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Erchedekenes and denis,11


To preche the peple and pore men to feede,

Beon lopen 12 to Londun, bi leve of heore bisschopes,

To ben clerkes of the Kynges Benche, the cuntre to schende.13

Barouns and burgeis 14 and bondages 15 alse 16 96

I saugh in that semble,17 as ye schul heren aftur;

Bakers, bochers, and breusters 18 monye; Wollene-websteris 19 and weveris of lynen; 99 Taillours, tanneris, and tokkeris bothe; Masons, minours, and mony other craftes; Dykers, and delvers, that don heore dedes ille,21

And driveth forth the longe day with "Deu save Dam Emme!” 2 Cookes and heore knaves 23

pies, hote!


cryen "Hote

"Goode gees and grys! Go we dyne, go we!"

Taverners to hem tolde the same tale, 106

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men 16 also 17 assembly 18 brewers
weavers 20 tuckers, finishers of cloth
their work badly A popular s
23 boys 2+ pigs


19 woolen21 that do


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