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riety of colours; couleur sur couleur, for ball-dresses. Lionaises. Printed small and large designs. Indian Trieat. Saxon satins, printed and worked, for robes de fantaisie.

The Leonaire, which succeeds to the mousselline de laine, is of a texture more nearly assimilating to cachemire; the patterns are generally small and pretty,

The Fiquire. A mixture of silk and cachemire is adapted for similar toilets with the just mentioned fabric. Its pliability and softness are great, the patterns are close, two colours are generally used as orange and black, green and brown, &c.

For dress, worked Reps, and sprigged poult de soie, are employed with good effect; without being gaudy, they have a very rich appearance; garlands, colour on colour, or delicate patterns in stripes, distinguish these, as well as their lightness and pliability.

The principal colours that are now distinguished among our elegantes, may be enumerated as dark brown marone, cedar colour, deep gray, palissandre, and myrtle green.


PLATE I-FIGURE I.—PROMENADE DRESS.-A pou de soie redingote, close fitting corsage, ornamented with two rows of embroidery placed longitudinally, and extending throughout the whole length of the dress, ceinture similarly embroidered and fastened with a gold clasp, bishop sleeves, embroidered muslin collar, edged with lace, united by a brooch; the opening of the redingote exhibits a muslin jupon, with a deep blond flower. Hat of pou de soi, ornamented with marabouts

FIGURE II.-MORNING DRESS.-A muslin redingote, close fitting high mounting corsage, wide sleeves, open at the side, and closed by three nœuds; the skirt edged with a double row of blond, embroidered scolloped blond collar, Blond cap ornamented with flowers, a ribbon band across the forehead with one very long end.

FIGURE III.—WALKING DRESS.-Redingote in Siamaise, high mounting, and close fitting corsage, pelerine edged with lace, crossing in front, and fastened under the ceinture, wide sleeves, with plain wristbands, the skirt full and plain; on the neck a tour de cou. pote, in gros de Naples, ornamented with ribbon nœuds.


CAPOTE, WITH BACK VIEW, pou de soie, trimmed with ruches and ornamented with feathers, Hat, with back view, in pou de soie, ornamented with plain nœuds to match.

Embroidered satin hat, ornamented with nœuds and flowers.

PLATE II.-FIGURE I.-WALKING DRESS.-Redingote of pou de soie, lined with silk, and trimmed all round with a piping to match. Double pelerine rounded over the shoulder, the upper one square, cut in front, the underneath one cut en cœur, the point terminating under the ceinture, similarly trimmed; wide sleeves, graduating to the wrist; muslin colar, united by a brooch. Pou de soie hat ornamented with a couple of roses and nœuds.

FIGURE II.-EVENING DRESS.-Embroidered muslin dress, á entre-deux, deep cut, and close fitting corsage, with two rows of embroidering descending to the ceinture; the skirt similarly embroidered in parallel

lines; short sleeves, and mantilla with double row of embroidery, edged in dents de liere at the bottom. Coiffure, ornamented with bouquets on each side, and at the top of the head; ceinture united by a nœud, having very long ends.

FIGURE III.-WALKING DRESS. Satin cloak, embroidered round the edges of the sleeves, and down the front; very wide sleeves, caught up by satin cords and tassels. A double cape, the upper one cut in four peaks, the lower one slightly rounded at the back, and square in front. A tour de cou, closed by a brooch. Velvet hat, ornamented with a single feather.

HAT & BACK VIEW. Worked satin hat, ornamented with nœuds, and a couple of feathers diverging from each other

RICE STRAW HAT & BACK VIEW, ornamented with a wreath of flowers round the inside, and bouquet on the top of the crown. A couple of ribbon bands are tied round the crown by nœuds.

FIRST CAP.-A muslin cap trimmed with a wide double ruche, and ornamented with a large nœud at the summit.

SECOND CAP.-A cap of a similar make and mateterials, without ribbons, surrounding the entire crown, and ending in three nœuds, the interior similarly ornamented.

PLATE III.--FIGURE I.--CARRIAGE DRESS.-Embroidered satin redingote, vandyked all round, and crossing in from under the ceinture, with long ends extending half way down the skirt, the ends broad and vandyked; large sleeves, terminating with a bracelet. Hat, ornamented with a single sprig, placed in the extremity of the crown.

FIGURE II. WALKING DRESS.-Cachmere plaid cloak with large cape, cut square, with velvet facing the whole length; guimped cords are placed obliquely, and terminating in a tassel, close the cloak at intervals, gradually increasing towards the bottom. Satin collar, edged with silk fringe, and ruche round the neck. Small hat, ornamented wih a single feather.

