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Since this work was printed I have received, through the kindness of G. B. Faribault, Esq., of Quebec, several important works printed at that place, which I regret most sincerely that I did not receive in time to be inserted under the respective years in which they were printed. One of them is, however, too important and too analogous to the present work to be omitted, and I therefore insert it here; viz.:


CATALOGUE D'OUVRAGES SUR L'HISTOIRE DE L'AMERIQUE, et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane, de l'Acadie, et autres lieux, ci-devant connus, sous le nom de la Nouvelle France; avec des Notes Bibliographiques, Critiques et Litteraires. trois parties. Rédigé par G. B. Faribault, Avocat. 8vo. pp. 207.


The first part contains the authors who have written on the subject, arranged alphabetically, the second, anonymous works arranged chronologically, and the third, a Catalogue of Maps, Charts, and Plans.-The number of works described is 969, and to many of them descriptive notes by the author, or extracted from other works, are added.

Bibliotheca Americana Nova.





Printed since the Year 1800.


1 NOTES on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jefferson. First 1801.

hot pressed edition.

8vo. pp. 436. App. 56.


First printed at Paris in 1784, with the date of 1782 on the title. The
questions to which this work is an answer, were sent to Mr. Jefferson by
M. Barbé Marbois, at that time Secretary to the French Legation in the
United States. This appears to be the best edition of this work, having
the appendix relating to the murder of Logan's family, printed separately in
1800, and other pieces not in the preceding editions. An edition printed
at Boston in this year is called the 8th American edition.

2 VOYAGES from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the
continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans;
in the year 1789 and 1793. With a preliminary account of the
rise, progress, and present state of the Fur Trade of that country.
Illustrated with maps. By Alexander Mackenzie, Esq.
4to. pp. 544. £1. 11s. 6d.


"Mr. Mackenzie's narrative, if sometimes minute and fatiguing, is uniform-
ly distinct and consistent; his observations, though not numerous, are sa-
gacious and unassuming; and the whole work bears an impression of cor-
rectness and veracity, that leaves no unpleasant feeling of doubt or sus-
picion in the mind of the reader.-Of the importance of his geographical
studies we do not think very highly."-Ed. Rev.


1801. 3 A NARRATIVE of the Indian Wars in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677, containing a relation of the occasion, rise, and progress of the war with the Indians, in the Southern, Western, Eastern, and Northern parts of the said country. By William Hubbard, A.M., &c. 12mo. pp. 410.

First printed at Boston, N. E., in 1677.

Worcester, Mass.

4 NOTES and observations on the pine lands of Georgia, shewing the advantages they possess, particularly in the culture of cotton. By George Sibbald, of Augusta.

8vo. pp. 71. W.

Augusta, Geo.

5 HISTORY of Land Titles in Massachusetts. By James Sullivan. 8vo.

Boston. 6 LETTERS from H. E. General George Washington to Arthur Young, F. R. S., containing an account of his husbandry, with a map of his farm; his opinions on various questions in agriculculture; and many particulars of the rural economy of the United States. Richardson,

8vo. pp. 172. 3s.

7 AN ESSAY on the Propagation of the Gospel, in which there are numerous facts and arguments adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the ten tribes. Second edition. By Charles Crawford, Esq.

12mo. pp. 154.

J. Humphreys, Philadelphia. 8 LETTERS to the Inhabitants of Northumberland. By Joseph Priestly. Second edition. To which is added a letter to a friend in Paris, relating to Mr. Liancourt's Travels in the North American States. Philadelphia.


9 A SERIES of American historians from the first discovery of the
country to the present time. By Ebenezer Grant Mann, (of
Yale College).
Allen Biog. Dy.

