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were more numerous and more minute, while the results obtained are more accurate. In consequence of the death of Mr. Rickman, two census commissioners (Edward Phipps and Thomas Vardon, Esqrs.) were appointed, and the officers of the registrar-general of births, marriages, and deaths were employed as enumerators, instead of the less intelligent parochial overseers. England and Wales were divided into about 35,000 enumeration districts, each containing not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred houses, so that each district might be completed in a single day. Public institutions, barracks, gaols, workhouses, &c. were required under the Census Acts, 3 & 4 Vict. c. 99, and 4 Vict. c. 7, to be enumerated by the several officers residing therein. Two very important improvements were made as to the inquiry respecting ages and occupations. Instead of quinquennial and decennial periods bejng taken, as in 1821, or only the age of inales aged twenty and upwards, as in 1831, the exact age of every person was ascertained. In reference to occupations, the enumerators were directed to ascertain the employment of every person, distinguishing sex, and whether above or un


der twenty years of age. A new head of inquiry was also introduced for the purpose of showing the number of persons born in the county in which they resided; the number born in other counties of the same country; and the number born in Scotland (for Scotland the number born in England), Ireland, the colonies, and in foreign parts.

The number of parishes which made a return of all the above particulars was 9942 for England, and 838 for Wales. In the volumes of Abstracts of the Population Returns the population is given separately for 17,476 parishes and other divisions in England, and 1984 in Wales; and for Great Britain the population is separately stated for 22,303 parishes, towns, hamlets, &c., which is 5601 more than under the census of 1831. The analysis of this immense body of facts was very admirably arranged under the superindendence of the census commissioners.

An examination into the results of the census of 1841 is treated of under a separate head. [CENSUS of 1841.] The following is a comparative summary of each census from 1801 to 1841 inclusive:

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Persons travelling at night, June 6


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tioned the absence of information concerning the number of persons belonging to each religious denomination.

In 1834 a specific census was taken in Ireland with a view of ascertaining for purposes of legislation the religious persuasion of the people. This inquiry was not repeated at the last census, and it has never found a place in the census of either England or Scotland.

In the Colonial possessions of Great Britain a census is taken at intervals, under acts of the local legislature or under the direction of the governor. In some cases the ages of the population are ascertained; in others the religious persuasion; and in many the value and amount of stock and produce are returned.

In France there have been six enumerations of the people during the present century in 1801, 1806, 1821, 1826, 1831, 1836, and 1841. The census is now taken every five years. In the census of 1801 the sexes were distinguished, and those in each sex who were or had been married, and those who were single. In 1806, widowers and widows were also distinguished. The census of 1826 was simply an enumeration without distinction of age or sex; but in 1836, and at each subsequent census, the inquiry was pursued in the same form as in


females are given in five classes, and in this respect the census is less minute than might have been expected. The numbers belonging to each religious denomination are also given.

Sweden has long been remarkable for the minute and even ultra-inquisitorial character of its census. A board called the "Table Commission" was organised in 1749 for collecting and digesting accurate statistics of the population, which are supplied by the clergy. The Swedish census exhibits the circumstances of all the households, arranged in three classes: 1st, the number who have more than they require for subsistence, or are in good circumstances; 2nd, the number who can support themselves; and 3rd, those who are in bad circumstances, or have less than they want for subsistence. The number of the poor and by whom they are supported is accurately ascertained. Censuses are also taken by the civil officers for the purposes of taxation, but they are not so exact as the enumeration by the clergy. It is said, indeed, that during the progress of the civil census the poor labourers, especially in the towns, contrive to go away or conceal themselves.

In Norway the census is taken by the magistrates in towns, and in the country by the rectors of parishes. The inquiries extend to the number of cattle and the production of grain. Temporary abIn Belgium the census distinguishes sentees are returned in the family to the town and country population, sexes which they belong, and as casual strangers and ages, the number of single and married and visitors are not returned, the census persons, and widowers and widows. The comprises those only who have house and occupations of the people are also shown, home in the country. The number of divided into two classes, liberal and in- idiotic and of deaf and dumb persons is dustrial. The first includes seven sub- distinguished. Under the head of occudivisions, and the second twelve sub-pations, persons having more businesses divisions. The number of persons be- than one are returned under each. longing to each religious profession is general census has been five times taken also given. in Norway in 1769, 1801, 1815, 1825, and in 1835; and as the census is taken decennially, there will be one in 1845.

In Holland the census is taken on the 1st of January in each year.

In Saxony the census embraces inquiries as to sexes, age, number of families, number unmarried and married, widowers and widows, religious profession, and the number of the blind, deaf and dumb.

In Prussia the census is taken every three years. The ages of males and


In Denmark the census is both varied and minute, and in the information which it gives it does not differ much from the Swedish census.

