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"These foregoing noted precedents of royal were invited to prefer their petition for relief favour and compassion to the oppressed, and in the case of oaths. It was accordingly prethe present confinements and hardships of sented to the Commons then assembled in parmany innocent persons, tenderly considered; liament, which they received, read, and ordered "We, the said people, humbly request, that a bill to be brought in, according to the prayer the king would be pleased to extend his of the petition, which was done; and being favour and compassion towards the said suf-read a first and second time, was committed. ferers, for their lawful ease and relief from the present confinements, as in his wisdom and clemency shall seem most meet and con


"Signed in behalf of the said people and sufferers,
and delivered to the king at Kensington, in the
second month, called April, 1695."

The House divided upon the bill, every reading: however the Friends who were given up to attend this service, being supported and carried above the discouragements they met with, persisted in faith and patience, encouraging one another, and sometimes speaking each to the other, that the Lord's peace atIn consequence of this application, about tended them: And his power was manifestly one hundred Friends who were prisoners, seen; insomuch, that some who came out, were soon after discharged by an act of in- upon the House being divided on the bill, in demnity, for which our acknowledgments order to poll, said, they could not but stand in are due both to God and the government. admiration to see what a number came out for After all the waiting and solicitations, although the bill, who in other cases were so opposite ease was obtained for some, others were under to anything that might give ease to the dissevere sufferings, which often arose by Chan-senters. One in particular, the son of a great cery and Exchequer proceedings, the inability duke, came and told Gilbert, he could not but of proving wills, and other matters, where an admire to see so great a number of those who oath was required, which Friends for con- opposed the moderate party in the House, science sake could not take. The weight of come out and poll with them for the bill. So these sufferings came on several faithful great was the Lord's power, that it prevailed Friends, as also on Gilbert, which they com- upon many that were not before for Friends' municated to the Meeting for Sufferings, who ease, but their hearts being softened, and in encouraged their soliciting King William, measure changed, they were made helpful to whose family had relieved a people called carry on this great work. Much opposition Mennonites in the case of oaths, in Holland, however was made by some members of the and part of Germany. These faithful Friends House, who used indefatigable endeavours to feeling the Lord's power to attend them, did prevail with all they could to withstand Friends; accordingly again in the same year approach and one in particular, who was a very leading the king's presence, and acquainted him of man, on the last reading of the bill, came out the sufferings many Friends lay under, by of the House a little before it was to come on; reason they could not swear in any case; and and having a prevailing power over many, how helpful his predecessors had been to a and a great interest in general with most of people in Holland, who were also conscien- the leading members, went into the Court of tious in that respect, and humbly desired if it Requests, and places adjacent, to gather up was the king's pleasure, that Friends might all the strength he could to carry into the partake of his royal favour in that case; to House with him. In the mean time, the whom his gracious answer was, That he was House, having read and gone through the bill, for it. Upon this Friends requested, that the the question being put, a poll was agreed; so king would favourably recommend this case that when this great man and the company he to some leading members of parliament, when had got together, came to the door, and were we should have opportunity to move the par- ready to enter into the House, the door was liament therein, which he promised he would, shut against them all, and the lobby ordered and did accordingly. This kind reception of to be cleared; and both he and his company the king encouraged Friends to solicit some of were fain to go out with the rest. The Lord the ministers of state also; and finding the knows the sighs and prayers that were put up Lord had molified their hearts towards them, to him that day for his people; and it was in were willing also to attend some of the leading measure a strength and a confirmation to members of the House of Commons, whose Gilbert and others, to see the adversaries of hearts the Lord likewise had inclined to moderation, and the Friends that were given up to this service, found the presence of the Lord to be with them, and attend them in this great undertaking; and it so prevailed on some eminent peers and commoners, that Friends

Friends thus disappointed; all which being the Lord's doing, was marvellous in the eyes of his servants, who attended there and saw the same, ascribing the praise to him alone.

