English Reports Annotated, 1866-1900, 1. köideReports and Digest Syndicate, 1867 |
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Common terms and phrases
agreement alleged allotment amount appears applied appointed articles of association authority bank Beav bill Bishop of Natal Cape Town Chanc Church of England claim clause Clutton contended contract costs Court Court of Chancery Court of equity covenant creditors debt decision declared decree deed defendant directed directors entitled equity executed executors fact filed fund given ground injunction intended interest judgment jurisdiction L. J. Ch lands Law Rep letters patent liable list of contributories Lord Chancellor LORD JUSTICE Lordship Master memorandum of association Messrs mortgage motion object official liquidator opinion paid parties payment petition plaintiff possession present proceedings prospectus purchase purpose question Railway Company received referred respect Rolls settlement shareholders shares shew solicitor specific performance statute suit tenant testator's thereof transfer trustees vendor Vice Chancellor Vict William winding-up words
Popular passages
Page 228 - Sanby, during her life, for her separate use, without power of anticipation; and after her death...
Page 295 - IN TRUST for all the children or any the child of the said intended marriage who being sons or a son shall attain the age of twenty-one years or being daughters or a daughter shall attain that age or marry under that age and if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common.
Page 525 - If the name of any person is, without sufficient cause, entered in or omitted from the register of members of any company under this Act, or if default is made or unnecessary delay takes place in entering on the register the fact of any person having ceased to be a member of the company...
Page 496 - Book" shall be construed to mean and include every Volume, Part or Division of a Volume, Pamphlet, Sheet of Letter-press, Sheet of Music, Map, Chart, or Plan separately published...
Page 6 - We did, by certain letters patent, under the great seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster the...
Page 21 - The Church of England, in places where there is no church established by law, is in the same situation with any other religious body, in no better but in no worse position, and the members may adopt, as the members of any other communion may adopt, rules for enforcing discipline within their body which will be binding on those who expressly or by implication have assented to them.
Page 668 - ... easements which are necessary to the reasonable enjoyment of the property granted, and which have been and are at the time of the grant used by the owners of the entirety for the benefit of the part granted.
Page 660 - If it is a sort of Injury by which the Offender acquires no gain to himself at the expense of the sufferer, as beating, or imprisoning a man, &c.
Page 145 - Matter as aforesaid, shall be stayed, and the Court in which such Action shall have been brought, or any Judge thereof, on Proof of the Issue of such Summons, and that the Goods and Chattels...
Page 9 - Parliament shall have power to make Laws for the peace, welfare, and good Government of the Federated Provinces (saving the Sovereignty of England), and especially Laws respecting the following subjects : 1.