The census of Sardinia, made in 1838, is said to be as complete in its objects and method as any in Europe. It was executed under the superintendence of a

Central Statistical Commission. assisted by | versity of Virginia, remarks:-"Our local committees for the several provinces, changes are both greater and more rapid consisting each of five members, besides than those of any other country. A rethe "Intendente" of the province, who gion covered with its primeval forests is, acted as its president. The system of in the course of one generation, covered enumeration by names was adopted, and with productive farms and comfortable the returns showed, for each person in a dwellings, and in the same brief space population of 4,650,370 souls, the name villages are seen to shoot up into wealthy and surname; age; civil condition, whe- and populous cities. The elements of ther single, married, or widowed; place our population are, moreover, composed of birth, whether in the province in of different races and conditions of civil which they resided, or subjects born in freedom, whose relative increase is some other province; residents who were watched with interest by every reflecting foreign subjects; occupation; and re- man, however he may view that diversity ligious profession. of condition, or whatever he may think of the comparative merit of the two races." The first census was taken in 1790, and referred to the 1st of August of that year; the second in 1800, and subsequently in every tenth year. 1830 the period of enumeration was changed to the 1st of June, so that the preceding decennium was two months short of ten years. The last census was taken on the 1st of June, 1840.

In Austria the census is taken every year, but neither sex nor occupations are distinguished; but this defect is partially remedied by the very accurate registry which is kept of the births, marriages, and deaths.

In the vast empire of Russia a census of the population is taken, but we are unable to state at what intervals; and there is a registration of births, marriages, and deaths. In Portugal a census was taken in 1841. In Spain a census has been taken at irregular periods; but at present the number of the population is only conjectured.

There is not at the present time a single European state (Turkey excepted) in which a census of the population is not taken with more or less minuteness; and this is accompanied, with few exceptions (amongst which are Scotland and Ireland), by a more or less perfect system of registering every birth, marriage, and death. [REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES.] In addition to these means of information respecting the population, there are in most states returns respecting property, which further illustrate the condition of the people. [STATISTICS.]

In the United States of North America the representative system is based on numbers, and whenever direct taxation is resorted to, it is apportioned on the same principe. A census is therefore indispensable; and provision was made respecting it by the constitution, of the United States. There are other reasons which render a census of peculiar importance. Professor Tucker, of the uni


In the first census of the United States the heads of inquiry were five, and the numbers were ascertained of-1, Free white males, aged sixteen and upwards. 2, The same under sixteen. 3, Free white females of all ages. 4, Slaves. 5, Free persons of colour, for the phrase "all other persons" could comprise only them. In the second census the ages of the white population were ascertained and distributed under five heads, showing the number under 10; between 10 and 16; 16 and 26; 26 and 45; and 45 and upwards. The census of 1810 was taken in the same manner as that of 1800. In the succeeding census, in 1820, free coloured persons and slaves were for the first time classified as to age and sex, and they were distributed in four divisions of ages. A column was added for white males aged between 16 and 18. The population was also classified as to occupations in the three great divisions of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures. In 1830 the population was distinguished with greater minuteness as to age. The white population under 20 was classed into quinquennial periods, and from 20 and upwards into decennial periods. The free coloured persons and

slaves were classed, in respect to age, in | tion, with their means of employment, their command of the necessaries and conveniences of life, the growth of capital, the extension of trade and manufactures, and with other indications of the progress of society. If it shall appear that in all these respects the means of enjoyment have increased more rapidly than the population, this review of the national resources will be most encouraging; and may be more generally acceptable than a tedious examination of the specific results of the census itself. As the selection of the various subjects of comparison will be made without reference to any preconceived theory, the accuracy of the facts may be relied on: and it is hoped that no conclusions will be drawn from them which they do not fairly justify.

six divisions. The number of persons blind, and deaf and dumb, were ascertained in each class of the population, and their ages distinguished. No notice was taken in the census of 1830 of the occupations of the people. The census of 1840, on the contrary, is remarkable for its attempt to supply minute details of every branch of industry in the United States, but in other respects the heads of inquiry were the same as in 1830. Not only were the people classified according to their occupations, but estimates were obtained relative to the annual products of industry, under the six heads of Mines, with nine subdivisions; Agriculture, with twenty-nine; Commerce, with five; Fisheries, with five; the Forest, with five; Manufactures, with forty-six subdivisions. It appears, however, from the American Almanac' (Boston, 1845) that the statistical details of productive industry are not so correct as could be wished. Professor Tucker, however, is of opinion that the errors so balance and compensate each other, as to afford on the whole "an approximation to the truth, which is all that the subject admits of." (Progress of the United States in Population and Wealth in Fifty Years, as exhibited by the Decennial Census. By George Tucker, Prof. of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy in the University of Virginia, Boston, 1843. This is a valuable and useful work, and it is to be regretted that no writer of this country has undertaken a similar task for the five censuses of Great Britain, the results of which are only to be found in the cumbrous volumes of Parliamentary Returns which give the details of each census.)