10 PORCUPINE'S WORKS; containing various writings and selections,
exhibiting a faithful picture of the United States of America; of
their governments, laws, politics, and resources; of the charac-
ters of their presidents, governors, legislators, magistrates, and
military men; and of the customs, manners, morals, religion,

virtues, and vices of the people: comprising also a complete 1801.
series of historical documents and remarks, from the end of the
war in 1783, to the election of the president, in March, 1801.
By William Cobbett.

8vo. 12 vols. £3. 3s.


11 LETTERS on the cultivation of the Otaheite Cane; the manufacture of sugar and rum; the saving of molasses; the care and preservation of stock; with the attention and anxiety which is due to negroes, &c. By Clement Caines, Esq.

8vo. pp.


12 EDWARDS'S WEST INDIES. Third edition. With considerable


8vo. 3 vols. £1. 16s.

See 1793 and 1819.

13 AN ESSAY on the malignant pestilential fever, introduced into the
West Indian Islands from Boullam on the Coast of Guinea, as it
appeared in 1793, 1794, 1795, and 1796. Interspersed with ob-
servations and facts, tending to prove that the epidemic existing
at Philadelphia, New York, &c., was the same fever introduced
by infection, imported from the West India Islands, &c. By
C. Chisholm, M.D., &c. Second edition.
8vo. 2 vols.


14 AN ESSAY on the Yellow Fever of Jamaica. By David Grant,


8vo. pp. 65. 3s.


15 A VOYAGE round the World, performed during the years 1790, 1791, and 1792. By Etienne Marchand. Preceded by a historical introduction, and illustrated by Charts, &c. Translated from the French of C. P. Claret Fleurieu, of the National Institute of Arts and Sciences, &c.

8vo. 2 vols. and Altas. £1. 11s. 6d.


16 VOYAGE round the World, in 1790, 91, and 92. By Etienne

Marchand. Translated from the French.

4to. 2 vols. Charts, &c. £3. 13s. 6d.

See No. 18, 1799.

17 VOYAGE de Bartram traduit par P. V. Benoist.

8vo. 2 vols.



1801. 18 HISTOIRE politique et philosophique de la Revolution de l'Amerique septentrionale, par les citoyens, J. Chas et Lebrun. 8vo. pp. 458.


19 LES TROIS AGES des Colonies ou de leur état passé, present et à venir, par M. de Pradt. Paris. 8vo. 3 vols.

20 DES COLONIES francaises et en particulier de l'île de Saint Domingue par Esmangart.



21 HISTOIRE des Chênes de l'Amerique ou description et figures de toutes les espêces et variétes de Chênes de l'Amerique septentrionale, considérées sous les rapports de la Botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage. Par André Michaux.

Folio, pp.

36 plates.

Some copies printed on fine paper. Eng. trans. 1809.

Crapelet, Paris.

22 LETTRES écrites des rives de l'Ohio, par Cl. E. de LezayMarnezia, Citoyen de Pensylvanie.

8vo. pp. 144


"Ces lettres ayant été arrêtées par la police sout trés rares.' - Querard. 23 VOYAGE dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'Etat de New York; traduit et publié par l'auteur des Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain.

8vo. 3 vols. plates.


There are some copies on large paper, with the plates in folio. The author was Hector St. John de Crevecoeur. See 1782, No. 3.

24 ESSAI sur l'histoire naturelle des Quadrupedes de la Province du Paraguay, par Don Felix d'Azara, Capitaine de Vaisseau de la Marine Espagnole, etc. Ecrits depuis 1783 jusqu en 1796. Avec une appendice sur quelques reptiles, et formant suite necessaire aux œuvres de Buffon. Traduit sur le manuscrit inédit de l'auteur, par M. L. E. Moreau St. Mery, &c. Paris. 8vo. 2 vols.

The original was published in the year following at Madrid, with additions and corrections by the author.

25 PREMIER Voyage autour du monde par le Chev'. Pigafetta, sur l'Escadre de Magellan, pendant les années 1519, 20, 21, et 22: suivi de l'extrait du traité de navigation du même auteur; et

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