The bill being then ordered to be carried before the Lords, the Friends concerned went

on in faith, and gave their attendance on the members of that house, and laid the reasonableness of the bill before many of them; also before several of the bishops; and the good presence of the Lord was still felt to go with them, and make way in the hearts of these great ones, and by his secret and invisible hand, wrought for the carrying on what had been thus far prosperously advanced. And though the labour of Gilbert and his companions, in their attendance, was some months, from the time they went to the king, until it was quite passed the House of Lords, the faith of some never failed, nor were they dismayed, but felt that which supported and bore them up under all, and crowned their labours by obtaining ease for the Lord's people; whose prayers were put up to the great God for his blessing to attend those his servants, in getting accomplished what thus happily was begun. And, rejoicing together, [they had to] bless the name of Him who liveth for ever and


I shall here add one account more, it being an application drawn up and signed by Friends, and delivered to King William, by Gilbert and some Friends appointed; and is as followeth :

"To King William the Third, over England, &c.

his just and good intentions, that his days may be happy and peaceable; and hereafter, he may partake of a lasting crown that will never fade away.

'Signed [by a great many] in behalf of the said people-London, the 7th of the 11th month, called January, 1697."

Upon delivering the aforesaid paper at Kensington, the 1st of the twelfth month, 1697-8, Gilbert addressed him as follows:

"May it please the King,

"The favours received from the king can never be sufficiently acknowledged; but this we can truly say, we have prayed to Almighty God to bless and preserve thee; and now being returned again in peace and safety, we rejoice to see the king's face, for we wish well to him, and that the Lord may bless and preserve him to the end of his days; and we are glad of this opportunity to acknowledge the favours and kindness, which we have received from thee, which have been many: the Lord reward thee for them all!" The king replied, "I thank you, and I desire the continuance of your prayers for me."

"A Testimony of Gilbert Latey, which he desired might be communicated to the Women's Meeting in London.

"The grateful acknowledgment of the people commonly called Quakers, humbly pre-after the settlement of the men's meeting, "In early days, about three or four years




May it please the King,

which was in an upper room at the then Bull and Mouth meeting-house, near Aldersgate, Seeing the most high God, who ruleth in London; Gerard Roberts, Amor Stoddard, the kingdoms of men, and appointeth over John Osgood, Richard Davis, and others, bethem whomsoever he will, hath by his over-ing about fifteen or more, being met about the ruling power and providence, placed thee in dominion and dignity over these realms, and by his divine favour has signally preserved and delivered thee from many great and imminent dangers, and graciously turned the calamity of war into the desired mercy of peace; we heartily wish that we and all others concerned, may be truly sensible, and humbly thankful to Almighty God for the same, that the peace may be a lasting and perpetual blessing. And now, O king, the God of peace haying returned thee in safety, it is a cause of joy to them that fear him, to hear thy good and seasonable resolution, effectually to discourage profaneness and immorality; righteousness being that which exalteth a nation; and as the king has been tenderly inclined to give ease and liberty of conscience to his subjects of differing persuasions, of whose favour we have largely partaken; so we esteem it our duty gratefully to commemorate and acknowledge the same, earnestly beseeching Almighty God to assist the king to prosecute all these

concerns of the poor fatherless and widows brethren, we found it was our place to look among us, as it had been advised by our elder into the necessities of poor Friends, and supply their wants: and a care came upon us how this should be carried on. We could truly say, the Lord's presence and power was livingly felt among us, whereby our hearts were opened, and we enlightened to see that we wanted help-meets for carrying on the service. Upon which it opened in our hearts plainly, that the women being added to us as help-meets, would answer the service which was so needful, and that we could no longer do without their help, care and assistance; we believing it would lie much on them as their concern, being satisfied they were fitted for the work, and would be careful and vigilant therein.*

All the meeting, as one man, feel

* This appears to have been the first attempt at employing women Friends in the services of the Society, and so beneficial were the results, that it