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GREAT BRITAIN. 16,643,028 18,844,434 13.2
7,767,401 8,175,124 5.25
United Kingdom. 24,410,429 27,019,558 10-6

CENSUS OF 1841. In June, 1841, was taken the decennial census of Great Britain and Ireland, the results of which, The Irish census commissioners (Rewhen compared with other statistical re- port, p. xi.) enter into certain calculations, turns, afford the means of examining the by which they raise the per centage of condition and prospects of the country. increase in the population of Ireland from It is not proposed, in this article, to enter 5-25, as actually shown in the returns, to with any minuteness either upon the nearly 12 per cent. If the same prinmanner in which the census was taken, ciples of calculation were applied to the or upon the detailed results appearing in population of Great Britain, the increase the reports of the commissioners; but it is would also be greater; but it will be sufintended to present a comparison of the ficient, for the purposes of this inquiry, if increase and distribution of the popula- the entire population of the United King

dom, during the ten years from 1831 to 1841, be assumed to have increased 12 per cent.

In judging of the condition of the people, the first point which may be investigated is their consumption of those articles which are used more or less in proportion to their means. Unhappily there are no means of estimating the quantities of bread and meat or other staples of food produced in this country; but the quantities of auxiliary articles of food and luxury imported from abroad for home consumption, or manufactured in this country, are fair indications of the means possessed by the people of enjoying the comforts of life. If the increase in the consumption of such articles be in a greater proportion than the increase of population, it may reasonably be inferred that their means of enjoyment have generally increased; or, in other words, that the people enjoyed more comforts in 1841 than in 1831, relatively to their numbers.

The quantities of several articles which paid duty for home consumption in the United Kingdom, in 1831 and 1841 respectively, and the rate of increase, wil! appear from the following table :

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251,255 106-4 248, 35 90.9 1,930,764 283.9

lbs. 22,715,807 28,420,980 25.1 29,997,055 36,396,078 21-3 140,100 245,887 75.5 No 58,464,690 91,880, 187 57.1


Tallow. cwts. 918,733 1.243,112 35.3 Soap (hard) lbs. 108,956,030 156,008,290 43.1 19,333,840 22,308,385 14:2 103,803 116,895 12.6 14,019 27,639 97-1


Tobacco Crown-glass.cwt Plate glass."9 Green or bottle glass .cwts. Paper

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288,760 499,581 73.0 lbs. 62,738,000 97,103,548 54.7 This list might be extended much further; but it will suffice to show that the consumption of these articles (restrained in some cases by too heavy a taxation) was enjoyed in a larger ratio than the increase of population, and that the comforts of the people must have been proportionately greater in 1841 than in 1831. Concurrently with this increased con

sumption of articles of comfort and luxury, it is worthy of special notice that the use of intoxicating drinks had apparently decreased. We are not aware of any causes which encouraged the smuggling or adulteration of spirits in 1841 which did not exist in 1831; and yet it appears, from the returns, that the consumption of duty-paid spirits of all kinds, whether British or foreign, had decreased in that interval to the extent of 7.8 per cent. In the same period the consumption of all wines had increased only 3.9 per cent. The consumption of beer cannot be ascertained, but the quantity of hops that paid duty had fallen from 36,500,028 lbs. in 1831, to 30,504,108, or 19.6 per cent.; and of malt, from 40,334,987 bushels to 35,656,713, or 13-1 per cent. From these facts, however, no certain inference can be drawn, on account of the great varieties in the natural produce of these articles in different years, and of the free use of other ingredients by brewers.

Our view of the evidences of increased consumption may be closed by the notice of the three articles of timber, cottonwool, and wool, all of which are used solely in giving employment to productive industry. Taking all the different kinds of imported timber, there appears to have been an increase of 37.5 per cent. In cotton-wool there was an increase of and in sheep and lambs' 61.1 per cent.; wool imported, of 78.7 per cent.

The next subject of comparison may be the exports of British and Irish produce and manufactures from the United Kingdom, in 1831 and in 1841. from which the manufacturing and commercial condition of the country, and the employment of its people, at those periods, may be collected.

The quantities and declared value of some of the principal articles of export are exhibited in the table in the following page:

On referring to the two last columns of this table, it appears that the value of the exports did not always increase in the same ratio as the quantities; but the total declared value of all British and Irish produce and manufactures exported in 1831 was 37,164,3721.; in 1841,

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