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and conftant would cease to be rules. There is therefore a conftancy in things, which is styled the course of nature (a). All the phænomena in nature are produced by motion. There appears an uniform working in things great and small, by attracting and repelling forces. But the particular laws of attraction and repulfion are various. Nor are we concerned at all about the forces, neither can we know or measure them otherwife than by their effects, that is to say, the motions, which motions only, and not the forces, are indeed in the bodies (b). Bodies are moved to or from each other, and this is performed according to different laws. The natural or mechanic philofopher endeavours to discover thofe laws by experiment and reafoning. But what is faid of forces refiding in bodies whether attracting or repelling, is to be regarded only as a mathematical hypothefis, and not as any thing really exifting in nature.

235. We are not therefore seriously to fuppofe with certain mechanic philofophers, that the minute particles of bodies have real forces or powers by which they act on each other, to produce the various phænomena in nature. The minute corpufcles are impelled and directed, that is to say, moved to and from each other according to various rules or laws of motion. The laws of gravity, magnetism, and electricity are divers. And it is not known, what other different rules or laws of motion might be established, by the author of nature. Some bodies approach together, others fly afunder, and perhaps fome others do neither. When falt of tartar flows per deliquium, it is vifible that the particles of water floating in the air

(a) 160.

(b) 155.


are moved towards the particles of falt, and joined with them. And when we behold vulgar falt not to flow per deliquium, may we not conclude that the fame law of nature and motion doth not obtain between it's particles and thofe of the floating vapours? A drop of water affumes a round figure, because it's parts are moved towards each other. But the particles of oil and vinegar have no fuch difpofition to unite. And when flies walk in water without wetting their feet, it is attributed to a repelling force or faculty in the fly's feet. But this is obfcure, though the phænomenon be plain.

236. It is not improbable, and seems not unsupported by experiments, that, as in algebra, where pofitive quantities cease there negative begin, even fo in mechanics, where attracting forces cease there repelling forces begin; or (to exprefs it more properly) where bodies cease to be moved towards, they begin to be moved from each other. This Sir Ifaac Newton infers from the production of air and vapours, whofe particles fly afunder with fuch vehement force. We behold iron move towards the loadstone, ftraws towards amber, heavy bodies towards the earth. The laws of thefe motions are various. And when it is faid, that all the motions and changes in the great world arife from attraction; the elasticity of the air, the motion of water, the defcent of heavy, and the afcent of light bodies, being all afcribed to the fame principle; when from infenfible attractions of moft minute particles at the smallest diftance, are derived cohefion, diffolution, coagulation, animal fecretion, fermentation, and all chemical operations; and when it is faid, that without fuch principles there never would have been any motion in the world, and without


the continuance thereof all motion would ceafe. In all this we know or underftand no more, than that bodies are moved according to a certain order, and that they do not move themselves.

237. So likewife, how to explain all thofe various motions and effects, by the denfity and elafticity of æther, feems incomprehenfible (a). For inftance, why should the acid particles draw thofe of water and repel each other? why fhould fome falts attract vapours in the air, and others not? why fhould the particles of common falt repell each other, fo as not to fubfide in water? why fhould the most repellent particles be the most attractive upon contract? Or why fhould the repellent begin where the attractive faculty leaves off. Thefe, and numberlefs other effects feem inexplicable on mechanical principles, or otherwise than by recourse to a mind or fpiritual agent (b). Nor will it fuffice from prefent phænomena and effects, through a chain of natural caufes, and fubordinate blind agents, to trace a divine intellect as the remote original caufe, that firft created the world, and then fet it a going. We cannot make even one fingle step in accounting for the phænomena, without admitting the immedi ate prefence and immediate action of an incorporeal agent, who connects, moves, and difpofes all things, according to fuch rules, and for fuch purposes as feem good to him.

238. It is an old opinion adopted by the moderns, that the elements and other natural bodies are changed each into other (c). Now, as the particles of different bodies are agitated by different forces, attracting and repelling, or, to fpeak more accurately, are moved by different laws, how can these forces (a) 153, 162. (6) 154, 220. (c) 148,


or laws be changed, and this change accounted for by an elaftic æther? Such a medium, distinct from light or fire, feemeth not to be made out by any proof, nor to be of any use in explaining the phænomena. But if there be any medium employed, as a fubordinate caufe or inftrument in attraction, it would rather feem to be light (k) 3 fince by an experiment of Mr. Boyle's, amber, that fhewed no fign of attraction in the fhade, being placed where the fun-beams fhone upon it, immediately attracted light bodies. Befides, it hath been difcovered by fir Ifaac Newton, and an admirable discovery it was, that light is an heterogeneous medium (1) confifting of particles endued with original diftinct properties. And upon thefe, if I may, venture to give my conjectures, it feemeth probable the fpecific properties of bodies, and the force of fpecific medicines may depend. Different fides of the fame ray fhall, one approach and the other recede from the Inlandic cryftal; can this be accounted for by the elafticity of a fine medium, or by the general laws of motion, or by any mechanical principles whatever? And if not, what fhould hinder but there may be fpecific medicines, whofe opera-, tion depends not upon mechanical principles, how much foever that notion hath been exploded of late years?

239. Why may we not fuppofe certain idiofyn-. crafies, fympathies, oppofitions, in the folids or fluids or animal fpirit of a human body, with re- : gard to the fine infenfible parts of minerals or ve getables, impregnated by rays of light of different properties, not depending on the different fize, figure, number, folidity or weight of those particles, V).40, 181.

(4) 152, 156.

[blocks in formation]

nor on the general laws of motion, nor on the denfity or elafticity of a medium, but merely and altogether on the good pleasure of the Creator, in the original formation of things? From whence divers unaccountable and unforeseen motions may arise in the animal œconomy; from whence alfo various peculiar and fpecific virtues may be conceived to arife, refiding in certain medicines, and not to be explained by mechanical principles. For although the general known laws of motion are to be deemed mechanical, yet peculiar motions of the infenfible parts, and peculiar properties depending thereon, are occult and fpecific.

240. The words attraction and repulfion may, in compliance with custom, be used where, accurately fpeaking, motion alone is meant. And in that fenfe it may be faid, that peculiar attractions or repulfions in the parts, are attended with specific properties in the wholes. The particles of light are vehemently moved to or from, retained or rejected by objects. Which is the fame thing as to fay with Sir Ifaac Newton, that the particles of acids are endued with great attractive force (m), wherein their activity confifts; whence fermentation and diffolution; and that the most repellent are, upon contact, the most attracting particles.

241. Gravity and fermentation are received for two moft extenfive principles. From fermentation are derived the motion and warmth of the heart and blood in animals, fubterraneous heat, fires, and earthquakes, meteors and changes in the atmofphere. And, that attracting and repelling forces operate in the nutrition and diffolution of animal and vegetable bodies, is the doctrine both of Hip

(m) 202.


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