ing the love of God to be shed abroad among "A Salutation of endeared love to the whole us, did in the openings of life agree, that two flock of God, but in a more particular manner of the meeting should go to Gerard Roberts's to the Friends and brethren of the Monthly house to acquaint the ancient ministering Meeting at the Savoy in Westminster ;Friends with what had opened in our hearts, whose prosperity, welfare, and perseverance in relation to that service; there being then in the work and service of the blessed truth, at Gerard Roberts's, George Fox, Francis whereunto the Lord hath called you, I have Howgill, Edward Burrough, Richard Hubber-ever desired, that in it his heavenly power thorn, and it may be some more. The mat- and life may be felt, to preserve you all in ter being proposed to George Fox and the rest love and unity, which is the bond of peace. of the brethren, they very well approved it, Dwell all in his pure fear, to act for his and consented we might be joined together in glory; and as all are kept and preserved here, the work and service of the Lord among his they will know their places in the body, bound people. It was forthwith ordered that the up together in love, where the elders will have names of the ancient women Friends, from a godly care for the younger, and the younger all parts of the city and suburbs, should be be in subjection to their elders. So will good taken, which was done, and some from every order be kept, and heats be shut out from Quarter met, who readily associated; and there among you, and mercy overshadow the judgwas a heavenly union in our being thus joined ment-seat, where peace and good-will may be together, and the Lord was with us and among felt to abound, in which the Lord's presence us, and continued his good presence, both with will preserve you all; and this hath been the them and us to this day. And whereas some breathing desire of your ancient friend and have gainsaid; such consider not the work of brother, "GILBERT LATEY. God therein which was the ground and foundation by which the men's and women's meet"Hammersmith, the 25th of the 6th mo., 1705." ings were first gathered and confirmed, and have been since preserved in that service. The blessing of the Lord hath attended, and doth still attend them, for the refreshing and comforting many a poor soul, to whom God hath in mercy ministered by them, to their great comfort and joy.

"The Power that first gathered and settled us in this service is still the same, and as it hath hitherto done, will break down all that rise in opposition thereto, and preserve them that have been faithful in this the Lord's business; for he hath blessed, and will bless all such who continue their obedience, serving the Lord to the end. Every one who hath felt and tasted of his power, will have great satisfaction, as well as myself, who am a living witness of his heavenly appearance among us at the first; and therefore I was willing to give this account and testimony, to you the women Friends and all others, before I go hence, being now grown ancient, and not likely to continue long; but calling to mind the beginning and establishing of this meeting, which many now know little of, I was the more induced to leave these few lines; who am your ancient friend and truly loving brother,


"Hammersmith, the 22d of the 6th mo., 1705."

GILBERT married Mary, the only daughter of John and Ann Feilder, of Kingston-uponThames, in the county of Surrey, by whom he had eleven children, of whom only two lived to the years of men and women.

Though he was long weak and feeble as to the outward, yet he was fresh, strong, and living in his inward man; and in the latter end of the fifth month, 1705, was at the meeting at Hammersmith. A large meeting being then assembled, the Lord moved him to stand up, and so supported him by his divine power, as to enable him to sound forth the acceptable day of God, and an invitation to all to come to Him, in and through the Lord Jesus Christ, the alone mediator between God and man, who is the way and only means to restore man again into the image and favour of God; concerning which he there declared about an hour, with a great deal of fervency and wonted zeal, as if he had been under no infirmity of body, even to the admiration of many of the hearers; he being carried forth in a more than ordinary manner in this his last sermon.

Being resigned to the will of God, he pa tiently waited on the Lord till he should be pleased to remove him, and having lived to a

grimage, on the 15th of the ninth month, 1705, the Lord took him to himself, in great peace.

prepared the way for the establishment of Wo-good old age, being in the 79th year of his pilmen's Meetings for Discipline; the use of which has been confirmed by long experience. The period to which Gilbert Latey alludes was about the year 1669.

And now in conclusion, I may say of Gilbert, that as he attended all the former kings


and princes of this nation, which were in his time, with most of the ministers of state in former reigns, as well as many of the bishops; so likewise in the present queen's reign, he was not wanting, as occasion offered and his strength permitted, to solicit the case of the Lord's people; and having long served the families of some of the great persons in the nation, he had easy access, they knowing that he came not for any worldly advantage to himself; some of them saying, He cometh not for anything we have, for he needeth nothing of that.

In all these engagements he kept to and bore the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which he was crucified to the world; and his great self-denial was taken notice of and beloved; insomuch, that an eminent Friend and minister of Christ, in one of the former reigns, being then in another nation, having great interest among the men at court and attending


there often, meeting with a Friend one day, told him he had been at court, and that of all the men, among Friends, that he ever knew or heard of, he never followed a man that had a sweeter character than Gilbert Latey had at court.

It was his practice, in soliciting kings, princes and great men, to keep to the anointing and love of God; and, as that gave utterance, to speak; in which he oftentimes reached and had place in them; and his solicitation was often answered, which made him say, that as Friends feel and keep to this anointing in their solicitations, they may expect a blessing, and therein be made serviceable to the Lord's people; but if, on the contrary, any shall go in these services, in their own will, wit and parts, they may miss the desired end, as some have done; notwithstanding the children of this world are, as of old, wiser in their generation than the children of light.






