect:' by John Haslam, M.D. 8vo.

• Essays on Phrenology,' &c. by George Combe; 8vo.

The manuscript of the tragedy of Louis IX., a new and successful tragedy just brought out at Paris, has been purchased for 4000 franks by a bookseller of Paris. Iphigenie en Aulide, never produced so much to its illustrious author; and yet we are told that this is the iron, not the golden age, of poetry! ib. Three volumes of Karamsin's History of Russia, has been translated from the Russian language into French. To the eleventh century, the materials are principally drawn froin the writings of Nestor, a monk of Pelchersky. The princess Olga, who introduced Christianity into Muscovy, and all the princes who favoured the priesthood, are consequently the favourites of these annals.


Late American publications.-Our invitation to publishers is still unregarded, and we are notified of very few recent or intended publications. Among those which have come to our knowledge are the following.

History of the United States from their first settlement as colonies to the Peace of Ghent, comprising every important political event, &c. By William Grimshaw. Philada. published by B. Warner. 1 vol. 12


[A very good school-book and one that was much wanted, printed in a neat but unexpensive form.]

Sketches of Travels in Sicily, Italy, and France, in a series of letters addressed to a friend in the United States. By John James, M.D. Albany, 1 vol. 12mo.

Conversations on Natural Philo

sophy, in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and adapted to the comprehension of young pupils. Illustrated with plates. By the author of Conversations on Chemistry, &c. republished at New York.

[Mrs. Marcet the lady to whom the world is indebted for these valuable works performs for political and physical science the service which Miss Edgeworth renders to ethics and Hannah More to religion-she brings it home to the youthful mind, deprives it of all its austerity, and connects it with the most agreeable associations of the imagination. In saying that this last work is inferior to those which she previously gave to the public, very slight censure is implied since it may be, as it is, unequal to them and yet very instructive and very pleasing.]

The Family Mansion a Tale by Mrs. Taylor of Ongar, 1 vol. 18mo. Philada. A. Small, price 75 cents.

[A neat little volume containing a story of sufficient interest to enchain the attention of very youthful readers, and inculcating the purest principles of virtue and piety.]

Ivanhoe by the author of Waverly, 2 vols. 12mo. republished by M. Carey and Son Philadelphia.

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Conjugal Happiness' for the use of Husband and Wife and young persons of either sex who destine themselves for the Married State, by John Werner, Pastor of Nuremberg translated by an American. Baltimore, price $1 25.

Intended American Publications. Narative of the Mission of the United Brethren amongst the Delaware and Mohegan Indians from its commencement in 1740 to its close in 1808. By the Rev. John Heckewelder, Philada.

A Treasury of the Hebrew and English Tongue, &c. by Jos. James. Baltimore.

[See the advertisements on the cover.]

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VOL. I. NO. IV. APRIL, 1820.





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