FIGURE III.—WALKING DRESS.-Walking dress with an embroidered garland running down the front, and along the whole of the hem; cape scalloped all round, and terminating in front in two long points, from which hang tassels, as well as from each of the prominent points of the cape. A collar, similarly indented, is finished at top by a double ruche, from which hangs a cord, terminating in tassels- Hats, ornamented with nœuds and blond lace round the edge of the crown,

FIRST SATIN HAT AND BACK VIEW, edged completely round with a double ruche, with dent de loup inside the front; a large nœud placed nearly at the extremity of the crown, from which a ribbon runs obliquely to the under part of the crown, and ends in a nœud.

SECOND HAT AND BACK VIEW.-A Gros de Naples, with a long row of bows placed along the crown a single nœud is placed on one side, inside the crown; silk crape gathered in small folds all round the outside.

Embroidered blond cap, with very full border; a single nœud at the top.

PLALE IV. FIGURE 1.-EVENING DRESS.-Robe of point d'Angleterre, half-mounting draped corsage, with blonde ruff, deep lace épaulettes; skirt open down the front, the opening forming a tablier, with ribbon puffs


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aders who may be lionizing in in a few notices that may serve but will revert more fully in most interesting among the obor curiosity.

ONAL GALLERY OF PRACTICAL gly recommend our readers to pay orthy the attention of the seekers pleasure; besides the day exhibining Lectures and familiar illustrasubjects which will interest all. L GALLERY OF PICTURES-the Exhiwhich adjoins that of the British Gala very extensive collection of works of

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The Exhibition of an ANATOMIEZI WAX, by Signor Serantoni, in Regout is only interesting to the naturalist, but an deserving a visit from Ladies, us the b offend against propriety or decorum, and 4. tendant is employed to describe its anatomy understand that several ladies of high rank racter have been led by a judicions culosity to i Exhibition Room of the Proprietor.

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We regret the absence of an interesting collection of ancient costumes which were at one time exiuining at this building, and of which we purposed giving a full description-not having received notice of subsequent destination we cannot point out to our readyja whether it may be exhibited under the same auspices in the provinces, or is doomed to figure piecemeal in the animated assembly of a masquerade; we should be sorry to learn that this collection is broken up.

A bottle of Labern's Cream came to hand for our opinion—we are rather obstinate in our penchant to the one we have in habitual use (Skelton's Circassian Cream) but from the frequent handsome comments the press, we must consider it worth a trial. THE FRENCH LANGUAGE MARCELLIAN SYSTEM.

It is now some months since we treated this s at considerable length, and at the same time gave an an alysis of the method which Mr. Marcel pursues in his instructions; considering the very great importance of the subject, (and to none more so than our fair readers,) we are induced to extract the following observations, from one of the most enlightened and ably conducted of our weekly prints, they are so completely in unison with our formerly expressed opinions, and our now still firmer connections, that we freely adopt them as our own.

"We heard a lecture the other night by an ingenious Frenchman on a new mode of teaching his native language. Anything new in matters of this sort is always very cautiously received, and no wonder. We have a huge stock of such caution ourselves, but we frankly confess we felt it fairly oozing at our fingers' ends while they applauded M. Marcel's lively lecture, and the startling simplicity of the method he proposes. We wish some of our readers would go and hear him.

at regular intervals down the edge, petticoat plain skirted with deep blonde flounce. Light toque, with bird of paradise feather.

FIGURE II.--PROMENADE DRESS.-Large Pondicherry embroidered cloak reaching not quite to the bottom of the dress, cape cut square across the shoulders and extending to the ceinture.

FIGURE III.EVENING DRESS.-Gauze dress, low corage, close fitting, edged with narrow open worked embroidery, folds of gauze extend from the shoulders to the middle of the corsage, closed by a nœud, sleeves with double bouffans and sabot; a satin band a épines, along the top of the sleeve rather more than half its length. Ceinture edged with lace goes twice round the waist and crosses in front, ending in tassels; a satin trimming a épines similarly edged with lace extends from the waist down the skirt, at the bottom of which are three bows of ribbon placed at equal distances and parallel with the hem. Skirt plain and very full; coiffure ornamented with a wreath of flowers.

Turban encircling the hair and forming a wreath round the head entwined with pearls ;-another perpendicularly placed ineloses the noeud on top of the head,

CAPOTE & BACK VIEW.-A gros de Naples capote, small shape slightly turned up at the edges and close fitting to the face, trimmed with satin ribbon bows and ornamented with an ostrich feather.

CAP & BACK VIEW.-A blond lace cap, tastefully trimmed with satin ribbon, bows, and a bar, and ornamented with dwarf flowers.


"Le Follet, Courrier des Salons"-'---" Le Petit Courrier des Dames"--" La Mode"-'---" Journal des Dames" &c. &c.