THOMAS THOMPSON, of Skipsea, England, | power did livingly attend him: On the 6th was convinced of the truth of God by that day of the seventh month, he was at the faithful minister of the Gospel of Christ, Wil- Monthly Meeting held at Harpham, being the liam Dewsbury, in the eighth month of the last public meeting he was at, where he bore year 1652, and shortly after opened his mouth a plain and powerful testimony to the ancient to declare the name of the Lord and preach truth, labouring to encourage all Friends to be repentance to the people. He was preserved faithful to God, and to be diligent in the serin faithfulness to the truth to the end of his vice of truth, according to their several abilidays, not turning his back from sufferings, ties and endowments, that so an increase of but patiently endured reproach for Christ's the peaceable government of Christ might be sake, and spoiling of goods, with many years witnessed, both in the particular and also in imprisonment. When it pleased the Lord to the general.

visit him with the illness whereof he died, He was indeed a laborious man in the work which began on the 26th day of the sixth of the Gospel, having travelled in truth's sermonth, 1704, his heart was filled with the love vice several times through Scotland, and in of God, and he was enabled through his goodness, though very weak in body, to go to several meetings, in which the Lord's heavenly

many places in this nation; and, as he said when upon a dying bed, for many years had not omitted any opportunity of being service



able. His testimony was plain, but powerful, Another time he said, "The Lord Jesus sound and convincing, and severe against Christ has shed his precious blood for us, and wickedness; but to the young and tender- laid down his life, and became sin for us, that hearted he was very loving and affectionate, we might be made the righteous of God in even as a nurse that cherisheth her children. him. O this is love indeed." Again, “My On the 10th day of the month, in the year heart is filled with the love of God. Oh the abovesaid, being the first-day of the week, excellency! oh the glory! oh how glorious several Friends visited him in his chamber, and excellent is the appearance of God! the he being then very weak, to whom he de- rays of his glory fill his tabernacle:" and so clared the loving kindness of God, and of his he sung melodiously, saying, "O praises, tender dealings with his soul, from his youth praises, high praises, and hallelujah to the to that day; and that he felt the Lord, who King of Sion, who reigns gloriously this day." had been the guide of his youth, to be the staff To a neighbour that came in to see him, he of his old age; exhorting Friends to faithfulness and confidence in God, that they should depend upon his power and providence for ever. On the 13th day of the month, several Friends being with him, he said that he was content to live or die, as the Lord pleased, in whom he had peace; and that he was in no doubt concerning his salvation, but was satisfied for ever, and could say with Job, the Lord had granted him life and favour, and his visitations still preserved his spirit. The next day, being the 14th, and the day of his departure out of this world, he spake little in the forenoon, being under much bodily weakness and pain at times; but about the second or third hour in the afternoon, in a heavenly manner, he said, "The Lord is my portion, and the lot of mine inheritance for ever, I am not dismayed;" and after a little time, "I have peace with God;" and again, "Since the day that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, as thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren and if thou lovest me, feed my lambs; I have spared no pains, either in body or spirit, neither am I conscious to myself of having omitted any opportunity of being serviceable to truth and Friends; but have gone through what was before me with willingness; and now I feel the love of God, and the returns of peace in my bosom;" which words were spoken in so living a sense of God's heavenly power, that it wonderfully broke and tendered Friends present.

said, "We must put off these mortal bodies; but for them that fear the Lord there is an immortal one prepared." He continued very cheerful and sensible to the last, and spake very cheerfully to several neighbours who came to see him. About three quarters of an hour before his death, he spake to one that had been under convincement several years, but had not been faithful, exhorting him to repent and be faithful to what God had manifested to him, that so he might find mercy; telling him that he would find it a terrible thing to appear before an angry God; and to remember the words of a dying man, and so bid him farewell. Another time he said to Friends, "Ye are my witnesses, that I have not withheld from you the counsel and mind of God, but have laboured to provoke you to faithfulness and diligence in his service, that so ye might receive a crown of glory at the hand of the Lord, which is laid up in store for all the righteous, and my conscience is clear in God's sight." Being filled with the power and love of God, he often praised his holy and glorious name; and about the seventh hour passed away like a lamb, without either sigh or groan, and is at rest in the Lord for evermore.

He departed this life in the seventy-third year of his age, the 14th of the seventh month, 1704. A labourer in the Gospel about fifty years.

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