FAÇONS DE ROBES.-On a fait cette semaine beaucoup de redingotes en satin de laine, en nuances vert foncé, et garnies de brandebourgs en tresses de soie. Les brandebourgs ont aussi été employés sur le reps et le satin; on les place sur des corsages unis et au bas des manches, Cette mode, toute prête à s'adopter donnera beaucoup d'élégance aux négligés d'hiver.

Pour robes de soirées et de spectacle, on fait des corsages unis, sur lesquels on place une espèce de schall arrondi, et relevé sur les épaules par un nœud de ruban qui se retrouve au milieu de la poitrine. D'autres schalls du même genre se relèvent également au milieu du dos, et présentent ainsi l'aspect de quatre draperies qui entourent la poitrine. Nous avons vu dans ce dernier genre une robe en mousseline des Indes, entourée d'une petite broderie d'or, et ayant les quatre draperies relevées par une camée. Deux guirlandes brodées en or formaient tablier sur le devant du jupon.

Pour placer sur les corsages unis, on fait aussi des pélerines décolletées qui tombent en s'arrondissant jusqu'au milieu du dos, et ont sur le devant deux petits pans qui croisent sous la ceinture, et dégagent les côtés de la taille, Sur des robes de soie, on garnit ces pélerines d'une ruche de rubans ou d'une blonde,

La mode des volans a fait imaginer une manière de les placer, afin que leur poids ne tire pas la robe; c'est tout simplement de faufiler la robe sur le jupon de dessous, à l'endroit où commence le volant. Cette re source est indispensable, surtout avec les robes d'étoffes légères.

NUANCES.-Jusqu'ici on remarque que les couleurs sombres sont les mieux choisies, telles que palissandre, gris foncé, vert myrte, cèdre, pain brûlé marron.

TOILETTES.-On porte encore au spectacle beaucoup de robes blanches. On y remarque des volans en dentelle sur les mousselines des Indes, et en organdi fes. tonné et brodé sur des robes d'organdi.

-Sur une robe d'organdi brodée en soie, se voyait un haut volant à tête, festonné en soie, dans des nuances qui rappelaient celles de la robe. Chaque écaille du feston avait sa couleur différente. Une éacharpe en tulle Haïdée accompagnait cette toilette.

MANTEAUX. Les manteaux écossais semblent appelés à un grand succès cet hiver, Le nom de Marie Stuart, donné à ceux en satin à grands carreaux de couleurs vives et brillantes, seront des plus élégans pour la sortie des spectacle, où le luxe des manteaux vient si fastueusement s'étaler sous le péristyle en attendant l'approche des équipages. Les Quentin- Durward sont aussi beaucoup recherchés; les carreaux en sont marqués par des lignes de nuances très-vives, encadrant des fonds bruns ou marrou, En général, tout ce qui est en rapport avec les beaux carreaux d'Edimbourg produit des modes gracieuses et favorables; aussi savons nous gré aux manufactures qui nous ont ramené cette mode écossaise, si élégante dans sa simplicité, et qui est si bien à la portée de toutes les toilettes, de toutes les fortunes, de tous les âges.

Nous voyons aussi des imitations exactes des plaids des montagnards. Ce sont des fonds rouges, verts ou bleus, sur lesquels se dessinent de grands carreaux marqués par des lignes noires, orange, blanches, etc.

Pour robes du matin, le madras même s'est emparé du genre écossais, et des carreaux orange, bleu et noir, vert, rouge et noir, produisent une jolie harmonie de


Dans diverses étoffes à carreaux, un petit bouquet broché se trouve au milieu du carreau. Cette disposition, sur mérinos, fera de très-belles robes de chambre.

SCHALLS.-Ces explications sur tant de genres d'écossais nous engagent à parler des tartans, qui, relégués jusqu'ici parmi les schalls communs, semblent devoir se relever par une nouvelle recherche, et se rendre dignes d'être jetés le matin sur des épaules élégantes. Ces tartans sont en laine-cachemire, et joignent à une extrême souplesse une charmante variété de nuances, Au milieu de chaque carreau sont brochés des bouquets noirs ou nuancés. Ces schalls carrés ont de six à sept quarts.

ETOFFES-Nous remarquons qu'en attendant les riches satins, velours, etc., qui appartiennent tout-à-fait aux costumes des grandes soirées, on emploie, pour robes habillées, beaucoup de reps brochés et des poults de soie ramagés, Le travail, qui affaiblit le brillant de ces étoffes, les rend moins éclatantes sans être moins riches. Elles offrent des guirlandes couleur sur couleur, ou des dessins délicats formant colonnes. Ces tissus sont souples, soyeux, et s'emploient avantageusement pour robes comme pour redingotes.

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